How to Make a Minecraft 1.17 Server on Mac (M1 & Intel) - No port forwarding

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hey everyone so in this tutorial i'm gonna be showing you how you can install or set up a minecraft 1.17 server but now on a mac os so i made a tutorial for windows a few days ago and it's time for the mac os one so let's get started first of all you obviously need minecraft installed on your computer so you can try this out and also get the other requirements so i just pasted them in this notepad so the first thing what you are gonna need to have is java but why do you need java well java is a programming language and in order to learn java applications which minecraft server server is a java application you need a java environment on your computer so you have to choose as you can see it already selected the mac os version for me uh so it just finished downloading but if it did not you can see it's here is the seawall java downloads and scroll the way down here and here is the mac os version just click on it and grab this file if it's downloaded you can just open it and double click on this java update and there is a version number here and click on open as you can see welcome to java and etc etc and click on the install button you need to verify yourself and it should be installed in a couple of seconds now it's done so java 8 is fine but for microphone 17 we also need java 16 which is required so i will put this link in the description too so you can just go to this website as you can see it's java development kit so scroll all the way down here and find the mac os installer here so just click on it it's a huge file it's 160 megabytes might take few seconds or a minute to download it if it's done just click on this and the installation process is the same what we did with java 8 so as you can see it open you double click on this click on continue install verify yourself and it should be done in a few seconds also so make sure to do this without java 8 and java 16 you can actually set up the minecraft server so next thing what we are going to do is get the micro server software so go to the minecraft website which is and scroll the way down here until you find the 1.17 changelog i will also put this article in the description so i guess no not this one and well yes this is the correct one so scroll all the way down here uh this is a huge article and as you can see there's a green text which says minecraft server jar so click on it and save it to location i will choose the documents folder right now with a bit because it's empty anyway so make sure to save this and now you can close this browser window all right now open the finder and go to location where you save this file so in my case it is in in the documents folder as you can see server jio and this coffee mug is the icon because it is the icon of java and create a new folder for it so for example you can use any name it doesn't matter so i'm just going to use the server and put this jar into this folder all right now go to this folder and as you can see it's here let's say we are gonna open our terminal window so find the terminal in the applications and as you can see it's really small window so with the comment and the plus key you can uh make it a little bit bigger it's better now i guess so we need to familiarize ourselves with a few comments so the first thing is cd which means change directory or change folder so if i type and obviously there is no folders here yep there are so for example c cd documents and i press enter i am now in the documents folder and something is not right here because the operation is not permitted all right so we can continue but all right we'll go solve this so go to settings security and privacy and i think files and folders yes yes so loot is first so basically go to settings security and privacy go to files and folders and choose the documents folder here all right now let's talk about the comments again so as i told you cd sends for stands for change directory so i can type cd documents and if i press the tab button it will write the whole file name here or the folder name here so i am now in the documents folder and if i press ls i can see the server folder here what we just created so as you can see it's here so add us and we want to go to this folder into this folder so change directory or cd and server and if i press ls again as you can see the server.jar is here all right now it's pretty cool actually so what i'm gonna do is start it for the first time so only just type here java and server dot jar and press enter all right it didn't work so i'm just gonna yes it is like it works so use this command java and the gsjar tag here then the server.jar it is the file name so uh yes it is working all right now as you can see failed to load uila dot dxt so go back to this folder double click on the e ula.txt and change this voice value to true then make sure to save this file this is it just change the force to true close this file all right now we are going to need to do the same command and to do it use the up arrow key so as you can see if i press it it will load the previous comment or the previous comments but i only need the only previous one so press enter here and as you guys can see here it will start generating the word alright if it says it's done and as you can see it's done basically you have to write stop here so it will stop we need to do a little bit more configuration all right so don't close this terminal window we are going to use it again so as you guys can see it generates a bunch of files here here's the server word and also a bunch of other config files but we only need the file here i guess i can open it with textedit yes so just make this window bigger a little bit so i'm not going through all of these basically all of this are self-explanatory i mean the game mode the one thing that i should mention here is the online mode which means if it's true every time a player join your server they need to authenticate with the mojang servers so if you all have or if you are playing with the original minecraft you need to leave it on true but if you are playing with the launcher or any other launchers change this to force so it will skip the authentication and you can play without the original game alright if you modify anything in this you need to save this file obviously if you did not just leave it in there let's create a run.comment file but how do we do it well i will leave a simple commented description for most of you you don't need to change anything in it so just copy it and open another another text edit window here well i need a new one i want a new one all right and what you're gonna need to do is go to this format button and click on make plain text it's really important so make sure to use plain text format otherwise it's not going to work so paste this sample command here so what you need to be sure about is basically it is going to run a java application this is the ram size which is two gigabytes here and also the jar tag what i used before and this is the file name which is server.jar if it's the same for you so it's server.jar you can leave it and no gui which means it's not going to open that other window in the first start of the server all right now let's save this file click on save and the file name should be run dot com so make sure that the extension is provided otherwise it's going to use dxt format which is not going to work so the run part doesn't matter just make sure that the extension is dot command that's it now click on save and make sure that the location is correct which isn't correct in my case so make sure to save this into servers folder all right now save it and as you can see it is here now go back to the terminal window again and as you can see we are still in the same server folder and here is the well run that command file but we cannot just start it yet so we need to make it executable first how do we do it well it's pretty simple you have to you only have to do this once so chmod plus x then run dot command run this command as you can see chmod plus x run that command that's it run it once and it is now done i don't think that we are gonna need to use this anymore so if i double click on this round up command file i think the server is starting all right now it's done so we can try it out alright so open minecraft open the version 1.7 till click on play and wait until it starts all right now you can click on multiplayer and for the server address you can use localhost and it should work it's pinging it should be up well yeah it is working i'm just going to quickly join this world and as you can see it's working all right now i can join this is cool i'm just going to quit it because the gpu fan is insane and i can't hear myself all right now let's talk about how to host it to other people what i'm going to use now is an easier way so ngrok is what we are going to use so it is and also i don't care about this notification i don't care all right now we are going to use this piece of software to host our microserver so sign up for this website first just use a show away name for the email address you can just search for them email and use a temporary email address for example i'm using this site now just put it in here and create a password i did a password this wasn't great at the last time i created it so yeah and i'm not robot yeah i have to choose bicycles there are no bicycles in this picture yeah traffic lights whatever all right let's click on sign up all right so now don't save it alright so uh yes we need to confirm our email address now click on the download mac os button and save it to the documents folder it's gonna be fine all right now go back to the documents folder here and unzip this file so all right so we got this ngrok file and we need to put it back into the server folder so make sure that it is in the microservice folder after some time i figured it out how to actually run this piece of software it's a little bit different what i expected anyways so yes we need to go back to the terminal and use the cd command to go to the documents folder then use the cd server command to be here in this folder as you can see ngrok is here so what you're going to need to do is use the chmod plus x and graph command again what we did with the run.comment file it's exactly the same but just the file name is different and dot slash and jira and it is finally working all right so let's copy this out token file so dot slash ng rock out again in the bunch of characters here click enter and as you can see out token saved the configuration file now final thing that you're gonna need to do is slash dot slash ng rock n g rock dcp two five five six five all right so ngrok tcp 25565 and now you got this address here and you can send this to anyone who wants to play on your server and they should be able to connect to it i did test it in the windows tutorial you can watch it if you want but it doesn't matter it should work so that's it i hope you guys that this video wasn't really confusing thanks for watching and see you soon bye bye
Channel: kelp
Views: 20,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, tutorial, minecraft 1.17 server, minecraft server on mac, 1.17 minecraft server on mac, minecraft 1.17 server on mac, minecraft 1.17 server on mac tutorial, minecraft 1.17 server no port forward, minecraft 1.17 server on mac simple, minecraft server 1.17 catalina, minecraft server 1.17 big sur
Id: KNVa3yFIW6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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