How to Homebrew Nintendo Switch 2023

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this video is going to be a visual guide on how to add atmosphere custom firmware to an unmodified Nintendo switch this will work on first generation switches in all regions and on any firmware version now because this is a Nintendo switch modding video I must do a disclaimer this video is for educational purposes only and it is important to be aware that Jailbreak in your console is not illegal classified under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act if you do decide to follow this guide you are following at your own risk and I suggest you watch the video through once fully before starting there will be no mention or instructions on obtaining software illegally in this video as always read the description to ensure this guide is up to date before starting also every time you modify your system there's always a potential for an unrecoverable brick they're very rare but still a possibility so make sure you follow all directions exactly and as always happy modding so with that out of the way here is what you need to mod your Nintendo switch you will need a PC you will need a micro SD card of at least 64 gigabytes I highly suggest the name brands I have the Nintendo SanDisk one it just came with my my switch so it works great you also need a USB type-c cable to connect your switch to your PC as you can see this is my phone charger cable right here so that would work great as well you'll also need a way of entering recovery mode also known as RCM mode I have an RCM jig here which costs about nine dollars on Amazon that's Canadian so if you're American it'll be even cheaper but I will have a link below on if you want to get one now while this is suggested because it is by far the easiest way you can also use a paper clip if you're short on cash on to step one we need to figure out if your switch is patched so on funky Scott 48 switch guide there will be a link for switch patch we can go to and here we need our switch serial number now there should be a sticker on the bottom left of your switch with your serial number if not you can go into your switch settings and find it there but just find the prefix mine is xaw1 and type in the first six numbers so mine is zero zero zero five and there we go it said console is not patched that is what we want if you don't see the prefix of your Nintendo switch that means it is guaranteed to be patched so you'll need to find a different switch for this guide and if you typed your serial number in and got an orange message your console is possibly patched so this means it may or may not work so it's not guaranteed like mine here but you can still go through with the guide and try it out if you got a red message I'm saying let me see here just 555 your console is definitely patched that's a bummer you'll have this options for what you can do next with that one but I would suggest looking for a V1 switch but once you get the green message let's go back to the dock and click on guide this is going to take you to the Nintendo switch guide that I will be following so here we are this will give you some stuff to read if you want but I already went through a lot of this at the start so just scroll all the way down and click on continue to getting started and this is the getting your serial number so scroll down but we're gonna stop right here where it says console preparation it says before setting up the console for Homebrew it is important to have at least one eShop game application or game demo so if you don't have one already I highly suggest just go download the YouTube app or the Hulu app because those are free you don't have to pay for a game or a demo running home brew through any game cartridge will also work but it must be inserted so it's just a lot easier to have an app you can run it through so if you don't have the YouTube or Hulu app go download it and come back to the video Let's scroll down click on continue to RCM it'll take you here and here it's going to give us two options it'll give us immunand and cisnand now we're gonna skip all the way down to cisnand so click on continue to SD preparations and here it's saying FAT32 is the recommended format so I'm going to show you how to format SD cards that are above 32 gigabytes as FAT32 so back on the dock under FAT32 format click on the link it'll take you to this Ridge Court page just click on the icon here the image and it'll download gu format click it to run click yes when your windows prompts you and here we need to make sure that we have the proper drive so if you don't know which drive it is if you have more than one just open up your windows files and you can double check on here mine is USB drive F now if you have already plugged this into your Nintendo switch you will have a Nintendo folder if you have anything that you don't want to lose just copy this go to your desktop and create a new folder and just call it switch files go inside of there and paste the Nintendo folder in there so that we have it in a safe spot to put it on our SD card when we're finished so we can close that for now and back to the format so just make sure you have the right Drive selected mine is f Press Start all data will be lost we're good with that okay and it will format it to fat32. just close when it's done it should be really quick and to double check just right click on Drive F click on properties and you can see it is FAT32 perfect so we can close out of that program go back to the guide and continue so we can scroll down and this is where we're going to set up our SD card now this is going to be a longer process there's going to be a lot of downloads here we're going to download each of these links so this will also include The Homebrew App Store theme installer and more so let's get downloading just download each file here it'll bring you to hakate scroll down get the hakati a CTC AR zip file go back to SD preparation get the Hecate ini file the boot logo zip folder the latest release of atmosphere it'll take you here just scroll down to assets where it says atmosphere grab.file back to SD preparation grab the latest release of lockpick RCM make sure to grab the dot bin file here back to SD preparation jksv down to assets grab the jksb.nro grab ftpd make sure to get the dot nro version here click on it to download we'll grab the theme installer grab the dot nro version grab the latest release of NX shell grab the again nro version and The Homebrew App Store this will allow you to download Homebrew apps directly on your switch grab the dot nro version so that is a lot of downloads make sure you get each one and we're going to set up our SD card together so pull up your SD card I'm just gonna put split it here and put my downloads on the other side and now we have all of the downloads right there ready for us First Step grab the atmosphere zip file open it up and highlight everything drag it onto the root of your SD card we can close that zip or whoops and I suggest when you drag them on delete them as you go and it'll be a lot easier we're going to open up the hakate zip file and we're going to drag the bootloader folder onto the root of our SD card back to downloads just keep the hakate zip file for now open up the boot logo zip folder drag it onto the root of your SD card it'll fuse with the existing one we can delete this boot logos we're going to grab the hekate.ini file and drag it into the bootloader folder then open up the bootloader folder go into payloads and drag the lockpit bin file inside of the payloads folder go back to the root of your SD card go into your switch folder and we're going to right click create a new folder and call it App Store and here we're going to grab app store.nro and drag it inside back on the root of your SD card grab the jksv.nro ftpd classic themes installer and NX shell and drag those all into your switch folder on the root of RSD card if you go into your switch folder it should look like this if you go into your bootloader folder it should look like this with lockpick bin file in your payloads folder and here we can grab our Nintendo folder and place it back inside to the root of your SD card of course so when you're done your SD card should look like this now we can eject our SD card and take it out and put it back into our Nintendo switch now this part is where we're going to enter the recovery mode this is where our jig comes in handy now on the website as you can see here there are different methods we're starting with the RCM jig but you can also do a bunch of different soldering methods or the bent joy-con pins and you can even use a paper clip but I'm not going to be covering those in this video just because this little Gadget why this is so hard to open this slow Gadget is cheap and very very easy and hard to get out as you can see it has a couple different metal pieces there that are going to ground the certain pins in your switch so to do so just take the right joystick out or the right joy-con can't really see them but they are there and there's a bunch of pins in there and we're gonna short those with the RCM jig so just on the right side slide it right down to the bottom make sure it clicks at the bottom it should look like that and to enter recovery mode we're gonna hold down the volume up button here and click the power button if you see the Nintendo logo you did it wrong so this is what you want to see you want to see my face not my face in your switch but your face and your switch but now my switch is in RCM mode if you're struggling with it just keep trying make sure the jig is all the way down and just try again we can go over to sending a payload so here we're going to download the latest release of Tegra RCM it'll take you here where you can just grab the dot MSI file and we also need the latest release of hakate which we already have this is where the USB a the USBC cable the one I showed you earlier with the type C and is coming into play so let's run the Tegra RCM just set it up as normal next install just click yes when it prompts you want your when your window prompts you we're going to launch it right away click finish and you should see Tegra RCM gear right here I'm just going to move this to the side here hey look my background changed nice but when it's running you should see this we are going to navigate to the settings tab and install driver click yes click yes when your windows prompts you next finish and there we go back to the payload and now we are going to plug our switch into our PC so plug the USB side in the PC USB side in and we'll grab our switch here and plug it into the bottom and on the screen you should see RCM okay so that means your switch is successfully plugged into your PC I'm just going to open up my downloads go into the hekate zip file here copy the hakate bin file go back to downloads and paste it in there that's just so we can find it when we look it up close that click the file icon right here and you should see hakate bin file right there click on it and open and then when you have that ready just click inject payload and as you can see on my switch we are in hakate and now we're going to make some important backups to keep our switch safe unfortunately I can't have it in my Wii U stand anymore because it's plugged in you can set the date and time it's May 22nd 2023 as recording this just click done go into tools just click OK on NYX configuration tap on emmc boot zero and boot one Focus here come on and it'll be pretty quick so that one's done just press close tap on emmc Raw and this one will take a little bit longer the website says it can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour so if it's taking a while just stay patient and I'll meet you back when it's done and there we go as you can see it took 12 minutes so it takes a little bit of time once you're there you can press close press close again and we can take out our SD card it'll just give you this prompt here SD card was removed that's okay we can just set it down and plug it back into our computer alright it's plugged in and now you should see a backup folder here so we're gonna go back into the folder we created called switch files and if you didn't create one earlier just create one now go inside and we don't need the Nintendo one anymore we can delete it but we are going to grab this backup file if we open it up it'll look like this this is everything we need for a nand backup this is very very important so just copy it into your switch files folder the reason this is so important is because if you ever brick your switch this will give you a chance to restore it back to normal so it's really good to have just in case anything bad happens so do not lose this file or folder as it is very important and if you're really concerned about breaking your switch you can also place it into your Google Drive so it's in the cloud that'll keep it very safe but I'm just going to keep it on my PC you can do what you want with it and there we go it is now backed up so you should have your backup folder and your switch files folder now we can eject our SD card again and plug it back into our switch plug that back in and it'll reload Kate now we are going to back up the switch keys from our console now these are very critical to have as in an extreme emergency they can be used in conjunction with your nand backup and other tools to restore your console to a working state so this is just as important as the actual nand backup to do this we're going to go into payloads lockpick.rcm and it'll look like this and here you can see it says dump from cisnand or dump from nun emunand so we're going to keep it on cisnand grab the power button and select and as you can see it says wrote Whatever bytes to SD slash switch dot prod keys so that is where it's going to be located on our SD card just press the and then just press any button to return to the menu here and then use the power buttons to navigate to reboot RCM press the power button where is it power button and it should reboot it you can take the SD card back out and plug it into our PC let's go get our keys so once your SD card opens up you should see in your switch folder that you now have prod dot keys and title dot keys so we're going to move this over and we're going to place it where we placed our backup so we're going to highlight prod.keys and title.keys and drag them inside these three things are what you need to fix your Nintendo switch if anything does go wrong but again it's very rare that you break your system so hopefully you never have to use these for that purpose but if you are interested in emulating your switch on your PC using Yuzu you do need these two files prod.keys and title.keys if you are interested head over to my channel and go into the switch emulation playlist and you can find how to set that up there there we go we can close our switch files folder we can close our SD card and plug it back into our switch and let's get into launching our custom firmware and to launch your custom firmware just go ahead and click launch click on atmosphere and it'll load into your custom firmware and there we go we're in so just press all the buttons and to double check we're going to go to system settings go down all the way to where it says system and there we go from there you can see that it says S at the end of your current version that means you are on your assistant for the custom firmware so that's great here we can unplug the RCM jig unplug the chord let's get this joy-con back in make it a little easier and let's go to The Homebrew menu so as I mentioned during the tutorial make sure you have YouTube or Hulu installed hold the R button here and load into YouTube keep holding r and there we go we are now in your Homebrew app and as you can see the apps we downloaded earlier are all in here ftpd which is a tool for connecting your switch's SD card wirelessly to your PC The Homebrew app store is exactly what it sounds you can get Homebrew apps directly onto your switch jksv is a save manager app you can dump and restore saves to your system NX shell is a file explorer for the switch you can move files listen to mp3s view images Etc themes installer allows you to add custom themes to your switch instead of the boring old light and dark themes and there we go that is essentially it now it is important to know if you turn off your console completely like power it off you will really have to do the RCM injection but if you just put it to sleep Your Atmosphere software will still be on there and you won't have to redo the RCM part but essentially that is how you Homebrew your Nintendo switch if you have any questions comment below or you can join my Discord which is linked below and we can help you there if you're interested in more switch modding tutorials subscribe and keep an eye out for more and more in the future if you found this guide helpful please make sure to give it a like it really helps me out and please subscribe as I'm trying to reach a thousand subscribers before the end of summer but anyways guys thank you so much for watching and I will see you on the next one take care
Channel: FunkyScott48
Views: 16,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jnfOoIOKVXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2023
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