Watch THIS if you don't want your modded switch BANNED

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[Music] fellas today i'm going to show you how to avoid a band on your customly modded nintendo switch so let's get right into the video so first things first let me go over two things there's two ways to get banned one if you download any sort of nsps nyx's through tinfoil any other software that allows you to run those games you will get banned as soon as you connect to the internet that's the first way to get banned and a second way to get banned if you guys aren't using nsps you should mostly be safe you can totally go online with your mods however you can still get banned if you don't use wi-fi safe mods which i'll show you how to do that today all right guys so i'm gonna leave timestamp to the video so the first option to avoid a band if you want to download romps you will not be able to go online with custom firmware but you'll be able to go online normally and if you want to use your mods online and you don't want any sort of roms then you're going to want to do the second method which will show you guys how to avoid potential mods that could get you banned online now that we've established the problem of how to get banned how do we avoid not getting banned well it's quite easy first things we're going to do is we need to make an m unit and an nand backup what does that mean well the mu nand is essentially just like another version of your switch duplicated onto your sd card and then the other thing we're going to need is an nand which essentially is we're creating a backup of the nintendo switch serial number but it's gonna be a fake one so if nintendo ends up banning you you can go to this backup and delete everything in your sd card and your switch will be back to normal so before guys we start the emu mmc and backing up the nand you're gonna want to take all your files and your sd card and back them up because this will wipe your sd card so just be sure to put them somewhere on your desktop like here or something and then once you're done you can add these files back in this is just in order to in case you do get banned because every time you mod your switch there's not always a certainty you will not get banned so it's always good to be careful so let's get into how to do that so first thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go to your switch and here we are in our menu and you're going to want to go to settings i'm not going to show this specific setting of what you need to do but i'll i'll go in here and what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go to internet i won't show internet for the sake of my privacy but what you're going to want to do is delete all of your internet settings every single one you're going to want to go in there and delete them all the reason we're doing this is before we set up the mu nand if we do it all the internet settings on the next i mean when the m units created it'll have no way to connect to the internet which is exactly what we want so that's why you got to be sure to delete all your internet settings first now that we have done that let's uh boot up the switch through custom firmware and uh hop on hekate all right guys now that we're in our hikate menu we're going to now create the emunand so what you're going to want to do is go to emu mmc which is right here click on that and from here what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to create the mu mmc right up here so click on that it'll say welcome and you're going to want to click on the one in the middle it's called sd partition so click on that click continue and it should look something like this now that we've done that we're going to want to do you'll come up to a menu like this you're going to want to set it to 29 so i'll do that real quick you want it to say 29 full just like this okay 29 full from there you're gonna click on next step in the bottom right it'll say warning this will partition sd card you're gonna click start it's gonna take a few seconds and then from here you're going to click on the power button to continue it'll take a second all right i'll say done now what you're going to want to do is click next or close out here you're going to want to do create mu mmc again [Music] do sd partition again and this time you're going to click part one [Music] this will take around like 10 minutes-ish to finish up you can see it'll look like something like this this will take 10 minutes to finish up roughly so once that is done i'll catch up with you guys in just a second all right guys once you're done with that what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go to tools at the top here and then you're going to click on a backup emmc the top left they're going to click on that click on the top left one emc boot 0 and boot one thank you for available space should take a few seconds to close all right guys after you do that you're going to want to go to emmc raw gpp right in here you're going to click on that and it's going to check for available free space and this should take around 12 minutes as well so i'll wait for you guys to get on back but after this you can check in your sd card to see if it creates the backup so i'll skip on ahead to when mine finishes on up all right guys as we see here if we go to emu mmc we have an entire new folder here and back up here this is our new id that allows us to restore it as such now let's go and launch our emu mmc from our custom firmware and see if it works all right guys now just to access our emu mmc you're just going to launch this and launch it right here you click on amu mmc and this should launch through hikante it'll treat it like almost another backup of your switch you guys as we see here it works so with this method if you want to go online you're gonna have to turn off the switch and then boot it up normally to access online features and when you're to use it through your modded method you have to boot it up their emu mmc just a heads up the reason for this is so we never connect to the internet with custom firmware and then when you want to use the internet we just don't do it through custom firmware and uh nintendo won't detect us doing anything malicious or anything so yeah that is how you avoid the first method but how do we avoid the second method of getting banned well let me show you how for those of you who want to use your modded skins online and you don't want to down any roms i have good news for you you're mostly in the clear there's a good chance you will not get banned however there are some mods where if you download them and use them online you could get banned so we're going to go over those right now so guys even skin mods certain ones can get you banned kind of like this one the reason this knuckles mod is not wi-fi safe as stated here is because it changes the core structure of the character and it changes like the bones in the model you can easily do skin changes and like model changes but the problem is they change the in-game captain falcon hurt box which means if it's a gameplay change online and it doesn't match with the other person nintendo will be like oh wait a minute this person's up to something malicious and then they're gonna ban you even though you're just trying to get modded skins in that's how it works so this mod is not wi-fi safe and i'll show you another type of a mod that is not wi-fi safe alright guys so here's another mod such as the wave dash mod like this one because it changes core fundamental gameplay so you can still use this mod while being online but you can't play with it online so if you have this mod and you want to play online you'll just have to go in your sd card take it out then go online because if you go online with this there's a good chance you could get banned so like look see how luigi normally cannot do that in smash ultimate because they change some of the characters attributes which will lead to a band so yeah all right guys that being said thank you so much for watching today the video helped you be sure to like and subscribe and i'll see you in the next one later [Music] you
Channel: Needels Mods
Views: 122,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to not get banned switch, how to make an emunand, how to backup nand switch, how to not get banned switch cfw, needels, atmosphere bans switch, how to avoid switch bans, how to avoid ban on nintendo switch, how to avoid ban switch cfw, nintendo switch incognito, dont get banned nintendo switch, nintendo switch avoid ban, how to avoid ban switch custom firmware, how to setup emunand, how to backup nand, nand backup switch, nand backup, nintendo banned, emunand
Id: 1pHVBuN1B9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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