How To Hit Your 3 Wood PERFECT

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I used to absolutely hate hitting three wood but now I love it and the reason being is I learned the concepts I changed my technique in order to help me hit this club out of any situation now I'm going to take you through this exact same process that I went through so let's start by running through the concepts first we're going to run through two key Concepts now I'm going to assume for right now we're talking about hitting a three wood off the ground so the first key is angle of attack now how is this club traveling as it hits the ball is it traveling on the way down is it traveling very level or on the way up now here's the thing any goal shot that is hit off the ground has to be hit with a descending blow of some kind so if it's a wedge it's obviously going to be a lot steeper so we're going to be hitting down a lot more versus a three wood it might be a little bit shallower but it's still going to be slightly descending on the ball so anywhere from -1 degrees to -3 degrees so we're still hitting down that's why if you look at a player like Sergio Garcia who's on sort of the steeper end of the the Spectrum he will actually take a small divot with a three with especially when it's wet because he is hitting down on it we have to do this in order to compress the ball but also this helps us with the second point which is Strike location so the key concept we have to understand is where are we trying to hit this ball in the face well if we are doing what most amateurs are doing and treating this sort of like a driver they are going to be trying to help that ball up well as soon as I try and help the ball up my strike location is going to go very very low in the face this is going to promote that sort of a low skimmer maybe even a Top Shot or potentially that shot that just spins way too much and it just goes everywhere so if we're actually trying to hit down on the ball part of the reason for this is so that we can hit it higher in the face if we hit it higher in the face we're going to get a better launch we're also going to find that the spin rates are going to be a lot more predictable so the two key Concepts on number one we are trying to hit slightly down on this golf ball and number two is that when we do that we want to see the strike location move higher in the feet now let's run through the setup and very much start from the very very beginning so the first thing is stance with the three wood is the second longest shaft on our bag behind the driver which means we are going to need to have a relatively wide stance so what my reference guide is and this is a fantastic guide for you is to go edges of the shoulders line up with the inside parts of the ankle that's going to put you in a nice position to where you have a good wide stance to help support this clever speed but also you're going to be able to shift rotate do everything from this position number two is where do we want to position our weight well because we are trying to have that slight descending blow on the ball I like players just to favor a little bit more weight on the lead leg now again don't go too crazy we're talking maybe 55 to 60 of the weight on that lead leg and again this is just going to help us promote that descending blow that is actually crucial to have with a three wood then from there we want to make sure that we have a good amount of oh now I see so many golfers go wrong with tilts with three words they go I want to hit down on it so what do they do they push their spine so it leans towards the target this just creates a situation to where you want to then swing over the top we don't want to be seeing that so because the right hand the trail hand is lower on the club than the left we always have to have a little bit of spine tilt away so the easiest way to think of this is just to have this right shoulder slightly lower than the left and the right hip slightly lower than left just a little bit right there nothing too crazy and you can see if I draw a line straight down from the center of my chest down through the belt buckle how my golf club is pointing just towards the middle if you do this and it's pointing back you know you haven't gotten enough tilt so we need to push the hips forwards get into that position right there now the big one and this is really the big one ball position this is the one loads of people get wrong so the first thing that I want you to do is not use your feet as the reference guide I want you to use the upper body so I see so many golfers place the ball way too fast forwards and if I place it like this you can see how it's pretty much under my left shoulder maybe just outside of it now the reason why I want to choose the upper body is the upper body is what controls low point so the lead side of our body roughly underneath my left armpit left shoulder joint is going to be the lowest point of my swing reason being is this is what is rotating open it drags the low point forward so it's going to roughly be underneath the left shoulder left armpit so if that's the lowest point of our swing we want to hit slightly down on it so we need that low point to be ahead of the golf ball so add a dress as a really simple guide I would love to see the ball be positioned anywhere if I had a logo on my left pec muscle underneath the logo or underneath my lead ear somewhere in this region is going to be the perfect spot for that Bulls be positioned so then from there that's going to set us up for that slight descending blow so the final part is in the shaft lean at address what do we want to be seeing well the last thing we want to be seeing is the hand hands back because that is going to promote sort of this upward strike I would rather you have the hands level to a little bit of shuffling again that is going to promote that slightly descending blow on the ball which is going to match the concepts that we are trying to see so let's now run through some fantastic swim thoughts that are going to allow us to be successful with the three win now the first thing that I actually want to get across is you're allowed to hit this hard I see so many people get scared of hitting through it hard they are always going to go further offline and as long as you're Rhythm and your Tempo is smooth so what I mean by that is that if you swing and it's in a constant sort of Rhythm like this you're absolutely fine you can hit it as hard as you want ultimately watch Rory McIlroy he is hitting that golf ball hard he's not holding back on it but the great thing is his Tempo his rhythm is so smooth there's no sort of jolting and reacting I see so many amateurs they'll go slow slow slow slow slow and then they'll try and put on the speed they'll snap their chest they'll swing over the top it goes all over the place the second thing and this is a crucial one is I actually want you to focus on trying to take a divot this is my swing form this is the thing that has changed it massively for me so if I have that emphasis of trying to take a little bit of a divot after the golf ball I'm going to get that angle of attack working downwards it's going to stop me from sort of popping out of the shot and falling backwards now here's the thing because this soul is so wide you might not actually take a divot but it's that intent of hitting down on it that's going to allow you to get that strike location higher in the face and ultimately get you into a good position now how can we train this well what I want you to do if I can find the t is replace this golf ball for a t now I just want you to pop it just lie it down just like that just so like the t is kind of pointing away from you right there now the reason being is this is sort of going to hone in your focus so I want you to be able to hit this shot hit this three wood and be able to sweep that t off the ground if you do a swing that looks like this you know you've sort of held back and you've tried to help the ball up in the air I want you to be able to make a swing as to where you're trying to feel like that divot is happening after the ball shoot can hit that t let me show you what that should look like right here so as you can see right there I've hit that t I've got it into a good position I felt that descending blow now it's time to grab the ball place it back down and let's give it a hit and again my focus here is trying to take a divot that's the thought that I'm gonna have I want to be feeling like I'm heading down on it getting that straight location nice and high in the face that's going to produce a good launch so let's get into that good position my concepts are right my setup's in a good spot now from here I'm just going to focus on trying to take that divot as I hit this golf shot foreign the first thing I want to go through is the change in ball flight so we're going to see a couple of minor differences first thing is we're going to see a little bit of a higher launch angle why because when we tear it up we can go a little bit shallower but it's also going to promote a higher strike location in the club face this is going to result in a little bit of a higher launch right there now as well as this because that strike location is going to raise higher we might see a little bit less spin so couple a higher launch with a little bit less spin we would expect to see the A3 wood off the team might carry a good 5 to 10 yards further than a three wood off the ground so that's something just to bear in mind maybe if you're hitting it On a par 3 or On a par four and you're trying to figure out how far this is going to go relative to bunkers and stuff like that just be aware that it will go slightly further when you are hitting it off a tee now here's the thing you have a couple of options you can do when hitting it off the team for me personally I like to keep things relatively the same so I'm going to tee the ball up roughly to about half the golf ball is above the top edge of the crown now from there I will keep everything the same so I'll have my same ball position same weight same shaft lean all of these things still feel like I'm trying to take that little mini bit of a divot and to be honest I'm just going to find that there's a lot more margin for error however some people do like to feel like they get a little bit shallower with this if that's you the two adjustments I want you to make are number one you can move your ball position slightly further forward so number two you can have just a little bit more even way so 50 50. so let me demonstrate what that one would look like as that is sort of the the slight differences to hitting it off the ground so in this situation rather than have it underneath the left ear or the logo I'm going to have it a little bit more underneath the lead armpit and then from there I'm gonna have my weight a little bit more even it's going to feel a little bit more sweepy so rather than hitting big time down on it I'm going to be hitting very much level with this golf ball it's definitely going to go higher spin rate is more than likely going to drop but let's give it a go and let's see if that happens as I do this shot yeah that's definitely flown higher definitely got a lot less Spin and has probably carried at least 10 yards further maybe a little bit more so just be aware of those differences when we are hitting a through it off the ground versus off the tee so the final piece of advice I have if you're looking to be great with your three wood which is so important to be great with it it's a very versatile Club it's to get custom fit now if you're here in the UK or you're traveling over to the UK and you want the best fitting experience use the guys that I use they are absolute Masters they're the best in the business here in the UK they are called Gatwick golf I'll leave the link down in the description so be sure to check them out they fitted me for this I used to hate three woods and now I absolutely love this thing and it's become my new best friend now if you need a little bit more one-to-one help with your game whether it is with the three wood or any other club or any other part of your game then I offer online coaching so you can get less with myself no matter where you are in the world so be sure to check that out the link is going to be down in the description if you have enjoyed today's video please give it a like And subscribe and I hope to see you back here soon
Channel: Giles Gill Golf
Views: 78,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XuWgHlhl4tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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