What Nobody Tells You About How to Hit Hybrids from the Rough

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hey golf isn't always played from the Fairway even if you follow us here at U.S golf TV every once in a while you got a ball in the rough you got to figure out how to navigate it today I'm going to share with you how your hybrid can help you get the most out of this shot I'm PJ Chichi professional Todd code director of instruction for us golf TV and we do our best here to help you keep the ball on the short grass but we're also realistic and we know that every once in a while you're going to miss a drive or a second shot on a par five and your ball is going to come to rest in the rough and we got to figure out how to navigate that and it's really not that difficult of a shot and I want to share with you a couple tips and suggestions to help you navigate this so the first thing is is that we got to get the right Club in our hands now I'm assuming that we've got a ways to go here I mean if if you're only 100 yards out or 120 yards out and you can grab a nine iron or a pitching wedge or an eight arm of course grab that particular Club but in this situation I'm trying to get the ball to go about 170 180 yards so I would tell you this the first tip is that always be thinking of your hybrid a hybrid is easier out of the rough than a than a three iron a four iron a five iron maybe even a six iron now why is that well when you look at a hybrid one of the one of the greatest Club designs over the last 50 plus years is the hybrid and when you look at the design of it I happen to have the max vert right here one that we like right Nick there it is okay Nick gave us a thumbs up why don't you please also give us a thumbs up and of course tell us where you're from we love hearing where you're from I mean we got people from Sweden we got people from uh Africa UK they all over and even our friends from the Midwest here we love you it's golf season right now so we want to hear from you as well but back to our topic maxvert 22 degrees but when you look at the bottom all hybrids they've got a longer bottom like this or okay this particular one we call it the groundhogging soil but what that allows the club to do is it allows it to go through the grass and hug the turf now that's important when you're hitting on the rough because one of the reasons shots out of the rough are difficult is because the Roth can grab the club but because of that soul and the way that it's designed it makes it easier so that's tip number one let's get the right Club in our hands now from a technique standpoint what can we do well this particular lie right here is in the rough and it's also in a slight downhill so the first thing I want you to do is move the ball slightly back in the stance relative to normal so in our normal hybrid videos which you've seen we like the ball to be positioned somewhere you know about the logo on your golf shirt right drivers more towards the inside of the lead arm hybrids kind of off where the typically the the log on a golf shirt would be but when you're out of the rough we're going to move that back just a little bit so that ball I'm going to position is going to be somewhere between the buttons on my shirt and the logo on my shirt so that's tip number one is we're going to move the ball back a little bit in the stance relative to normal and that's going to help us catch the ball a little bit more in a descending motion which is going to help us navigate that now the next thing that I want you to do tip number two is I actually want you to grip down on the club just a little bit anytime I'm hitting shots out of the rough I always tell my students to move their hands down on the club just a little bit so they have better control in terms of what is going on so I'm going to move my hands down I don't know maybe a half an inch quarter of an inch not much but I am going to move it down just a little bit so I have better control number three tip number three that I want you to do and then I'm going to give you one last suggestion on navigating this downhill lie also okay but tip number three is I want you to grip the club a little bit firmer this is one of the situations where I advocate really gripping the club tight and firm because when you're gripping it firm it helps keep the club face Square let me just go ahead and hit a shot here so I'm going to move the ball back a little bit in the stance I've got my hands down a tad and I'm gripping it really nice and firm okay man I'll take that that thing was hot coming off the face and it's going to roll out really nice okay let me throw another one there we go okay so when the club is in the rough that rough wants to grab it and it wants to shut the face down it wants to close it a little bit so when you hold it feel like you're gripping it a little bit firmer to hopefully help keep that club face nice and square so we've moved the ball back well first of all let me rephrase that we got the right Club in our hands we got the hybrid number two is we've got the ball in the right spot okay number three we've moved our hands down and then we're gripping it a little bit firmer now I promise you this this lie is it's not crazy downhill but it's a little bit downhill and sometimes you get that man you're in the rough and you're downhill so what is the next thing that you could do to help navigate that this is this really good tip that I picked up a few years ago take your lead foot and just point it a little bit down the slope everybody see that so my normal stance with a little bit of flare one of the Core Concepts of the vertical line swing is some toe flare flares the toes flared out a little bit but take the lead toe and flare it even a little bit more see that okay now why is that important and what is it going to do well when you take the lead toe and you point it down the slope a little bit it allows you to get into that lead foot a little bit okay so as an as an extreme example if I'm downhill my toe is is flared in if I start going forward I feel like I'm going to fall forward okay but if I take that lead foot and I flare it and now I get into my lead side I still feel balanced that is a golden nugget right there all right that's a golden nugget you're not going to find that anywhere else other than my friends here at us golf team my man Nick right there in the whole team all right so let's let's bring this together I got the right Club in my hands okay I'm gonna move this ball back a little bit in this stance hands down slightly I'm gripping it firm so I can keep that club face Square I take my lead toe I'm pointing it down the slope a little bit oh man that thing just came out of there hot High baby draw hey he follows here at Us Golf TV to hit the ball in the Fairway a bit even the best players even my our most die-hard fans every once in a while you hit a ball in the rough you got to understand how to navigate that this video these tips right here are going to help you do just that
Channel: US GOLF TV
Views: 78,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf hybrids, how to hit hybrids, how to hit hybrids correctly, how to hit a hybrid, golf hybrid swing, golf hybrid, how to hit a hybrid golf club, hybrid golf clubs, hybrid golf swing, hybrid golf swing tips, how to hit hybrid golf clubs, golf hybrid setup, golf hybrid tips, vls golf, todd kolb, vls golf swing, maxvert hybrid, maxvert hybrid review, hybrid golf, hit a hybrid golf club, todd kolb golf, todd kolb golf lessons, how to hit hybrids higher, vls maxvert hybrid
Id: QTVRqXul7rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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