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we're not home right over my house if I give you a few tips on how to turn better out in the woods and today I want to give you a few tips on how to turn better how to slay a burn and how to slay a rut so I'm going to make it super easy for you three tips on each and I want you to take that way and see if it works I really hope it does and I think it will make you a better rider right with everyone at home everyone on bikes the amazing weather the England have had bikes just flying out the doors everywhere and to see so many people on bikes I wanted to help out a little bit in my own way and teach you how to ride a rut and how to run a berm faster safer and better so we're going to start with a rut now I'm gonna call this a rut because it's only that high it's like a little divot in the ground normally these are made from like people continually riding normally ruts aren't handmade I say berm is been hand-built got more support whereas a rut it's just like someone riding in a turn you're three things you gotta think about riding rut is I'd say Russ especially just always keep your outside foot down so this is a right-hand rut I'm gonna keep my left foot down and my right foot up so it'd be I'd be writing like this and then I'm into the next one to be going like that that way you can like keep as much weight low down as you can and pushing on that outside pedal which really digs those treads into the ground which you'll see in a minute second tip is look ahead which is kind of a tip for everything with your dirt jumping with your railing over a berm flying down a hill with the jumps in front he always have to look ahead just so you can see not looking at your front we were you looking at the next obstacle ahead of you and the third is I want you to like follow the rut with your shoulders so not like this not like that keep keep your shoulders in line with your bars like like opposite you're bossy keep it like that and you keep it nice strong upper body like that and that's three quick tips on a show you right now how to write a rap there's no like definite right and wrong wait here turn actually there's a wrong there's no like everyone else different stars in it Josh braceland I think the two best earners in the world Josh Bryson Sam Hill both got insanely different styles Josh he's like a superbike as his body high and his bike over like that and Sam has his body over and his bike over blah both of them are debating the two best corners in the world so you can't say right wrong but I think they'd both have that outside foot down with ruts I can assure you of that wait it's like going through you're outside keeping that nice angle down into turn given that given your tires the best chance to grip also what I was thinking then is it's good to have like that because often ruts and not as predictable so you can come out the top of a rut way easier than you can't the top of Bern and if that was to they've that wants to happen you could easily get your foot off to put it on the floor and stabilize yourself and save yourself from crashing so I think they're the they're the basics and which which flow through to with your first riding or whether you're a world cup down a rider and I think that's a pretty failsafe way getting round a rut safely and far like I said like outside two foot out and then I swapped it off to that off to the next rut but like you'll see in a minute we're gonna ride some firms which is a slightly different technique so let's head over to a bump [Music] [Music] now onto burns and this three tips we now boring again two of them are pretty much exactly the same look ahead you always want to see the next obstacle coming up with its a berm a jump a deer dog whatever you want to be ready for you're gonna be strong you want to be see it coming to prepare yourself number one number two keep your upper body strong keep the elbows out like if you did a push-up you do push up through the elbows out with you you wouldn't do them with them like that keep a good strong top upper body position strong lean over the front three on a berm I'd keep my feet level level so you don't really need to drop the foot as much because there's not as much chance as a tire slipping a burns got lots of support you hugged in there and flap flap pedals like this this allows you to have a stronger whole body feeling you don't got one leg down and one leg up you at you all up on your butt bike strong squatting ready to go and I think that's the best way to hit them [Music] how was that you can just hit them like pretty recklessly you know when you've got that support coming strong position weight forward look up and just go with it and you almost know that your front wheels not going to go out the top so you can attack them right I hope you learnt something that is how to hit a rut and how to hit a berm hopefully safer and more importantly hopefully way faster seen loads of people out on their bikes it's amazing to see stay on your bike stay safe and I hope you learnt something [Music] my dick and a lot actually of what to actually
Channel: Brendan Fairclough
Views: 141,669
Rating: 4.9789901 out of 5
Keywords: mountain bike, learn, bike, how to, lockdown, fun, berm, corner, build, outside, woodland, gmbn, rut, roost, bikes
Id: udOUZ_T9-6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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