Better Drops In 1 Day - How To Drop

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hey what's up guys my name is Kyle Warner today I'm gonna show you guys how to drop so drops are one of the most common features that you guys will come across on the trail the two main ones that you will probably find are drops the flat and drops the transition so today I'm gonna actually coach my girlfriend on hitting some kind of medium to bigger size drops she already can hit some smaller ones however she's not always sure if she's using the proper technique sometimes she feels like she's kind of hooking off of it so today we're gonna go over it make sure she understands what to do when to do it and how to do it we'll see if she can hit some bigger stuff and she's been wanting to hit some of these for a while so we'll see how it goes so let's grab April and we'll start kind of going through the process of how to hit a drop alright so this is my girlfriend April and today we were gonna coach her through the proper technique on hitting drops like I said before she can already hit some of the smaller drops but is there anything that kind of keeps you from hitting the bigger ones it's bigger so it's scarier it looks real blind and big and then I don't know if I have the proper technique for it I don't know if I'm just getting away with bad technique on the little ones and I could get in trouble on a bigger one first things first let's go ahead and kind of start coaching her through this drop so this is like a nice mellow drop one of the reasons I like using a drop like this is I kind of checked and made sure that her bike is able to roll over the end of the drop so in case something does go wrong she still is gonna have her front tire set down before anything goes bad so that's why we're gonna use something that's about 24 inches tall so I like using this kind of drop for that so let's go ahead and start coaching you through this thing so I'll kind of go through the three biggest mistakes that I see people make first so the three biggest mistakes I see people make are number one coming in and leaning back too early which allows their front wheel to drop because they basically lose the lift before they go off the end of the ramp bake number two I see people come in two crouched and so basically when you come in in a to aggressive attack position you reduce the amount of space between your butt and the rear tire and that makes it a lot harder to get the bike to kind of absorb up and under you when you go off the drop stake number three that I see people make are they're going to forward on the drop and they use like a vertical bunnyhop to get off the end so that's kind of one of the things that like I'm gonna help April with is you don't want to be funny hopping off the end essentially because if you're tired or if something weird happens or your foot comes on clift because you're lifting then you can start to kind of dead sailor until in the air so that's the reason that I like to practice this one technique I'm gonna show you guys today which is essentially coming off a drop staying super relaxed and ride as you get off the end of the drop you're gonna let the bike start to go and then you move and lean back and have kind of a controlled descent so you're not going to get extra height you're gonna land as soft as you can and have like the least amount of effort possible so today we're going to show you how to do that [Music] all right so this is the drop - April just hit for you guys so we showed you kind of her technique before we did any coaching and now we're gonna show you coaching her through this so as you guys can see you know it's about a 20 inch drop or so and so when she comes off the end what I see a lot of people do is they'll come in where April is they'll roll and then right about here on the last two planks or so they'll try to lift or bunnyhop what we want her to be practicing it's coming through and riding and kind of rolling off and right as she rolls off the end we're gonna have her basically shift her weight back and get ready to absorb the landing and you can land a little bit front wheel first that way when you land you can absorb the energy with your arms and then your back wheel hips and you absorb with your legs and it's a little bit soft for landing so she feels like she's laying in hard and it's basically ripping the bike out of her arms and it's cuz in the air she's doing this and then when she lands it pulls it out so let's see if we can help her work through this how's the bunnyhop April [Music] [Music] [Music] that was really good did that feel easier than before yeah he looked a lot better like you did a little bit less uh bunnyhop and more just kind of let the bike ride off and you had good position it looked like you landed a little softer - thanks yeah those feet maybe go over to the other drops yeah okay let's do it all right for which one of these are you gonna hit okay there's a small drop on the left a medium drop on the middle and then a bigger drop on the right and we're gonna see if she can apply that new technique gets the nicest ride off drops and see if you can get kind of landing smoother one of april's biggest problems before is she can hit some of the smaller drops but she always feels like she's landing so hard and a lot of that is because when she does the bunnyhop her legs extend everything kind of extends and when she lands all the forces just going straight into her ankles and through her body without being absorbed much so the nice thing about kind of doing that roll off is as you go off your leg squat they get in a good position to absorb that impact and it's a lot smoother easier on your bike - yeah poor baby so all right let's go do a couple runs on this and see how it goes all right for some small drop perfect I like awesome though and it again yeah okay I need a lot [Music] that look that looks really good does that feel easier yeah yeah let's going on yeah yeah it looks good yeah what do you think about that middle drop I think we got it alright alright see oh that is the middle drop she's gonna do it's probably about three and a half feet maybe four feet so we'll see how it goes she's been practicing a few more than just those two cakes to see you guys you know yeah dude that was sick I did it really that's awesome does that feel good well easier yeah wait here yeah that's the biggest thing to like I said if you're if you're having the bunny hop off stuff you're not going fast enough so it's like if you can just hit it right and it's so much easier you're gonna do a couple more all right how do you you nervous you look really good though I wouldn't tell you that you could do it if you cut it I don't think you could that's up to you doing it okay all right I'm gonna try to show her the speed [Music] April you did it yeah that was sick that's the biggest drop you ever hit sick oh she hit that bad boy that was awesome are you happy yeah okay let's keep doing [Music] that was awesome you look so good are you relieved yeah just resting for a minute there that was awesome what are some things you learned today that you think could help people that want to hit drops because you know before you were doing it but kind of like look a little bit too much effort maybe yeah the biggest thing is don't bunnyhop off yeah and then the technique things that I learned was to drop my heel because that's a problem I always have yeah and then instead of lifting it up yeah I always point my toe like that but I've dropped my heel and then position right a good riding position I need to be head about at my bars or stem coming into the drop coming into the drop not exaggerated but that's like the proper position yeah so not too far forward but it's in a nice mellow riding zone yeah and then I need to make sure I don't lift off because that's my bunny hop don't pop it and just let it roll off with enough proper speed yeah following people in helps with that - you're right if you're yeah and then I just lean back a little bit not exaggerated and that helped those super easy small things yeah it's all about this timing and doing the right thing at the right time but the more you practice and the more you get comfortable with it like drops are so easy once you get it down and it's weird cuz it feels wrong because when you do it right you're like I shouldn't it shouldn't be this easy like cuz it's scary so yeah I'm super proud of you that was awesome and that's what we were hoping to do today is like she was doing the small drops in the morning but to do the medium and the large like was kind of really scary cuz she didn't really feel like she could scale her technique because it's scary to bunny hop off something that high it feels wrong so now that she's knowing - like right off the end and just kind of be relaxed it makes it so much easier to scale up yeah good job you did awesome thank you guys for watching I hope you really enjoy we're gonna do a few more of these if you want to stay tuned definitely subscribe and if you have any questions or anything for me or April throw them in the comments below and we will get to those soon as you can so thank you guys [Music]
Channel: Kyle & April - Ride MTB
Views: 1,479,111
Rating: 4.9561563 out of 5
Keywords: mountain biking, kyle warner, how to drop, ride mtb, ride mtb podcast, april zastrow, learning to mountain bike, how to mountain bike, learn to drop, niner bikes
Id: hxPh6Z1q16Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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