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hello guys welcome back to the channel sun's out guns out blue skies back in the garden another day I've locked down and in today's video I've been recommended what to do from you guys in the comments of the last we're gonna look how to manual before we get into the thick of it with manually I'm sure you wanted to know who is one the dear Marv I always saddle from the last video now I gave you guys the chance to win them by telling me how many pubs are reference to in the video so some you locals would have seen there was a few more pubs but I only actually referenced three pubs obviously showing your hotel and bakery but they're irrelevant so three pubs over a thousand of you had entered so I've loaded up quite a few here so what we're gonna do is we're gonna give it a little shuffle so go up down up down and stop free pubs mentioned I think lovely settings Dorset well there we go we've got Luke Norton well done dude you have won yourself a pair of these to get in touch and we sort that out looking at all the comments from the last video there's so many of you there wanting to learn how to manual or you get in the first part of the manual or even and loss of you're actually saying you've got a manual machine how do you correctly use one blah blah blah blah super super lucky last year to be sent a send around now I can almost hear you through the computer screen already you can burn why do you need a manual machine you can manual plan was last year before The Melvins was I was going to take one of their machines to the event and we're going to have a little competition on the DMR stand but obviously that didn't materialize because of the weather who thought it looking at the weather now this isn't a plug to go and buy a manual machine by any means because those of you that can't manual haven't got a manual machine do the stuff that we're going to do today if it doesn't work then maybe think about one but let me know later on in the video so let's get that out and give it a go right everyone loves on YouTube the grand unboxing watch this video to the end here's the grand unbox and I'll be totally honest I've actually as much as he wants to tell me how he's left out the manual I think it's just average so its back so looks like a bit of a jigsaw going on let's get building it see what we can do the next thing we need to do if I remember it's just measure the bike house you've got different holes in various places on this particular we've actually put it in it's longer settings as far forward as we can on the front as we can on the rear is a 29er wouldn't be a problem because that would just sit slightly higher but it's all perfectly safe once you've got your various settings we're just gonna pack it into place and then final little spaces depending on how thick your tires after next thing we're gonna do is just wedge it just being nice flush fit now as you can see the bike is pretty much bomb-proof now so that is it well and truly in there we're just gonna fit the floor pads not be really needed I've seen plenty of homemade jobs but as I said send the ramps have given me this to try out so hopefully this works show you guys lads a bang on look at the state of that that is so cool a personalized manual machine this is all just for safety okay so it looks like a normal drill I'm actually super stoked about this because I've won this at crank mats New Zealand from the air down so I actually managed to get this all the way back for New Zealand which I'm pretty pumped about can it actually looks like a bit of a boat or a spaceship it's designed for a purpose and that is to try and get you guys manually finishing touches is obviously putting the bike in a good push in and this is where the safety come down one of these straps do they actually give you two one to put on the rear wheel and one to put on there on the loop out point you just want to check how tight the strap is if it's too tight it's just gonna stop the front from going up at the same time you don't want it to be too loose that you do actually enable yourselves to loop out so what you want to try and do is get to that balance point but not have it so it's tight so it's still nice and loose you can find that balance point even if I go super super pull that strap and then come back down so that's the importance of doing that strap to the right level because if it was too slack you'd probably end up off the back I guess you guys all want to know how to get the front wheel up in the air biggest problems that we have with the manual and that is people either snatch to the bar they start pulling you start pulling you can have bent elbows or they drop their toes this way to get the front wheel up in the air is actually straight arms heels down I think I've heard one of the riders Tom car D think about just chilling out on your sofa basically if you relax in short here was it down some people talk about the Alps a base that you're compressing the bike and then pushing it forward underneath you main problems we have of the number of riders is they try and get the front wheel up all on pull unfortunately this is a skill actually all on person so what we in that Attack Position ready position however you want to look at it I want you to think about being in nice strong position we're gonna think about dropping those heels straight arms and all I want you to think about is looking ahead and literally just get a nice balanced position pushing too hard we're just getting that front wheel up in the air keeping those straight arms and just getting in that ready position so if you look at my bum I'm literally right back behind the rear axle I'm dropping my heels and keep my arms nice and straight the main thing I want you to use one of these for is just to get the initial up keeping those heels down keeping the arm straight and that hopefully you're not on this manual machine super super good bit of kit however they lack the sort of lateral movement and that is why a lot of you that have got a manual machine might find it a lot harder when we go onto the road so let's go onto the road give it a go writing guys we've learned how to do the manual on the manual machine as I said earlier a manual machine would do a lot of the work for you because you're not having to use your core as my it's a simple up-or-down this is where it gets super hard I would highly recommend using a big open flat surface ideally if you're learning grass because what you don't want to do is loop out because it does hurt we're going to set the camera up apologize if it's not too too good because it's just me I'm a one-man band let's have a look see how we get on but hopefully you guys have learned quite a lot already so we've taken it from the manual machine to the streets man to recap I want you guys to think about getting that from wheel off the ground with no pulling whatsoever what I mean by pulling never gonna last long so don't even try it think about straight on if you've got a straight arm just telling me you doing something right next thing to think about is thinking what these heels do if our heels are dropped our front wheels should stay up where it goes wrong for a lot of people is they even drop their toe which theirs will put the weight back on the thumb or they start going flipping out this is quite high and they start bringing their chin into the bar and that's where their weights from them in place therefore the front wheel goes back down your break is your saving grace your break is going to stop you from looping out over the backs and make sure you have a good handful of that just in case on the manual machine the rope was doing all your work for you unfortunately now it's using your own little fingers to work on your brake to stop you going off the back and obviously the fact that now we've got the lateral movement as well so you can obviously move your hips move your handlebars whatever aids the balance all I would say is the faster you go the easier you should find it next step get a bit more speed and this time I just want you to think about feel drop looking ahead so you can do that technique sitting down standing up as I said before just make sure that you've pushed to get up there you haven't yanked at the bar because you find yourself asking about two seconds man yelling that is so just have a little play with that honey was a super super sick skill you know we're not necessarily looking for a manual to hold for minutes on end just to pop the front wheel up without pulling at the bars will be a massive massive help out on the trails if you think about the l-shape just thinking about kicking back pushing your feet out straight arms but as a telltale sign if you're watching each other and you go and I can't get it up never man you intend if your arms are bent it'll that's just told you that you've pulled at the bars or once you've got in the manual position just means that you're leaning forward on the bike some people go massively into too much detail if you can try that if it still doesn't work then please write in the comments and I'll try and adjust to hopefully allow it to work for you so we've learned more manual is and we've realized how valuable it is on the trails we'll have that be getting the front wheel up over a little route over a little rock whatever we're now gonna put it into practice on a much larger scale so I'd recommend if you are gonna go for this certainly to start off we've used a bit of grass therefore if you do Larry loop out at least you've got a bit more of a cushion I certainly wouldn't recommend doing it down a road however we are in isolation so it's a lot more quiet than normal let's check it much bigger scale now we get some speed there we go there's our balance point things are see I'm using my break now and again to control that movement holding it myself going left over I'm just gonna counter with my hip just saw see it the minute I'm staying down the sea I find myself going too far forward or too far back I'm gonna just push through of my heels you can move your hips you can move your bars all that good stuff do you feel see is it go slower I need to think more about the balance seems a much slower pace you have to think about the wheelie which will probably look at another day you take the limbs off all that good stuff oh you know see if we know I'm not that good right nothing hill let's see if we can do another one for ya now using the hill getting that balance point once again just stand sat in that pocket of balance as I said before if you've got the speed you'll find it lets twitch if you've got less speed that's when you start messing it up so if you want to turn just start leaning and then once again if you run out of speed that's when we're gonna have to rely for the wheeling that's where we're getting the pedals back into the bike what a cruise just definitely a quite a call workout there are always just February in that rear break I'm finding that balance point rear break bringing the front end back down I'm just using my hips balance well there we go guys the time has come it is the end of the video hopefully you learned a little something remember that bat break is your saving grace wherever it means on the manual machine or out on the streets man so if you have learnt a little something I'd really appreciate as some of you may well know a mountain bike coaching session does cost money so just to donate a small percentage to the NHS that would be really helpful hopefully everyone is staying safe out there keep it going be great if you give it a thumbs up be sick if you subscribe and until the next I'll make sure you let me know in the comments what you want to see next I'll see in a bit or your
Channel: Ben Deakin
Views: 80,274
Rating: 4.9768019 out of 5
Id: LLMmEyCNg9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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