How to Hire Your First Assistant | #TomFerryShow Episode 124

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if you're working seven days a week and you are frustrated all the time because you just simply don't have time today shows for you for over 20 years I've dedicated my life to bringing you the very best selling marketing and business building strategies to keep your business thriving get ready to experience the success you've been searching for welcome tom fairy show hey everybody welcome to tom fairy show episode 124 today I want to solve the biggest issue we hear from clients every single day which is how do I get more organized / how do I get more time well of course you saw the subject I want to I want to encourage I want to inspire I want to plead with you to finally step up your game and hire your first real estate assistant now if you're a long time friend and you've got an assistant already in place this might be a great little refresher and reminder in case it's time for you to level up and add somebody else to your team so the one question I get all the time is so tom why should I have an assistant I mean tom you to understand my clients expect me to do everything I hear that all the time I also hear Tommy understand I can't afford to get an assistant we're going to cover that as well how do I hire them how do I train them all that stuff will be covered very quickly but let's look at why let me ask you a question do you want to grow your revenue can you be doing you know 10 or $12 an hour work and also do all the things you need to do to build your business to follow your plan to prospect do Leefolt go on appointments negotiate contracts follow your marketing campaign you and I both know when it gets busy the stuff we always drop is the revenue creation stuff because I got it as a showing and I got to do the walkthrough and I got it and I got it and I got it this is what I hear all the time and then we stop doing the things that make us money which is why so many people today in the real estate business go like this I'm poor and desperate I make money I'm poor and desperate I make money I make poor and desperate and the year ends I want you to make money money money money money so why do you hire an assistant to grow revenue to leverage your time to make sure that you are doing the highest and best use of your time meaning the clients going on appointments following up on leads you with me on this you do that all the time you're going to make a fortune and then there's an old line and I don't this is not my line I'm not being rude eeeh but there's no line that says because if you don't have an assistant you are an assistant and you have to ask yourself did you get into the real estate business to do paperwork did you in the real estate business to be walk-throughs no the reality is you've got in this business to sell homes and the reason you want to hire that first assistant is you can spend your time doing just that so I wrote down a bunch of questions what could it assistant do for you where do you find them what's the compensation plan some interviewing tips and a last little point to make sure you really get it and I'm going to give you a little mind map which we've linking up on tom ferry comm so you can see everything that they can do for you but let's go high level first what can it assistant do for you which means you're no longer doing it number one they can track your business so they can track everything from how many leads how many appointments how many sales you know what's your GCI they can track everything you want so you are empowered by the data of your business to make good decisions look if you're like me and you're not super organized someone's got to do this so we make good decisions not hey do you want to do this I roll the dice we don't want to do that that's not how you grow and build a repeatable and scalable business number two I wrote down they can organize your database what if they just did that what did they went through and found Larry three 105 to 7 and said who is Larry with no last name and you actually empower them to go in and append your entire database and then work with you to figure out who are the past clients for the people in your sphere who are your old buyer leads who are people you met at open houses and who are people you have no idea who they are think about just those two projects being done how much more organized your business will be obviously they can manage your marketing plan so they can deal with you know the printer they can handle your Facebook as they can do all the things that you know you shouldn't be doing and you might say but Tom I can do it better I know you can do it better but your job is to get appointments and go on appointments and serve clients and negotiate not sit in front of your computer trying to figure out what photo on what headline you want to delegate and empower that to somebody else and let them do the let them be the expert versus you trying to be the jack of many obviously they can open your escrow in your pending sales they can launch your listings meet with the videographer meet with the photo team take care of everything in terms of the marketing in the brochures and everything you do to launch a listing let's have them doing that so you can go get more listings they can coordinate with your vendor partners they can schedule your showing so they can organize your open houses they can put out your science they can do all the things that you want done so you can be with your family that morning and then go to your open house and be highly productive they can manage your business expenses boy that's a good idea what if every month they said here's the PNL here's our escrows or here's our pending sales here's how much revenue we have coming in here's our fixed cost here's our variable cost and this is your profitability I mean how insanely great would that be for you you know what's going to happen for some of us you're looked at ago I'm not making any money which means you're going to get really focused on growing revenue and not doing all this stuff obviously managing your expenses how about handling your calls and emails in a prompt fashion ready while you're on appointments or taking the day off so you can actually ah breathe and know that everything is biggie taken care of then that sound great and then of course keeping you on track you know if your assistant just walked by you he or she and said hey get on the phone get another appointment hey here's a league need to follow up on hey here's a call that just came in calling it an appointment if you empower that person to really help you grow your business you're gonna win so I'm going to give you this entire mind map of everything they can do in detail for you and you know dependent upon what state or you know what Providence you're in that there is lots of additional training for assistance today that it's free you can get it here on YouTube and probably right at your board of Realtors so getting them trained is the easy part identifying all the things that you do today that you shouldn't be doing and having somebody else do it that's where the growth begins now where do you find them obviously job sites indeed LinkedIn monster finding them is the easy part right posting the ad and saying this is what I'm looking for highly organized who can Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing right super easy you're gonna find people you can get referrals asking your broker manager asking your lender partner your title rep if you're you know the Texas left states in the u.s. you know the escrow offers the transaction coordinators hey I'm looking for somebody to help me take my this is the next level I'm looking for someone who's not like me an artist I'm looking for something that is organized who do you know who do you know who do you know and then of course I love when our clients post on their Facebook page hey my business is growing and we're expanding our support team who do you know that's highly organized you know computer efficient yada yada yada yada right please send me a private message and you know what people that have done this first of all there's two benefits their clients see that your business is getting bigger and better and more successful and you're focusing on always service and you get some private messages from people that know you like you and trust you and say you should talk to Jillian right or hey you know my buddy Richards looking for a job and guess what you get some of those great referrals as well so two benefits they're finding them that's the easy part let's talk compensation ready if you google in your marketplace you know what does a real estate assistant earn today you're going to see lots of ranges I'm going to give you just a very simple formula one you want to give them a small base salary with ready dollars per closing so as we grow you make more money right now the key of course is to balance out and make sure that your assistant is in a place where financially your number of closings every month is making them the money that they want you can't put that person in a position where if you were lazy and you weren't following up and you weren't doing your work that they pay the price financially so it's the balance between a nice base pay low enough that you know you're not you know you're not killing yourself but also high enough that if you have a month that goes by with no closings they're not going to die does that make sense and then you pay them bonuses based upon every closing that you get don't pay him on new listings don't pay him on appointments only pay them on revenue coming in make sense now some interviewing tips probably to me a show you're going to want to watch two or three times you need to download this from tom ferry comm because you can see all this stuff because when you look at this year to go oh my goodness that's all the stuff that I have to do what am I going to do if someone else is doing all that find more business to give them is usually the answer my friend that's the answer so let's go back to interviewing tips just a few things to consider number one you know whether it's in deed or monster or any one of these referrals always asking them to email your resume and then call a specific number and leave a specific voicemail now what I'm looking for is are they email proficient do they actually read it says you know email the resume call this number leave this specific voicemail I want to listen to how do they sound on the voicemail but the real key is I want to see are they paying attention to the details are they doing exactly what I asked them to do if they have any variance here right if they if they mix up the process guess what I'm not even going to interview them this is a way to to make sure are they as organized as you want them to be and you and I both know you can't have somebody looking at your contracts following up on your business paying attention to the details if they're not detail-oriented and then of course I want to give them a detailed assignment for example hey thank you very much we talked to you of the phone we got your voice mail we saw your resume here's the next step we'd like you to grab your phone record a video and tell us the three things that make you a great assistant tell us two things that you know two reasons why you want to get into the business and then you give them the assignment now you see can they grab a phone shoot a video of themselves are they comfortable right and can they follow the detailed assignments again another way to ensure you're hiring the right person not someone that's just excited about getting into real estate who'd love to learn from you and how you're so successful this is so great I mean have so much fun and we could be friends and it's going to be exciting you don't want that you want something that's organized you with me on this you want to find yin and yang right if you hire someone just like yourself one of you isn't necessary you would be on this now I love this one have another agent in your office have them interview them have your broker manager interview the person have your title rep or your lender all of the key people inside your business have all these outside people interview these people for you 15-20 minutes right are they likable do they understand the job can they pay attention to details right they're asking some background questions you're asking background questions and you know what remember all these people inside the office are gonna be working with this person as well so you want to make sure that your internal support team right your team your broker manager right your tie to rep all the people that are part of your business but they like this person and trust this person and want this person and see that this person can help you take your business to the next level and then I wrote down arguably the most important thing hire the job not the person hire the job not the person here's the job here's all the things you got to do I don't like to do those things but I can find all these other things to do and I really like social media and I can do all your social media stuff whoa hire the job not the person that's been one that agents around the world anybody in a managing hiring role has dealt with this one before don't get wowed by the person who walks in and they're all excited you want the person that could do the job find the person that could do the job I'll take a little less personality and a lot more organization for this role freeing you up to do all those things now the last thing I wrote down is don't blame resources because I have probably some of you and you know stop watching this you know there's going to be people that stop turn this off and said ho-hum you guys understand I don't have the money I'm just getting started look brand new agents experienced veterans and everybody in between a lot of people blame resources on another money why do you not have the money when you don't have the money because when you have a deal you do all this stuff and you forget to do all the money-making activities so instead of maybe hiring somebody full-time be resourceful get somebody one day a week right find a friend who can come in who's super organized and bang out a few of these projects so your business becomes more efficient short term it's no different from me calling my little sister who's like the closet Queen and saying hey I just moved can you come help me with my closet like I'll give you a glass of wine like well I'll make you dinner right you can barter with your friends to do some of these projects to get things going be resourceful do whatever it takes because the worst-case scenario my friends is to watch this is 1:24 can you imagine watching episode 200 and you're still in the same place still doing the same highs and lows and maybe you know your your highs will be higher and your lows will be less but you're still going to always be doing this until you find that stable force inside your business that has you only doing the highest and best use of your time so do me a favor share this video with a few friends share it with the people that you respect and admire the most I know a lot of clients by the way that have taken this thought and said hey the four of us let's hire somebody together right and let's share the cost because we're all you know we're all you know making less than $60,000 a year gross or eighty thousand or a hundred thousand or whatever the number is and we're just not comfortable financially making that commitment grab two or three your buddies inside the office and share the expenses and share the cost and guess what I've seen lots of people do that and then eventually one person rises up and usually takes that person with them or they go find their own the bottom line is this you've heard me say a million times do the thing have the power do the thing have the power do not the thing have not the power if you want the power you know exactly what you have to do set a goal by when will you have your first part-time or full-time or virtual assistant I don't care so you're going to free yourself up to go out and have the business in life that you love thank you so much for watching I can't wait to read the comments share this video with a few friends and I look forward to talking you soon take care hey thanks so much for watching we have a number of events coming up and we'd love to have you there visit tom ferry com forward slash events and reserve your spot today [Music]
Channel: Tom Ferry
Views: 39,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom ferry, real estate, real estate coaching, real estate training, real estate school, real estate marketing, business, entrepreneur, #tomferryshow, assistant, hire an assistant, how to, tutorial, video, learn real estate, leverage time, virtual assistant, office assistant, administrative assistant, real estate success, build a team, hiring, hire, real estate agent, team building, sales team, save time, save money, team member, first, manager, management, leadership, time management
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2017
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