ADVANCED White Mage Guide [Final Fantasy 14]

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salutations White Mage is best known as Final Fantasy 14's simple healer while it's totally true that it's the most linear and straightforward there are nonetheless some Advanced nuances with its optimization in more difficult content such as x-trials Savages and ultimates my aim here is to organize some of those things into one hopefully easy to understand video and encourage novice white Mages to both think more deeply about their job and hopefully start tackling some of the fun end game fights 14 has to offer now I myself am not the world's best player by any measure but I play a lot of endgame White Mage and do serviceably alright I don't want to bog down our Pace by explaining every minor game concept that comes up so here's a glossary of important Universal terms you can refer back to at any time now first it's good to understand white mage's role amongst the other healers does not have the busiest hit the biggest mitt or the most raid utility but it has high personal damage strong burst healing and an excellent tool set to learn end game healing on very few of its abilities require setup or four knowledge of a fight this wealth of recovery options can salvage mistakes at the drop of a hat next let's get this out of the way in any Final Fantasy 14 instance be it a level 16 cistachio run or the latest ultimate every single person is expected to deal damage this includes healers whose damage or lack thereof can very feasibly cause the slight difference between a clear or a failed DPS check so when it comes to optimizing White Mage we also have to discuss damage unfortunately it's pretty simple in an optimal environment an overwhelming majority of your gcds will be glare with your dot Dia at near 100 uptime if nothing else is going on you should be machine gun and glares as a default task no exceptions at the most basic level it could be said the Healer damage goes up as healer healing goes down healing damage as a White Mage may not be mechanically difficult but if you want to unlock the job's maximal potential you need to really master your tools so people aren't dying while you spam glares to it White Mage has two main healing ecosystems that need to be understood in their entirety if you want to find success the first and most important are the Lily heels lilies are the backbone of white mage's identity you have the single Target Solas and the raid wide Rapture and they are your top shelf S rank yields to understand why let's look in depth at the almighty blood lily and misery every time you use Solas or Rapture they feed the Lily and at Three Stacks you can use misery at a superficial level this hard-hitting 1240 potency nuke attack is equal to the four glares you gave up in opportunity cost by spending those four gcds on the Lily heels and misery itself however while the raw potencies may be equal you are actually gaining some benefits over casting four plane players for one neither the Lily heels nor Rapture itself cost any Mana calculating just the cost of four glares and not any of the more expensive healing options you might have used for the party's Health instead you're saving a minimum of 1600 MP with the Lily combo this is part of what gives White Mage its strong Mana economy somewhat unintuitively there are also potential damage gains yes gains 1240 in this case does not equal 1240. thanks to the almighty two minute damage meta and our Lord and savior are in Jesus first of all what's more likely four individual casts each critting or one congratulations you passed second grade it's one if you're a misery crit it's like having four individual glare script for the price of one and you know where this is even more common inside raid Buffs or things like dragoons battle it any further boost your chances of cashing out on the Lilly Lottery and speaking of raid buff still here's the other benefit if you've prepped your blood lily by using your inflatus heels outside of raid Buffs that is while all of them were still on cooldown then unleash the Lily inside of them you have essentially teleported your three missed glares into raid Buffs on top of the MP efficiency and crit Lux Shenanigans this is a strong incentive to avoid overcapping your Lilly Gauge by spending all three every minute and having a blood lily prepped every 60 seconds if you're sitting on two stacks and your third is about to tick toss out a lily heel and then use the free gcd window to weave other spells and or reposition for a mechanic in this sense the Lily heels are also movement tools just be sure not to waste lilies when you're not capped if healing will soon be needed and avoid dumping lilies into an already nourished blood lily as that's just a complete waste moving on our second ecosystem is your plain old gcd heels this is actually a little less straightforward than the Lily stuff and there's some pretty Noob trappy options here too our first major offender is qr1 this spell has been justifiably memed to death but if you've missed the memo don't use it its additional effect is terrible because MP probably isn't your top concern anyway if it's come down to hard casting cures its heel value is also atrocious a crit cure one offers about the same healing as a normal cure too which is itself a last resort over stronger options like Solas Tetra or even Benny tour 1 is the runner-up to the runner-up it just isn't an efficient keep rest and should virtually never be touched in modern content our next few spells are the actually important ones here and there's a bit more to them the raid wides sit down some numbers are coming your way medical one is in a weird place it costs 900 MP for a 400 potency cure with a 15 yam range it competes in this slot with qr3 a pricier 1500 MP 600 potency heel with a shorter 10 yawn range in many scenarios they both lose to Medica too which if rather unrealistically it is allowed to tick for its full duration without overhealing will be an initial 250 potency heal with a whopping 5 ticks of 150 on top equaling 1 000 total potency however with merely two ticks it's past Medica 1 and matched Q3 with less MP invested and greater range in order Rapture and then Medica 2 are your priority heals while Q3 and Medica 1 are far more situational medical one is usually only used when qr3's smaller range will pose a problem one more quick Advantage with cure 3 however is that while both medicas and Rapture cast out directly from your character your three can technically be cast on a different Target and that has quite a decent range to it if a mechanic has separated you from the party and they need healing targeting one of them with Q3 offers a kind of unique solution long term though you should be looking to cut as many non-lilly heels as you can since every heel expended is lost potential in terms of damage as we discussed Lily's refund with interest your invested gcds non-lilly heels do not you may not be able to prune every single one of them especially on more difficult fights with high instances of raid damage but look to cut wastefulness wherever you can I also heavily recommend starting with too many heels and scaling back as your group gets more comfortable rather than greeting right from the start you want to be progging mechanics when you're fresh to a fight not heel checks but if the damage is the same how am I going to cut non-lilly heels what a suspiciously convenient question now we can segue to the next part of this video understanding mitigation just like everyone is expected to deal damage in 14 everyone is expected to contribute to Mid too even selfish DPS jobs like BLM or Sam and yes of course White Mage despite being a so-called pure healer we do have some pretty substantial ogcd tools that allow us to reduce incoming damage and or improve our other heels managing these resources is how you can comfortably compress the party's damage and make the healing manageable however many of them are rather more complicated than meets the eye so let's address those we'll start with the big dog Temperance a job defining backbone tool temp or wings as it sometimes calls offers The Best of Both Worlds party mitigation and a healing boost so long as someone is within 30 ohms of you they'll receive a 10 damage reduction if someone is outside of this range when you cast it and then moves within it they'll gain the effect likewise if they were in it walk out they lose it simple less simple is this Troublesome wording let's compare it to another very good White Mage tool Asylum a ground-placed dome that offers a renew to everyone inside it and increases HP Recovery via healing actions similar effect different wording why because Unfortunately they do different things the effect on Temperance only affects your gcd heels it will make things like your lilies and your gcd raid wides say cure 3 ill for more but not an ogc D like Tetra the effect on Asylum however affects almost everything including other people's ogcds too if say a warrior used their equilibrium while standing in your Asylum it would be buffed in most cases your co-healer will be the one who most takes advantage of this as all their normal heels will of course benefit from asylum's effect too now looping back to the damage reduction part of temp we have to cover another very important but perhaps not totally obvious defensive interaction snapshotting just before a boss's attack finishes the server takes a picture of your party's active mitigations and calculates the proper amount of damage your party is taking many bosses in N Walker deal raid wide damage then follow it up with a bleed effect in fact almost every tank Buster in abyssos has a follow-up bleed if you're slow on the draw and apply your mitigation like wings after these bleeds are applied the boss will essentially tell you to go yourself if your mitigation is not applied before the bleed it will never be simple as that this is important for wings but it's really important for aquavale an outstanding tool that used poorly will feel useless but used well will be a nice part of your kit you see while the snapshot system can screw you over it can also be exploited for gained for example if you aquaval a Target that's about to take a 12 second bleed then even though Vale itself only lasts 8 seconds you will MIT the whole 12 seconds of that bleed this last one is not mid as such but it's a powerful spell that needs to be understood Liturgy of the Bell it's important to read closely here and understand that for the healing stacks on the belt of proc you have to take damage don't throw this down when you personally aren't going to take any hits otherwise it'll just be a very pretty a very useless flower okay our final section is as promised a rather large and rather broad collection of best practices and guidelines for our kit that I've tried to organize into rough categories to start with damage holy is a gain on three plus targets if you're above level 72 and have glare but it's a gain on two plus targets if you're below that and have stone instead second a size is not really a healing tool it's a damage and MP tool and one of our best you should use it off cooldown in 99 of cases the one percent being reserved for individual fight optimizations totally outside the scope of this video third presence of mind is our personal two minute damage buff and should be used within every raid buff window because it reduces our recast time or gcd it's a damaged steroid and should be used to machine gun as many glares as possible lastly it's never worth it to refresh your dot early just to get it under raid Buffs math simply doesn't work out you should shoot to refresh Dia when it has one or two seconds left in its duration and try not to let it fall off too often it's a significant portion of our damage now for healing Tetra is a great tool if someone takes unexpected damage but it can also be used to just spot heal the tanks as needed next do not sleep on plenary Indulgence this is a major part of our healing Effectiveness as it's basically a steroid for our most important tools you press it first giving everybody the confession Buff when you then use any of your AOE gcd heels including importantly rapture confession procs a bonus 200 potency heal on top making Rapture a 600 potency nuke note that confession is not consumed by this and will proc every time you cast into it for the 10 seconds that it's up which in effect gives you about three procs technically four if you can also slip in a non-lilly gcd heel moving on Divine venison should be thrown onto tanks who are either about to take a tank Buster or otherwise get smacked around by the boss note that there is a pretty considerable delay in the shield actually coming out so you will want to be slightly predictive if you've ever showed out when the boss is mid-swing you're too late and to conclude the healing bits and addiction it can just be held for reactive saves like topping someone who's about to die or who has just been rest but importantly it can also be used in a more structured Sense on Warriors gun Breakers and Dark Knights who have used their involence as all three come with some sort of low Health interaction it used to be far more important for Dark Knights but the reworked Living Dead changed that now for Mana management lucid dreaming is critical to her MP economy especially on higher spell speed builds so long as you're at or around 8000 MP when you pop it you won't overcap if you just continue to cast finally do not waste thin air despite us having two stacks it should be reserved for pricey spells like cure 3 or especially rays because deaths can happen suddenly especially during Prague you should always aim to have at least one Thin Air available I encourage any and all aspiring or intermediate White Mage watching this to try their hand at endgame content you do not need 7 close friends to enjoy yourself I'm not the most social person but I've joined total stranger Statics for both this past rate here and currently another group for an ultimate thanks to recruiting discords like ff14 recruiter it is very easy to find and play with like-minded people at the end of the day it's all just fun you don't have to be the best in the world but the info here will certainly make you better enjoy the game and if you don't subscribe I will rescue you off the arena
Channel: specstre
Views: 52,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy xiv, final fantasy 14, ffxiv, ff14, ffxiv endwalker, ffxiv guide, square enix, ffxiv new player, ffxiv specstre, ffxiv savage, ffxiv savage guide, ffxiv savage white mage, ffxiv white mage guide, ffxiv white mage, ffxiv advanced white mage, ffxiv savage whm, ffxiv savage healer, ffxiv savage healing, ffxiv healing guide, ffxiv healer damage, final fantasy xiv online, ffxiv savage healer pov, ffxiv savage healer damage, ffxiv savage raid guide
Id: ky4H30Wz9tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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