How to have a Custom Rich Discord Presence

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today i'm going to show you how to make your discord status a little more advanced other than just the plain old text and also this is a better alternative than the animated discord status because the animated discord status can get you banned whereas this one has an almost impossible chance of getting you banned so to start off you need to go to the first link in the description and get better discord so to do that you know paste the link and go into there and scroll down and you will see downloads down here click on windows 7 if you're on windows 7 mac os all that other stuff just click on that bad boy once it downloads you'll need to open it up once you open up you'll see this license agreement now it's basically just telling you that you know it's against terms of service and don't do illegal stuff blah blah blah install better discord now i'm going to install it to my normal discord click install and it should go through all this you know fancy dancy stuff and it should restart your discord now when discord restarts and once it opens up for me it opened up minimized you should see better discord if you don't see this there might be an issue with your install and the way to double check that is to just go into your settings i'm going to full screen this if you scroll down and if you don't see this better discord section here then your better discord did not install correctly which is unfortunate but if you need any help feel free to go on my discord link will be in the description and go to the help channel and i will help you out alrighty now once you verify that you have the better discord settings on discord you need to open the plugins folder now we need to download two very important plugins the first one will be this one called auto start rich presence now how do we download it all we need to do is go to the link in the description obviously click on the autostartrichpresence.js file right click on raw and click save link as and press save now make sure there's no duplicates like make sure this is your first time installing it because if there are any duplicates you might have an issue with the plugin now you need to go to the third link in the description and you will see this one called bd plugin library you need to scroll down and click download it will do all this fancy cloud fair downloading stuff and it will say oh this can harm your computer do you want to keep this file press keep it can harm your computer because it's a javascript file but it's not going to now once that's done all you need to do is close chrome and open the plugins folder on better discord which is i guess it's still discord but open your plugins folder you'll see that file explorer starts to blink click on that and now you will see this empty folder you need to navigate to your downloads i right click and open it in a new window and i drag it over to the left and have the plugins on the right all you need to do is just move both of these over so i did that by pressing ctrl clicking both of them and dragging them over and once that's done if i minimize everything you see that well they popped up in discord automatically it's the power of better discord baby all you need to do is enable zary's plugin library and enable auto start rich presence now i need to make sure that there are no settings in here there are mind you there are my settings on there but i will just quickly wipe them out but basically when you open it up it should be empty and that's because you actually have to configure all the stuff but how do you configure it well you need to go to the fourth link in the description i just have this really easy for you guys by the way and you will see this now i already have applications but we're going to create a new one so to start off make a new application and this is the name of the software that discord thinks you're playing so if i go to my discord right now it says i am playing subscribe exclamation mark so if i call this subscribe exclamation mark like i did before that will show up right there so maybe you want to change it to something else like i don't know playing uh you know the hub or literally anything just change it to whatever but that's what will show up here you can change it just by adding a status by the way so if i set a custom status and just do a whole bunch of letters and i press save it'll overwrite it so that's completely fine you could do that and just have it permanently as your status saying like doing something but anywho basically this name here is going to be what shows up here at the bolded thing and if you don't have a status it'll show up right there after playing so i'm going to keep it as subscribe and press create i'm going to maximize this window to make it easier so things you want to look forward look at sorry not look forward to i guess you could look forward to your beautiful status but this application id press copy you need that make sure to press copy now go to rich presence and you will see art assets now you need to add images that you want if i go back to my status real quick you see that i have two images i have my logo and then i have a picture of matlab for some odd reason but anywho uh you could do this yourself and how do you do that well you need to upload both of the images so add images and i'm going to add my logo and oh hold on your minimum size is 512 by 512 so make sure you follow the constraints of the files so i'm going to delete that add image i'm going to do resize logo and i'm going to add the matlab logo and i'm going to make it so there's no underscore there it's completely fine it's just because i have it set up another way but anywho press save changes now here is the little bit of the pane in the rear basically if you refresh your pictures disappear and that's because discord needs to process each one of your images and just make sure they're not like you know anything crazy or anything so i am prepared or maybe i just messed up twice and i'm going to go to my already uploaded application so i open it up and i go to rich presence and you see i have my matlab logo and my resize logo so now i need to first off i'm going to add a cover image so select image add your resized logo and once again it might take a little bit to update but it really this part really doesn't matter to be completely honest i just add it because it's easier for me to memorize exactly what i'm doing for each one of these rich presences so next up open up visualizer and you see all of these configuration things that you can mess around with so to start off it says playing a game subscribe so that's the name of the application then it says competitive playing solo 105 and the time left so how do you modify all these well to the left you see it says state playing solo so if you change playing solo to something it will update automatically so i'm going to do having fun wow look it already autofills for me and you see that it dynamically updates so feel free to configure all this to whatever you want please subscribe and just yeah literally it's just change it to whatever but the main important things that you need to do is this large image key you need to select it and select your logo that you want so you could have your you know your actual logo or you could mess up and put the matlab one in so just make sure to select your image that you want and if you are going to have a second image which i really don't think a second image looks good but i'm going to show you anyways just click on this and add your second image wrong one and you will see that now it shows up here now you can make it so that if you hover over the image it'll say something it starts off default saying numbani just change it to literally anything yeah so literally anything i set it for that one and then for the small one you could change it to like something and i can barely type but anywho once you hover over it you'll see that it says literally anything hover over this it'll say something and there's party id now honestly just ignore this and there's this party size thing just whoop just delete it and you won't have to deal with it but you could have it like something funny like oh goodness watch this 4 out of 20. oh he's hilarious anywho you could do that if you want or you could just delete it and make it look nice and clean now this time that it says you know time left or whatever you can actually remove this surprisingly and i will show you how to do that later but anywho once you have it configured exactly how you want it drag it to the left go back into your discord settings go to your plugins and press on the settings menu for auto start rich presence and once you open it up you need to copy and paste all of these things over but remember when i told you to copy that one thing at the very start you now need to paste it in now i am a little concerned whether or not i got the correct application and let's say you forgot uh to copy it just go back to general information copy it paste it oh it was a different one see that would have been oh very it's disappointing and very sad go to visualizer and now you copy over everything so this says details this says details copy that over this says state that says date copy it over large image key you can't copy it over you have to type it out so resize logo and large image text you could just copy that over and then small image small image key goodness matlab logo and then small image text copy paste now that start time thing i was talking about you can enable it if you want or you could disable it i like it disabled now this is the best part of this whole entire thing you could actually have buttons that people can click to do certain things so for example who would have thought i was going to do this subscribe exclamation mark and the url i'm gonna set it as is surprisingly my youtube sub url now you can have two buttons i'm gonna say test button and if you try doing something like www dot uh like uh or whatever that might not work you need to include the https so just make sure it's in the format that it's supposed to be now once that's done click done now make sure there's one more setting you have to make sure you enable you have to go to game settings and game activity and you need to enable it if you don't have this enabled nothing will work and you'll be extremely frustrated like i was for about three minutes until i realized i was extremely dumb so once you're done that close off escape and you say playing subscribe it says please subscribe to me channel wait hold on this isn't the correct one and it's not the correct one because sometimes you might have some overlay so if you're changing it you might still see the old one just press ctrl r discord will reload and it will load everything you'll see the series plug and change log just press x on it and oh playing subscribe drum roll the two buttons subscribe please subscribe having fun now if i press on the subscribe button wait nothing happened well believe it or not it's just bugged for some odd reason if you try pressing subscribe on this nothing will happen for you but for anyone who is unfortunate enough to press your button so this is on my alt account i press my status and i press subscribe and oh hold up it's going to take me to the link and you press yes and kaboom now i can say whether or not i want to subscribe now i would but i don't have a youtube account and that's how you have a rich discord present status that is customized to however you want that is way better than these animated statuses and one last thing if you've decided that you don't want a rich discord presence status thing you do anymore just go to user settings go down to your plugins and turn off the auto start rich presence press escape you see it disappeared now if you don't want better discord anymore all you need to do is go back to your downloads open up the better discord installer it takes a little bit to start just give it some time big vehicle went right by zoomer man all you need to do is just click uninstall better discord and click on the version that you installed it to click uninstall once it uninstalls and you open up discord you might click user settings and you might still have better discord and that's because you might need to actually restart your discord real quick so the easiest way i found of doing it is just ctrl shift escape to open up task manager make sure discord is open then click on discord click end task then open up discord again it'll restart and hopefully get rid of all that nasty better discord stuff you know assuming you probably think it's nasty because you're uninstalling it and once you want to install it and press the settings you will see better discord is now officially gone in any case hope you have fun if you have any really really really cool statuses feel free to join the server and i don't know let me know because i want to see it that was like way too gangster for me i'm kind of like a loser anywho goodbye
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 442,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: custom discord rich presence 2021, custom discord rich presence with buttons, discord rich presence custom image, custom RPC discord, discord rich presence app, discord rich presence status, discord rich presence anime, discord rich presence button, discord rich presence bot, discord rich presence betterdiscord, discord rich presence custom 2021, discord rich presence how to, how to set custom playing status on discord, discord rich presence, rich presence
Id: Vx2HAZu1ipw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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