How to Handle Negative Beard Comments

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all right guys the day is ticking away and i want to make a video real quick before it gets too dark i want to talk to you about the comments that people make to you about your beard both good and bad positive and negative it's a discussion that we need to have because if you're starting off your beer journey and you have this preconceived notion that everyone's everyone's going to think that your beard is as cool as you do you'd be wrong about that but there are very nice comments that are made by people both men and women and there are also very negative ones now i will say that men by and large do not make negative comments okay because men know that unless you're a real close friend you can't get away with just being mean to other men you just can't do it right uh you know you're going to end up in a fight and men just typically don't want to fight other people unless they have to it's like you don't want to fight unless you're trying to save your own life or the life of someone else or you know and you don't want to be cast in a bad light so you just don't go running your mouth all willy-nilly right um but when a man is mean when a man has negative remarks to make about your beard it's usually going to be online it's going to be in the comments section of videos and all all the bearded youtubers have experienced this and what i've seen mostly is uh you're just growing your beard out because you think it makes you more manly it's usually more laden with uh with a different vocabulary than that which i i don't really want to repeat but this is what they'll say my retort to this is well being you know growing a beard is just a natural consequence of being a man it's not the other way around we don't try to be men by growing a beard it's just a natural consequence of being a man so what's your excuse what's your excuse that's really all there is to it i mean he's just taking off why is he just taking off what god naturally gave him all the time it's his choice i really don't care clean shaven faces are nice too but why why would we harp on anybody about that why would should we think that men are trying to be more ladylike because they're shaving their faces some people would say yes but i think that's wrong too and we shouldn't be making those remarks however let's talk about women because this is working really smart for a guy and there was a time in the early days of beard growth it bothered me if a woman felt free to say something negative about my beard because i was a little taken aback initially i don't care anymore i laugh it off i do i really i literally laugh it off because i know how to think of it now but in the early days of growing my beard i was really taken aback because i was like oh gosh i guess they don't i guess women don't really like beards as much as i thought and i can't believe they're talking to me like this because i couldn't talk to them like that i just it was there's a whole lot of uh mixed thoughts and feelings about it and i didn't know how to take it but after a while i did but so here i am offering you guys for a warning that not all women will like your beards and trust me they will let you know they don't mind they feel very comfortable in fact and i guess that's i guess that's what's so disconcerting about disconcerting about the whole thing is that they feel comfortable with doing it like it's just old hat right they i guess i've talked to my wife about this before and i think it's because women are typically mean to other women they're very critical to other women and maybe it's just a natural thing they do even with men i i i know that wives feel comfortable doing it they're husbands and maybe to some degree that's okay but why would strange women women you don't know feel very free to tell you what they think about your beard if they don't like it i don't know i don't know but here are some of the things that i have heard over time and in some cases in a few cases here i'll tell you how i respond so here you go well they'll just tell you that in general they don't like beards well that's okay because we can't like everything and men certainly don't like everything about every woman some men prefer petite women some men prefer larger women some men prefer long hair short hair some with no makeup some with a lot of makeup it just really depends so it's okay to not like beers but why would they just come out and i i'm serious when i say that women for absolutely no reason whatsoever for no reason we'll just turn around and say i really don't like beards you know i was at the dmv one time and i was about to get my picture taken the lady there she goes she she looked at my picture goes i don't like beards you should shave that off just out of the blue i wasn't having a conversation with her about it she just blurted it right out first of all why would i care what you think and i have no stake in any kind of relationship with you so i don't say all that so i'm just kind of like okay that's a little odd here's here's the thing when someone says when someone when a woman will feel free to just make comments about you like that be thankful be thankful just be thankful that she's not your mother your wife or your girlfriend you know because that's if she if she can do that to a stranger imagine what she does the people that she claims she loves okay uh moving forward she might not say i don't like beer she might say i don't like big beards like a lot of women would consider this a big beard and i guess maybe uh so they said it's just too much well too much in contrast to what or for what what they mean for them well that's okay that's okay too but uh is that meant to try to get me to trim it down and here's the thing a lot of you guys are are are gonna feel swayed to make a move with your beard you're gonna you're gonna feel swayed to trim it one way or another if a woman tells you i don't like your beard like that whether it's big or whether it's a shape and you might feel compelled to go home and do something different with it because i know i have felt this way before myself what i want to say to you is don't do that wait it out because here's the thing if you knew that that person more personally you wouldn't even care and uh then you when you after you get done trimming it or shaving it off you'll look back at pictures and think to yourself i really didn't look that bad i really like that beard and i miss it now okay so don't make a move don't don't make any sudden moves or they might say i don't like your beard they make it more personal much more personal they don't know you i just don't understand why any woman would do that because we we couldn't do that to a woman could we i don't like your hair i don't like your blouse or your skirt or your outfit and they would take it very personal now if you told women how if you if you spoke to a woman about this conversation that we're having right now about beards they would say you're too sensitive well no it's just making a a common sense observation that that uh people who don't know each other don't really have a right to just say everything they think you know without any regard for someone else's feelings now you as men don't let your feelings be hurt okay be tougher than that because uh and and i don't want anybody making negative comments about other men who've taken things personally down in my comment section okay because uh if something's happening to you for the first time you're just simply gonna be shocked and uh so just understand it's going to happen it's okay that it happens and uh be thankful that these women have let you know what kind of person they are and be thankful it's not your mother or yours or your or your wife or your girlfriend okay so then i've heard i've heard women on numerous occasions tell me look right at me and say this because of me i could never kiss a man with a beard you know what i say that means it's working thank you very much that means it's working you know another thing you could say you know actually this is something you could do this is at the point where you clasp your fingers together interlock them like this okay grasp your hands together you look upwards and you say thank you jesus and then you press your lips to your fingers like this you close your eyes and you assume the humble prayerful posture of a praying man being thankful to the good lord above and they'll get the message very clearly just thank you jesus see they'll get it you know another thing you could do too is when a woman is saying this be very kind about it every once in a while while you're making eye contact with her actually saying this just let your eyes float to the top to her hairline and back down do that a couple times make sure she sees you doing that and then she'll be like what what oh oh nothing nothing nothing i just no nothing but keep doing it just let your eyes float but let her catch your eyes floating back and forth through her hairline and then when she insists on knowing what you're doing just you just go you know what no it's the hair it's the hair it's just not right it's just not right i love doing this i love doing this people because it really knocks them off their pins give it a give it a try okay so i and so when i was at glory day's day and this is the next thing they say when i was glory days today this woman told me she i i our server she took her order she brought back the margarita and my wife sangria uh to the table she sat down the table and she says she asked me she goes look directly at me and she goes would you like me to take a picture of you with your drink no no i don't i don't do that i don't i don't do selfies with drinks and food and stuff like that and she goes would you like me to take a picture of you and your wife together i'm like and i was just joking and i go i go no that's okay because she'll just cut me out of the picture later on anyway and she goes you know what she said she goes well i can see why with that beard and everything oh okay let's okay that's kind of funny and and then she made another comment by going oh i guess you really don't like beard she goes do you know how dirty beards are i can never be with a man with a beard because beards have so many germs so much bacteria in them i go do you really think so why do you think that well you know look it up google it you know i go why would a man's beard be any dirtier than the hair on a woman's head and my wife kind of piped up and she said and not attacking me but she was just kind of offering a suggestion she goes well maybe because food comes in contact with the beer and i go well but that's that's assuming that we don't take care of our beard that we don't clean ourselves but we do i said maybe not all men do but the men i know men like you men like me um we put nice products in our beer we style our beards we take very good care of our beards we take a lot of pride in it i said so if you knew as much about beards as i do you probably wouldn't be saying that no no they're dirty they're they're just dirty that's really odd that's really odd that uh so now she was kind of joking about it but i know she meant what she said and i was a little surprised that she felt that comfortable in a serving position doing that i wouldn't have done that i know how to take it i joked around with her about it at the end of the at the end of our meal when i when i uh signed the check and everything i put a little note down there and says i thank you for your service and the two squirrels that live in my beard do likewise so anyway that's that's how i handled that the other thing that women will say is you need to shave that off why for who what would it do i don't i just um i i just here's the thing the reason why i'm saying this is because like i said before you may feel compelled to go home and do just that don't do it guys don't do it because here's the reason why i've said that these women will say negative things but there's a lot of women out there that really like beards and the women that like them like them a lot and if a woman tells you and you will get this if a woman tells you i really like your beard you'll notice she looks at it not once not twice but three or four times and it's a real turn on for her whether she just appreciates it aesthetically or just turns her on okay i've had one time i've had a woman come up to me and ask me if she could smell my beard another place i was in the store this woman tells she comes this woman that worked at the store told me she goes that beard right there is everything okay and then uh there's another woman that right in front of my wife the other day she she she told i guess she was talking to me but i didn't hear her because it was busy in the store and she says i really really like your beard so guys women will respond positively to to your beard but uh someone will respond negatively to them don't act on it just kind of be humorous about it make a funny comment and just laugh about it but don't act on it just take it in stride all right guys um these are just things that need to be said because it will happen but i got to get going it is getting dark out here it's going to compromise the quality of the video so i hope you guys enjoyed it make sure you check the description box below share this with somebody else and if you haven't liked or subscribed to this video please make sure you do that i'll catch you in the next one have a great day guys bye
Channel: Greg Boswell
Views: 3,476
Rating: 4.9797978 out of 5
Keywords: beard, beards, bearded, beard advice, comments, negative comments, positive comments, comment section, things people say
Id: JlhNxmHXcsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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