How to Establish the Beard Neckline

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today's video is about how to establish the beard neckline this is a very important part of beard trimming you're going to want to get it right but it's something that a a lot of guys are quite unsure about the reason why i know that is because i think it's one of the most asked about questions in the comments section of beard videos all right so once you get this down you're going to wonder why it was so hard to begin with but there's there's good reasons to to be concerned about it because you know you you can make your beard look very uneven if you don't get this right uh and a good neckline looks clean it looks sharp and it goes a long ways so this really does come down to a matter of personal opinion and taste but it also has something to do with the length uh the style and the width of one's beard so um i i just i'm hoping that by sharing this with you that it'll be helpful and it'll take you a long ways at least until the points you want to grow your beard longer and and stop shaving it all together because that's also important too the longer your beard gets the less important it is to maintain the neck at all you're going to want that support system you're going to want that bulk and that body behind all this up here so that uh it's not your it's not transparent okay so here's what here's what you're going to need in terms of uh establishing the neckline the tools the tools you're going to need now what i've been using a lot lately is a wall trimmer called the aqua blade it looks like this it has a t-blade which is really nice it's uh it's very precise and it comes in a box like this in case you're interested the wall aqua blade they sent this to me a while back to see if i would uh try it out and give them give them my opinion i really like it a lot comes with 12 and uh 12 guards and that has a run time of two and a half hours and a real quick charge of three minutes it's really nice it's also quiet so you can see okay i've used this to trim my beard my neckline and um it's just it's just a really good tool now i also use a harry's razor you can use any kind of razor you want i prefer using quality razors not cheap ones you know i don't use back or anything like that this has five blades on it and then of course if you watch my videos a lot you're gonna know that i shave with hair conditioner because it's much better for your skin than the shaving cream hair conditioner is a moisturizer it's good for your skin it'll also help the blade glide smoothly over it and will mitigate a razor rash sores cuts things like that that's quite important to remember so here's what i want to tell you about uh the first thing i want to tell you about establishing a neckline is you have to look at the length of your beard to begin with whether it's short whether it's medium range whether it's long course if it's longer you're not going to have to worry about too much hopefully you're not still shaving the neckline at all if you've got a longer beard okay um but if you have like a medium range of shorter what you want to do is you want to look at the bottom uh the bottom of your beard where it's completely grown out you know with the length of it and you want to you want to imagine a line uh starting at the bottom of your beard and going straight back to your neck okay and that's where your beard line should it should start okay this is where i should start cutting is right here i do have some stubble on my neck and you can see i already have an established beard line so i'm just going to talk you through it but you want to start at the bottom of your beard okay with the chin and just imagine a line going straight back to your neck not while you're looking up but while you're looking straight ahead because you're concerned about the line of sight okay so this line goes straight back and that's where the beard line should start okay now you may want a little bit higher you could go just a little bit higher but i always recommend this as a as a starting point okay now if your beard is much shorter obviously the line is going to be higher it's going to be it could even be up to here all right but what i will tell you is no matter what length your beard is i would always recommend letting the hair under here grow some guys will shave all the way up here right right before it meets their chin and i don't think that's a good idea a beard always looks better if you let all this grow in okay so so because the truth of the matter is at some point you may entertain the idea of growing it out longer and this is going to have to all catch up and this just provides a nice manly look by letting all this under here grow now you can keep it maintained you can still keep it short um and so now i'm going to show you how to get that that line so you're taking this line this imaginary line runs all the way back to your neck and then you take your trimmers and you start there now mine mine takes me right above the adam's apple i mean right right here so you can see it's already established so here's what i'm going to tell you when you start doing this when you apply the trimmers you want to start right in the middle okay you want to start right smack dab in the middle you're going to have your neck up because you're looking straight ahead right while you're trying to do this and what's going to happen is you you're going to try to make a straight line across okay you're going to make a straight line across but because this part of the neck is going to stretch more than the sides what's going to happen is you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna be making that straight line and when you put your head down and you look in the mirror if you have side mirrors look you're gonna notice that your beard looks he's going up an angle that's okay that's what you want okay don't expect to see me when you look in the mirror to see a straight line going straight across here in fact that wouldn't even look that great you want that angular look but you get that by looking up and going all the way across and the reason why that angle goes in there is because this stretches further than this does so when this comes back down it goes like this and it looks great so that's what you want to do is you want to start with with that make a straight line and it's really it can be kind of complicated if it's your first time doing it so let me show you what it looks like and sometimes i do make mistakes i'll address that in a minute [Music] now what i want to say is when you start doing this i wouldn't you know i make one sweep all the way down at the very beginning in the very middle as i go across i kind of pet it you know into shape as i go across because it's too hard if i make a full sweep it's too hard to get that exact line going straight across so i just make i just make little incremental steps as they go across [Music] and then i can go down once i've done that i know where my line is that now i can go down [Music] you can hear it coming off now i've got that line established so as i look to the side it looks like it's kind of going up a little bit to some degree and it looks good i'm actually letting some of this fill in right here you'll notice that this is not as full because i actually went up too high uh some a while back when i was playing around with it so this is this is growing in a little bit right here down the bottom and over here but that's a good neckline and you can make adjustments if you need to you don't if you look in the mirror and go that's not quite right and then what you do is you get this wet with hot some hot water now that you mowed it down you take your conditioner and this does not take long at all take just a little dab you don't need much because you're not covering a wide area rub it into the skin really good you're not going to see it lather up so don't be looking for that conditioner doesn't do that at least it shouldn't all right now as much as possible make sure the razor head is wet when you start as much as possible and i have to look in the mirror when i'm doing this because i don't want to make a mistake because i'm looking into the camera follow that same neckline rinse it off i go against the grain just a little bit there's not really much to take off when i go against the grain because on my neck my my hair tends to grow side to side but i do not i do not shave side to side i don't need that close of a shave and uh i found out for me that's not good for my skin but by doing this by using conditioner when you do this you should be able to avoid the uh the razor but you see a lot of guys get on their neck okay so make sure you rinse that off you're done and it's really just that simple now i've got my neckline here's the side of it here all right and like i said the shorter your beard is uh the higher the neckline might be but it wouldn't really go a whole lot higher to be quite honest with you that the but but just just make sure you look at the bottom of your beard an imaginal line going all the way to the back that's where you start use conditioner um and this doesn't take long at all as you just saw okay so pay attention pay real close attention to that you can also use aftershave if you want to now because you've used moisturizer you don't necessarily need to apply anything else to your skin a lot about half the time i do so half a time i'll put some kind of post balm or or even beard oils good for i don't have any product in my beard this morning yet i'm going to take a shower when i get done here but um and then apply it but uh you could use beard oil a soft a soft soothing beard balm is also good on your skin um whatever you like but that's how you do it if you have any other questions let me know and i'll uh answer them at my earliest convenience and i hope this helped now make sure you check the description box below because if you're a beard guy which you are if you're watching this i have about probably 10 different companies that i highly recommend uh for beard products and i'll save you some money doing that i'll list them down there below and you can have that that way you can avoid yourself of all those things there's even a link for a beard straightener oh by the way do not forget there's just uh maybe a little over a week left and which you can take advantage of the artist man giveaway i'll pull i'll try to put that at the very top uh in the description below uh you can get a you can win a kit worth 54.85 by simply subscribing to their weekly savings newsletter all you have to do is provide your email uh and uh your uh your name that's it it's like i do you're entered to win three three lucky people will be randomly chosen at the end of this giveaway which is like it about another week or so and they'll win this this kit you get one free beard oil uh beard butter and a beer shampoo and then uh if you don't win you still give you a one time 25 discount uh code for anything on their website so it's a really good deal everybody gets something all right also there's a beer straightener that i've been talking about a lot lately until the 18th of october they're running a special where you can get 15 off by using my code look at that likewise you'll get it for under 20 and it does a tremendously good job my beard's not straight now but just take a look at it alright guys have a great day i'll catch you the next one bye-bye
Channel: Greg Boswell
Views: 52,940
Rating: 4.9537277 out of 5
Keywords: beard, beards, beard tutorials, how to trim beard, neckline, beard neckline, how to trim the beard neckline
Id: OSvx2YTa8-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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