How To Trim a V-Shaped Beard

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guys today I'm going to show you how to trim a v-shaped beard how you can get yours just like mine if that's what you want and I'm assuming since you clicked on this video that is what you want now I like my beard just long enough to where it's dense enough that you can't see the skin through the beard that's how I prefer even on the sides you really can't see it too much I also like to have the hair wrap around underneath besides I'm going all the way underneath the chin like that I think it's a nice look I think it just it just it's a nice consistent neatly wrapped package when you do that I don't like chin strap beards and I just can't imagine try to keep up with shave melih underneath there all the time anyway I don't as you can see I don't like it on the neck you do when you have a really big beard and I've had a really big I've headed down to here before tired of the maintenance this is very low maintenance it's still nice and neat I went to a barber when I first had a big beard and I wanted to cut down I said I want to be shaped like a duck tail and here's what he did he left my beard too long and he cut this sharp angle into my beard that's too sharp that's not natural like a natural look a natural look is more like this it's the difference between this and this alright now my hair wasn't out to here besides machine you see what I'm saying this is more of a natural look so here's what she do you I went out and got myself a pair of wall trimmers from Target the whole set cost like 25 bucks it wasn't the cheapest but it wasn't the most expensive it's like the middle of the range and so it's electric you know it's not cordless that's probably why it was a cheap as it was but you'd have you I had my wall trimmers I had this option on the side to move the blade up and down I like having the blade close to the edge so I get a nice cleaner cut and what I do for my and you may want to start off with a bigger guard if you have a bigger beard you can even go smaller than one I've got and I may do that a couple weeks but how I started off was I use a number three guard I'm not gonna actually gonna trim my beard today because I've already done it like three days three four days ago and I'll probably do it again in a couple weeks but what I do is I put the number three guard on and the flat part of this right here that's right here you go down like this you trim all the way down underneath the chin all the way down and down the neck all the way down now here's what you got to remember your chin has this line right here on either side but you have two points on your chin the borders right here you only want to take this down to that point to that edge you never want to go in that straight line area with this but should go here go down and you go here you go down and you can do the same thing all the way around don't go against the grain you go with the grain has a nice clean natural cut just a number three that's all I did just a number three all the way I don't even do the mustache that way it takes off the bulk of the mustache I you could even consider going to a number two the mustache mustache grows very quick and it's even if you messed up on all stash and curse pass back so fast that there should be a matter of a couple days before you'll start looking right and you can do you can change it you can alter it but I even do that mustache like trim down with the number three here now the only time I said oh I don't touch this right here at all I just go to the edges of my chin the two points on my chin right here I cut this at this angle here down around here and what it does is it follows the natural line of my face my natural line of your face is a V alright so you do that now the only time I use these on this right here is when I go straight down to come the old strays in front I just go down here but don't go in it down you go down and it cleans it up really nice if you can see know if you can see that or not it cleans that up and then you know I do that I do that right there what I do after that is I take these off the garbs off and then I'll go underneath in case this under here has grown too much I'm going underneath it and she straight back just straight back but I don't touch this at all you don't need to now after that what I do is I take the number two guards the number two guard and I put it on here and then I go to about this range about the almost the middle to hear about this about this point right here now this point right here right here I take that and I just go up this is what I do actually go against the grain you know spilt up here number two real quick then I actually ten I take that off and I go I put a number one on and then go about to the middle of the year right here and I go up on both sides here okay that's number one I take the number one off and I just have a bear trimmer and then from about here on up I just go up that's growing back a little bit now didn't take long I just go up here now wait fades it in real nice after that what I do is I then look to see if there's any outlying hairs that I need to get just a matter of cleaning it but I mean you have to be right on the fringe right on the fringe of your beard and you do this you don't want to cut into the body you want to stay away from it now if if you notice the difference in elevation in your beard because you've tried to fade it in you know you take your you take your trimmers like this okay take your trimmers like this you don't want cut into it like this you don't want to do this little number you want to do you want to take your trimmer just like this and just cut straight down but I mean it's just gotta be right it's gonna be so yummy so carefully you do that okay that's it I think you keep going in here to get just the very that's the ones are just handing it out I'm here just barely hitting anything at all when you do this and that's a trick so that's how I cut my v-shaped beard now if you were wondering how I'd get this angle on my my beard right here what I do is I don't use any kind of advice get a little wet but using a conditioner my thing is this a little back all right yeah I'll take my raise room if you're if you're if you're not used to having a beard line you might want to actually use the electric trimmers kind of cut one into it to begin with even if you mess it up there might be real thick but if you if you're used to having a beard line but you want to start cutting on yourself you always have a barber do it you can take your razor and what I do is I cut this down here first okay I cut this first I don't go up and down I'm like I might hit this a little bit so I'm not actually going all the way down my line but I get this right beside my nose right here and I cut down to the mustache and I actually used my razor wings to establish my beard line and how I do that is I take this like this to go I'm gonna go up like this I take the edge of this razor right here put against my nose put against the mustache like this I take my hand and I point it up toward the middle of my ear all right I just go up and I curved did it about three times and then I take my razor without moving my hand now I've got my angle I've got my line do the same thing to the other side turn this back like this the edge of the razor up against my nose I make this and point this pinky toward the middle of my ear and I just shave up and curve it upwards the sideburns all right and then I just I've got my line that's how I do my lunch real quick real easy now trimming your beard might take you a little bit longer than what I've showed in this video that's quite that simple and then I take beard oil I've been using Pacino's lately pacino hose it's got the smoothest texture smooth is texture for for beard oil that I've ever experienced the diamond size Mountain like the palm runs around put my beard really good all right I'm the rest of it on my head I comb through it calm it down all right shape a little bit I'll use bierbaum this is the best stuff ever oh man it smells so good redwood I take a little bit of beer bong I'm not really picky about how much I'm not concerned about if I usually look at too much or too little but then then they're like that bug around breaks down really fast apply to the top the rest of my head and my arms to me when you wear this means what we wear the best damn beard balm even because it smells so good I comb it through I take a bristle brush travel-size strains it out really good nice and shaped there you go and if you see at that point after you put beard balm on if you see any strays just sticking straight out you can take your scissors go around and cut them out really easy cut the line of your neck and so easy it's not real hard then you kind of have a natural line you just getting growth underneath there you just go straight back to above your Adam's apple and just kind of if your blades long enough to where it's easy to kind of kind of create this on line just kind of going back up underneath the ear here say anything yeah I'm gonna take from this sugar rub it in real good shave it voila done I said guys is how I cut a v-shaped beard I hope it helped you got content the like button and subscribe give me questions down below I won't answer the part catch you later okay
Channel: Greg Boswell
Views: 543,024
Rating: 4.8491592 out of 5
Keywords: beards, bearded, beard shapes, beard styles, v shaped beard, short beard styles, medium beard styles, beard trim, beard trimming, how to trim your beard, sexy beards, beard oil, beard balm, shave, look sharp, classy beard, low maintenance beard, clean beard
Id: KbDcFYs3cS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2018
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