How To Grow Bok Choi Indoors

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well howdy everyone we're here in my hydroponic Royal tent and uh we're talking about how to grow bok choy indoors and this is how I'm doing it um these plants are doing pretty good uh some of them are ready to harvest already and um we're gonna take some but I wanted to show them to you before I cut them down and also in here I've got that volunteer pepper plant that came up all on its own it's giving me some peppers so far got some garlic in here this garlic I planted garlic sets and they seem to die and then all of a sudden they came back to life so I don't know how long it's going to take for that to finish up but um the bok choy um and it doesn't have to be purple there's a green bok choy too but it is a fast grower and um it's pretty easy uh I could grow this Outdoors but Outdoors there's problems with uh cabbage moths and stuff like that in here no problems to speak of so uh let's see if I can Harvest one uh with no hands okay so here is a bok choy uh it'll get bigger but you can uh Harvest it at this size for sure um I have more than one plant in here I did not thin out these pots so I think by harvesting the ones that are ready I will be able to have a sort of a second crop and uh yeah that's about it uh uh until I see you again take good care of yourselves happy gardening I usually say keep it green but I think you might want to keep it purple all right bye bye
Views: 319
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Keywords: how to grow Bok Choy indoots, Bok Choy, Purple Bok Choy, Grow tent, hydroponics, flood and drain
Id: Z0zX8guPnPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 32sec (152 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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