How To Grow Fast On TikTok In 2024

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it's never been easier to grow on Tik Tok than right now but if you don't have the right direction nor tips and strategies you will be stuck at 200 views on pretty much every video you might get lucky but you will never quite understand what makes a viral video nor the right tips and tricks to actually accelerate your growth on Tik Tok but to speed up this process I'm going to give you my five steps and strategies to start any brand new account and Skyrocket it within the first few weeks this goes for both person brands or faceless accounts my recent student who is actually limited to one arm actually generated 20,000 followers within 3 days of starting his account using these exact strategies I'm about to go over and another student Sunil implemented this strategy and generated over 38 million views in 3 months so what I will be covering in this video is a quick overview on how the algorithm Works how to properly start an account yes this is a crucial part do hash hashtags even matter do posting times matter and my last strategy that I'm going to be saving for the end which will bring everything I'm talking about in this video together is my secret strategy to create viral videos back to back right after opening an account something all of my students have been able to utilize and generate millions of views was this exact tactic by combining everything I'm about to talk about this will set you up for success in 2024 so you will never be stuck growing an account on Tik Tok ever again so without further Ado let's get into the video first how does the algorithm on Tik Tok work I made a whole video on this pretty much breaking down the point systems pretty much all the video phases but I will go over it again in a quick refresher I recorded think of the algorithm like a point system if you get more points than another person obviously you win now you might be wondering what are these points starting off a video with over 150% watch time is going to be six points that means they have to watch the video all the way through and then some the second metric is 100% watch time which is Five Points that means they watch the entire video all the way through a share on the video is going to be three points a comment is going to be two points and a like will be one point as you can see a like is honestly meaningless in the whole grand scheme of things you really don't want to be pushing for likes you simply want to retain viewership if you understand how these platforms work they want people to stay on the platforms as long as possible this is because they get more money in their pocket from advertisers so if you can help TiK ToK by retaining viewership you're going to benefit in the long run so let's get into the video phase breakdown and show you exactly how these metrics values and points actually play a role in this so the seating phase is the initial phase that's 0 to 1,000 views so imagine there's a bunch of different videos posted obviously you're fighting amongst everybody to get attention on this app so let's say one video gets 25 points and another gets 16 points the one with 25 points will move forward into the expansion phase while the one that lost will be stuck at the initial phase continuing down the one that gets 20 points versus the 10-point video the 20 point video will win and move forward into the expansion phase at this point this is around 10,000 views and so when these two videos face each other obviously the one with 25 points will win over the 20 point video and because it got more engagement more more comments more retention and overall this the best metrics compared to all the other videos it will move on to the viral phase so to sum it up pretty much the one metric you need to be focusing on is retaining viewers all social media Platformers want to do is keep a user on their platform for as long as possible because they get paid from advertisers so the longer that people are on the platform the more ads they're going to be shown thus getting more money in Tik tok's pocket moving on to the next strategy how to properly start a brand new account when you first create a Tik Tok account the algorithm has no IDE idea who you are nor who to serve your content to they're pretty much looking at you as a bot so what I like to do when first starting an account is not post for the first 24 hours what you will rather do is go onto other accounts inside of your Niche or content you're going to be posting about following those accounts liking their videos as well as commenting saving and even sharing if you want to you want to do this for the first 30 minutes of starting the account so that your entire for you page will be about content that you're going to be posting and this is pretty much the main reason a lot of people are stuck at zero views almost all the time because they don't give Tik Tok the time to even understand that you're an account that is actually a real person you want to give actual human activity to the account when you first started out the next tip is somewhat of an opinionated kind of question do hashtags matter I've seen many accounts get away without ever using any hashtags but they do matter in the very beginning and this is from my personal experience you want to be able to feed the Tik Tok algorithm data to understand who your video is for and pretty much who you're about so what I recommended in the beginning is to use two to three hashtags that are inside of your Niche that will best illustrate what your video and content is about and there's no penalty to using hashtags so just use them on to my next point do posting times really matter I might get a lot of heat for this but they really don't people are binging on this app 24/7 I mean people's average time on this app is 90 minutes and I mean average people spend way more time on the app than that but that's my personal view when you first start an account and if you really want to minimize any chances of anything bad happening in terms of not being seen by the Right audience at the right time then I would stick to later afternoon times by this I mean 6:00 to 10: p.m. eastern time and this is because people are getting off of school getting off of work and one of the first things they do when they get off of school or work is just binge on the app they want to get a quick dope mean hit after looking at random boring stuff all day and they just want to feel good good obviously once you start to gain momentum and gain an audience look at your analytics and see when your audience is most active and then start to post 30 minutes before the peak time my last and final strategy that has allowed me and many of my students generate millions of views is the copy paste method why waste weeks if not months trying to reinvent the wheel and just push content literally praying it will work so pretty much how to do this is you're going to download a Chrome extension sort Tik Tok from there you're going to find accounts inside of your Niche that are high performers I mean accounts that are going to be the top of your Niche once you've gotten a few accounts go on to Google and look up the account and utilize sort Tik Tok this is going to bring all the highest viewed videos up to the very top you are then going to remake the video utilize the same hook find out what tactics they use to to retain the viewer as well as different ctas in the video for comments shares or follows if they have any what this is going to do is pretty much give you a FastTrack way to success right off the bat but once you get a few viral videos on your account and gain that initial momentum you can start to initiate a different protocol start finding different video Styles test different hooks test different retention tactics really just test everything at that point some of the biggest accounts will look at other high performing videos and take from it to make their videos better in the beginning that is the best way to Kickstart an account and over time you're going to learn what Hooks work what is a viral video so you're going to G gain knowledge from doing this so that when you start new accounts you don't necessarily have to copy other accounts inside of your Niche you will already know the framework of a viral video having that initial momentum on a brand new account is what's going to make or break your success on Tik Tok in 2024 I hope you guys have found this video helpful in some way if you guys have make sure to subscribe turn post notifications on and comment down below what you thought of the video or other tips that maybe you found from growing accounts I do have a community called Creator access that helps people grow on social media and make money at the same time I'm going to Mission to help a thousand content creators create content that resonates with themselves so they can make money doing something they love to do it's something that has allowed me to travel the world and go to so many crazy places by doing what I love and I want to help you guys as much as I can to achieve that so with that being said I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Hunter Linton
Views: 135,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok algorithm explained, tiktok algorithm, how to grow on tiktok, how the tiktok algorithm works, how to get views on tiktok, how to get views on tiktok 2024, tiktok algorithm 2024, tiktok algorithm explained 2024, grow on tiktok, grow your tiktok account, get views on tiktok, how to get more views on tiktok, tiktok growth, tiktok growth 2024, tiktok growth hacks, tiktok growth strategy, how to grow on tiktok 2024, hunter linton, how to grow fast on tiktok
Id: C6N0JtqmHdU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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