How To Grow And Monetise Fast On TikTok In 2024 (FREE COURSE)

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so I have grown both of these Tik Tok personal brand accounts to the level they're at now in under four weeks these are both extremely monetized accounts and they've brought tons of traffic to my business as well and I want to show you guys in this video how you can grow accounts to do the same thing for whatever you want to do so Tik Tok growth has never been easier and as consistent as it is now and there's also never been better opportunities to make money on Tik Tok so if you want to do that going into 2024 definitely watch this video and apply everything I say here onto your videos right now because I'm consistently cheating the algorithm this is going to be a really raw video I'm just going to show you everything give you a load of free value and if you like this video and want to grow your personal brand on Tik Tok more I'm going to be bringing out a little free community on school soon with a little free course in it as well just purely around Tik Tok personal brand growth and monetization so yeah going to be a little waiting list in the description below PE that out um but yeah let's go okay so the Tik Tok algorithm right now and this is what's being pushed on it currently so watch time watch time is everything pretty much on every platform right now especially with everyone's attention spans just being completely fried every sort of social media platform is just trying to keep you on the platform for as long as possible possible yeah watch time is really everything I found if you can get a 15 to 20 second average watch time um you're generally on to winning content um so definitely focus on the first 15 20 seconds of your content when making it I'm going to show you a video from one of my faceless pages that I run this got 17 million views and um the average watch time was around 20 seconds and the watchful video was around 15 seconds which seems quite low but over like 17 million people that's actually really good so yes average watch time 15 20 seconds if can get around a 10% watchful video uh and then obviously you need engagement so with engagement saves or shares so generally educational which will be saves shares will be more entertaining relatable content me personally because I'm teaching a lot um I'm building content around my Niche to attract better customers for my business um it's generally educational content so things that's going to be saved so when I'm making content I'm always thinking would I save this if I was looking to learn about this and it'll be the same for you if you're sharing would I share this to a friend was this funny enough to share um so yeah that sort of thing and obviously Tik tok's pushing over a minute long we've known that for a while now so yeah I would start producing minute long content um now definitely um get on it now because I think the monetization opportunities for longer form is just going to get better on Tik Tok but I'll go on to that soon as we go on the video so for the content structure of my videos um I generally find that 90% of a video is in the script so always script your videos before doing them you don't have to go word for word and be like a robot but you need to have a rough idea of what you're going to film I found that if I know I've got a winning script nine times out of 10 that video is going to go viral if my videos don't perform it's because I haven't really prepared anything for them um and I didn't really know the direction I was going with them I just sort winging them as for my content I go for obviously a hook and then retain and then call to action so a hook Visual and verbal you can go look at my videos we'll have a look at some now actually so this video got 500k views um I posted it a few weeks ago if we look at the start the video so good verbal hook people want to make money people want to make money on Tik Tok uh and then the visual hook which people underestimate visual Hook is definitely more important than verbal hook it doesn't necessarily have to be really edited like this in a zoom out but make sure there's some sort of movement going on if you're just filming through your phone on the Tik Tok app that's fine but make sure there's some sort of movement going on in the videos you know if you're filming a product for example make sure at the start it just comes out like that such a little thing but it makes such a big difference because it's pleasing people's eyes um so yeah make sure all your videos are high quality I don't necessarily mean they need to be edited to a massive level you can just film through your Tik Tok app as long as you're giv out enough value or entertainment um but obviously it needs to be high quality get rid of your Androids or it maybe your Androids all right but as long as you've got a decent phone um yeah quality is massive there's no excuse for poor quality and then as for editing if you do want to do that a little bit more I personally edit all my stuff not to massive levels but for all my stuff I've got a similar font to sort of add a bit of brand in people start recognizing my content um I darken it all so it makes it look aesthetic the font looks nice little zooms you know I I think we're moving away from a time where like people really wanted to watch really heavily edited stuff and edited short form content um and this is saying that from someone that's edited for years I have a Content agency with video editors in I think we're definitely moving away from a time where people just want to see highly edited stuff I think people would much rather now see authentic stuff not to say that you shouldn't edit at all I think captions are still needed if you can add them on cuz 50% of people watch Tik Tok without any audio which is just mental but don't worry about adding loads of Boll adding loads of effects just general little Zoom captions make it look nice um and that'll be fine as long as you're giving out a lot of value every video all right now we got slideshows really really good way to grow and they're easy to do so Tik Tok have actually just released a little bit about about slideshows and how to um how to grow them I'll try to find a screenshot and put it on the screen what they basically said Is This Is How They want slideshows to be done um for them to be pushed and it's also how I've been doing them slid shows they want around three to six slides they want it to tell a story throughout the slides they want it to be aesthetic high quality pictures and then I've just added to in that you should go a trending sound obviously um for trending sounds I generally look for under 100K uses over 20k uses that's generally what I go for personally and I'll find them just through scrolling on my f page or just looking in my Niche um but if we have a look at this one that did well for me uh I posted this before Tik Tok release that this is how they want them and it's pretty much the same so aesthetic pictures I'm giving out value throughout the video they want the text to be all formatted nicely as well it's a little one I didn't add it on ADD on so separate all the text and little call to action to follow at the end so really easily made content um and what I'd say to do is just when you're out and about constantly be taking like content ready for slideshows just always take pictures um that way you can just make content consistently all the time wherever you are so hashtags and posting times do they really matter nah not at all like hashtags I'd use two to five really Niche specific hashtags um I've seen accounts blow up with no hashtags at all but generally this this is what I do I use two to five Niche specific hashtags just so Tik Tok know who I want my audience to go to posting times they don't matter they really don't matter so but use your common sense if you're from the UK and your audience is all from the UK then don't post at 3 in the morning but anytime throughout the day it'll be fine if content's going to go viral then it's going to go viral all right now we've got monetization so once you start building this audience you're obviously going to start making some money um so what I'd advise if you've got a business like I have I make content that would attract ideal customers for me so I run a Content agency where I help clients grow especially on Tik Tok um we do advertising stuff so any of my content about Tik Tok growth so easily attracts clients um for myself I also sell digital products um to help people grow on Tik Tok as well especially with faceless accounts so my content is just perfect to bring in ideal customers for that as well yeah I'd advise doing that if you're trying to drive traffic to your business make content the surround your niche as for other monetization options you've obviously got the creative fund so Tik Tok are now paying decent money for longer form contents over a minute long they're paying around pound per a th000 views so a pound or a dollar a little bit less maybe um per a th000 views on minute long content to get monetized for that you need 10K followers and 100K views which is really really easy on Tik Tok at the minute if you know what you're doing and you're consistent then we got Tik Tok shop massively blowing up right now um so you can go down two routes of selling your own products or you can affiliate other people's products people are making absolute killings with this I'm heavily in it at the minute I'm not in a stage where I want to teach it yet but yeah maybe in a few months time but what I would say is if you are interested into that sort of stuff e-commerce and stuff definitely get into Tik Tok shop it's massive and obviously like I said digital products never been a better time for online education it's just a massively Grand business if you have a skill to teach and you can Market it well on Tik Tok easy way to make an extra four to five to six figures a month all right so the future of Tik Tok this year and what's actually going to happen so the growth of Tik Tok is going to be massive it's already growing massively uh with the massive rise of Tik Tok shop and the longer form content Tik tok's going with Tik Tok are just going to be thriving throughout the next couple years they've just uh muted a load of songs and sounds on Tik Tok um but what this is really saying is like they don't care about the sounds what they care about is more original content they care more about original sound so my advice would be when you're posting your content now just use non-copyrighted sounds if you want stuff in the background uh and instead of using Tik Tok sounds cuz they're definitely moving to towards a way where they just want fully original stuff on the platform self-made by us um and genuine good content exactly like YouTube so yeah landscape videos have just been introduced as well um this is basically a move towards YouTube that Tik Tok are doing they want advertisers to be paying more money to the platform and with landscape videos they can put ads below and above the content or during the content when it's longer um so yeah this is only going to mean one thing for the platform and the creators which is more money basically if you can get good at making longer form content now you're going to be so ahead for when that fully comes out and the money goes up so if you don't want to edit your videos heavily I do do videos where I literally just film through the Tik Tok app Tik Tok love you editing through their app I don't know why but it tends to push videos but yeah if you just want to film through your app and just give out pure value that's completely fine add an engaging title on your video like this make sure all the cuts are really tight especially in the first 15 seconds don't have any gaps when you start recording uh people will get very bored and just swipe off another little tip how I make my videos aesthetically look nice is I get one of these lenses that you put on your phone I'll link it in the description below but it sort of gives you that wide angle lens uh and it's definitely very engaging to the eye um so yeah have a look at that if you want to make your videos look similar to mine um like aesthetically yeah if you want to be really consistent like me and grow really quickly on Tik Tok with a personal brand just be consistent for a month post every day for 30 days and see where that will get you make every single video better and I guarantee you if you apply everything I've said here there no reason you shouldn't be at at least 10K followers by the end of this um 30 days some of the days can be slideshows just make it really aesthetic do what I've said in this video yeah be consistent high quality valuable content make content that's either going to be sha saved or shared um and yeah watch time is everything so yeah I hope you enjoyed this um if you do want to join the community where I'm going to bring out a free course for just purely personal brand growth on Tik Tok and monetization um fill out the waiting list below and if you want to learn how to monetize with faceless accounts which appeals to a lot more people because you know have to show your face obviously um then I also have a free Discord and a free course which will be down below as well um so yeah give me a subscribe on here like comment uh load of free content is going to be coming uh just let me know in the comments what you want to see
Channel: Tom Whitey
Views: 9,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktokgrowth, tiktoktips, tiktokmonetisation, tiktokfastgrowth, tiktokalgorithm
Id: Ildjun1szrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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