How to Make Wuuthrad the Legendary axe from Skyrim Special Edition - Prop: Shop

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[Music] King [Music] greetings fellow makers welcome down to the shop I'm Bill and today going to show you how I made wo thread that's right to help spread the word for Skyrim special edition coming out on October 28th Bethesda came to us to help teach you guys how to build some of the most epic props and costumes from Skyrim which is of course one of our very favorite games this is one of them this is wuad the legendary two-handed battle axe and I'm going to show you how I made it in the description of this video you will find a list of all the tools and materials that I used as well as free blueprints so that you can give it a try yourself all right follow along let's build this thing I decided to Branch out a little bit with this project and build it out of warbl ha made you look I made it out of foam of course I started by printing taping together and cutting out my template the first parts that we built were using a 10 mm thick foam we cut out some rectangles just a little bit bigger than our template we made six of them three for each side of the ax head three pieces of this foam stacked up would accommodate the thickness of the PVC pipe I used for the handle if you're using floor mats you can get two two pieces out of one floor mat all of these layers were laminated together using a contact cement I would brush a little bit of contact cement on either side of each piece of foam and then once it dried about 5 minutes later I would sandwich it together I repeated this until I had two big pieces of foam each three pieces of foam thick again if you're using floor mats you want to take off as much of the textured side as possible with a sanding tool like your rotary tool to ensure good adhesion between the layers from these hunks of foam I cut out the blades I pinned the template down to each hunk of the foam and trace the outline using a silver Sharpie then I got to cutting it out with a very sharp knife I like to sharpen the blade every couple of minutes when I'm doing this kind of work to make sure I get very clean cuts the midline was cut first making sure it was perpendicular to the cutting mat then I carved away the rest of the outline of the battle axe be sure to keep any of those big scraps that you have they can be very useful now this is a fairly tedious process but patience pays off and don't worry if some of those edges are a little bit rough those will get cleaned up later when we do some of the sculpting also if you've got a Banda or a scroll saw at home go ahead and just use those they're way faster and way cleaner H sorry good thanks I do movies yay yay I cut out the two blade hat and then I cut out an area between them this is where that PVC pipe is going to go once I had room for the pipe the surfaces between the two halves of the blades were covered in contact cement allowed to dry and then stuck together I planned on having a break in the handle so that I could take the whole thing apart for travel so I trimmed my pvc pipe several inches from the bottom of the ax head about five or six then I glued in a PVC coupler to the end to attach that to the rest of the handle later the PVC pipe was then sanded to prepare for gluing I also trimmed some more of the 10 mm foam to cover the pipe everything got glued up in one Fell Swoop this was to attach the pipe to the ax head and to cover the pipe Allin one go everything got attached the pipe got stuck to the inside of the axe head and then the entire thing got covered up using those 10 mm thick sheets that we cut out earlier extra parts of those sheets were trimmed away to fit the Contour of the side of the ax I also started trimming away some of the areas that would smooth out the transition between the foam layers in fact I trimmed away a lot of foam using that sharp knife especially large areas like the bevels on the business end of the axe this was done to keep from having to sand all of this material away later then it was time to start doing some sculpting this is a code word for sanding keep in mind that with this type of work you generate a lot of dust and you do not want to breathe it so make sure that you're wearing the proper eye protection and of course at least a dust mask respirator if you got it you could use your your shop fact to make sure that dust doesn't go everywhere or if you want to be industrious you could just work outside using my rotary tool and a sanding drum I started sculpting the edges of my foam axe this was done as a first pass to round over all the edges and clean up all the cut lines using different sized sanding drums I cleaned up the edges and smoothed out the transition between the layers of the foam I also used a tapered grinding bit to really smooth out the areas that have been chewed up by the sanding drums with the surface prepared I started sculpting the face into to the weapon this was the most challenging part for me the first attempt was done using a paint marker to copy the design from my template by hand this worked out all right and I used that grinding bit in the rotary tool to do lots of tedious hand sculpting I also tried using a ballpoint pen which actually showed up pretty well into dark foam and gave me a lot more control than the paint pen you could also go in using a smaller cutting bit to get even finer detail this was all cleaned up using that grinding bit to get rid of some of that fuzziness it ended up with a a pretty good looking final product but I wanted to try something else I wanted to try a hot knife or a soldering iron to cut in some of that detail if you're going to do this definitely work in a well ventilated area and definitely wear a respirator you will be melting the foam and you don't want to breathe it in I like this a lot the tip of the hot knife allowed for some really fine control especially in areas like the tee I gave the hot knife a go on some of the larger areas and I ended up liking it a lot so I finished the rest of the designs on the ax head using a hot knife with a pointy bit for the sharp edges and details and a rounded off bit to melt down some of the larger areas going between these two tips I was able to cover out all of the creepy face on wo thread and I was pretty happy with the results I'll be totally honest here I'm not incredibly comfortable with more organic sculpting like this but I am glad that I challenged myself the last bit of sculpting was the roughed up texture on the edge of the blade also done with a hot knife I went back over everything with that grinding bit in the rotary tool to tidy up everything and also add a little bit of texture to any of the remaining flat areas to complete the handle portion I wrapped a piece of 2mm thick foam around the area around the PVC coupler then I wrapped some 6 mm foam around the coupler to completely hide it the edges of this piece were beveled with a rotary tool and then I carved in some wood grain using that incredibly handy hot knife there's some bands and a design on this side of the handle that I made using more of that 2mm craft foam I cut some strips for the bands and I used the blueprint cutout to make a stencil for the symbol these pieces were all glued to the wooden handle Parts using super glue I like using super glue for small parts because it's much quicker than using contact cement that was the last detail on the axe head and it was ready for finishing so I heat sealed the entire surface of the foam using a blowtorch but if you have a heat gun that will do I also made a base to hold the axe head upright for painting using more PVC fittings the foam was then sealed with six good layers of Plasti Dip I went with Plasti Dip because it's a really fast and convenient way to protect the foam and prepare for paint but there are many ways to seal foam in fact we just did a video love a link below go check that out plasty dip was warmed up in a bucket of hot water for about 10 minutes then I got to spraying I went with white at first because I didn't have a lot of black on here hand so I just built up a bunch of layers in white then I went back to my can of black and finished it off with that this was a nice dark base color for my paint job now while that was drying I also knocked out the rest of the handle it was done in a similar way as the smaller portion of the handle on the axe head I trimmed the PVC pipe to length so that it would just fit in my luggage and I gave it all a good sanding using contact cement I wrapped more 2mm foam around the whole thing using the blueprint as a guide I left a bare PVC part at the bottom to attach the pommel this part was wrapped in 6 mm foam using scraps from the axe head I told you we'd use those I sandwiched another layer on top of it to make it thick enough for the pommel then I traced on the pommel shape and roughly carved it out with my knife this was then contact cemented to the bottom of the handle after shaping it a bit more with the knife I took the pommel to the rotary tool and did the rest of the shaping just like we did with the axe head more shaping on the pal got it ready for finishing including adding all of the wood grain and details with a hot knife then the handle was sealed again with plasy dip this plasy dip is a really good primer for painting and you can just brush acrylic paints right on top of it using reference images from Skyrim I started laying on my paint using a radial brush I did a layer of halfhazard bright silver I wasn't trying to cover everything I just wanted to add a little bit of shine and a little bit of texture I did the same thing with some copper paints this was to warm up the tone a little bit the handle was done with with just some brown paints to simulate a wood finish but I went over with a variety of tones to try and enhance the wood grain a little bit the bands and the symbol were colored with more of that silver and copper paint making them Stand Out nicely against the wood and it broke well I can fix that when I was happy with all of these base colors I sealed everything with some spray varnish this dries really fast it's flexible and it protects the paint from the weathering that I was about to do I went super basic on the weathering for this build since I carved in all of that texture I let it work for me using black brown and rust colored acrylics I filled in all of the deep crevices with paint and then wiped most of it away with a damp cloth this does a lot to add some color and some contrast to the finish of the axe the same was done on the wooden handle the last touch was to call out some of the highlights on the axe I went back over the edges with more of that silver paint again with that crappy old brush this was done especially on the sharp edges where this axe would see a lot of action this added some more bright contrast to the edge of the axe finally I added a little bit of silver to the metallic bands on the axe handle and that was the last touch on the entire build there you go a durable and lightweight woo thread two-handed ax that would be the perfect compliment to any Skyrim costume which is perfect because we aren't done making things from Skyrim that's right look for more tutorials coming at you from the world of tamel as we climb closer and closer to October 28th and the release of Skyrim special edition do you already have your own Skyrim props and costumes well Bethesda wants to see them please share them all over the Internet with @ elderscrolls using the hash Skyrim memories thank you so much to Bethesda for coming to us with this project to bring to you guys I hope you challenge yourself s like I challenge myself and give this build a try like I said all the tools materials and free blueprints are listed in the description of this video thanks so much for watching if you guys have any questions about this build let me know down in the comments I do my best to get back to as many of those as I can we've also got some more videos that feature Skyrim for example the dger helmet here you want to know how we did those creepy eyes we got a video for that check that out when you're done with this one of course everything else you want to know about making props and costumes using EVA foam can be found on our website at punish foamsmithing if you're new to the channel go ahead and hit that subscribe button like I said we've got more Skyrim tutorial videos coming and you don't want to miss them that's all for today thank you again for watching and we'll see you guys in White Run
Channel: Punished Props Academy
Views: 124,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bill doran, punished props, cosplay, tutorial, replica, prop, axe, melee, skyrim, elder scrolls, how to, make, build, foam, eva foam, foamsmith, rotary tool, knife, cut, glue, barge, plastidip, skyrim special edition, hd
Id: -P_VBXPudD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2016
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