How to Glorify God in your Body and Spirit

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hi this is Kimberly Taylor of tape back your temple comm you've probably heard the scripture or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have from God and you are not your own or you are bought at a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are gods first Corinthians 6:19 20 but have you considered what glorify God and body and spirit means to glorify God means to bring him pleasure your actions reveal God's glory to others inspiring praise you reflect well on him by the way you live and the choices you make that is what makes the Christian life rewarding and exciting it can be challenging to do that with the stress and temptations of this world but our God is smart he has given us resources that not only show us the right thing to do but gives us the strength to do it the diagram you see is going to walk you through how this process works the Holy Spirit revealed it to me one morning during my Bible study I drew it out on paper and my husband might redraw it into the pretty version you see here so let's get started to glorify God the first thing you must do is believe that He loves you if you don't believe that he loves you then you will doubt that God wants the best for you you might even secretly believe that he is out to get you but John 3:16 makes it clear for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life he sent Jesus to atone for your sins so that you can be restored into a right relationship with him this is not meant to be a son the only thing it's meant to be a daily walk with him so that you come to know him and discover his plan and purpose for your life the second belief is that Jesus loves you in John 15 nine Jesus says as the father loved me I also have loved you abide in my love he freely gave his life for you because he loved you he had a passion to see man reconciled to God and he believed in it so much that he was willing to pay with his own flesh and blood you were bought was a high price indeed Jesus's sinless life scripture says that once you believe in your heart that Jesus died for you and was raised from the dead and confess him as your Savior with your mouth you are saved now your spirit man which once was dead to the things of God is now alive you have the opportunity to love God to know him and to grow in trust of him in your daily life you are now not the same once you are saved the Holy Spirit comes to help you live a life that brings pleasure to God he takes no pleasure in his children being tormented by fear anxiety worry depression and addictions he wants us free according to John 14 verses 16 through 18 Jesus makes a promise and I will pray the father and he will give you another helper that he may abide with you forever the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you I will not leave you orphans I will come to you now in John chapter 16 verses 13 through 15 Jesus tells us what the Holy Spirit is supposed to do in our lives however when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak and he will tell you things to come he will glorify me for he will take up what is mine and declare it to you all things that the father has are mine therefore I said that he will take up mine and declare it to you let's pause and think about this for a moment because I don't believe that enough preaching is done in our churches about the role of the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit guys shew into all truth speaks to you what he hears from the Lord tells you things to come takes of Jesus and declares it to you the Holy Spirit is not an angel he is the dynamic muscle power of God he is God remember we worship a triune God one God three persons Father Son and the Holy Spirit so the power of God lives in you and dwells with you now you might wonder if I have the power of God living inside of me then how come life seems to defeat me how come I deal with all of these negative emotions how come I feel like a candy bar has power over me well it is true will you become a disciple of Christ you now have the power of the Living God inside of you but still you still have your old mind and it must be renewed to the thoughts of God through his word the Bible that is why it is so important that you study the Bible for yourself all of these scriptures I'm telling you about and that you see listed I urge you to get your Bible and study them out for yourself so that they become true to you personally you hear the world say the truth will set you free but they distort the truth the scripture tells us what the truth is in John chapter eight verses 31 through 32 then jesus said to those jews who believed him if you abide in my word you are my disciples indeed and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free so you cannot know the truth about a matter unless you know what God says about it through his word now this brings us to a critical point in the diagram every day you have choices to make and these choices determine whether you live a life that glorifies God or a life lived in the flesh only to glorify yourself what makes the difference the difference is whether the choices you made are those in line with the way the Holy Spirit leads you many people cite proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 through 6 as their favorite scripture trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path however few people really know what this means and even fewer practice it to trust in the Lord means to fully rely upon him to give you wisdom to make choices in line with his will for your life it means having confidence that makes you sure and secure to acknowledge him means more than just saying god I know that you are there but to fully expect that he will speak to you and guide you acknowledgement also means that you respect God enough to do what he tells you to do if you do not heed the guidance in proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 through 6 then you are at the mercy of your old mental programming you will make choices that gratify your flesh Galatians chapter 5 verses 19 through 21 defines what this means now the works of the flesh are evident which are adultery fornication uncleanness lewdness idolatry sorcery hatred contentions jealousies outbursts of Wrath selfish ambitions dissensions heresies Envy murders drunkenness revelries and the light of which I tell you beforehand just as I told you in time past that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God the danger of continually ignoring God's voice and disobeying him is that your heart will become hardened and your ears dull of hearing I'm sure some of you know people who profess that they are Christians but who live lives that reflect the opposite unfortunately if they don't truly make Jesus Lord of their lives by doing the things that he says then they will be those of whom Jesus says in Matthew chapter 7 verses 21 through 23 not everyone who says to me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my father in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in your name cast out demons in your name and done many wonders in your name and then I will declare to them I never knew you depart from me you who practice lawlessness this is a very bad place to be so let's not talk about that much more because since you are listening to this presentation I don't believe that you will be counted in that number the other choice that you have is to heed the voice of the Holy Spirit and to obey his leading now how do you know if the voice that you're hearing is really the voice of the Holy Spirit for me I think of four guidelines first the voice of the Holy Spirit is still and small he doesn't scream at you but his voice is quiet and reasonable second the voice of the Holy Spirit always agrees with the Word of God that is why it is so important that you study the word for yourself so that you can determine if the voice you're hearing agrees with the word you are studying third does the choice have the potential to bear spiritual fruit in Galatians chapter five verses 22 through 23 we are told what the spiritual fruit is but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such there is no law fourth and finally the last guideline is a companion to the notion of spiritual fruit does the choice bring you peace now notice I did not say if the choice is easy in all likelihood it won't be easy simply because spiritual choice is war against fleshly choices but the good news is not only does the Holy Spirit help you make the right choices but he gives you the power to walk them out and he has the power to comfort you as you make those hard choices if you ask him in Romans chapter eight verse six we are told that to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace so when we make godly choices we have an opportunity to get to know God better and even to get to know ourselves better that is life in the sweet spot as my husband calls it it is life lived in the spirit it is the only way that you can glorify God in your life Jesus told us that the kingdom of God is within and Romans chapter 14 verse 17 defines what the kingdom of God is for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit that is the way that God's people are meant to live it doesn't mean that we will never face trouble but it does mean that we can face trouble with confidence that we will emerge victorious as we continually affirm God's love acknowledge the Holy Spirit listen to his voice and obey it we will live in the sweet spot and bear fruit that glorifies God in John chapter 15 verse 8 Jesus says by this my father is glorified that you bear much fruit so you will be my disciples so God expects us to grow in love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control if you are not growing in these things then perhaps it is because your mind has not been renewed to the things of God through his word today is your new beginning as I mentioned before I recommend that you use this presentation and the scriptures mentioned therein to begin your own Bible study so that you can truly know God and know that he loves you and that he wants you to live the abundant life that Jesus died to give you and to bring him pleasure in the process god bless you you
Channel: BibleStudyforWomen1
Views: 11,741
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: Bible Study, prayers for strength, Proverbs 35, Proverbs 36, glorify god in your body, fruit of the spirit, bible study for women, glorify god
Id: oClft-Y1plg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2013
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