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[Music] welcome back everyone in today's video I'm going to be addressing some concerns about Mary shines I've actually been getting a lot of emails about how I keep or get my mirror shines so shiny so I'm gonna tell you the one thing that's helped me the most because there a lot of tick tips and tricks to get your mirror shine really really glossy as many of you know I went to visit Kirby Allison at the hanger project this weekend and I had a really great time we're gonna have some videos up on his channel very soon and you'll see well it's kind of an unofficial face reveal so if you've wanted to know what I look like you can watch those videos I'll let everyone know when those are up Kirby was really gracious and we had such a such a fun time recording videos I'd never met him before I'm so it was the first time I've been able to meet him face to face he actually gave me that 100% what was it mango Lee and yak hair brush that I just showed and it's really soft and awesome for for shining shoes so I think the one thing that really helps to get your mirror shine really glossy is to wait now I know that may sound weird but in one sitting there's only so much you can do with with your shoes so you can mayor gloss your shoes really really well but at some point they won't get any shinier in one sitting at least that's what I found maybe you've had better luck but I've shined for an hour too and then found that the shoe will not get any shinier so what I do is I stop put the shoe down and I have to wait about a day or two and then come back to shine and get that mirror shine even glassier and even brighter and more reflective so I know that may not seem like a lot but it's the one thing that's helped me achieve higher shines so this pair I showed off in our previous video where I talked about soul savers and I mirror shine the shoes then but I wanted them to be even glossy err so I waited to two days and then I'm back to shining them today and I'm seeing that the shoes are gonna be even brighter and glossy err another thing I found is using your own breath as you've seen in this video I get close to the toe cap and I use my own hot breath to add uniform moisture and then I start to buff again that's been really really helpful I guess it's the spit-shine technically and then I used cold water from a bottle and I apply that to the toe cap as you can see here but that is just a normal mirror shine but you're doing it day or two later and I guess after a couple of days the waxes settle and everything just you know calms down I guess I don't know how to how to explain it but when you come back to it the shoe will will be ready for an even higher gloss and I'm going to show you here that that's actually true so as you can see in the background that's my buddy he came over and I told him I'm from shining shoes so you can see him sitting in the background so using your breath and waiting a day or two is really really helpful and it's been something that I noticed after trying really hard I can't even tell you how frustrated I've been shining for an hour - and not getting any further and then coming back a day or two later and seeing a big difference so as always you can come back the next day or a day or two later and you'll leave you'll get even better results but for this pair I just wanted to show you the difference one day or one or two days waiting and then one more shine can do and you'll see a difference it's not huge it's not massive but it's enough where if you want to get your toe cap shinier one day weight will help using ice water or really cold water has been really helpful as well it's something about that cold water that really hardens the wax and the polish and brings it up and makes it really really shiny so I found that out I remember when I first started shining shoes I would use hot water and it worked well enough but cold water was really helpful and as you can see here's the before how they were in that here's the after so they're definitely shinier classier and more reflective and that's really the best thing you can do is wait so a mirror shine your shoe let it settle for a day or two and then come back and start again and you will see results and in today's quick tutorial I hope that's that's helpful so if any of you are struggling make sure to a mirror shine and give it a rest come back to it and you will see a definite improvement [Music] thank you so much for watching if you've enjoyed this video please like subscribe and share you can find me on Instagram and Facebook at the elegant Oxford links to my pages are in the description of this video remember always put your best foot forward the small details matter most so don't forget to hashtag shine your shoes see you next time you you [Music] you
Channel: The Elegant Oxford
Views: 193,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mirrorshine, allenedmonds, saphir, shoerestoration, spitshine, shoecare, shoemaintenance
Id: 0nUo91W3bgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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