Hair Spray for a Mirror Shine? Reaction Video to Questionable YouTube Advice.

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do you guys like this mug my wife made it for me it says the elegant oxford and on the back it says hashtag shine your shoes so i think it's really cool i use it to drink my juice sometimes yeah that's what it's like hey everybody welcome back to the elegant oxford in today's video it's just a little bit more relaxed today uh it's almost christmas time so i'm just taking it easy but today i'm actually going to do my first reaction to a video a lot of you have been sending me online i haven't watched it yet a lot of you say there's some type of comedic comedic element to this shoe shine tutorial that you want me to watch so it's called a us navy boot shining trick and it has over a million views so i really don't know what to expect so i'm just going to watch this video and then i'm going to be pausing it just to give you my thoughts and uh yeah i really don't know what else to say i just really i really don't know what to think so let's get started and i will let you know um what i think about it okay so here we go and my boots are always pretty crazy shiny and a lot of people ask how i do it i definitely cheat but it consists of parade gloss and aussie hairspray okay so right away i'm already seeing something kind of weird uh so the person who's done this video has said it's a shoe shining tutorial she's a student somewhere i'm assuming a type of military school of some kind but she's using hairspray to shine her shoes uh so i really don't know what to expect i've never heard of anyone using hairspray to shine their shoes um so i think it's kind of it's kind of comical but let me just continue on the video and see what she does because i'm i'm really intrigued now so first you're gonna take your pare gloss i use the lighter to just kind of like heat it up so it just okay so right away i'm saying something i do not recommend you do and that's using direct fire direct heat or a flame to melt your wax so it's easier to spread around the shoe this is an old method you see it on shoe shiners and street corners but i don't recommend it because uh direct heat you know fire can actually cause the solvents in the wax to evaporate and although this doesn't happen with every brand um once all the solvents evaporate a lot of waxes are just no good they become too hard uh too rigid and they're just not good for shining anymore so i don't recommend you do that if any of you have watched my tutorials you know that i recommend using water and rubbing alcohol mixed together this serves the same purpose it kind of melts the wax down once it's on the toe cap and it helps to bring out that shine a lot quicker so i don't recommend using fire but if you're just going to do a quick military street shine i guess it's better than nothing and i'm sure there are people out there who do a really perfect job with it but i just don't recommend it personally so let's keep watching you're gonna take just a cloth it doesn't matter it doesn't have to be like a soft cotton polishing cloth or anything like that just this is actually a rag like a wash rag and you're just gonna rub it on the boot you don't have to make it shiny but you do want to make sure that it rubs in okay so she's applying some shoe polish some shoe wax onto the shoe to keep it moisturized to keep the leather healthy i think that's totally fine wax isn't the best for nourishing leather but it's better than nothing in reality so ideally you'd like you would want a shoe cream or a leather conditioner but shoe wax is just fine i think as long as you're applying that it's better than nothing and it's better than just wearing the shoe forever without ever doing anything because remember if the leather cracks that's it there's really no real remedy for that so make sure you keep your shoes conditioned and shine just to preserve the leather so it lasts you for a long time i'm going to take the hairspray and shake it up a little bit and then i usually just start with the tip of the boot you're just going to spray it in even like wasping coats until it starts to get shiny and then i go down okay so she's applying hairspray to the boot which is i think complete blast for me just kidding obviously it's a method i've never heard of um but i can't imagine hairspray would actually work long term i can't imagine that it hardens very well unlike wax polish so um and for those who've been in the military who've told me about how dull instructors would actually inspect your shoe i can't imagine that hairspray gets hard enough it would just wipe off pretty easily so um i'm actually going to go and try this myself i just can't believe it i have to go to the store and i'm going to get this exact hairspray i'm going to come back and i'm going to try it myself because i'm really intrigued now and i want to know if it works okay so let me just finish off the rest of the video and see what else is done okay so i finished the video and there's nothing else to be done you use the hairspray you let it dry five ten minutes and then you add another coat and that's about it she did mention that you shouldn't use this method if you're walking through rain or through adverse weather because it'll just it'll it won't work it'll wipe off or something so as i suspected i don't think it's going to be a very viable option and i'm going to go try it myself but i can't imagine it working very well and if you're just going to shine your shoes you might as well just do the traditional method and that way it'll it'll last you a while okay so let me go find this hairspray and then i'm going to come back i have my park avenues here and i'm going to use these and i'm going to experiment on them one of them is going to get the hairspray method and the other one's going to get the good old shoe shine and then i'm going to compare the methods and let you know what i think all right and we are off to target and you know the target curse you can't walk in and just buy one thing you end up buying the entire store i think that's probably why i like walmart better and it's cheaper overall so uh yeah don't judge me so i went to target and i found the closest hairspray that i could to the one in the video so apparently the hairspray that's featured in the video is no longer being produced but i made sure that it had a three out of four on the maximum hold scale which is exactly the same as the one in the video so it's not identical but it's the only one they make now um it's the same brand aussie so i'm gonna give it a try these are my park avenues i strip them down completely to the bare leather so this pair is going to be getting the hairspray and this pair is going to be getting the traditional shine and then we can uh check out how it's going i'm like so nervous right now so uh yeah here we go whoa this is actually really shiny kind of shocked okay so now i'm just going to let it dry i'm going to give it about 10 to 15 minutes to let it completely dry i'm kind of shocked at how glossy it looks i really didn't know it was gonna happen um but so far it looks pretty darn glossy i'm kind of shocked so let me let it dry and then i'll come back to it and then um we'll continue to see what's going on here hey everybody so i decided to leave the shoes to dry overnight the hairspray actually went on really really glossy as you can see it was almost the best mirror shine i had ever seen so quickly but what i did notice was that the hair the hairspray wasn't drying very quickly in fact i waited 15 to 20 minutes and it was still really sludgy so i decided to let them dry because i really want to present the strongest possible version of this technique i don't want to just write it off because who knows it might actually work so i want to do a good faith attempt be really charitable with how i do it so that if it does work i can let you know so i'm going to come back home and then i'm going to add extra layers if i have to but i just want to make sure that i'm not writing it off so quickly and before i debunk the hairspray for a shoe shine technique okay i'm actually going to be pretty honest when i applied the hairspray it was so glossy that i was actually kind of worried i thought what if this actually works i went in thinking this was just a terrible idea but we'll see as soon as i get home i will check on the shoes and i'll make my final assessment okay first off i'm sorry for that car alarm going off in the background it's literally been going off for like five six hours i just don't know what's going on but i left the shoes uh to dry and here is the result okay so it's actually dried it feels like it doesn't feel as hard as wax uh it's still kind of slick but it it seems to be dry and then last night i added a layer i let it dry 10 minutes added another layer let it dry 10 minutes and added one vinyl so this is three layers and it looks pretty shiny i mean it's not as shiny as when i first applied the the hairspray just like in the video the girl said that it wouldn't stay that shiny and she was right so i mean it looks pretty shiny i'm not going to lie i it so as you can see okay so here's the rest of the shoe it's still all i haven't added anything as you get to the front here the vamp and the toe cap it's pretty dang shiny okay so i'm i'm gonna say i'm pretty impressed here um yeah pretty amazing smells like hairspray [Laughter] okay actually i already see an issue i accidentally ran my nail over here and it started to flake a little bit so actually let me show you all right you see that i literally just ran my nail really softly and it's already flaking and scratching okay so that might be a problem um yeah so this is probably not a great idea you're killing me smalls okay so i have a little bit of water here and we're gonna simulate you know you're just walking by and a little sprinkle of water gets on your toe cap happens all the time it's very common so one two three and it's this is exactly what i knew it was gonna happen it's it's already running it's changing color so the hairspray is not going to work i don't think uh yeah it's bubbling it's raising up so this isn't a very good idea and i'm going to be honest if you're wearing dress shoes it's very likely that you're gonna get something on them whether it's a sprinkle of water from the water fountain even from a water bottle it doesn't matter you're just gonna get water on them and if this is the result this is not a good thing at all okay so if i'm just going to spread it around my finger and it's already starting to smell stronger all right so let's just add okay so if water alone can do all this it's probably not a great idea in defense of the person who made the video i think that if it's an emergency i mean even then i just you can perform a shine very quickly i don't think it it's at all needed to use hairspray and right now i'm going to be using this other shoe and i'm going to be shining it normally just so i can compare okay so this didn't work out as soon as you add water it bubbles up it starts to run as you can see and it just doesn't work overall so this would not be a good idea if you got water on your shoes and you had hairspray on them you would immediately be able to tell that you use some type of product so honestly it's a quick fix if that even but it's still not a very good idea okay so i stripped the shoe down and got all the the hair spray off and let me tell you it did not come off easily okay it was i don't know what happened it was pretty on there and it took a lot of acetone to get off so the shoe is pretty dry um the leather has for sure been through the ringer so i'm gonna start off using renovator which is in my opinion the best leather conditioner out there and it really just does fantastic make sure to just get that leather and really nourish it okay so it just takes one coat you can do this pretty quickly actually just apply it with your fingers and massage it in with some firm pressure just use a little bit here okay it's okay if you get a little bit of excess it'll just wipe off or absorb into the leather all right as you can see renovator leaves a nice soft glow all right now to introduce some lost pigment a little bit of black mdo cream it's going to help a lot all right the shoe is looking a lot better now now it's time for the wax all right so we're just going to use traditional black wax [Music] okay and if you've watched my mirror shine videos you know that i'm going to be adding a lot of layers here so now remember this is just to build up the initial base so the mirror shine happens a lot quicker okay it doesn't take very long just adding layers and making sure you get all the little nooks crannies and crevices and while you're at it add a layer of wax to the whole shoe for protection and for a higher shine shouldn't take very long do this quickly okay just keep adding layers back and forth and this is where solvents really come in the solvents just allow you to apply the the wax really easily and i really like pat deluxe by saphir because it's a really good solvent content just makes it a lot easier all right like always a little bit of alcohol water okay a little bit of ice water and the wax all right [Music] do all right you can see in a matter of a few minutes you're already getting a mirror shine so it's not that hard it doesn't take a very long time if you want to get a perfect mirror shine it is going to take a little bit of time but this is sufficient already to wear um just really want to drive that point home that you don't need to just use hairspray if if you have an inspection coming or you really want to present yourself with some shiny shoes just do it the right way and if something's worth doing it's worth doing right so just make sure you keep shining and you just do your best i mean there's really i think people have been trying to find ways to do things you know easily for a long time but for a lot of things especially important stuff it just takes time it takes patience and it takes tenacity so so not perfect at all but already a mirror shine so let's see how shiny i can get these [Music] oh i actually really liked how these turned out really glossy really reflective now this isn't my best work and it doesn't look 100 but overall i am really satisfied with how this mirror mirror shine came out you can see me there in the reflection uh showing the shoe off so um yeah i think the results speak for themselves i really don't think there's a question about what you should do so here's the hairspray for you to see it one more time reflective of course but when you compare it to the real thing it is a no-brainer there is absolutely no competition so hashtag shine your shoes [Laughter] okay i think we can call the hairspray method thoroughly debunked as if you needed a video by good old me to let you know that though i think it's pretty obvious that you shouldn't use hairspray in your shoes hello anybody home i think butterfly but um i think it's you know if someone wants a quick shine and they just youtube how to shine shoes they might get that video and think why not i have hair spray nearby but it's always good to just do the work remember quick fixes usually end up costing you long term so use traditional wax polish and cream polish and if you know me i recommend saphir i sell it on the so if you want to support the channel go on over and do that as you can see uh traditional wax works perfect and it will last you a really long time and if you ever get slight micro creases in the wax as you walk just come home and use a hair dryer or a heat gun and just melt it back down quick easy fix shine it back up doesn't take more than five minutes i have a video in fact where i take a hammer to the mirror shine and i shine it back up really quickly so it's not a big deal and it'll you know it's going to be just fine so um yeah don't use hairspray if you're one of those guys that actually owns really nice and expensive shoes you don't want to be using hairspray either so these are actually by yosol and i'm doing a review on these pretty soon so stay tuned for that but if you want a good pair of shoes like these are hand welded hand lasted you don't want to be using hairspray on this on these type of shoes okay so the hair spray actually bonded with the park avenues on the leather and i couldn't get it off easily so i just not good for leather don't do it it's gonna not be good for your shoes long term so i hope you had fun with this video i hope everyone's doing great today as i'm filming is actually new year's day so i hope you all had a great new years uh i hope you had a great holiday season a merry christmas and i really want to thank you all for watching the videos commenting and supporting the elegant oxford if you'd like to see another video like this comment down below uh send me videos that you want me to react to and there's a lot of shoe shining stuff out there and some of it's pretty you know it's kind of crazy so let me know thanks again for supporting the channel and i hope you all have a very great 2021 and i will see you next video have a great one thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video please like subscribe and share for more content in the future visit the if you'd like to purchase any of the shoe products you've seen me use make sure to check out my other videos as well if you'd like to learn more about the art of the shoeshine don't forget to look for me on facebook instagram and twitter at the elegant oxford remember to care for your shoes so they'll last you for years to come always put your best foot forward the small details matter most so don't forget to hashtag shine your shoes i'll see you next time
Channel: The Elegant Oxford
Views: 82,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mirrorshine, spitshine, shoeshine, allenedmonds, saphir, alden, carmina, vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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