How To Get Your Ad On First Page Of Google (FAST) Adwords Top Of Page Bid

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what's going on guys Rob for my PPC training calm today's video I'm gonna show you how to get any AdWords ad onto the top of AdWords page one for your targeted search term it's really simple and we're gonna go right into it alright so if you're right excuse me if you're running Adwords and you want to get your ads the top of page water for your targeted search sharks it really comes down to bidding alright so chances are if your ads are on the bottom of page one which might as well be page 250 or 300 page 2 or 3 it's probably because you're fitting too low the easiest way to fix that is the jacket bids up so if we go into our what label PPC campaign here we're an overview come down to keywords pull up a list of our keywords we'll sort by clicks you can see average position over here in this column if you don't know how to do these columns come up here modify columns choose you could open up these tabs here and you choose which metrics you look at hit apply really easy so we look at our position here we're doing a really good position wise two point three is exactly the sweet spot you want to be in but if your position five or higher you're on the bottom of the page or a couple pages back depending on what position it is so the simple revenue to that is just bid higher so if we're doing 42 here we Jack that up like three four bucks see where that lands us same for all these really really easy to do so you might be asking all right well you're using manual CPC bidding here I'm using an ottoman strategy so what the hell do I do alright easy we'll come over here go into settings go into settings sorry guys funky all day today alright so we come over here to bidding so let's say you're using an auto bid strategy let's say it's maximize clicks because that's the most common if you are using maximize clicks you should be using a CPC bid limit you're crazy if you don't because Google been super high so let's say you are using one it's thirty one dollars or whatever so we come into bidding you're all right so let's start from scratch we're using maximize clicks betting strategies it's an auto strategy right you have position 5 or higher or 4 or higher or whatever so you need to get a better position to have your ads showing on top of Google if you're using Auto bid strategy you come here under settings in the bidding and you just up your your maximum CPC bill a bit so if we're bidding 31 and we're still in position 5 that's that's terrible we're gonna go to 36 or 37 39 or whatever you want to bid a couple dollars higher and see what position led to it that you should save and that's a really really really simple I doubt a lot of you guys are using Auto bidding but if you are that's great it's an awesome strategy and if you don't if you're not sure what it is and you want to start trying it out testing it I'll put a link in the description below this video to my tutorial on all the different bidding strategies and how each one works and when to use them and what not to use them so check that out and that will definitely help you out with Auto bidding but other than that moral the story here today increase your bids it will get better position angle bit topic page that's really it it's that simple so if you have any questions drop them in the comments while this video make sure you subscribe to our Channel really important make sure you give me a thumbs up - if you can I really appreciate that check out the links in the description or drop 1 for that bidding tutorial video and also onto our Facebook group and ones who are free optimization our AdWords optimization ebook it's a it's pretty powerful stuff you can use as a reference point when you're optimizing your AdWords campaigns so check that out on that I'll catch you in the group where I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Clicks Geek
Views: 34,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get your ad on top of google, google top of page, adwords, adwords tutorial, top of page ad position, top of google search, advertising on google, advertising on google adwords, google advertising tutorial, how to get on the first page of google, adwords top of page, adwords top of page bid, top of page, top of page bid, top of page adwords, top of page bid adwords, google adwords training, adwords bidding, first page bid, how to get on the first page of google search
Id: 9kER8-MVAoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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