Google Ads Course 2024 | How to Use Google Ads Step by Step

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hey everyone my name is Alex and in this video I'm going to dig into all the concepts needed for you to get started running Google ads I'm expecting this video to be around an hour and believe me it's going to be worth it for you to watch as much as possible because I'm going to talk through some secret tips and tricks I use every day and scaling accounts and revenue fast I'm also going to be adding chapters breaking down every section of the videos so you'll be able to jump around and then if you're new to Google ads you know you want a 2024 refresher on the updated UI or you want to know the most current strategies that the best media buyers are using in Market to grow you know 25 50% 100% month over month I really recommend watching this video in its entirety and other videos on my channel I've spent tens of millions of dollars specifically on Google ads and on YouTube and display and I'm giving a lot for free as I try to build this channel up so if you want to improve your ad account you want to spend as little as possible generating conversions and revenue you want to figure out how to be optimal and to scale fast without the BS and motivational stuff keep watching uh this is the perfect video for you by the end of the video you're going to know more than 95% of the people running ads on Google I know I'm asking for a lot of your time but believe me I'm going to do everything I can to make it worth it and with that out of the way let's start to dive in and then if you also have any questions at any point in the video please just take a second write it down in the comments I'm a really small Channel but I read and respond to every question I get so I am watching I'm reading and I'm here to get you better results so let's start off with account creation this is just your basic onboarding um I'm going to assume you know you can do anything with this that you would want but um really I recommend just clicking create an account without a campaign or if there's a popup um you would also just say I don't want to create a campaign right now and then we'll go through that actual entire campaign process and so then it's going to ask for billing details and we'll just go in after I've submitted my billing details okay so I get a lot of people that will say hey Alex you know like I I just looked you know I had someone running my account for a year um things were good you know business was increasing but I looked into the account and like oh my God you know I feel like we could improve things so much more like tenfold the reason for for this they they come from Bad click-through rate low ad relevance poor quality score but like why right so most people's account structure when they have a good business and they're getting good results from Google ads but then you know maybe they hit a point where they can't grow anymore they go and they look at their account or you know even worst case scenario they're just it's not working right their account looks like something like this they've got a campaign and they've got an ad group in that and they've got a couple of ads that they made and they've got a you know a ton of keywords so I call this the Frankenstein ad group one you I call it Frankenstein because they combine a bunch of different things and a bunch of different ideas together and they made it alive um and it's scary because how do you learn anything when you combine everything and then also how do you customize anything for people you know if you combined everything you combined all the keywords against all the ads it's all in a big pool and we're just relying on Google's Ai and machine learning to fix it like don't get me wrong Google's got great AI Google's got best inclass machine learning but like we're not giving it a very good chance you know we're giving it a very good chance to spend all of our money but it all leads to expensive conversions so do me a favor you know if you've got ad group one right now and it's got everything in there even if it's working like there's probably a way to make it work even better having a better structure and there's probably a way for you to get learnings out of your Google ads Beyond just I'm putting a dollar in I'm getting $5 out or $10 out or $7 out or $3 out at scale there's probably a way to actually get learnings from that where you can go and you can go live on YouTube or you can go on Facebook or you can make ads on talk because you know your customers and you know what messaging resonates for each segment right so if that's something you want to achieve like let's get into it okay so this is how we're going to solve that problem single keyword ad groups they're called scags they're highly organized you get one ad group per keyword or theme they get an ad from you they they look up black rayb band sunglasses your ad says black Rayband sunglasses they click on that because it's relevant and then they arrive at a landing page that's selling your black Rayband sunglasses that's infinitely better than if they looked up black Rayband sunglasses or maybe it's even a specific model number of black Rayband sunglasses and you sered them an ad for like Black sunglasses and you even had Ray bands in stock but like you just had it under ad group one so Google didn't know to surface that landing page that the black rayb bands right to that user that's specifically looking for those and so just by having these setups where like just to give a more broad example someone's looking for vanilla ice cream and you just give them a landing page about ice cream it's good like it's relevant you know I'm looking for ice cream but like why not remove the step and just send me directly to the vanilla you know that you know that's what I want because I'm giving you that data so that's what Skaggs do really organized scags can be super scalable as well um but mostly they're highly organized they get you the best prices in the auction because you're making the most relevant ads that outperform competitors and they also give you an iterative feedback loop so look I we're not going to dig into this too much right now but this is essentially I'm skipping to the end of this part and then what we're going to do is we're going to go back into the account we're going to go cover a bunch of Concepts that we're going to overlay on each other to how we build the best gags out there great okay cool I use the old design so you click on appearance and you're going to see it's a little bit different design than mine um I'm using the old design because I think the UI is better still they're working on the new design still for 2024 and I just don't really like it I think everything moved in places I don't really like they're going to fine-tune it which means it's going to change more so even if I get used to it now it's just my gripe right but like sorry I'm using it in the old design you can still find everything uh with the search bar if you know you really want to use the new design anyway so create a new campaign what's your campaign objective every single time without fail I will say create a campaign without a goals guidance that's because I don't really want to be railroaded in any specific way here and then we're going to have a bunch of different options here um I'm going to click on a search campaign and then in terms of the results I don't click anything here because I don't need to customize anything right there and then goal I want to focus on is purchase in this case and then we're going to give this a descriptive name in this case we're going to get back to this later but I'm going to be diving into a Services um campaign type that we're going to build through scags specifically HVAC replacement so I'm going to call this search HVAC replacement and then we'll we'll turn on Advanced conversions this is essentially um a way of adding an additional data layer uh data layer rather uh where Google uses info that customers provide such as like their email address and it can just improve measurement and optimization of the campaign and it's just another way that you can communicate across stuff to Google in this era where third party cookies are going away and it's just getting harder to track people which a lot of people really like but also it can make it harder to advertise if you don't have that data so how do you get better data you get the data that people actually give you first party cookies right so agree and continue and then in this case so some there's going to be a lot of settings that we want to go over here uh in terms of bidding bidding is a whole conversation um that I could probably make an entire video on its own but I'll just give you an example if a conversion is worth we're going to be doing something called Target cost per acquisition bidding which would rely on us having conversion tracking enabled by the way so you want to get conversion tracking enabled you want to make sure that the conversion that you aiming for is being tracked and being reported in the tools and settings and conversion tab under measurement right so if you don't have that it's okay it can be set up very easily there's a lot of really great video guides on YouTube I'm not an attribution or conversion tracking specialist I usually farm that out but I know how to do it at the basic level it's just not really worth me making a video about it because there's hundreds of videos follow one it'll take about 15 minutes to set up conversion tracking maybe half an hour if you have a slow computer but I'm going to assume that you have it right so if a Target you know I'm just going to set it at what my target is at what I'm okay with and we're going to just go out the gate with Target CPA um if you want faster results you just go Max conversions which is what this is called okay so two options here we have Target C or we have a we have Target CPA which is with the checkbox picked so so for me I want to say that my conversions are worth $100 for me and then if I wanted to have the most conversions possible I would just delete this very simple great okay and I'm going to immediately uncheck search Network and Display Network these are what I call Money spending um kind of traps the reason why they are traps is they do expand your ability to reach more people but we're buying search ads right on the Google you know the Google search interface someone searches for a keyword we want a place for that keyword we don't want to buy things that are outside of that if we wanted to run things on the Display Network we would run display ads if we wanted to run things on the search Network we could run another campaign that's specifically focused on the search Network so I just never see a point in these um in practice I've never seen an account that has been happy with search Network or Display Network um being included they'll say that it gets you more conversions but in many cases they're bucketing things like page views under conversions or really low quality leads if they're including leads in those reports and look I understand Google has to make their money but we have to make our money too best practice here do not have these checked and then in terms of location targeting I'm going to select United States because that's where I'm based and my customers speak English primarily and that's the language I speak and the language I'm going to be writing my ads in and I set English earlier and then I just released a video on audience segments so we don't need to dig in too much into this but the best practice here is you would set observation audiences that are relevant to your services audience um segments that are obs a targeted won't reduce the reach of your campaign and if you don't add any bids on top of them they won't increase your cost either so they're just a way of like understanding what percentage of my users are for example interested in computer supplies or interested in if it's uh you know an HVAC campaign that I'm building um who who of them are interested in like DIY Home Improvement right or they're they're interested in uh they just bought a new house or their house is like really old right so different types of segments that we could include there that would introduce um new data that could potentially be interesting for us overall I would say audience segments are not required if you're making a new campaign um and in many cases they're not actually even required if you're if you're scaling something up um there's other ways to get that customer segment information like your CRM or um your Shopify data or wherever you're housing that customer information or just talking to them so that's a in segments and then in terms of broad match keywords I just keep this off we are going to be using broad match keywords in our campaign and our campaign targeting but we don't want to just use broad match keywords and as we dig into more settings there's a few things to note here one is ADD rotation so in terms of add rotation we're just going to be using optimize but do not optimize is a great way to AB test if you have two different types of ads or two different types of messaging that you want to test uh rotating ads indefinitely will basically evenly split your budget and rotate them evenly across the uh entire day of AD spend so if you have a thousand Impressions that you've bought on a on a given um campaign or ad group this will evenly rotate them so 500 Impressions goes to one and 500 Impressions go to the other it's a great way to get a head-to-head matchup but in all other cases where you don't want to do an AB test um you just want to go with optimize and then some other things um in terms of start and end dates I mention this all the time I like to have my campaign go live the next day at midnight and then you can also set an end date this is mostly for cases where you have like a specific promo uh say you're running a promotion for two weeks and you want to make sure that you're out of Market um or you just want to run a campaign that's test for two weeks you would just set that end date right there and some other things um to keep a note out if you have a business that only runs on certain weekdays you can set for example Mondays through Fridays and if you don't want to receive any inquiries from people at 3:00 a your time you can set something for example let's say you want to work from 8 to 4 8 to four would be 16 yes perfect so 8 to four um Mondays through Fridays that's when we want to accept our HVAC replacement um leads essentially and that's what when we want to be in market and then so some other settings here there's campaign URL options this is for if you want to set up a tracking template which is a bit more um on the attribution side for this video and I'm not going to get into it but this could be really helpful if you already have a um U UTM parameter schema um in place and it's just a really great way to just um segment out your users especially if you're doing other marketing efforts alongside Google ads and the last thing would be brand restrictions if you're watching this video I'm kind of unlike you know I think it's unlikely that you are going to have any um brand restrictions and it also requires broad match keywords to be turned on so I just ignore this I've literally never used brand restrictions ever so I've used it once I've used it in one case it was very specific they had very specific rules around where they could or could not show things so if you know you know and if you don't you don't need it right great so next up we have ad groups and we're going to get back to this in just a second because we need to talk about more specifically how we're going to structure our ad groups and some things that we need to know to properly develop our scags okay so add extensions also known as assets so they're called ad extensions because they extend the size of your ad they make it larger more prominent on the search engine results page who doesn't want that so the caveat though with ad extensions is that if you don't use ad extensions correctly they can actually make your ad performance be worse which is surprising to a lot of people when I say that because they say well but Alex you know like they make it a lot larger on the syrup right like why wouldn't I want to have more links to my website well here's the thing when you add extensions that add links to your website people end up clicking multiple times on the same exact search you basically pay for every click that happens on that search so if you're paying $3 a click and in this example they click on art materials and they click on clearance art supplies and they click on deals and offers you could pay $9 now now sometime I mean they change the rules sometimes it's you can only pay up to two clicks sometimes you can you know sometimes it's only one but the the rule of thumb here basically is that you could be paying for multiple clicks from one Searcher and you wouldn't necessarily be capturing more value and so that's the caveat you want to make sure that your ad extensions are very very tight and clean and concise and make sense and only certain ad extensions matter for certain businesses I'm going to say say that again only certain businesses want certain ad extensions if you're a service-based business you want to have the call extension if you're an e-commerce business you don't want the call extension if you have a promo going on you should use the promo asset if your promos are really not exciting and you know they're not interesting or or you can't afford to do a promo don't have don't force a promo just because there's an option right structured stimets are usually great for every everybody site links are only great if you're pointing people to places that make sense location extensions don't really make sense if your locations are relevant but if it matters for someone to know that you're nearby then you should use them if you have a great app use an app extension if your app sucks or you're in beta don't use an app extension right these are the kinds of rules of thumb and that's why there's no one best practice with ad extensions and it really depends deps on what your business is but just think about it in that sense as we kind of go through this example and I'm going to be specifically focused on an HVAC service business in this example that we're going to walk through but it doesn't mean that everything that I use for this HVAC company would apply to say your e-commerce company or your coaching company right so I just really want you to be focused on that be focused on what are and thinking about what are the extensions that are right for me what makes sense for um my sight l extensions because those are URLs so you might not want to send people anywhere but your landing page and in that case you wouldn't use site links or maybe you have similarly relevant places or you're okay with spending a little bit more on site link extensions if it's going to help people understand your product or your brand better and that's totally fine just be aware of like the things that you're doing and that's the general advice I'm giving here okay now that we've talked ad nauseum about ad extensions SL assets let's get into actually building our first ad group okay so there's a few things here uh that we need to talk about because we also want to understand okay why why are scags better and and there's something about the auction that we need to cover because a lot of people don't understand the auction a lot of people don't understand how the auction interacts with quality score um this is a graphic from wordstream shout out to wordstream they've done some really great articles in the industry and I think they've already um you know done a really great job with this graphic um though it doesn't cover everything and I'll talk about the little pieces that it doesn't cover so first of all let's talk about this metric called quality score so I've made a few videos on quality score that dig into it really specifically and people really liked so if you want to learn Deep dive around quality score watch those videos but we'll cover it in general here too quality score has three factors that impact the auction ultimately and and it impacts the auction because quality score is a factor that can either reduce or increase your ability to not only rank highly with your ads on the Ser the search engine results page but it can also reduce your ability to um kind of make ends mean in terms of having a good return on investment because quality score directly impacts your cost per click okay so that's the that's the thing to know quality score is made up of user experience keyword relevance and expected click-through rate so basically this is a combination of how well are you competing against others how relevant are your ads to the keyword that someone is searching or the search term that you know they're they're searching right and then once they get to your landing page right is it a good experience right um are you doing anything weird on your landing pages um are you doing anything spammy you know avoiding all of that you're just having a really good clean user experience without issues doing all of those things in a really really good way that are better than your competitors will give you a good quality score and that's and then the Nuance here which isn't too important unless you become more advanced but quality score that you can see in your account is not the quality score that gets used for ad rank but it's really close so the quality score that you'll see in your account is a diagnostic tool that closely reflects the quality score that gets input into the ad rank calculation okay that is the difference there are two quality scores it's a taale of two cats one of them you can see it's a diagnostic tool it represents the other but it doesn't always mean it's the quality score that you actually have so if you change your quality score on the diagnostic tool because you've made a bunch of improvements and it goes from 7 to 10 you may not directly see that impact your cost per click on the same day that your quality score improves but over time if you have best-in-class ads best in- class quality score your cost per clicks are going to go down incrementally because you are going to improve on the actual quality score metric used in the auction okay that's half of the fund the other half of the fund is Max bid so obviously it's an auction if you have a lot of money you can get away with not you know not having as good of everything else but obviously like we're looking for return on investment we're looking for positive Delta here so you want to have a great quality score and you want to have the right size bid and that's how you get the best ad Rank and AD rank as it sounds is a hierarchical metric that determines are you number one on the placement are you number two on the placement are you number three on the placement are you number the four on the placement right and one other thing that people make the mistake of is saying well I want to always be number one it may not always make sense to be number one right if you're selling a thousand product someone else is selling a $10,000 product they can probably afford to be number one more easily and out compete you for number one but you can take the number two spot right and so it makes the the the general guidance here is you want to have the best ad rank possible that makes sense for your return on investment needs okay um but anyway as you can see here we have Sam Mary Jane and Pat and let's dig into this a little bit more so Sam has excellent quality score 10 out of 10 Jane has really low quality score the lowest at one out of 10 Sam actually has the lowest bid at $2 and Jane had the most money that she was willing to put into it $8 but because her quality score was so poor compared to Sam's it was you know you could basically look it's quality score times bid so 10 time two for Sam is 20 four time 4 for Mary is 16 1 time 8 for Jane is eight 2 * 6 for Pat is 12 right and there's only in this case three spots that are available on the auction and in most cases there's way more than three spots but just for example sake Jane doesn't even get to participate in the auction in this case and this is this auction happens for every single keyword that has any ad on it so every single time this calculation is being made and there's always going to be variances in quality score for every single um and this is why they don't show it because it would be too confusing um and it wouldn't be you know it wouldn't look consistent uh every time for every single user across Google's what is there like six billion people use Google or five billion people some insane amount of people use Google every year um this calculation is being run so that's the whole idea you want to have the best ad rank possible and you do that in the cheapest way by having the best quality score possible and a Max bid that makes sense so what is the max bid in terms of the actual account well if you're doing Target cost uh T Target cost per acquisition tcpa that's going to be Max bid if you're doing maximum cost per click uh with a uh Target cost per click um uh bid modifier or um mcpc is what people call it that's going to be another example of a Max bid if you're doing um traz which is Target return on investment which is basically the conversions value um bidding max conversion value bidding with a Target roaz cap on it that's going to be another example of Max bid and that's how this interacts in the auction so what you know I I went through a lot of technical detail there what is the actual thing Alex that you need to know good quality score make really excellent campaigns make really good ads put people on a simple journey and then bid the right amount that makes sense of Your Business Media buying on Google might seem simple but we all know it's not I have created a custom coaching program tailored to every student where I personally break down everything that you could need to know about the complex facets of Google advertising during coaching I'll walk you through how to master every concept that you need to know to get on top for your business over 100 people have already signed up for coaching just from this small Channel and are already earning the rewards of knowing how to Media buy properly however if coaching isn't for you or you just don't have the time because you're busy running a big business I also offer a fully 360 degree done for you media buying service for businesses spending over 10K a month I have a background in profitable hyper growth and I work with a small selection of clients every quarter if either of these are something that you're interested in check them out in the description below or give me an email at alexd Darlington thanks so much let's get back to video Okay so we've talked about ad extensions we've talked about our campaign at high level we've got our settings locked in we have our Target cost per acquisition or we're setting you know we basically have our bidding decided and now it's time to actually make our ad group so uh the idea here is we want to have one ad group one keyword and we want to have it be a really important um type of Customer because it does take work for you to build each Scag there it's effortful I'm not going to lie um and so you want to focus on your biggest areas of priority first and so if you're in a case where you have an ad group one and it's really messy focus on look at your Search terms report and focus on the biggest most high converting um in terms of not only percentage but also the number of conversions um customer segments and Search terms and start there and that's where you would make your first ad groups and then after you see performance you can continue to transition your accounts um but if you're just making things for the first time you can kind of just follow this process so I know that for HVAC companies um in this example A lot of people a lot of potential customers are looking at replacing their water heater with a tankless water heater and so we want to focus on people that are higher intent for that so let's look to create an ad group called Scag tankless water heater price and we care about people that are really um top of the or really bottom of the funnel um that are already thinking about price and they're really you know considering purchasing um and then we can kind of hit them with a nice service landing page that um really sells to that that specific user so I'm going to throw in the exact match term here and then we're going to copy it and then we're going to do a phrase match term and then we're going to do a broad match term and so this is another concept match types match has nothing around it it is the broadest version um but it's not terribly broad because it intersects with bidding so if you're bidding for conversions Google is going to find the conversions within broad match if you're bidding for conversions it's going to find the conversions within phrase It's GNA find the conversions within exact right it's not going to just grab everybody because Google knows that if it did that people will get really annoyed because nobody would be making money because not every Searcher on the web is is has intent to buy and Google knows like who are more you know who are the people more likely to buy right and so uh the idea here is in terms of match types broad is broadest phrase is less broad exact is the least broad if you have very little money and you want to focus on the highest potential for uh good return on invest M and volume that you can that is consistent but it's not going to be as high just delete broad match however if you want to have the best case scenario in terms of volume opportunity and scalability include broad match and in previous videos in previous years I would have said don't use broad match but Google really improved broad match targeting over the last year and I use it in almost all of the accounts that I'm managing right now so I just do it in a structured way where I'm not just like combining a bunch of broad match under one ad group and so that's match types and let's actually start to create our first ad so there's going to be a few different things to consider here immediately one I we're just going to call this I I don't know if hbac I'm sure that's a website but um in our case I don't have an HVAC company um and we're going to then fill out the display path here oh and actually one one thing that's really important is you actually have to do https um you don't want to use HTTP without the S um it's just a little thing that's kind of annoying on Google side um they'll flag the ad if you just do HTTP because it's less secure and then water heater as our other part of the display path and so the display path is something that doesn't change your URL but you would add it to the end of the URL to improve um just the relevance of the ad so we're basically saying that you're looking for a tankless water heater price right you're going to click on an ad you know a landing page that um tells you about tankless water heater um and water heaters and ideally their prices um now the thing that's worth considering here is obviously if you had an an actual Landing p P that was just about you know tankless water heaters you wouldn't need to use a display path because you'd already have it within your final URL if that makes okay so now I'm going to brainstorm some headlines and then let's check back in and just a Okay so we've added some headlines here and let's review so we have to consider that we are responding to someone who is looking around price right so we don't need to be informational and in terms of our ad we need to be more focused on closing the deal so we have the best prices we have the best value for money um you're going to get endless hot water right this is going to save space in your home right we're a qualified dealer right we offer units and installs right now I know not not too much about the actual tank list business model I have worked with a couple of HVAC companies and we've gotten great results for them but um ultimately right there the experts um but what I know what I do know about tank list is that it's way better um and so all you have to do is um sell you don't have to sell people necessarily on tank list you sell them on what they already know which is that it's so much better and that you're going to be the partner that's going to give them the best experience for whatever their context is so I identified three possible segments of person that's looking for tank lless price they could be looking for a unit and install um they could be looking for a replacement um they could also be looking for um a they want to replace their tank list and then and install a different one right so a lot of different options here um but I just wanted to make sure I'm covering all the different angles so then the responsive search ads can do the rest of the work so the thing with the responsive search ads is you want to fill out all of the headlines and all of the descriptions right so all 15 headlines all four descriptions this isn't easy I know but it's totally worth it and the thing to consider here that's going to be most important is you don't want to be redundant with your headlines and you don't want to be redundant with your uh with your descriptions right so as you can see in the preview column here and we're going to get into all these different things that I'm doing in the headlines and description here um but some of the combinations are really good some of the combinations are really bad right so get started today qualified tankless dealer that sounds great uh greatest value for money prices that's relevant but it doesn't necessarily get into that we can help you actually get one into your home and endless hot water space Saving Solutions this doesn't tell me anything about it so um the responsive search ads are going to listen to the customer queries and also they're going to assess every single one of your headlines and descriptions and basically Google is going to determine is this a good enough headline to serve and if it's not it won't serve it and if it is they you know that's the first check is it good enough to even serve and then they serve it and then it basically goes into battle against all of your other headlines and descriptions up to two or three headlines will be shown at once and one to two descriptions will be shown at once so what you should know with that is um you don't get all that much right two to three headlin L is going to be 90 characters and then one to two descriptions is up to 100 charact 180 characters so that's 180 Plus 90 that's 270 you get 270 characters to sell someone on potentially thousands of dollars right that's not a lot of room and you need to get a lot out of that because ultimately you're you're battling against all these other people so that's those that's where I'll leave you with headlines and descriptions and again you know if you do really want to work on messaging and and drill down on that I'm going to be releasing more videos around that if you do want a second pair of eyes on all of your messaging all of your copy you want to really work with someone closely on that again coaching services are down in the description below highly recommend that especially if you want to go to the next level um but let's dig in a little bit more into the headlines here because I'm doing a couple of things that you might want to also consider doing in your ads yourself right especially if you're someone who doesn't like to do some of the more technical stuff stuff because believe me I get it but also there's a lot of opportunity in in doing some of the technical stuff and it's not actually that hard so let's talk about one thing which is called Dynamic keyword insertion so that's what these brackets are doing um one we're doing Dynamic keyword insertion here and two we're doing Dynamic location insertion down here so let's talk about Dynamic keyword insertion so I'm going to delete this the way that you do this and insert it into your ad is you type one bracket here and then it'll give you three different options one you have keyword insertion two you have countdown insert a timer that counts down to an event and three you have insert the location that triggers your ad right so the searcher's location and so let's talk about keyword insertion insert the keyword that triggers your ad so this is going to insert the search term and this is where skags plus DKI can take things to the next level um to an extent because even with scags you're going to have some variants in the search terms that match up to your keywords because we're using phrase match and we're using broad match and even exact match isn't exactly exact anymore so I said a lot there but what what does that mean so we're going to look at basically a way to and you can see it on the right here uh we're going to set things into title case and we're going to put some default text here tankless water heater ni and so so the idea here is that if we're not able to serve the DKI um then the default text will show up instead however if there's a better match than the the DKI or there's a better match sorry than the default text the DKI will show so for example if their search term is specifically you know maybe they they say prices right it'll show prices instead of price or if they you know know they they say tankless water heater cost right it'll show cost instead of price and so this is just a great way to add incremental um benefits to your messaging and make it just a little bit more specific and you can actually see this out in the wild and also where it goes wrong um if you just look for any flight so every single um Aviation company in the world uses DKI in their Google advertising um and they use a similar thing on the organic side called programmatic SEO so if you want to have fun with that look up like ticket to hell or like ticket to Atlantis or flight to you know Mars and you're going to get Dynamic keyword insertion to like you know flight to Mars right so the other side of this is location yes so uh loc Dynamic location insertion so this is really relevant for service-based businesses but not so much for like e-commerce unless someone is like seeing if they're you know you can deliver to them which could be relevant for e-commerce as well but mostly service-based businesses want to be able to show this so um for service based businesses you can obviously do a lot with Geo targeting which we talked a little bit about earlier like if you're surveying people in Virginia and all of Virginia in the United States you would set your Geo targeting to Virginia but some people just don't really understand that like just because an ad is showing and saying Virginia um that you would actually be able to serve them in Virginia Searchers you know people just don't necessarily understand but if someone lives in like uh I think Fairfax is a city in Virginia or Arlington um whatever cities are in Virginia right you could pick one of those cities um you know for example Los Angeles California right so I could put uh top rated HVAC team and if I am running an HVAC company in Los Angeles or my service radius includes Los Angeles and I know that I can basically geot Target all of California or the places of California that I want to Target and then I can use Dynamic location insertion to make my ads dynamically reflect the different cities that people might be searching for HVAC replacement or like Tankless Water Heater replacement in this case so I hope that makes sense but basically you can combine Dynamic location insertion and dynamic keyword insertion with your Geo targeting on your ads and also you know some other things like your Scag so like the actual keywords that you're selecting to develop some extremely precise and very very very effective advertising messaging um that doesn't lie to anyone um but is dynamically reflexive to what their Search terms are so this probably happen happens um you know for anyone that searches on Google and has clicked on ads you've probably run into a lot of good cases of this before and you didn't even know it because it just felt like a really good experience and so in the description um something to note as well is that um let's see you can actually use these as uh Dynamic insertions as well right so um you could do Dynamic location insertion you could also delete that and do Dynamic keyword insertion in your description um but essentially again just doubling down on the pain points that we're serving I'm doubling down on we're the right partner for you we're removing reasons to say no because the at the point at which someone's reading the description they've already read your headline they're sold on the headline your description section should just continue them to clicking the um the actual link itself right so the description section should be removing reasons to say no and and like them going to the next um placement or the next ad on the search engine results page okay great so that's headlines and descriptions let's talk about the site links and uh call outs and promotions that we've included so in terms of site links in this case I wanted to just be really focused on I wanted them to click my core CTA to tankist water heater and so I didn't actually create any site links um but we could also uh include some call outs here so call out text is really basic um this is just a couple of ways that these can um essentially get included at the bottom of your ad and they're not clickable but they can just extend the size of your ad so um in this case there's three main SE uh segments of customers that I'm you know I care about um let's see so tank list install tank list replacement plus install uh let's see I don't have enough so let's just do replacement plus install and then we're also going to do tankless replacement and so as you can see these get added to the bottom of the ad with a period in between each of them and this can just be a great way to Signal um to potential customers that you offer uh the basically the solution that they're looking for and so this can be a really good way to um signal the different types of customers that you know when you know things about them that they're not necessarily providing on the the within their search um that can be just a great way to add a little bit of extra spice to your ads that can get someone to click and have a good experience and that's what it's all about okay so next up we have promotions in this case I did not have any promotions uh for the business I just had a set pricing um in this example uh but what I did set up was campaign level prices so in some cases you don't want to show your pricing up front maybe you have variable pricing you're not able to um have pricing for someone unless you have a quote uh but in this case I had really set pricing for this um hypothetical business and then I basically again isolated those three possible segments of people installs Replacements plus installs and then just Replacements and then I broke those down into hypothetical pricing as well and in my experience if you're able to offer transparent pricing like I do on my uh coaching services and my ads Management Services people are actually way more likely to convert because they understand what the prices are going into it so food for thought those are the pricing assets and as you can see uh with a pricing asset just really quickly you have 25 character headline you're able to set unit pricing if you want so hourly daily weekly whatever or just a no unit flat pricing schema and then you can set a 25 character description which is mandatory and a final URL which is also mandatory but something worth considering is that you can actually have this be the same URL as um your actual ad so I could set this as which is which is where the ad is originally going um and then apply that there and there's no issues with that and then next up we have the call Asset so this is again this is not a real phone number uh but uh if it was it would be for the HVAC company um and very simply this will show just call at the bottom of the ad and this can be a great way to um at least test and see if the lead quality is good enough to justify but again I would only use call extensions um if you want to take calls pretty pretty simple and then a couple of other things here one thing that I think would be really important for a business like HVAC replacement um but in many cases is actually the structured snippet I use this in most accounts um but let's look at for example how I'm using it for HVAC so I've used this dropdown and I'm keeping it in English um for models and then these are actually models of potential oh sorry about that uh these are models of potential tankless water heaters and maybe you'd add more detail here there's only 25 characters but another example of this would be um um you know they have a bunch of different options here maybe you're selling courses maybe you have different sub Brands um or maybe you carry certain brands and you're reselling um you could also just do something really generic like Styles or types for example if you're selling uh different types of glasses right you could sell Progressive you know styles of lenses right so like progressives um transitions you could sell uh sunglasses reading glasses right you know sports sports goggles who knows um but there's a lot of options in structured Snippets and they show at the bottom of the um similar to call outs they show at the bottom of the ad text and so I recommend this um when you have something good to show that's not like gibberish um just to increase the size of your ad so highly recommend and then a couple more here so we have lead forms um I don't recommend lead forms unless you have a really specific purpose this is an advanced Advanced thing that you would use um and then apps so with apps again I don't recommend it unless you have a good app and if you have a good app you know you're either a startup or a really established company or you're an app focused company um you know you you know if your app is good or not if it's good always include it in ads I recommend it just because you can get a lot of incremental app installs and that's about the size of it so this is everything here and again tracking template your URL suffix um if you have a URL schema or you want to develop that that's a whole another topic but more advanced I won't talk about it here and the last thing to consider here would be the business name and logos so you just have to get verified on Google very simple you just submit some documents um and then you get verified you have to do this any way to run ads within an uh a month of creating your account so um you just do this you set your name and it just increases um security visibility transparency of your business on Google um which just helps you know people convert better and click through on your ads great so that's uh creating our first ad group and creating our first ad hope that was helpful and that the HVAC example made sense but also that I was able to broaden things out for you um if you have any feedback on that or you want to see like different examples of how I tackle other Industries or industries that you want to see let me know in the comments section below I'm happy to um do other Niche breakdowns like this all right great so now that we have accepted our ad we are going to put next we're going to set a budget and and this is a question I get a lot really all the time is how much money should I spend uh I think the the key breakdown here is you want to spend an amount that you are okay with losing all of because most people spend money um on Google and they do their first few campaigns and they totally bomb even if you follow all the guides you listen to all of my advice right you you know combine it with a lot of other great advice that's out there for free on the internet or through paid courses right or through other coaches um you do all of that you know it's still very likely that the campaigns aren't going to succeed so I would say set a budget that you can get results with based on your cost per conversion expectations so in this case right I'm expecting $100 per conversion right I would ideally want to be spending $100 a day at least because in my case right I want to get a conversion per day and I'm only in business you know five days a week because I'm setting Monday through Friday right so between the hours of eight and 4m I want to be spending $100 because I want to see at least one conversion per day because I don't even know if that lead's gonna necessarily convert for this hbac business right so uh the the the rule of thumb here is is spend an amount that you're okay with that you're not going to feel anxious about um but also that you care enough about the result of um that you're going to want to monitor the campaign and optimize the campaign around so that's that's really the answer there is there's no I don't have any like Special Sauce um I would say that ultimately um there's not as hard and fast rules as there might be on like social platforms where they're going to say oh you know you want a daily budget that's 3x your target CPA um and then you can only scale by 20% every day I don't have those those same experiences of rules like that on um on Google and just people that I've talked to in the industry as well don't really feel that way about Google as well um in terms of search like if it works it works if the campaigns are working they work you can increase them very quickly and you can adjust them very quickly um but in terms of the budget you know pick something that makes sense for you based on your situation if you have a great campaign and you have good budget and you're spending and you have a good product you're gonna get results and if you don't get results you have to go back to the drawing board and improve your messaging and focus more on your customer and what their needs are and not so much what you're giving but more like what you're soling so that's about that I'm going to set a dollar because this isn't a real campaign and I don't even know who's behind so let's get into the next topic after this which will be negative keywords and how you can solve for improving efficiency through having negative key negative keywords are a way of improving your efficiency on your account negative keywords essentially if a keyword show makes a shows your ad when a search term matches against your keyword negative keyword doesn't show your ad when a negative keyword matches against a search right so if I essentially the rules here are um if I'm looking for tankless water heater prices but I don't want my ad to search when they show uh when they search for tangless water heater cost essentially I would add you know negative keyword here and cost and I would apply it to the ad group or the campaign depending on what my needs are for example if I never want to show for cost I'd add it to the campaign if I only want to not show for cost when they're looking up prices for some reason U I would put it to the ad group okay uh but that's only something you know that sort of like really nuanced situation you only are going to know after you spent thousands of dollars and you've gone through a ton of campaigns what about some general advice I can give you um to just improve efficiency right off the that that sounds pretty good so go to tools and settings and then go to negative keyword lists and then create a new one and then you're going to call this generic uh negative keyword list you can call it whatever you want this is basically a junk list of terms that you don't want to search uh show up for and we're going to do a lot of avoiding these just based on the scags that we're creating but this is still a way to like proof against a lot of these things like you don't want to show up for free if you're selling something because someone searching for something free it's they're not going to buy something most of the time uh and so I actually have a list of B2B terms right now that would be relevant for this HVAC company um which I'm going to to post in here and for example reviews you know salaries jobs right you don't want to if you're selling something and someone's looking up like jobs at your company that's great that they're looking up for a job at your company but they're going to just show up organically on the careers page so you don't need to have that be in your ad and you don't want to serve an ad on for something that's irrelevant um for for the purpose of selling so I just threw in a bunch of these I'll throw in a link to a good resource that I just still regularly go to when I need to generate net new keyword lists for Industries I haven't been in before um and then yep so we just save this I've got my generic negative keyword list of 160 keywords for the B2B industry and so I'm just call this B2B and then we'll go back to our new campaign that we created and we'll go to the negative keywords Tab and we're going to say plus negative keyword and then instead of adding a new keyword or a new list we're going to just use our list that we just created press the checkbox and then save and now we have this entire negative list here and we can still add you know incrementally new keywords to you know like specific ad groups or just to the campaign broadly or we can even you know add like in this cost example um we could just add it to the to the list right here and then save and then it would the cost just got added to the list and that's keywording that's negative keywording so I recommend just using generic lists and then adding those generic lists and then as you get campaign data come in and you can understand based on the search terms report which Search terms aren't converting for you you can start to negative out the ones that are like you've spent $200 on this search term it doesn't work you know people aren't even engaged in terms of click-through rate like you don't think you can serve them in this campaign and you just want to negative them out it could also be that like they're engaged but you're sending them to the wrong place and you should instead create a another uh single keyword ad group and then you want to pipe over um you know that search term there so you would negative it here you get the idea so that's negative keyword and then let's look at another thing that I think is a tremendous way to improve performance which is creating custom columns so that's going to be the next step here and this is really something that I think is incredibly important so I'm going to create my custom call columns and then we're going to jump right in after I do that okay so we have our columns right we have our campaign here and let's say we have some data because it's been live for a couple of weeks and we want to start to dig into the data well Google gives you some basic options right they don't fully customize your columns or anything like that and um this would be good information to have how many conversions we had the cost per conversion conversion rate conv verion value right it's good information off of how many clicks you had and what the cost of those clicks was but the problem is what you know there's a lot of ways this can go wrong uh let's say for example you have improper tracking on your account and you're tracking multiple different types of conversions and each of them have a conversion value associated with them but they're not actually valuable for example what if you were tracking page views and Page views were considered a conversion and for every page view you had you considered it to be a dollar based on your attribution in the conversion tab well that would totally screw up all of this data because if you got a th000 clicks and nobody dropped off it would be a th000 conversions and it would say that you got $1,000 doll from that and if your do your cost per click was 50 cents it'd say oh my gosh you got a 2X return on investment even though none of that's accurate at all because you would know oh I you know I I sent a thousand people but it doesn't mean I made a$1 thousand dollar so this is where a lot of headache happens for people it's they look at the conversions right and they don't know that you can click the segment Tab and open this and and segment by conversion actions they don't know any of that instead they just look at this and they say oh I got a thousand conversions but a page view is not a real conversion a lead form only matters if you turn that lead form into something right or you know whatever other conversions you might have on your account so what do we do instead we create custom columns we create custom columns by pressing the columns button and we press modify columns and there's a whole lot of stuff in here that's very overwhelming so what do we do we look at what I did so we have a couple of things we have the basic version of The Funnel right you get impressions those Impressions turned into clicks based on your click-through rate and you paid that amount for cost per click again this is a basic version of a funnel you would create it by I can create it in like two seconds here right so you just go here and you do cost Impressions CTR clicks CPC move those two right there and then you go to conversions conversions cost for conversion conversion rate conversion value conversion cost um value divided by cost and then you save and apply and that's your basic funnel but again we mentioned this has problems so what do you do after that well you make an advanced one and it looks like this and it's really really worth the time this takes about 15 to 20 minutes if you're new takes about five minutes if You' done it a lot like I have and then this is what it looks like you've got your cost you've got your impressions The Impressions turn into clicks CTR cost for click as you would expect and then we start to measure things like return on investment average order value cost per purchase purchase purchase value right purchase conversion rate and then also what's your impression share what's the impression share that's at the exact top right the exact the absolute top right um what about your Click Share right of all the clicks that happen for that keyword what is your percentage share or your percentage ownership on that market what's the percentage of that that you lost due to your ad rank what's the percentage of that that you lost because you didn't have enough budget right those are really important things to know and those actually tell you something so how do you create this well two parts you can create these at the bottom search impression share search top is Click Share search lost is search lost is budget those are all what are called competitive metrics all five of those and you can find them right here but what about all this other stuff return on investment average order value cost for purchase now this is a place that gets people a bit nervous because it's a little bit trickier and there's some formulas involved custom columns so to create the purchase and cost per purchase which for you guys a lot of people are probably going to be interested in this and this could be anything by the way it could be lead it could be uh booking it could be uh service appointment it could be qualified lead right sales qualified lead it could be whatever your business is about so let's go and let's look at one of of these so it's pretty easy I called it purchase I set the data format to number and then I could show you I typed in conversions so it's our generic conversions action that we had in the basic custom column that I showed you two minutes ago that has problems and then you just highlight this and then you click conversion action and then purchase and these this will have multiple conversion actions based on what conversions you've included in your account you know they could have you might have a ton of these you might not depending on where your conversion tracking at but this is how you segment it because this now only pulls the conversions as part of this metric it only pulls the purchase conversions okay now again how do we do cost per purchase well we do cost divided by purchase now you see this little clip this is called a referenced custom column I call it a nested um a nested metric because it's it kind of sits in here and so changes that you make to purchase now and I just all I had to do is type the name of it you can see all these different columns I made um all I had to do is type it in and then now it's part of your formula and the nice thing about doing this is that when you make changes to the to this metric this nested one by like clicking out of here and say like you know may maybe like I don't know like you only care about half of your purchases or like you know whatever you can then add um you know some additional metrics in here and that'll actually then change the metric here so saves you a lot of time if you need to change stuff down the road doing it this way setting things up the right way so then you set up your cper purchase you can also do something like these are two nested conversions the value of all of your purchases divided by all of your purchases that gives you your average order value we're getting into some business math here but this is still pretty basic stuff purchases divided by clicks gives you your click uh your your conversion rate off of clicks and so those are the those are those details that matter and you need to have those details in every single view now here's where people get tripped up one of the many places actually you go to add groups oh we're back to a basic view again oh and they're not here either that's because every single view has its own um set of limitations on which metrics you can show I still think this is a this is an issue that Google has had for years it's it's not very approachable but here's the thing you have to do you just have to get really comfortable doing this closing out all of those you call this funnel or call it whatever you want cost Impressions clicks click through rate CPC competitive metrics impression share Click Share loss due to rank you'll see the budget's not in here I don't know why they don't show it in ad groups but they don't custom columns get all of our custom columns in there great we've got all of that and then you have to go down to your ads and look it's the same thing I know it's annoying but you can do it really fast once you get better and better at this right name it funnel custom columns boom boom boom boom boom save and then the only other two places that you have to do this are Search keywords do it here and then you go to insights and reports and then the Search terms report and then you do it here as as well and there's a lot less that's available here but it's the same idea right so hopefully that's not too bad I highly highly highly recommend you do this this is one of the secrets that allows me to really Propel accounts forward I know it's it's like not much of a secret because it's like right there but I'm able to then immediately report on metrics I can immediately work with Founders and other business owners to say here are the purchases over the last week here are the conversions right here's what's working here's what's not on the ad level on the ad group level on the campaign level on the keyword level on the search term level this is really important stuff this is how you do it this is the meat and potatoes of how you do really good media buying and like I haven't seen a single YouTube video that talks about this stuff well I had to learn it through spending a lot of other people's money like to be honest with you and I I spent it well well but you have to learn this stuff and you learn it through industry insiders and um nobody talks about it on YouTube so that's why I'm giving it away for free because people deserve to know how to do this stuff so I highly recommend you set up your custom columns if you don't I'm G to be sad so don't make me sad and let's get into the next thing which is what do you do when your campaign is working okay so let's think about that over a second and I'm going to get back to you guys and um once I have a situation laid out okay I tried to boil it down there's a listen there's a lot when it comes to deciding if a campaign's working or if an account is working and like I'm not even going to get into like multi- Channel attribution I'm just thinking it through what is the simplest framework for decision- making around if a campaign is working and if she should give it more money or other decisions you should make I understand this is a nuanced topic it depends on the industry it depends on your metrics it depends on how much you trust your analytics there's a lot okay I'm not going to get into that and I hope you understand that this is a simplified version of like what actually happens but sometimes simple works so here's the questions you should ask when your campaign is working do I want to or can I support more volume if your sales people are all tapped out you can't do more installs you know you're running out of stock like there are cases where you don't want to support more volume or it's not the right time if that is but but if if it is a yes you can you know you want to do more sales right then great move on to the next one is my return on investment good enough currently is my cost per conversion good enough currently if that's a yes move on to the next one do I have room in my hopefully use the custom columns in terms of do I have room in the market in terms of search impression share loss due to budget I.E can I increase my budget without losing efficiency if that's also a yes and all three are a yes you're you've got a pretty good green light for me at least to increase your budget however there are other situations because this is the best case scenario if your CPA is too high reduce your tcpa or start using tcpa if you're using Max conversions this can be a great way to just improve your results under the same amount of cost or slightly reduce your cost and then slightly reduce your um your conversions but it ends up being you know in your favor efficiency wise if your budget lost is uh zero then increase your tcpa bid for example if you have like a 0% loss due to budget and your CPA is at 45 and you're okay with spending up to 60 you can increase it up to 60 and you're going to unlock more ad rank basically because you increased your bid if you can't support more volume reduce your tcpa slightly this is an efficiency test but this is basically like if you're all tapped out and you're getting all the orders you can get right maybe you can spend 10% less and get 5% less conversions um but that ends up being an efficiency Improvement that gives you more profit at the end of the day just something to think about depends on your own business metrics so that's pretty much the the the simple decision-making framework very simplified not all the things I'm considering but things that at least that are good enough to get you started um and I don't think you'll go wrong if you follow this framework um but what if things aren't going so well so I'm going to again I'll I'll rewrite that out and the questions to think about um and then we can go through those questions and we'll be wrapping up the video with some tips and tricks that I recommend and that'll be it so thank you if you've watched this far okay so questions to ask when your campaign is not working one do I have to maintain my current volume of conversions if this is a yes and in most cases it is then let's move on to troubleshooting first is my CTR 10% plus this is a good Benchmark for Scag level CTR and other just account wide CTR 10% is a great Benchmark and it's above average and you can solve a lot of things by just having better click-through rate next up is my average quality score across my account seven out of 10 we'll get into this in a second this is in the keyword tab for custom columns and next up is my conversion rate lower than my peers or competitors this is very important so if your conversion rate is too low even if you have a great clickthrough rate and you have great quality score you're just not going to sell anything so you need to look at your landing page so oh sorry let me delete this that doesn't make sense so again if clickthrough rate is under 10% rewrite your low performing headlines and descriptions if quality scores under seven look at the reasons why and improve them systematically it could be due to click-through rate it could be due to add relevance I.E you're not doing your scags right and then third it could be due to landing page experience like you need to look at your um you need to put it through like core web vital or another page Checker to make sure that you're not like blocking robots from scanning your page from Google um or or like your your landing pages are just like really bad um and then third similarly for landing pages if your conversion rate's extremely low you need to potentially look at landing page pricing right a lot of different factors that you might need to lock in more to get a better conversion rate and again conversion rate sometimes 5% is low for an industry or product sometimes 1% is high right it varies you're you're going to know that better than me but if it's way lower than your peers and competitors you're doing something wrong there and you need to look at your landing page and your offering and that's pretty much how you optimize when a campaign is not working and in in many cases if if you can't get the click through rate lock down if you can't improve the quality score if you can't get the conversion rate onto a right path I often recommend pausing things and going back to the drawing board and trying to create something that's net new and overall going to give you better performance and that you feel really confident about and the best place to start with that is to actually interview the people that have bought from you and figure out why and also try to get a hold of the people that didn't buy from you that showed intent like maybe they made a free account but they didn't buy premium right why didn't they you know was it not good enough was it what are the reasons right and so by by interviewing three different types of people people that are in your Market but haven't considered you people that have considered you but didn't buy and then people that bought from you you can improve your conversion rate and customize your offer you know accordingly but that's about it for improving when your campaign is not working um there's obviously a lot of nuance to this and I can't answer every possible option but hopefully this is helpful for what this video is doing okay and then how do we actually customize custom columns for Quality score very simply we go into our custom column interface here and then there's an actual dedicated quality score column and then this is how you actually measure quality score so you click through quality score and then expected click-through rate landing page experience and add relevance are the three factors here so quality score as we talked about it's an estimate it's a diagnostic tool of how your ads keywords and landing pages are and then higher quality score usually Le leads to lower costs better positions not always but usually and then expected clickthrough rate measures How likely it is that your ad will be clicked when shown that score is based on past click-through performance of your ads this is basically competitiveness I would read this as competition if you have poor expected click-through rate you have poor competitiveness against your peers landing page experience how relevant and useful your landing page is to people that click on your ad this is like how well it matches the search term how easy it is to navigate there's some other factors here like transparency um if their robots can scan it if there's like um if there's JavaScript blocking their ability to understand what's going on in your page that's going to reduce your landing page exper experience even though it's not really affecting the user it affects Google's ability to understand what the user is experiencing and then ad relevant you can fix this pretty much completely with scags a lot of people don't have problems with ad relevance if they are good at understanding their customer um but basically it's like their query your ad how close are they if they're pretty close you're you're good you're not going to really have to worry about ad relevance um and then generally speaking though something that people don't really think about is um 2third of the factors around quality score and AD rank as it rels relates to how good your ads are is related to your click-through rate because Google wants people to click on places and and get an answer and for also for you to pay for that click so um the better clickthrough rate you have um the better cost for click you're going to get but also the better quality score you're going to get and so this is really the most important column for you to focus on another piece here is historical quality score this is basically uh if you want to look at last month's quality score for that day you can go and you can look a month ago so I'll show you how to do that so we've created our custom columns here again and then we can see obviously there's no quality score here but this would be out of 10 so it would say out of 10 here and then it would say um below average average or above average are the three markers for the these three columns and then it would show you know if I went back to like I actually can't because this is a fresh account but if I went back a month and then I looked at historical quality score if it had changed from where I am presently this is present day these four and this is whenever your date range is for these four um I would be able to see like oh I went from five a month ago to seven now so hopefully that makes sense that's how you set up quality score and then uh let's see there's a couple of other tips that I wanted to just share as we close out this video I know it's been super long I hope it's been helpful um just trying to share as much as I can uh one thing that I would recommend um being aware of is um this little indicator right here it's called The Campaign budget simulator um there's going to be a few things that happen as you go into Market especially with Target cost for acquisition setup one is you're going to get a big big red flag um that says limited by budget now limited by budget isn't always a bad thing but they're going to always want you to spend like ludicrous amounts of money right so if you're spending $100 it's going to say spend 400 and that's not really something that I would recommend but limited by budget can be a good indicator that there is opportunity to spend more and buy more at your current pricing um and then another thing with the simulator is that this graph won't show because you know um this was constrained by budget but once you are out of that like budget not being enough to support the market period um you're spending enough based on your bid um there's a little graph here that's clickable and it'll basically say like if I'm spending you know $100 and my target cost per acquisition is 100 but if I went up to like a Target cost per acquisition of 110 I could get another access to another like five conversions a week so basically this graph can give you a good example of how you can scale within the market and unlike a lot of the things that Google will offer in terms of like optimization score and some other stuff that I'll talk about that I think you should avoid this is a tool that I use all the time and it's really useful and I recommend utilizing it but also thinking about like your business too like if it's saying increase your budget 300% like don't just do that because I said I use it you know make sure you're like okay well if I increase my budget that much that's like a big increase it may not make sense I may not get the results I'm expecting but maybe I could just increase it 20% and see if I get 20% more leads or more sales right so that's something I would think about there and now let's think about a few things that I avoid because when it comes to Google ads avoiding issues in pitfalls is just is about as important if not more important than doing things the right way so and oftentimes the two go hand inand so one thing is um recommendations so I don't recommend having any recommendations on um or listening to any recommendations I recommend that everything that you do in the account be based on your own ideas and your own best practices that you've learned um just because I don't think that these are helpful overall some of them can be helpful but if you listen to the ones that are helpful like you know you're not going to necessarily know which ones are helpful which ones aren't and it can waste a lot of money so the other thing here is that um Google Representatives that you may work with and look I I have no issue with Google Representatives I think some of them are great some of them are less helpful they have a mandate to basically get you to a certain level of optimization score or at least they did a couple of years ago and that can I've seen that blow up accounts so just be careful okay that's just my only recommendation there I you know know basically I would say have the ideas come from you or come from someone that's managing your account that you trust like an agency or a contractor you know Etc now the second thing is there's something called recommendations Auto apply and that is right here so I have all of these off and this is ideally what it should look like for you as well is all of these should be off basically you don't want um you don't want machine learning to basically take over your account and change it in ways that you aren't expecting so just changing you know removing keywords adding keywords right changing your bidding right and so I think just just by doing this uh by having these things on it can end up being really unexpected just the ways that your account can change and so I don't like to have any of these Auto applied um things affecting my campaigns and I would recommend that you do the same okay and then there is one other tip that I have for things that you should avoid and so if you actually go down here it's in ads and assets and then it's in assets and then it's under the more three dots and then it's account level automated assets and like this is like a dark pattern as as as dark patterning as it gets and then you have to look at advanced settings okay so I'm going to go through that again you go to assets you go to the three dots you go to account level assets and then you go to more again and then advanced settings right and so automated locations automated apps longer headlines seller ratings Dynamic structured stimets Dynamic call outs Dynamic site links let's talk about these don't have Dynamic site links I I don't recommend it concerned about performance I don't use Dynamic call outs right because concerned about performance we want we set up scags because we are confident that we can deliver a really good experience to Google's users and in fact better than we think the machine learning can um at this point in time like AI hasn't taken over the world yet but it maybe it will someday but not today because I still write better ads than the AI does so I have all of that off seller ratings are great I think those are totally fine I think longer headlines are fine automated apps I wouldn't say are good I think you should use the app extension if you have an app and want to use that and then automated location so I don't think that having automated locations is a good idea um unless you want to be able to like have it parse those automatically for you know your brick and mortar you have multiple locations that's fine when your address is relevant you'll have to know that and you can keep this on but for most everybody else where you might have an address add associated with your account maybe you don't want that address to be as public or on every single ad um there's just a lot of reasons why you might want to be considerate about that so that's um my last final tip I actually showed a few clients this recently and they were blown away that this was as hard to find as it is I really hope that Google increases the transparency around this in particular uh but you know for now you have that tip and hopefully it's helpful um so as we close out the video here I just want to say that I really appreciate all the growth on the channel um I'm really trying to um improve the you know the clarity improve the editing improve everything about these videos so I really appreciate um all of your kind words and all the nice comments and all the Outreach you guys have been really amazing um and then if you are looking for coaching um please check out my link in the description below or if you're a business doing um 10,000 a month uh Plus and you want to get to the next level in terms of 10,000 a month spend um and you want to grow 10 20 50 100% month over month um check out my management as well um I'm working with a handful of clients that um I really like to work with we're working daily you know over slack over Discord um and we're doing really amazing things and growing businesses really fast so if either of those things sound interesting to you um let me know in the description or in the comment section below or um send me an email at alexd Darlington and we'll talk soon all right wonderful well thank you so much guys and I hope you have a great uh rest of your week and that you enjoyed watching the video and let me know and uh please subscribe thank
Channel: Darlington Media
Views: 29,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google ads, google advertising, google adwords, google ads guide, google ads tutorial, google ads tips, google ads 2023, google ads 2024, google ads 2025, how to use google ads, google ads full course, google ads course, google ads 2024 tutorial, google ads 2024 course, google ad, google ad strategy, google ad tips, google ad tricks, google ad tips and tricks
Id: E0YCwuGiTnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 35sec (5255 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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