Not Showing On Absolute Top Position @ Google Ads

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hey what's up everyone today I've got another question and that is I'm trying to keep my ad on absolute top of the page but it's always no uh showing not applicable any help with Google ads okay so first of all look around on your betting strategy okay what people do is uh people focus on you know maximize conversions or clicks and increase their budget to get that top position but that is not the you know quick strategy let me share with you a correct strategy uh and that is first of all go over for let's say this is an account and let's say I pick up you know one of the adverbs over here okay now let's move on to this command for instance you know all campaigns over here and let's say if I pick up any campaign what I have to do for instance if I move on to this client I'm just showing you an example for instance this is a campaign what I have to do select this campaign come over here okay and over here you are seeing the maximize conversion change bit strategy change onto impression chair and change over here to Absolute top of the result page okay and now in case it's still not showing what you have to do is you have to write over a hundred percent impression okay you know to get the most out of the top position you have to work over here and get the 100 impression share of the bit and for the start you have to have a higher CPC limit and then you can reduce so at start you have to uh start you also have to have uh also have to have a higher CPC budget limit and that eventually you can reduce one but right now you need to have a higher CPC uh budget to be you know amount to be uh added over here now I suggest you to work on skg SKT is a single keyword ad group okay so it means that you are going to create a new ad for every given okay what this can do is this can improve your quality score and if possible foreign you also need to have a dedicated landing page okay for every keyword or for a group of keywords with those keywords and those three and that thing okay so because send a Google a message of a relevancy that we are quietly is relevant okay what happens is that when you have a higher relevancy your quality score will improve and you know once your quality score will improve your CPC cost will go down okay once the CPC cost will go down now it will be easier for you to maintain absolute top result of the page because in case if it's still 100 and you are not able to get the most out of it absolute top result is because uh your CPC is not okay there's a another thing which I want to tell you that in case if you change your campaign from maximize conversion or any other type to Absolute top of the result page there's also one thing you need to work on and you have to wait around 48 hours uh for this company into effect so you have to wait because it's not like you change the company and you will start seeing the traffic you have to wait because you know this is a campaign type and this is a different campaign time and it takes time to start getting traffic so in case if you change the type and you are expecting certain traffic no it takes time for majority of the campaigns I got after 24 hours and for some it takes 48 hours and some even more so what I usually have done for the client is I put this on Friday and usually we don't run ads for majority of the clients on weekends yeah restaurants are Exceptions there are few case studies where we run ideally for weekends okay but you know for the time when we are not running at I am going to shift to that so that our time doesn't get wasted so I put uh that campaign on a Friday so that by Monday it gets activated even it takes you know sometime Tuesday to get traffic if it's a new campaign and your website has no data so yeah so yeah follow these strategies and also look around for ads schedules or any issues like uh because you are said that you are not getting Impressions is maybe that you have put your ad on a specific time frame like I do not want or check out on your bidding for devices maybe unknowingly you you know reduce your bidding for devices by 100 and you are like I'm not getting traffic but actually you what you did is you reduced uh traffic from mobile devices and even even now uh the main source of the traffic for major companies is mobile so you know that can be another issue so check on your bidding for devices separately as well so for instance if you have to check you have to move over over here and check for devices over here to see for any issues required because people annoyingly do better adjustment to over here and also check for ads schedules to see in case if your ads are eligible to show for your targeted times or for majority of the times that can be another reason as well so yeah these are the few things you know which I thought could be uh you know cause your ad to not show I hope you like the video and did I answer your question in case if you have any questions comments suggestions you are more than welcome to write in the comments box and I will be happy to answer or even create a video on these and make sure to subscribe to this Channel and press the Bell icon so you don't miss our video whenever I create once again thank you for watching and bye
Channel: Ali Raza Marketing
Views: 4,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google ads, google ads tutorial, google adwords, absolute top google ads, google ppc, how to get your ad on top of google, google ppc tutorial, ali raza, ali raza google ads, absolute google ads position, not showing google ads top position, how to get on the first page of google, first page google ads, top position google ads, get your ad on top position google, top of page bid google ads, tips for google ads, how to rank on google ads
Id: Or3PtlKRufE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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