How to get Windows 11 23H2 Update (Step-by-Step Installation Guide)

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look at this guys I'm checking for update Windows  1123 H2 it's ready no wait a second why I don't   see the update here on the list Hello friends  welcome on this video tutorial Daniel is here from   tips to fix in this video today I'm going to show  you how to update your windows 11 in the latest   version on 23 H2 okay so last night Microsoft  release version 23 H2 we was waiting a lot for   this version now is a available and is online  if you have this option of this one here get the   latest update as soon as they are available then  click on here it's not yet ready for your computer   so today we will update it even if it's not here  this method that I'm doing today is for computers   that supports Windows 11 it's not for unsupported  computers if you are on unsupported Hardware or   unsupported PC then check the info cards here also  go to the end of this video next video will be for   unsupported computers so let's go and see the  method one how to get this 23 H2 right now on   your computer the first thing that you are going  to do just search on Google windows 11 download   then go on the website first of all you have to  have this PC health check to see if your computer   support or does not support Windows 11 if your  computer does not support Windows 11 then see the   next video tutorial that I did for you guys okay  how to install Windows 11 on unsupported Hardware   unsupported PC okay check your computer go ahead  and check the link on the description and download   the PCL check it's impossible to find it here  for easy okay okay all green everything is okay   here I'm going to download it and have it in my  computer is this one here Windows 11 multi Edition   now I click download and select the product  language English United States so make sure to   download the same version that you have on your  computer okay so go ahead and see your windows language so make sure to download the same version  that you already have on your computer okay if you   don't want to see that gray out message so you  are not able to keep the files and data okay   so make sure to have this English United States  okay and download English United States in your   case choose the same language that you have on  your computer okay then now download okay guys   here it is the ISO file what I'm going to do  I just right click here on the icon and just   click this button Mount then you will see it  here directly for many reason if you are not   able to right click and mount like I did you  just extract it okay choose your win RAR and   then extract so now you will see this setup file  here then then just double click on this setup   file it will ask you for premission then you  will see the setup install Windows 11 change   how up downloads update let's see download update  drivers and option feature recommended I don't   need updates right now so I will click not now  uh I don't want to help Microsoft I click next   checking my PC so this computer support Windows  11 by itself I have great processor here this   one is a good computer so making sure you're  ready to install installing directly from the   extracted folder from here it will be faster  so I'm just clicking install here so your PC   will restart it several times so go and drink a  coffee and then let the windows 11 be installed [Music] okay so after update successfully then  here it is Windows 11 Pro for workstation I   have here 23 H2 installed on my computer so  for all of you guys that are on unsupported   computer watch the next video tutorial  I did it exactly for you guys okay so   thank you for watching this video tutorial  God bless you see you on the next video [Music] tutorial
Channel: Tips 2 Fix
Views: 15,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows 11 23h2, windows 11 23h2 features, windows 11, windows 11 23h2 update, windows 11 23h2 new features, windows 11 23h2 download, how to upgrade windows 11 22h2 to 23h2, Windows 11 23H2 Update Not Showing Up, windows 11 update not showing up, How to get Windows 11 23H2 Update, cant see windows 11 23h2, windows 11 version 23h2 update download, windows 11 23h2 iso, how to install windows 11 23h2, windows 11 23h2 install, windows 11 23h2 update not showing
Id: GunUGa1CSlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 31sec (271 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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