How to Upgrade windows 11 from 21H2 to 22H2 || 22H2 to 23H2

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So friends welcome to another new one In today's video we will talk about How do we convert windows 11 from 21H2 You can upgrade in 22h2 so let's go Before we start the video if you People have not subscribed the channel yet If you did then subscribe to the channel so that If you can get to see more such videos As friends I show you guys Let me check the health of my PC. Is it supportable or not so as you People can see this is an unsupported device Still we are going to upgrade it 21 A2 to 22 A2 so what do you need for this To do this you simply go to the website The downloadable version of ws1 has to go away. Website: After visiting this you will get here Create Wiz 11 installation media from I have already downloaded it from here. If you have downloaded it then you guys check here. You can do it, I have already downloaded it. I will open it and show you As soon as you open it you say yes After doing this we have to wait a bit And I will tell you that you can do without device without formatting any data How can we do this thing, so here we are Have to accept as you guys can see Yes, whatever data is on my desktop You will find it here as it is. It takes some time after upgrade If it seems possible, we will wait here. But we have to simply click on next Give us a USB flash drive here If we want to select ISO file then we Next after downloading the ISO file Click on here we have to drive You have to select it, we can do anything If so, then select Desktop. Download it by selecting it on your desktop. Here we have to click on save. We do After save it will take some time. This will download Wiz 11 so here you can People can see it is in progress right now till zero i video a bit fast If I forward it then friends like you People can see we are here Simply do nothing or click on finish Have to do and just wait a little here It will close automatically and here But you guys can see one of our windows The file has been prepared which we can open. You can also see from here as soon as we open Let's say we open a The donation will open in a new window here like We click on setup will do yes Yes, preparations are going on here. We have to wait a little bit, so here's something We don't have to do anything, we just move on to the next page. If you have to click then click on Next. If checking for updates comes here If your device is an unsupported device Will show error here as it is mine This is what I am doing to show you Friends, if you have subscribed the channel If not then subscribe the channel If you like the video then please like it you guys can see it here It's back as soon as it restarts processor engine support for Our file which was opened like I you If I show people what we have, There is a window file, you can see it here. You can open it, you have to click on yes If you want to open this window by clicking, This is the file you have to open here. You have to copy all these from as soon as I copy from here copy and We create a new folder here and paste it. All of us are here, no matter how much. There were files, they paste them. After this, now you should pay attention here You might have missed this step here. You don't have to do that, you have to watch the full video. Once completed we let it Copy whatever files are being copied. Let it complete then I will tell you Let me tell you what's next here You guys can see this is a complete copy The files are done, now what do we have to do? Whichever computer you have, you have to go to it from here. Whatever our file, it has to be exited. It was opened, it has to be exited and Now we have to close from here Go to the folder where we copied done and here we have to go After going to the source folder, here But we need to find a file which you can find This file will go which you can check here can ad p r a barrier RDA is this file, if you want it If you can delete then you can also replace. You can first delete it and check. Take it if it works for you. It is best if it doesn't then you will get the link. I will give one in the description below From there you can download this file You can come here and paste it If you have to give and place this file then From here you guys can see I deleted I have made that file not to be shown here. So now what do I have to do again? Have to go back and click on setup After clicking on Setup, click on Yes Have to do and return from here this is ours Process will start, check back here You guys can see the preparation going on You simply don't have to do anything here. Click on next to check for When updates come, you can see them here. Be back checking your PC and There is some issue here so this is our If it is not possible then what should we do? If you want to paste that file here then I have downloaded it so I have it here I paste it on here we go downloads And here we have this file, this We have XKatrina in the source folder. So let's go here and do this Paste So I pasted the file here. Let's refresh the page once. Click on refresh and then setup again. To do Yes and here friends please check It may have worked and let's do it Here after accepting can you see getting ready coming This works on Checking for Updates 2. And let's see it completely now. I will process and show you the upgrade. I will also show you the settings here You can also check mine right now Here you can see 21 A2 this one There is an update and now we do 22 A2 Although on the latest version there are 23 A2 done but that too only in developers If yes, then we are not using developer. If you are using stable update then click here Checking for updates as they happen It's complete, I'll show you next. So friends, the process is as you can see. He may be 46 and he is already stuck. And it has been at 46 for a long time, so you Don't do anything, you just have to wait for a while. From here it will proceed automatically Because some people panic that what happened it got stuck restarting etc etc then you don't have to do anything about that You just have to wait for a while If the automatic will proceed from here Friends, you can see here, ready. It is written to install We minimize first and here What do you have to do here? You have to check important things once. To change what to keep, click on this You have to keep in mind here three You will get the option to keep personal here. Files and Apps keep personal files only And nothing but our personal files and Have to have apps because we need everything The data is there, we need it as if so. We keep personal files and apps So this automatic upgrade will happen. Nothing will be deleted in our laptop If we simply upgrade from Click on Next Click on Next After doing this you will find some weight here Have to do and you have to keep this thing in mind If you have a laptop then it should be connected to power. It should mean putting you in charge. Have to keep it and with this if you have any If you face any more problems then you can comment below. You can ask or you can get the description in my So friends, as you can see Like I clicked install here The upgrade of our Viz 11 is Installation has started here If it's completed at 0, we'll wait now. Our laptop is here two-three times Restart may also happen so you have nothing to fear No need two-three times yourself Restart will happen after that installation It will be completed if it is still at 0. We have to wait, friends, like you guys You can see it is complete on 62 And it takes a lot to install Time is taking as long as I thought I think it's going to take one to one and a half hours. After being installed on your laptop or PC You will have to wait for this a lot like i'm doing my 62 But it has happened so far, so let's wait some more. And let's see how much longer it takes. When it is completed, you guys can see it here. Can friends, it is restarting Our laptop came with 'Please Wait Wait' written on it. Stayed So friends, you can see here. Installed and a little time It will take some time to activate, friends. You guys can check mine here Installed and like you guys You can see everything on your desktop Now I will get you as you are. get the version checked I am here you guys can check 22 A2 Be updated on our latest version You have also checked our window settings. I will get it done, let's go here once. You guys can check section end here 22 A2 So you simply update whatever is there. Can your laptop and even after If you get any error then you can contact me below. You can ask by commenting or You will find the link in the description From there you can go to me h
Channel: Tech Giki
Views: 1,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to update windows 11 21h2 to 22h2, windows 11 22h2, windows 11, windows 11 update, windows 11 23h2, windows 11 23h2 update, windows 11 23h2 features, windows 11 23h2 new features, how to install windows 11 on unsupported device, windows 11 22h2 to 23h2 update, 22h2 to 23h2, windows 11 22h2 to 23h2, update windows 11 22h2 to 23h2, windows 11 23h2 upgrade
Id: WtjLn1fJK6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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