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hello everybody and welcome back my name is Digi and today I'm going to be showing you guys how to get the upgraded Titan TV man Quest morph but before I keep going shout out of the day goes to Adam is candar 545 thing being first at commenting first all right so if you open up your quest you can see that there is no upgraded Titan TV man the thing is you actually need to go to Skiby verse 2.0 demo and in order to get there you need the demo Quest completed which if you have not done that already I highly recommend it so then you can become upgraded Titan TV man so this is the quest you need to complete in order to essentially complete upgraded Titan TV man so here is the portal or you can quick teleport now for five Robux they actually lowered it down so go over into skipp verse 2.0 and then once you are there that is where you will start the quest upgraded Titan TV man now I've actually already completed it because it was super hard and I wanted to just get it done before I did the intro but if you go here to Quest you will see power up the generator that is the upgraded Titan TV man and these are all the tasks that we need to do now what you got to do next is go here to travel and head over to Wast lands yes this is the new map it is super cool reminds me of a fortnite fortnite now once you're here you're going to fly up and you're going to go to the bunker this is probably the hardest part of the quest is the bunker the door and then the inner bunker door which I will show you guys once uh I get in there but you're going to go here and then you're going to interact with this panel you can either be player one or player two or so forth whatever now the problem is you've got to take turns kind of like the cameraman plunger Quest same thing you need two players in order to do this now what's nice is if you get the code right you get to stay and the other person gets kicked out and you wait till someone else fills their spot now the code for this door is random every single time it is random there's no set code you the problem is right now on mobile the scrolling to get to the numbers is bugs it's or difficult for some as I've heard all right so this is what it looks like and if you're on PC you just use your mouse wheel and spin and you want to get it onto these brighter colored numbers and then you know see there we go the other guy failed but I get to stay until the next person comes in and again the numbers are random the code is different every single time sometimes it might be the same but it's never the same again all always like you get what I mean it's random and you just keep doing this until someone you know finally gets their code right and you guys can both get in uh sometimes it bugs out where it says waiting for player two even though you are player two so you know there we go once you get in this is the hardest part you got to go over to this panel and it's going to give you like 10 numbers that you got to add it's always adding never subtraction division multi none of that you got to add all the numbers up how you have a very short amount of time so I suggest either getting out your phone a calculator or um being super fast in your head it's up to you but I'm going to show you guys real quick what it looks like and uh you will see you have 10 seconds to solve all this good luck all right so once you get inside of the bunker that will complete the inner bunker door then you're going to do is head over to find the malfunction you're going to run down this hallway all the way take a left turn head into this room the door is closed just got to hold down e which is super easy probably the hardest part of all this Quest is the math problem now I know I said you can get out of calculator or your phone use Google Lens somebody uh Roblox Zilla told me this it helps you take a picture and immediately tells you the answer so once you're in here with what you got to do then is head over to the malfunction which is this power up the generator which um you can go over to this and then it will give you a long dialogue yes I know malfunction malfunction system bada bing bada boom and there we go now we start getting a lot of texts um you can read it if you want um I am not because this Quest is long enough already but then that will be find the malfunction then oil the generator which is behind the generator right over here this beautiful oil barrel barrels anyways I'm literally losing my mind because of this Quest I hate this Quest so much all right so once you've done that you will see that the oil is done now you do have to come back here again which is a pain in the butt but once you've done that you're going to go over to this electric panel whatever you want to call it and touch it yes you are going to touch it and once you've done that boom I wonder if this was safe to touch I need to get out of here before something happens yes but there you go next is patch the energy line I wonder if they fixed this door if not you should be able to just teleport out which might actually be easier that way I really wish you were able just to come back here once you've opened the door but well whatever all right so no it does not work so you have to actually click travel and go to Wasteland from here you're going to fly up and you're going to go over to this power line right here okay and you're going to then follow it this way this is the farthest you're going to be going in the Wasteland area or what I like to call it the new fortnite season now at the end of this power line you're going to see some electricity right there all right now what's really difficult about this is that you can't access it like that I actually Wonder off the top of my head can we access it as a skiy toilet and no you can't okay so you do need to be flying now what you can try doing is starting from the bottom and then slowly flying up because dark speaker man does fly up slowly um but the thing is he bounces a lot it's really really annoying so we going to have to do is get it just right there we go and come on and boom there we go that will then complete patch the energy line next one are question marks what we're going to do is just go ahead and follow the road here and go to the right you're going to cross over this bridge you do not have to do this um always flying but you do need dark speaker man for pretty much the whole thing thing um once you get over here you're going to see a red truck now this you do have to do in order you're going to have to drop on down and then go over to this one right over here it's a little Annoying just because of the fact that you have to come from underneath it now you can do a jump and try to land on this post which oh come on come on ah there we go all right so interact with this post right here which will then complete the first question mark uh I guess task then you're going to head over to this one over here same thing you can try jumping or doing the um flying but I think you should be able to walk forward there we go going upwards because it's kind of slanted then you're going to interact with this which will then complete the second question mark next is find the energy source everyone keeps saying it's been removed I don't think so we do is head over this direction you're going to see a house over here all by itself but you're actually going into the house what you got to do is go over into the shed which is going to be right over here now you can't interact with it as a normal character so this is when you need a skib toilet a small one boom go over to it like so collect the item yes I don't know why the energy well I guess energy source could be gas or diesel but there you go you find the energy source and this is where it gets annoying because now you've got to start the generator which we all know the generator is where we all started this quest which is at this stupid door so I will see you guys in a few all right I'm telling you guys Google lens is is a save a lifesaver so once you get back in you're going to go back towards the generator room like so nothing changes in here except you know you are now going to be turning on the generator I still don't know why this door is got to take forever but it doesn't matter this I'd rather take this any day than that stupid math thing that is dumb fast math anyways go ahead here I don't know why those barrels are shaking you can go ahead and power up the generator like so boom oh wait no start the generator my bad not there we go that's to start the generator it's kind of like an off and on switch you got to go to the off and on switch and turn it on right here okay Boom the generator is up and running that is there we go now we got established connection you do have to leave but you do not have to come back here so just travel back to Wasteland once you're here you're going to fly up and go go towards the satellite dishes the big plates that's right we like plates plates are fun all right so here we go go over here and this part might be a little tricky just because you have to get it just right because it's at the tip of the um satellite dish right here so you got to all right I'm going to interact with it there we go you kind of slide forward a bit and there you go you have completed the Quest Power up the generator you receive the more upgraded Titan TV man and received 3,000 skiy coins holy cow we finally did it and there he is upgraded Titan TV man oh now the thing is he only has abilities here in skiy verse 2.0 all right he does not have it in skiy verse 1.0 however you do get the morph there as as well but thank goodness we've done it people we've got the claw attack which changes the face we got the sword attack also changes with some animation explosion we got the cor blast which is awesome wait for it all right that's right we have to be near a enemy which uh there's none oh wait there we go there we go there's a Gman right there hey G man how you doing it's time to die boom boom boom Oh oh yeah look at that that is epic epic and Screen blast which is the red screen of death which is also amazing hey good job upgraded Titan drill man but there you go guys if you enjoyed then go ahead and leave a like subscribe down below and join the badge hunting Squad today use our code Digi whenever you buy Roo or premium as always tell aome stay cool and go love bad Chun bye [Music] bye-bye
Channel: DigitizedPixels
Views: 132,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digitizedpixels, roblox, skibiverse, how to get upgraded titan tv man morph in skibiverse, how to get upgraded titan tv man morph skibiverse, how to get, skibiverse roblox, how to get upgraded titan tv man morph, upgraded titan tv man morph in skibiverse, how to complete upgraded titan tv man quest in skibiverse, where is energy source in skibiverse, how to get upgraded titan tv man, skibiverse 2.0, skibiverse 2.0 demo, upgraded titan tv man
Id: JP27CGs4k4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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