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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back my name is Digi and today we got a huge update in bathtub Warfare 2 but before I keep going shout out of the day goes to RJ edits 2012 thank you for being first and commenting first but who cares we are here for some awesome morphs including the cargo Bob who is only here for one week right there last for one week only only available for that long and then it's going to be gone again however it is going to cost you $5,500,000 in game money that yeah it's very limited and exclusive I'm going to go ahead and buy it equip yes I can finally live my dream cargo Bob what you have in store for me what's in your box show me your box all right car goob what where's your box wait wait bring people to Brazil That's What kidnapped is called wait yo did I just grab them no way no oh my goodness I've ruined that detainer get over here get over here I want you let me cargo Bob it looks like I can oh wow I don't know I don't know what is happening anymore hold on let me try kidnapped again I need I need to get somebody kid wa in kidnap I latch myself onto them no way am I Like A Parasite hold on hold on can I fly okay we can fly thank goodness this was hey yeah yeah you come here come here wait wait wait yes you're coming with [Laughter] me yo yeah that guy's still going crazy oh my God wait what if I just drop you can I get rid of him I can hold up I have to do this on like a bigger character get over here can I do it to you please let me try it on you wait am I hurting him no way yo the frub boom you can't do nothing about it man I am this is so good this is such a trolling morph like what what is the point of this like I don't know this is too great I am a leech hold on hold on wait wait we need to do it to someone else hey oh no oh my God can I not leave him anymore do I go back to him every there's another fellow Cargobob wait hold on no go away from me am I forever like bound to him no way okay I'm not get over here yes no get him get him get him get him we have to get him come on he no he's too high W all right so that's cargo Bob all that was required is money but there is some new stuff that has been added there's the Uber and there is um there it is the Titan drone man so both of these are from different things there there's these things called I guess chips not actual food chips but like a microchip and they spawn in the game I believe every 10 minutes let me just double check yeah they spawn every 10 minutes and then they stay there for 5 minutes and then disappear and then 10 minutes goes by it spawns in 5 minutes it'll stay in the world and there's only one of them that spawns in at a time okay so they're not like four of them around the map only one of them all right so I'm going to show you the locations of where the chips will spawn so if you head over here to this side of the map we're going to go over here just keep going keep going keep going and it's going to be on top of this helicopter pad right here or one of the spots it can be over here on top of the H or the helicopter pad all right the next spot is going to be over this way towards the large um I guess uh oops excuse me there we go the large TV man and it could be on top of this helicopter pad right here as well okay I'm sorry I'm looking at my notes so I am following along correctly all right next up let's keep going the next one is going to be over this way um just keep flying keep flying keep flying keep flying keep flying keep flying we love flying I love it love it go away leave me alone any wait the next one can spawn over here as well so look for the c-shaped building is kind of over here in this area it can show up on top of this building or no not on top of it but it can show up in between down here so oh my goodness gracious me it can show up right in there all right our next one if you're coming from here from the large TV man statue go over here into I guess the military base is what we would call it and it can SP spawn in right over and I think if I'm looking at this correctly it could be in this I guess T tent Hut whatever you want to call it it can spawn there on the ground and I'll show you guys a picture of it if I don't find one but that is one of the spots and then uh our next spot there there's quite a bit all right because it's for the Uber chip and the Titan drone man chip and these chips will allow you to spawn in the bosses which then will drop the the characters for you so from here we're going to go to this building over here and it can spawn in right here next to I guess the air conditioner this machine it can spawn in right there next spot if we head over this way towards this side of the map I'm going to drop down a bit go over here you could go to this weird shape thing in my Bobby and it could spawn in right over here next to this spot right there that's where it can spawn in and then our next spot is actually going to take us quite a bit away from the main area so this might be the great spot for you to go to if you're in a public Lobby and don't feel like being oofed all the time like me and you're going to head towards the toilet Factory the toilet bunker whatever you want to call it um you're going to head over there just ignore what what happening to the world is just loading in the chip though will spawn in on top of this toilet right here it was like right in the that part right there that's where it can spawn in those are all the spots for the chips to spawn in um again it spawns in every 10 minutes and then you have 5 minutes to go ahead and get it if you reset or die with it you lose it so you want to use it as soon as you get it spawn the boss in and fight it but anyways here is a picture of what the chips look like all right so we got the Uber chip which is the white one and then the Drone chip is the yellow one so if you're trying to get one of these bosses just then choose you know based on the color Uber white drone yellow so if you are lucky enough to have gotten the drops unfortunately I have not been able to find a chip here during this recording so I can't show you a boss fight but you know I heard it's super fun super cool I do recommend doing this with group of people because it will make your life so much easier but anyways jetpack Uber laser skibby bathtub is from The Uber boss info when you killed him and you didn't get him you need to rejoin well we're already good so boom it looks like the Juggernaut doesn't it look like the Juggernaut kind of like low key doesn't it I think it I'm the Juggernaut all right ultimate proton Blaster all right let let's see oh I'm so sorry sir but you are my f no oh dear I just yeed deleted him okay oh look someone else has got him oh very nice all right um I'm sorry but you will be used for science oh no way that did that just do that damage to him sorry but what all right Unstoppable proton Blaster oh my goodness oh my goodness and Titan slam no I made cargo bom get rid of him get rid of the carob bom emergency in check get him out of here oh no what's happening hold on can I get out of this nope I think the only way out is death dude that character is is pretty crazy but you know we we we'll check out Titan Dro man right now you know what we'll save that for last Best For Last we have some other characters that were added into the game where is he no no he there's another Uber one thing is though I I I don't there he is Jetpack Uber quad machine gun this one also is a drop from The Uber boss um oh I didn't get this one that's right dang it big stinky well we have the jetpack armor skibby Bata for 100 let's go ahead and wreck some people now we're really oh no this is not going to go well oh my gosh yo yo what am I going to do huh chip your toenail Jesus look how is this what it feels like to be a noob oh my gosh this is terrible how do you guys play this game it's literally me versus Titans yeah watch out guys I'm going to bite your ankles and then maybe cause discomfort watch out upgraded Titan speaker man I'm I'm getting [Music] [Laughter] you yeah you didn't see this coming did you your final demise death by mini toilet this is sad this is so sad please someone end me end me anybody please I can't reset because now they've added this like weird combat you can't reset while in combat please somebody all right there we go they gave me their sweet release of death all right there is another one I believe oh yeah there it is Jetpack Uber drill skiy bathtub there it is I knew there was another one all right let's check him out real quick spawn in oh boy here we go it's about to get stinky up in in here oh my gosh look at this thing yo all right ultimate acid launcher I oh look at that oh my gosh holy cow it's doing 150 damage times like 10 robotic punch hold on for science I'm sorry okay not bad 750 I like how it tells you to damage now Berserker drill I'm sorry more science let me drill you I have to drill you I'm sorry oh boy oh yeah oh oh oh now do I have to spam click it hold on hold on I do I need to spam click or do I have to just hold it no okay so I have to spam click it ah okay so Berserker drill you got to spam click the acid launcher though that one's that's pretty scary that one did some crazy damage like that one look at this ow well great I and then the next one is the Uber gravity laser skibby bathtub equip him let's check him out Uber gravity oh my gosh am I about to like cause gravity to flip all right let's see yo what look at this no you get away from me Cargobob you get away ultimate laser laser be oh yeah oh we love l no I've been cargo boobed no something about cargo Bobb just ruins everything I'm going to punch you get get over here get over here I'm like a turtle I'm like a turtle no this is so unfortunate Ultimate Gravity Blaster all right let's see what this does oh God no dude Cargobob is such a troll I hate it I hate Cargobob so much when it's against me all right so unfortunately he is slow as like a turtle all right so ultimate laser get over here let me I'm about to die robotic punch ultimate laser whatever gravity Blaster ow wow the gravity Blaster does 7,500 damage that's insane all right let's try this again hey do you want to be used for science come here let let me use you for science there we go for science yeah yes huz all right what does the punch do 700 I oh my gosh oh my 700 damage that's not bad then ultimate laser obviously that does about 45 damage like for a good little while too that's really nice and b boom Oh my gosh that's strong Ultimate Gravity that's not bad all right so I believe believe that is all of the Ubers because I think there was only um one there was like four of them and I think we couldn't check out where was he we couldn't check out one of them yeah this one we couldn't check out jetpack Uber quad but the rest of them we did and I must say they are definitely worth it but the moment y'all been waiting for Titan drone man let's do this let's get out there and let's check out this awesome character I haven't seen anyone with him yet so this might be really nice so here we go Titan drone man oh dude look at that that's so cool and he flies and he doesn't have a jet pack because he is the flying character he's a drone okay all right Titanic punch I'm sorry but this is for science 500 that's not bad okay Ultra Cannon blast I'm sorry also for science let me see science purposes you moved you goon what's wrong with you science purposes stay still all right how much 4,000 okay all right not bad I'm just standing there probably thinking like D's not doing anything all right triple energy Cannon blast oh my goodness let's see what this does let's just fire it one two oh oh my it does a th000 damage each time yo that's 3,000 damage plus the ultra Cannon blast which does some crazy amount of damage as well boom Oh my gosh dude that's crazy that's crazy that's so awesome though I love the character though the the model itself looks really really nice look at that look at that Cannon oh my gosh that's insane now unfortunately he doesn't Sprint he just walks and flies anyway so everyone that is all for today thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed then go ahead and leave a like subscribe down below join the badge hunting Squad today you start code Digi whenever you buy roblo or premium as always stome stay cool and good love bad hunting bye-bye [Music]
Channel: DigitizedPixels
Views: 48,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox bathtub warfare 2, bathtub warfare 2, roblox, digitizedpixels, digitizedpixels roblox, how to get titan droneman and cargobob toilet morphs in bathtub warfare 2, all badges, bathtub warfare 2 beta, bathtub warfare 2 all badges, how to get titan droneman, how to get titan droneman in bathtub warfare 2, titan droneman in bathtub warfare 2, how to get cargobob toilet morphs in bathtub warfare 2, cargobob toilet bathtub warfare 2, how to get uber morphs in bathtub warfare 2
Id: X3UuQ1XHxbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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