How to get UNBANNED on Any Server (Change your IP)

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are you tired of being banned on your favorite server maybe your ip has been banned and you can't even log in because the server doesn't allow vpns or just maybe whenever you log on hypixel on a new account it just gets instantly banned well then this video is going to be just for you because today i'm going to be showing you how to get unbanned on your favorite servers hey guys today i'm going to be showing you a few simple easy steps to change your public ip address this can be used to bypass ip bands on minecraft or just do whatever other shenanigans you want i'm honestly really surprised that nobody else in the community has made a good guide for this and most of the people i've talked to were very confused on how it worked or just straight up didn't know how to do it so the first thing we're going to want to do is pop open a browser i use brave for all the people who have been asking me inside of the comments and we're going to want to search up rip so this right here is our public ip i'm probably going to have everything blurred except for the last two digits to protect myself make sure not to give your ip out to people uh just yeah don't so this right here is going to be what we are wanting to change next we're going to want to pop open a cmd and type in ipconfig so down here where it says default gateway we're going to want to copy that go to our browser and paste it in it should take us to our router settings page you might need to log in so make sure that you have the login information for that now every single router's gui is going to look a little bit different we're going to want to head over to a place called mac cloning um you can just search it up for me i actually found it located inside of the internet tab it might be different for you and we're going to want to head down to this area called mac clone right here by default it should say use default mac address but we don't want that we're going to want to use use custom mac address and this should all be blank right here so i'm just going to delete it and we're going to want to head over back to cmd and we're going to want to type in get mac okay so right here it should have a physical address and we're going to want to take that and copy that right into here so for me that would be this okay so at the end we have f6 um all you got to do is just change it to something different i'm going to change mine to actually f7 and then i'm going to press save now it should take a little bit to update and now that it's done we have a bunch of zeros right here and if i go to any site it's just straight up not going to load so the reason for that is we need to restart our router and modem so i'm going to do that real quickly okay awesome it looks like we are back online if i check back to my ip you can see that it ends with a 16 if i reload the page it's going to end with a 35. so that right there is the simplest way to reset your ip if you have any questions make sure to join my discord and just type them in general i'm very active there i'll probably see it and respond to it if you like this video and it helped you make sure to leave a like comment something nice and maybe share it with your friend have a great day
Channel: Specially
Views: 100,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mmc, minemen, duels, op, hacking, cheating, banned, marcel, stimpy, stimp, texture pack, specially, render test, renders, hot, sexy, bedwars, hypixel, esp, hacks, bed wars, lunar client, cosmetics, free, tutorial, free cosmetics, lunar client cosmetics, free lunar client cosmetics, free emotes, free lunar, free stuff, solar stats, solar tweaks, minecraft, get unbanned, how to
Id: qJWoJi9ETdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 6sec (186 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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