How To Get The Most Candy While Trick-or-Treating

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So I'm just gonna get this out of the way... And it has NOTHING to do with the video But one year for Halloween I dressed up as a bunny. I... I.. don't know WHY I thought it would be a good idea Maybe I thought I would be CUTE :3 But looking back at these old photos... I realized... (a bit of silence while James looks at the photos) Man... (some more bits of silence) I was CUTE! So me and my friends Took trick or treating VERY seriously THERE'S NO MESSING AROUND One year... We practiced the path we would take A week before Halloween So our legs wouldn't get tired When the big day came You had to be in top physical condition To go door to door To Get free candy And then... Mess you're whole body up again So obviously now I'm a retired trick or treater So... I wanna pass down my wisdom to anyone out there who's still trick or treating A lot of people will say... To get the good candy... YOU GOTTA MAP OUT THE WHOLE NEIGHBOURHOOD SKIP THE ONE'S THAT HAVE MILK DUDS AND WHOPPERS OKAY TEAM LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO No! Sometimes you can't! There was only one house in my neighbourhood That gave out big candy My parents didn't want to drive me over to the RICH PEOPLE Neighbourhood So waddya gowna do? Well... Me and my friends came up with a couple of ways To get the most out of your trick or treating! One time... My friend based his whole costume to maximize his candy poll What did he dress up as? He dressed up as... A newspaper delivery boy... "Whaat?" "That's really lame!" NO!!!!!!!!! It's actually really smart and genius! Let me explain: With his costume he was able to ride a bike And that let him to go house to house quicker And it wasn't so hard on his legs And also his costume had a built in candy bag ITS PERFECT! And I guess... By the time this video comes... It's probably too late to change your costume... Soooo..... Maybe... Next year? Do you wanna know another strategy? Well here's my secret... You have to TALK your way into more candy This is what you do: You dress up as a doctor or nurse And put your local children's hospital logo on your chest You'll carry 2 pillow cases I... I took pillow cases To go trick or treating Not those plastic pumpkin things... I don't know if anyone else did that... And I would of biased to go to the next neighbourhood over Make sure no one knows who you are. Cause to use this trick you'll have to liiiie.... Anonymity is key So every time you go to someone's door You tell them these exact words Oh this? My mom works at a children's hospital and I wanted to get some candy for kids who couldn't go trick or treating Some of those kids man... Cause of their cancer they can't have any Milk Duds or Whoppers. I don't know if they can make it till Thanksgiving 90% of the time parents will give you a BIG handful of candy... For the kids And I guess now looking back at it you can say its WRONG and SINFUL But I'm not actually stealing from those kids I'm just using them to get more candy And lastly, my last trick to get more candy... You know those please take one candy bowls? heheheheh Hahahahaha HHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So those are my tricks for getting more candy for Halloween Do you have any more ideas? Tell me below in the comments Also I draw comics I don't know if you knew that.
Channel: TheOdd1sOut
Views: 29,690,276
Rating: 4.9238052 out of 5
Keywords: Trick-or-treating, Candy (Food), Food (TV Genre), Costume, Halloween, How-to (Website Category), Treat, funny, theodd1sout, the odd 1s out, theoddonesout, the odd ones out
Id: uKRVVUoc_vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 50sec (170 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2015
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