HOW TO GET MYSTERIOUS SHARDS EASY - Pokemon Brilliant Diamond - Pokemon Shining Pearl Farm

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[Music] welcome back to the channel today i want to talk about reminisce park and all the legendaries you can collect here how to get the mysterious shards you need to buy the slates to be able to get access to each pokemon now each cave has three separate pokemon apart from the later ones which have one but you know you need you need a lot of mysterious shards because to get a slate you need to either have three mysterious shards that are small or one mysterious shard that is large getting these slates you need mysterious shards so you can either buy a discovery slate for free of the small shards or one large shard it doesn't matter which one you buy you just need to get three of these slates to get each reggie pokemon once you get all of three veggies then kanto and soul slate will open up once you get like one or the other soul slate or cancer the three birds i'm not sure what salts laters i can't remember but once you do either of these all the rest of them start to open up so you have to gradually work your way through but as you can see there's a lot of shards that you need here now the shards come from the underground and the best place to do it in my opinion is underneath ramunes park so once you get to the underground you want to go up and find this area now you could pretty much do this anywhere in the entirety of the underground but i just found this place to be the easiest because there is a lot of smushed up areas where you can get multiple walls that you can dig into now i will say i have done this in the local communication and not the um not the internet connection you can do an internet connection but i think and i'm not entirely sure um if you get 40 digletts then every time you dig for four minutes there will be a guaranteed statue that you can get and i don't know whether that will replace the chances of getting mysterio shards so i have just been doing it without you know any kind of extra diglett stuff now this pattern that i have here with these three yellow lines is not that great i'm going to just try very quickly to see if i can reset it here because otherwise i have to go back up to the top and come back down into the underground let's try this let's have a look boom okay no so this isn't a very good pattern you see i've only got three yellow markings and they're pretty far away from any kind of door that i can enter and that is what we're gonna do we're gonna be using those doors to come in and out of a room so i'm just gonna very quickly try again and see what kind of pattern i get so with this pattern that i have just found i have two here in this wall now this is very good because after you've dug these up and you want to reset you run back into this doorway you run back out and there's a chance that both of these can be back in that same place but very likely at least one of them will so you're very easy to reset and be more efficient on this bit here there can be one literally on this wall if you get this this is god's here because obviously you can just go in and out in and out in and out in and out and just keep getting them so very quickly i'm just going to dig up these walls i'm going to show you a good pattern to use to check for everything first and foremost you want to just say how many there is there's four in this wall so you want to start here you want to start three and three in this corner here these ones take two hits so we hit it twice we go across three one two three and we go boom there we go one two three boom one two three boom and then we go down three one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three these take three hits one two three and then we just fill out the rest by matching them up with the ones we've already done so we now know there's four things available in this wall i've already found two of them from this dig a lot of these things that you can dig up are three by three so placing these specific dig points means that you have pretty much access to most of the board now what's important is you're looking for a mysterious shard large which is a 3x3 so for instance this one here it covers all of this corner here it covers all of this corner it covers all of this corner over here and then it covers all of this corner and all of this corner so if you've got a large mysterious shard pretty much this entire board is covered it will show you that you have a large one that sounded wrong um which then means obviously once you find it you've got a lot of wall left to dig up everything that you need to dig up so here now then when you got the the smaller shards it covers a 2x2 so in this corner here it will cover all of this so a little piece of the mysterious shard will be in this little slot here i think i'm not entirely sure about smaller shards but for the most part you've covered most of the board there's just a case of digging and trying to find the um the things that you're missing because i've obviously got two things available um i haven't really thought of a very specific way to do this but as you can see up here this is a two by two but it's not covered by anything that i've already dug so you've really got to like kind of find specific places to dig to try and find all the other stuff what i usually do is just slam around a little bit and see if i can just find something because chances are you're not gonna find a small shard in this area wall will collapse and then you go and do the next walk now after the walls are done you just want to reset now because the pattern is kind of fixed to an area there's like several spots that any of the walls can land in but for the most part they're just going to reappear in the same part and if you've got two next to each other it means that even if one of them moves the other one will probably more than likely be there and even if they're not you just run back through the door and run back through and you find them again so here's some pre-recorded footage while i speak through the rest of this video now as i said at the top of the video there is no glitched way of doing this there's no like guaranteed way of doing anything of this nature however this is the most efficient way that you can actually pull this off because every time you reset there's a fresh wall there nearby maybe two or three in this specific area and then it's just as easy as resetting and resetting over and over again so for me when i was just doing this willy-nilly when i was just running around finding walls and smashing them up i think i found one mysterious small shard in about an hour and 10 minutes i believe because i was recording at the time um but when i started to do this method i actually found nine mysterio no eight mysterious shards small and one large in about 45 minutes so you can see that doing it in this you know in this fashion obviously makes it a lot more efficient a lot quicker and still you have to be lucky you could do it for 45 minutes and get like two but you know this is the best and quickest and easiest method of actually finding mysterious shards i really enjoy the fact that you have to go and grind to get access to the legendaries i do feel like they should i don't know make it a little bit easier but then it kind of ruins the whole farming thing so it is frustrating it is annoying it is a long grind but this is a way to cut that time at least in half one thing that i would absolutely love and i really really wish they would put this in the game because i think it would be hilarious once you go and like access the wall and you dig it out and let's say you got four items confirmed but you've only found like two of them then it should show you where everything is on the map so it shows you whether you did miss a mysterious shadow because i think that'd just make it more interesting you know because even if it's frustrating and annoying that you missed one i think it would just be more engaging to the person to keep them interested to say like you don't find the mysterious shard and he shows you then you're like kind of want that mystery shot and you continue like it kind of hypes you up to try and keep going i really wish they'd do something like that um one thing i will say as well is it's totally up to you if you want to dig anything out you don't have to you know do what i did and just not pick anything up if you see like a thunderstone that you want or something like that you know dig it up don't don't waste it for me i'm only solely going for shards which means that it'd be a waste of time for me to dig anything else out in just the idea of after you finish digging it'll pop up saying you know blue sphere red sea and that just takes an extra little bit of time that i can't waste so you know if you do feel like you want to dig stuff up like i've dug up a few fossils that i don't already have um you know just just dig them out but if you want to save the most time possible don't dig anything out that you don't want to and just solely go for the shots and that's about it i hope you enjoyed this video i just wanted to talk a little bit while we showed some pre-recorded footage you can see it actually happening in in real time of me actually unlocking things so yeah thank you for watching i've been easy now you guys have been awesome [Music] you
Channel: easynow
Views: 290,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: easynow1337, easynow 1337, pokemon brilliant diamond, pokemon brilliant diamond and shining pearl, pokemon shining pearl and brilliant diamond, pokemon shining pearl, pokemon shining pearl glitches, pokemon bdsp glitches, pokemon bdsp mysterious shards, pokemon brilliant diamond mysterious shards, pokemon shining pearl mysterious shards, how to get mysterious shards in brilliant diamond, how to get mysterious shards in bdsp, how to get mysterious shards in shining pearl
Id: Ys186ytMKlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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