53 Things YOU MISSED in the THIRD Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Trailer Analysis

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what's going on everyone Austin John plays here and today we're going to be doing a deep dive analysis of the brand new Pokemon scarlet and violet trailer [Music] in my video that released three hours ago we went over all the details released to the press and to the public website itself to go over all the information that they want to put out and this is a real rapid fire video we're gonna be watching it back in quarter speed and going over all the details and little things that you missed in the Pokemon presents 8 3 22 the second half of the trailer talking about scarlet and violet as soon as the video opens up we are treated to a beautiful sweeping landscape with a whole bunch of lush grass and a pack of growli hanging out with some Arcanine over here the first thing I want to point out is that the textures of our canine are so much better than what we've seen in the past from the previous trailers it does look like they're going the route of using the updated models that we've seen ever since new Pokemon Snap that have the very subtle texture differences although this definitely looks like a little bit more of a lighting difference now when comparing the Arcanine on the right versus the left it's unclear at this time if there are going to be visible size differences in the Overworld or if this just because this Arcanine is further away we'll just have to wait and see in our next scene we see a whole bunch of sawzbuck and deerling all particularly in their Autumn form now in the generation that they were introduced they did have four different seasons we don't know if we're going to be having Seasons returning in scarlet and violet or just the four different season variants of deerling Slash salzbuck are going to be available in four different areas of the game this is very exciting since sawsbuck and deerling haven't been available in other than Pokemon go since their release in generation 5. particularly talking about the different seasonal forms next we see a dry landscape with some Hound doom and Hound hours just chilling it is pretty neat that this animation is a Houndoom just like uh just like laying down I don't think we've ever seen that before a unique animation for a dog like Pokemon and our very next scene we're treated to a whole bunch of the brand new Regional Wooper variants this woofer is a ground and poison type still with a water absorbability which sounds pretty cool and they're hanging out in a pretty muddy looking area just underneath a main grass path it would appear as though this brand new Whooper is going to be in the same biome that we saw Psyduck in in the original announcement trailer again the textures that we're seeing in the dynamic Shadows of like the fins on Gyarados face big fan of this in our very next scene we get a sweeping pin of Miss agosa the large City generally in the South Central area of paudia from here the trailer takes a direction of the director of the school speaking to a whole bunch of students and in this first clip here we get a very light idea over the trainer customization that you're going to be able to do we do know that you are going to be able to change the distance between characters faces and other parts of the face as well in addition to the clothing if we looked to the trainer on the left side with the pale skin and what appears though the eyes are much more shut the trainer behind them with the darker skin has more I would say angry looking eyes and the one behind them of someone went crazy with the me maker we see the female trainer of Pokemon Scarlet walking up to the legendary Pokemon Corydon which if you didn't realize cool Rhydon and Moe ride on first of all they have the name ride on in the name and korai in Japanese roughly translates to past and Mirai or miray I'm not exactly too sure on the pronunciation translates to Future in Japanese so we have past ride on and Future ride on not to be confused with the Pokemon ride on it immediately switches to the Scarlet version of the game the trainer was in stock clothing so I'm led to believe that your interaction is going to be very early in the game ah in order to summon your Pokemon for Pokemon ride or whatever they're choosing to call it in this game it you're probably going to be hitting something on the d-pad or maybe the minus button and then the Pokemon is just gonna kind of Spawn from underneath you and grow bigger and then it's like your character jumps in the air and then rests upon more ride on and cool ride on we see it running in a field with a whole bunch of giraffor rig and uh come on okay and listen the idea of the past version versus the future version totally cool however uh both of them have giant wheels right but it looks like cool ride on doesn't use them at all it literally just runs Meanwhile my ride on uh he's a motorcycle it's like the eight ship bike in the future one I'm definitely getting Scarlet that's all I'm saying even though I love the color red next we see the player on the bike hanging out around a whole bunch of Summer form saws buck so we definitely have confirmation you're gonna be able to find multiple ones in game I don't think they're gonna do seasons personally I feel as though they're just gonna have the four different forms at four different areas like the winter form is going to be in the snowy area and the spring form is going to be I don't know pick a different place here we see a whole bunch of Pokemon from the Ampharos line we could also see that your bike can jump and climb upside mountains we also see that it doesn't look that great in the background when viewing from far away that's for sure also that child looks like they're hanging on for dear life there's no seatbelt on that thing and then once again the bike is able to jump in the air and then transform to its flying mode whether it's these big beautiful Majestic feathers or literally just is now an airplane also the language that they use says that the Pokemon isn't actually flying just gliding downward from here we're treated to a whole bunch of go goats hanging out it's the first time we've seen Goku since what X and Y and if you're looking in the background you're going to see that we have a Pokemon Center image or whatever the Pokemon Center is being called now probably still the Pokemon Center however we see a whole bunch of the crossed Flags in the distance it's unclear at this time of these crossed flags are sort of a checkpoint or if this is maybe the boundary of a different area for the online co-op we'll just have to wait and see we have some Dreadnought hanging out in that same bog looking area that we saw the Wooper previously and also most likely the Psyduck from the first trailer we have the return of the kaparaja line that's pretty fantastic I think it's funny that the more I'm looking at this the more it actually looks like a pit stop we're also seeing now that there's three distinct people and if I had to make any guess based on the colors and the icons that we're seeing the red the one in the red outfit in the middle is going to heal your Pokemon the one in the blue outfit to the left is going to be the Pokemon where you're going to be able to buy your items and the one on the right seems like they're going to be used for the online Communications to the right we have the Poke pad which is how you initiate additional players joining you in your area to adventure together from here we're seeing the crests of the two different schools and now we're actually seeing the very front of the cathedral which now I'm starting to think this is no longer a cathedral this is the school because we have the school Crest on here and they're called the Naranja n-a-r-a-n-j-a Academy or the UVA Academy probably saying these wrongs saying these names wrong they have it set them in the trailer so I don't know how they're said and I'm just gonna keep butchering it until I figure it out actually uh Tristan QT 2006 just let me know on my most recent video on how to pronounce these two school names which is Naranja and Uber Naranja and Uber which literally translates to Orange and grape in Spanish there we go Naranja and Uber future Austin remember those things cool from here we're treated to what looks like a a planter of a sunflora which is I pretty ironic thing to actually put here maybe it's done to attract sunflora or scare them away kind of like the outlines of geese or dogs or owls and stuff and uh this town with the Red Roofs and the cobblestone pathway appears to be the town that's directly east to the large city in the South so this is most likely going to be one of the locations that you can visit soon as you start your adventure and something pretty interesting is there's this large blue and green circle in the background with these six yellow things on it I don't have the slightest idea as to what that could be these tall yellow buildings overlooking the amount of range fits in very very well with that large main city to the South and in this giant map this is the major city here in particularly these are these houses that I'm talking about being shadowed by this very large mountain range is actually what appears to be a crater like anyone who played Final Fantasy VII you know sethoroff is down here I'm not too sure what this is this probably looks like it has to do with the story uh that's why we know nothing about it and yeah it's just pretty neat we see the Mesa goza University late at night looking very very nice with this lighting going on I don't know what's going on the little tree house up here but I like it I like it a lot this is a new Pokemon that was just revealed at this very moment in this trailer this is Fido which is obviously a pun on the name Fido Fido but this is f-i-d-o-u-g-h so it's like a pastry dog it's a fairy type and golly it is adorable Fido could be replacing kind of what Al creamy was standing for in the different cafes and bakeries spread throughout the region we'll just have to wait and see we have a slack off chilling and some vigoroth yelling at him we have cockturn we got some Don fans rolling we have some dragonairs hanging out in the water guys this is what I'm talking about the fact that pine cone now has these beautiful subtle textures that you're never going to really notice unless you really look for it love that love that so much makes it look real you know now this image here I would presume that these are the individual Pokemon gyms for the gym challenge another one of these very very quick clips that happens we see the player on the bikey Pokemon heading over to these large gates with these flags hanging everywhere now these flags have this star symbol that has the lightning bolt in the middle these are the same flags that we see crossed at different points throughout the region and I don't know if those are again check marks or what they are but this looks like a sort of large Campground based off of this icon now if this icon has to do with a certain evil team that hasn't been revealed or what in particular we're gonna have to wait and find out in addition we see these things scattered maybe they have a useful function like lookout tower similar to Assassin's Creed or breath of the wild where once you go up there a certain part of the map is filled out and you're able to see what's going on a little bit better here we have a beautiful top-down shot of what it's like to glide on one of these Pokemon and you know what I'll be honest it looks a lot like braviari was in Legends Arceus there's also a weird yellow truck over here it might be a fun nod to the fact that Mew is not under that truck okay this crazy Low Rider big speaker bus thing this is appearing throughout the trailer and in this scene you can see it has these little Flags again with the star icon with the lightning bolt in the middle this could be the transportation for the evil team we have not seen any character models associated with that compound or these individual Vehicles no one knows at this point but I'm a sucker for LEDs why is it driving on its own this is also a great time to point out I've seen once or twice before these tiny little almost like vending machines are these smaller vending machines placed throughout the land in lieu of the larger Pokemon centers where maybe you can go and buy items or heal your Pokemon instead of having go to the large areas that also have the communication feature this clip is the first clip that we've seen of the trainer walking from the house with the following Pokemon we do have a confirm that you're going to be able to have one Pokemon follow you throughout your adventure which is pretty neat if you team up with three friends that's four Pokemon hanging out this is also a great time to point out that uh fueikoko just runs on its hind legs it actually doesn't need its front legs to move around I feel like there's a lot of people who are going to be leaning toward the much cool futuristic Tron motorcycle rather than the Scarlet bike however maybe that's going to be needed because as you guys know whenever two games release the first game always sells more you probably know how hard it is to trade with the second version of the game maybe the lighting people who see all these trailers are going to now be picking the second version of the game instead of the first version I think that Violet is going to be my first playthrough and Scarlett will probably be my second and next we see this clip right here with this guy and the main character checking out this crazy glow glowing plant and this is Arvin so you saw before he's the guy with the gray hair I didn't recognize it from the back arvin's known for uh researching health healthy recipes so maybe you have to help him go get exotic plants or something it also looks like you and him are entering this large cave together maybe there's a mystery in the area oh it's got the world's tiniest cooking pan hanging from his bag who who you making that that what what are you what are you making with that you're making one cupcake is that what you're doing one cupcake oh boy we see the player on top of one of these large towers and it's in particularly this sweeping camera that I don't know if they're just moving the camera for you know the purpose of this cinematic trailer or if this is a cutscene or as I mentioned before once you come up here you're able to survey the area because this definitely looks like a custom animation for the trainer being up here and looking around so maybe this is required to fill out the map a little bit more I have a feeling a good amount of the Pokemon that had gigantomax forms we're going to be seeing in this game as well the return of electric I haven't seen him in a long time we have a lot honk hanging out okay I went to go check uh this is electross who evolves from Electric the fun thing about electross is that it's an electric type with levitate so unless its ability is nullified it has no weakness right however with the gimmick of this generation the new stick that's going on right where we have the Terra still Pokemon any Pokemon can change its type so in theory if you have a Gengar and you make an electric type and then with the ability to levitate it then has no weakness just like electross so now electroses gimmick that it's an electric type would levitate is now not the coolest thing anymore great example Latios and Latias both have the ability to levitate can both learn thunder and Thunderbolts if they become Electric types they have no weaknesses and they have legendary stats so might be the big brain move here I cannot wait to see what the competitive Community is going to be doing with this oh also I read up that uh Gengar no longer knows levitate now it's only her spotty or Shadow tag you'd have to transfer an old Gengar the lake Spirits uxi Miss spirit and Azelf Giratina Cresselia yeah there's there's some there's some fun things you gotta be able to do with us that's for sure I love the the shine on the Pokeball very nice hey it's annoyed bat evolving into Noivern it's unknown at this time if we're going to be able to choose when the Pokemon evolves just like we did in Pokemon Legends Arceus as well as learning new moves if that mechanic is whole returning or if they're keeping it with how it was before so as we've learned from the website the Terra orb it's what's required for a Pokemon to terrestalize and you recharge your terroristo orb at Pokemon centers also anytime that you're out in the Overworld if you come to one of the large Terror gems and supposedly I'm pretty sure we're seeing an uncut animation of what you're going to be seeing if you decide to these are such weird words terroristolize your Pokemon in battle where you hold the tarot ball above your head you gain all this shiny energy and then you throw out the Pokeball and then Persian has all these gems that grow around it it explodes from there and it's all covered in gems this being a normal type Terror normal gems for normal types this is inside of the terror raid dens where you're going to be having all of the walls covered in gems and crystals that's going to be a reflection of the Pokemon you're battling now we see Slowbro Infinity on luminion that's it yep and a clove itself over here on the right and these are all water types going against this fire type Dragonite after you do enough damage in the Raiden you are going to be able to capture the Pokemon I wonder if we're going to have the same sort of Base stat mechanic like we did in Pokemon sword and shield that if you're going in there alone it's 100 catch rate versus with other people everyone has varied catch rates we see our legendary Pokemon uh assume I assume this is when you first meet them and it's gonna be on this beach so this is the cutscene that plays early in the game this Pokemon appears chooses you and then just becomes your motorcycle the second part of the trailer they're explaining things and we're just gonna kind of skip around for any fun details that we may have missed between the first part and the explanation on the website as they're going through and explaining how the riding Pokemon function in this game I think it's pretty neat that we see these small little caves that are just slightly higher than ground level so maybe they're gonna follow a similar sort of system to how they did in Pokemon Legends RCS that you get climb at the very end and you can re-explore these areas that may lead to caves that you couldn't explore before so there's some more value in revisiting areas that you've already been to and I think that's neat now I have a fun little Theory going on well first of all here we see uh Poltergeist Center stain in the back we see squovitz because we have these Terror raid dens which let's be honest are extremely similar to Max raid dens typically they keep one gimmick for two games right for X and Y we had megas and then in Oris we had megas with primals I feel like maybe this game started its core development as the second part of generation with sword and shield you know what I mean that they would have carried over the same idea of the max Ray dens now changed to the terror raid ends and the wild area now changed to a fully explorable area and it kind of feels like a second part of the same generation and also how many Pokemon from sword and shield we've seen already revealed it's a lot of them so it would make sense that you know we had a lot of their presence in this game and maybe only a few were admitted but we'll see how it goes I just want to take a second to look at the animations of registering a Pokemon in your Pokedex also this makes me wonder because it's a training scene with stone Jordan or an ice cube if they're keeping those version exclusives like they did in sword and shield oh here we go there's the chunk being registered and then it's like a book on the shelf and then I guess this would be looking at the spine and the front and rear cover so the terrestal phenomenon which you can terroristalize or terastalize your Pokemon seems to always have this one pointy hexagonal icon going around it once you select what it is no I'm assuming that because it's a grass type terracellized that's the reason we're having the green gems coming out of it and then once you select it with r shoulder button you get the large grass icon we did learn from the website that so say for example simple sprig of date though is going to be using leapage leafage is going to be boosted by same type attack bonus or its stab so it's one and a half times however since they're also Now using a grass terrestrial eyes that one and a half is going to be even more powerful I'm guessing times two in addition to whatever you know resistance is or weaknesses the Pokemon may have who is going to be taking the attack but if you're doing a stab gem on a stab attack for that same type if his all three things match it's going to be doing even more damage or you have the option to change it so say for example you get a dark type Terra spigotito then bite is going to be times one and a half and leafage is only going to be times one that's going to be a lot of fun things you can do there just speaking on a on a personal note here something that I feel as though they can greatly improve upon for the visual aesthetic for the terrestrialized terrestrializing whatever it's specifically called so this cutscene beautiful super bright lots of light shooting everywhere and with these gems you have these sort of rainbow Reflections super cool right however once we get into the gameplay in the battle everything is now just darker the Pokemon has a shine it has a glow under them based off of the type and then the opposing Pokemon isn't darkened like everything else is instead they're just kind of sitting there brighter which doesn't make a lot of sense I would have liked to maybe just turn everything on the screen a little bit Greener or have like different rays of light coming out or heck a lens flare something like that but how bright this model is now in this darker environment it doesn't look right yeah okay come on guys look at that that's that's the one that stuck out in my head looks like the model is in the middle of the day and everything else is at midnight that's that should not look like that I'm also wondering if the attack has extra animations because they're currently in the terraform terraform I get it this pretty much wraps up everything in these trailers and we've only seen a little bit of information on one specific gimmick on the game however because of some leaks that have come out in the past that now seem more true than ever there's still a lot more to be revealed and even before that revealed I'm very happy with what I've seen before I never let you know let's keep the car the conversation going down below if you've enjoyed this video be sure to hit the thumbs up if you want to see more Pokemon scarlet and violet coverage be sure to subscribe even consider turning on notifications until next time Austin John out
Channel: Austin John Plays
Views: 543,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: austin john plays, austin john, austin john plays youtube, youtube austin john plays, zelda, pokemon, terra Pokemon, Paldean wooper, pokemon Scarlet, pokemon Scarlet violet, pokemon presents, pokemon direct, pokemon Scarlet and violet news, pokemon Scarlet and violet leaks, pokemon Scarlet and violet rumors, Scarlet violet, Scarlet and violet, new pokemon trailer, new pokemon, new pokemon game, scarlet violet trailer analysis, pokemon presents analysis, austin john analysis
Id: hHBnv5p65dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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