How to get rid of rats and mice in home for less than $1.00

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hello I'm heard howling today I'm gonna show you how to build a better mousetrap now I usually don't get excited about things and I usually don't do videos on technology or or new gadgets or anything like that I do more adventure type videos but today I am so excited about this new method I found of killing mice rats rodents those fill things with tails on the end make a mess and these little black turds all over the place so I've been infested with roof rats in my house here for probably several years longer than I'm aware of I think and every once in a while at night I can hear them up in the attic and usually at night would have mounted much koozie I could see them running across the patio or running down the fence line or something like that or I have a compost bucket out back a big bucket I could I can see where somebody's been entering there at night and eating my combo especially the fresh fresh fruit they love this stuff anyways but I'm going to show you is revolutionary smell revolutionary to me anyways I copied it off the off to the other YouTube video and I've tested it and verified it I've even might have simplified it to a little bit so here we go when I first started getting serious about getting rid of these roof rats I was set out these old fashioned the traps and I'd get you know maybe it one or two rats but I think all their brothers and sisters got smart and after watching their brush watching their brothers die they started avoiding the traps so they became a little less effective then I advanced the glue traps and they worked for a while but most recently I would go out there and the trap was gone don't know where it happened went didn't fall off the shelf but just nowhere to be found though those roof rat got smart and got rid of the traps at least they got rid of the glue traps then I went to this Mouse X which is supposed to be good because it's it won't affect any pets of God it's non poisonous and for a while it worked at least I seem to control them and if you'd notice on the label that says controls them and doesn't this says here addict ate them so after a while the control was not sufficient I think they started using it as an appetizer for it you know like a dessert because it seemed to get to the point where it had no effect then I went on the YouTube and saw a lot of different techniques but the one that got my attention was this plaster of Paris that she mixed with general all-purpose flour I just mixed it the one tablespoon of flour 2 1 tbsp of plaster of Paris the way it works is the mouse will eat the combination and then he gets thirsty so then he drinks water the water mixes with the plaster of Paris and sulphides into a rock clogging up his a digestive system and then he dies as a result of it a second alternative to this if you cannot find plaster of Paris at your hardware store make sure all purpose flour with the Hartmann Hammer baking soda the theory there is that the baking soda will cause the gas within the rat and they are not able they don't have the ability to burp so since they can't burp this gas keeps building up and kills them alright let's observe how successful this stuff works first I put out a couple of trays they're actually the jar lids like you see here the picture within my mixture in it and after the first night both the lids were gone the poison some of the poison was spilt out but most of the poison was gone also my first my conclusion was that good it works but that was all out of jar lids so I started using the lids off he's a plastic sauce cups the second night the lids were gone also and the sauce petit sculpture a little bit lighters was a lot easier to spill the poison it was definitely just obviously that they were attracted to it the third night it was obviously they've been there to eat some of the bait but they didn't eat at all and they didn't still the couple is I don't like I was a little baffled for a while there then the fourth night I didn't see any change there had been absolutely no activity at all and here the fifth and sixth night I still see absolutely no activity for many mice so I think I've won the battle if I was to guess I would believe that I probably got rid of twenty to thirty mice in just three days and I couldn't find a better product that I'd be more highly recommend especially if you have to get a mount by a rodent problem once again the combination is just plain old general purpose flour and the blaster of Paradise or you can use Arm and Hammer baking soda mix them one for one some of the stuff on YouTube mix the sugar with it but I didn't see any need for the sugar well that's all used I made this a short video but I hope you were to didn't have an easy stomach or feel uncomfortable with with rats but these are roof rats enough to fight their quarreling around in your house we didn't have any inside of her house that was fortunate so there if you like this video click on the thumbs up button down below that suggests the YouTube that other people with similar problems might want to watch this video and if you want to see more videos of mine they're not going to be about rats believe me but more more adventure type of stuff click under my subscribe button down there and you subscribe to my channel doesn't cost you anything to subscribe you don't need a credit card or anything like that it just kind of suggests to do what you get access to my channel and what you subscribe that'd be a little bill that pops up and that click on that bill and that suggests to youtube to send you a text message letting you know that it's the new video available thank you very much we'll see you next time
Channel: Herb Halling
Views: 1,087,363
Rating: 4.8875151 out of 5
Keywords: roof rats, mice, rodents, mouse trap, flour, plaster of Paris, Baking Soda, how to get rid of mice in the house, best way to get rid of mice, how to, how to get rid of rats, home remedies, how to get rid of rats naturally, rat trap, how to get rid of mice in walls
Id: gbrzT9cPVZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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