The BEST way to RID your property of Mosquitos with NO chemicals or Electricity. Guaranteed!

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[Music] hey you know right now it's september it's the peak of the mosquito season here in colorado and many areas if you've got a mosquito problem i'm going to show you how you can get rid of thousands of mosquitoes for just a few dollars i'm going to show you that next [Music] hey thanks for stopping by my channel here at that celtic guy videos where it's my goal to teach you guys all kinds of home improvement stuff and even things like this around the house where i'm going to show you how to get rid of a huge amount of mosquitoes i decided to put this video out because i did a little research on youtube and the internet and i couldn't find one person explaining this concept now wait till you hear what i'm going to explain and you'll i think you'll agree this makes total sense one of the things we need to understand is the life cycle of a mosquito so let's go over that right quick okay you can find this illustration on the cdc website and as you can see here the uh whole life cycle from and a female mosquito laying the eggs to becoming an adult mosquito only takes about roughly a week it varies they say with species you can see it goes through the eggs larvae pupae and into an adult stage but the main thing to take away here is that number one when they lay eggs and it gets wet with water it only takes about a week to hatch now the other important thing to understand is that the entire life span of a mosquito can be as little as a few weeks to a few months depends on the species but they say the most common is just a few weeks so what that means is they are constantly needing to lay eggs and get new mosquitoes being born so if we can break that cycle we can really eliminate mosquitoes and i'm going to show you how to do that so normally what do we look at in get rid of mosquitoes we normally look at killing them right or repelling them if you live anywhere where there's much of a mosquito problem at all especially in the country there's only so many you can kill spraying chemicals everywhere it's just not the ideal solution who wants chemicals all over the place and then you're only getting some of them because a mosquito can lay thousands of eggs so you if you leave one mosquito and she laser eggs you might have thousands more mosquitoes it's an endless cycle to me so you got your electronic bug zappers you got your chemicals and then your other way is just to try and repel them you know things like deet and not spraying it on your skin and man some of that stuff has got some scary side effects it's not really safe so why don't we find a way to get rid of them well one of the ways that you can get rid of mosquitoes is with a product like this now what this does this one is called mosquito bits i'll put it up on the screen here and let me read what it says it does here it says it kills mosquitoes before they're old enough to bite okay what this does is it releases a biological mosquito larvacide at the water's surface and this gradually settles in the water where it's eaten by the mosquito larvae growing there so basically this kills the mosquito larvae before they can bite you now if you're gonna treat much of an area i would recommend these mosquito dunks mosquito dunks are basically the same thing they just last longer so if you got a pond or anything that's a good way to go also this trick i'm going to show you it's a good way to go now there are videos out there about how to use these you'll find videos where they show how to treat standing water of course if you got standing water in an old tire a bucket bird bath things like that dump it out that's one good way but this can be used in sources where there's fish and animals might drink it they do recommend not to use it in human drinking water but it's said to be safe for animals and fish and aquatic wildlife so that's one of the good things about it let's say you live in the city or even out in the country and you don't have a pond how are you going to use this method to get rid of thousands of mosquitoes like i said well this is how right here a simple two dollar bucket now why is this gonna work okay think about this what we're gonna do is i've done this before and it seems to work really well take four of these buckets or if you've got a small property two of them set them at four corners of your property that you're trying to protect and mosquitoes will fly a long way so you can set them out quite a ways now fill this bucket up with water but that's going to attract mosquitoes right they're going to lay their eggs and oh wait a minute we're going to put this in here so yes it's going to attract the mosquitoes to come lay their eggs right here where they're gonna die you just broke the life cycle of the mosquito so now instead of spraying to kill thousands you killed thousands right here you you kill them before they ever get to fly around and bite everybody so if you got a bigger property put even more buckets out if you want it's this product is cheap and then what you do is you take them mosquito dunks or you could do these if you want to continually treat the surfaces but you put a mosquito dunk in like once a month two or three times a summer and all summer long it's encouraging the mosquitoes to come lay their eggs in a nice easy place but they're all going to die so i think the more these you put out the more you encourage them to lay their eggs and you kill them before they ever hatch there's actually a study out there where they're trying to develop genetically modified mosquitoes and it makes total sense because what they're doing is they're trying to put a sequence in the dna dna code of the mosquitoes and what this does is it allows them to breed and everything like normal they don't know anything's wrong but when they lay their eggs they can't hatch they they die before they become a mosquito right so it's kind of the same concept except we're using a safe biological treatment here if you like learning things like this be sure and click the subscribe button and click that bell icon and the all notification and you'll get notified each time we put out a video there you have it it's a chemical free safe extremely effective way to break the life cycle of the mosquito so if you found this video helpful i hope hope you'll give us a thumbs up and be sure and subscribe because i look forward to helping you on future videos and as always i thank you guys for stopping by i hope you'll take care be safe and be sure and leave us a comment i'll talk to you on the next video take care
Channel: That Kilted Guy DIY Home Improvement
Views: 1,687,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mosquito, mosquito control, mosquitoes, kill mosquitoes, mosquito repellent, how to get rid of mosquitoes, mosquito trap, mosquito killer, backyard mosquito control, how to control mosquitoes, outdoor mosquito control, mosquito control backyard, get rid of mosquitoes, homemade mosquito killer, homemade mosquito trap, diy mosquito control, natural mosquito control for ponds, kill mosquitos, kill mosquitoes, kill mosquitoes in yard, kill mosquitoes naturally
Id: D-GNd2OaU8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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