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if I've never told you before I love YouTube and  not because I'm a creator and I get over here and   make videos I learned so much from you guys I'll  tell people I say you know I'm a youtuber and   I get two reactions it's either we don't watch  YouTube or they say oh man I watch it all time   I learn so much stuff and then me too I have  saved hundreds if not thousands of dollars over   the years from people just like you that do videos  on life's little hacks that can make it better for   us or if you're a do-it-yourselfer like me like  maybe you're trying to change the brakes on your   car you know and you don't really know how and you  pull up your car and there it is and guys showing   you exactly how to do it so there's anything  out there that you know how to do I encourage   you please make a video don't worry about it it  doesn't matter if your cameras good it doesn't   matter if the quality's good as long as they can  see and you're not moving the camera around a lot   you know try not to do that and they can hear you  speak I have a video that has 1.7 million views I   put it right up here somewhere and I want you to  get a chance go watch it look at the quality this   thing was made seven years ago maybe not my idea  somebody else a God did this Idol in his backyard   I thought it was cool it would work for me where I  live that it's all about fishing with PVC pipe and   it's all over the internet and you'll see what I'm  talking about if you see something that you like   that you think it helped you tremendously please  please make a video of it because I'm fixing to   show you something that helped me bones I'm gonna  put a picture of a bowl up in the screen up here   somewhere so you'll know cute little fellers I  mean they're like little hamsters but they are   herbivores and they will eat up fruit tree bark  they'll eat up you know like here's gonna be my   blackberries I got one out I was just testing it  to make sure it wouldn't die my blackberries in   the winter time where there's no grass for him to  eat because they love to eat grass they love to   eat the root off of your vegetables in your garden  they are not a mole they are a vole with a V I had   about maybe 150 something like that they live in  colonies and I had a group a colony of them here   living around these pallets the way I knew it my  neighbor's dogs they loved to hunt him kill him   they don't need them and so I put in this little  bait station saw this on YouTube matter of fact   the gentleman has a patent on it so you know I'm  not trying to make them or sell them or nothing I   think it cost me maybe $7 $8 I don't know that  one sitting there was a dollar 69 so that kind   of gives you an idea things are always the most  expensive part got me a strap a couple of long   spikes I don't have it glued it has a tee I put  this on with a screw on you don't have to you   just put a cap if you want to you can make these  tubes as long as you want I would say this caution   wise this thing will kill rats mice and bolts I  use two inch so the little bowl can get in there   cuz they're pretty good-sized little fellers and  the rats are especially in here give you an idea   I have filled this thing two times has a rod that  goes through it you put these cakes on here there   is two and a half cakes this thing holds eight so  they have eaten four and a half cakes and this is   the second fill up so that tells you I mean they  were eat three of them cakes in an hour and those   are pretty good sized cakes got a whole room piece  of all thread nut on top you know just drilled a   hole through there but a wing that on the bottom  set it so that when it goes down in there it's   you know down close enough to bottom when they eat  the bottom when it just slides down it's like an   automatic feed works great I wiped out an entire  colony right up there they stay in a diameter of   about 60 feet diameter and there can be anywhere  from 30 to 70 in that they were everywhere I would   sit inside the RV and I would look out the window  and they'd be fuller on the ground and someone was   babies litter and they'd be just grazing you know  eating the grass and stuff but they'll get into   your seed building so this ate anything but like  I said I wanted to show you this thing because if   they're amazing I've got another one down there  I'll walk you down there and I'll show you what   we got down there things I forgot and I want to  bring this up we've been working on this we've   been working on this garden and it's finally dried  up a little bit I've got some things planted but   the first thing I noticed was this and I knew we  had them but if I can find the tracks here we go   deer tracks and this deer went right through the  garden right down where I planted all my potatoes   yeah of course they hadn't come up yet so in cut  across turned around the garden and came back so   I have ordered a thousand dollars worth of fencing  defense this place off extra post actually ordered   seventy-five eight-foot T post hopefully I only  put them in a foot in the ground and I'll have   seven foot of fence and then I'm gonna have hot  wire on top something to keep the deer out cuz I   know what's gonna happen I've got 36 tomato plants  to plant and I can plant them now but I'm keeping   them up next to the house to keep them away from  everything in the pots till I can get this fence   put up okay now guys Ebert and I were down here  cutting down some more trees and we were burning   a lot of brush we got some over there on the other  side of the boat and of course like I say we do   have a boat now because we actually have some  water in the pond but while we were down here   working I saw mice running in here and I'm sure  there's probably riots fill rats and everything   else because these trees stay loaded with hawks  and these hawks are fat and they just look good   because they're eating voles out of that field  over there and what happened was about two weeks   ago they came out and they Bush off that field  and when they did my place filled up with those   voles but I hooked them now here's the other one  I haven't seen any bowls out here I'm sure there   is but I haven't seen any but I have seen mice  so I put this here two days ago now you can see   a little better look at it you can make these  pipes as long as you want to and you could make   this as tall as you want to and you can put a  longer rod this thing would be great like in a   barn you could put it against the wall because  the rats love to travel the edge the wall strap   that thing to the wall this way you can screw  your cap in and off load that thing up I mean   I'm putting eight on mine but you could put 20 on  it if you want to and then just check it every so   often they fill it back up again every time my  rat comes by and gets him mouthful of it he'll   be a goner so two days ago this one had eight on  it I filled it up let's just see what we got two   days well there is one two three four five and a  half so they've eaten two and a half and if it's   mice I can understand why they didn't eat near  as much and so maybe there's not a lot of bowls   or maybe I've have it in the wrong place I mean  there is something here because they're eating   on it so my intent is to move these farther and  farther out on the perimeter set them on these   fence lines give everybody a good chance all the  rats and the Vosges to fill up on them and then I   will also take them back up here and test them  again let me tell you the best way to check to   see if you've got a vole don't build the bait  trap or nothing just take your round piece of   pot lay it somewhere where you think they might  be maybe they're running next to a wall they like   to run next to walls and stuff too then after you  get it laid where you want that piece of pipe put   your piece of Apple in there if you think you've  got bowls that piece of Apple will be eat up in   about 15 minutes though they love fruit so that's  the best way to check to see if you've got bowls   now but now if you think you might have some  ranch or something like that you can put you   something in there like peanut butter and see  what they do if I eat it up quick then build   you one of these and keep it in when you get  done with it put it up in your shed clean it   up wash it off with a water hose and I guarantee  you these things are mean I've got a video coming   up about our house we've ordered it it should be  here in six to eight weeks so thanks for watching
Channel: ArkansasPrepper
Views: 492,407
Rating: 4.8412118 out of 5
Keywords: Homesteading, Prepper, Arkansas Prepper, arkansasprepper, canning, survival, self reliant, Vole, Voles, Rats, mice, poision, Ramik poison, bait station, DIY, pvc pipe, kill, rodents, rodent, simple, barn rats, pet, safe, VOLE CONTROL, Vole Control, Control Vole, Rat poison, How To Identify If You Have Gophers, Moles, Or Voles, Kill Voles, mice and rats, Vole Control You Can Do, Stop voles from destroying your plants, Build a PVC Mouse & Rat Bait Station, kill unwanted mice and rats., birds
Id: WEl41J4W-pU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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