How to get rich on Tarkov's Woods - Loot Guide - Escape From Tarkov -12.9

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look if you wanted to make money before this update reserve shoreline and interchange were great maps for making some good cash but what about woods it was really slept on due the fact it really didn't have any crazy loot but that's all changed with 12.9 making it one of the greatest contenders for one of the best maps here for making money stick around and enjoy some of the loot guide here as i walk you through how to make money on woods before we get into the video here today i want to remind you guys i do stream on twitch the link for that will be featured down below if you want to see me playing woods live as well as a map which i'll link down in the description down below if you want to follow along and get your bearings alright so let's jump straight into said map and we're going to be starting off here today just outside lumber camp going straight towards sniper outlook or sniper rock if we walk away from the lumber yard and start heading up towards one of the largest rocks in tarkov here on woods this is where sniper scav hangs out on top of this rock they've actually added some incredible things up here as well as the fact that anyone can get up here now if you run along the top of these rocks and head towards the left you'll see on our right hand side is actually cliff descent which used to be one of the old extracts which is no longer valid running up these rocks however on the left hand side we will be heading towards what is sniper scab's bed and a lot of people don't know this spot exists because it's quite tucked away but near this bed is actually a rare spawn both next to the bed and also behind the bed as well next to this chair you can also find some really sweet ration spawns like sugar and various other food items so this is a really sweet little spot what actually makes it even better though is if you head away from this spot and start hugging the wall you can jump up some of these rocks and head towards a bunker now this little bunker is tucked away and a lot of people don't know this exists right now but if you head down into the bunker what you're actually met with is a marked circle now this is technically a circle but you're going to see the what markings along the wall meaning that any sort of marked items here can spawn near the candles and along the wall this is from rare items and multiple other things like if you're very lucky like a doc's case and so on so forth heading away from here there is a cheeky little spot that you can do next to this ammo spawn but you can actually run up these rocks and get a crazy view across all of woods this is one of my favorite spots for shooter born in heaven and is an incredibly viable spot although i want to point out that you're actually quite exposed when you're up here heading away from the lumber yard we are going to be heading towards the northeast we're going to actually be heading to a place i call un storage now i've marked it up here on the map so you guys know where we are but we're heading towards one of the biggest spots here when it comes to making money first one is there's a cheeky little duffel bag here on the couch but if you head away from this little small detachable we'll be heading towards a building which is a little bit of a honey pot inside this building are actually some incredible spawns there's fuel spawns just out the front of it which is decent for money but if you head inside you are going to be met with some mil-tech spawns now i haven't found every single one of these items but i have found a military cable showing me that there is things like relays and also a possibility of some things like a costume or a cofdm you are met with some stuff like a radiator helix on the ground and heaps of other goodies so this building is definitely worth your time if you're around this area all right so we're gonna be heading away from this building and heading towards this large shed here now i call this un rations you guys can come up with your own cheeky little call-out if you want heading inside this building though this is one of the best buildings in my opinion because you get a lot of different crates and spawns get 120 round boxes of bt that spawn on these boxes here as well as a technical supply crate and i mean this when i say this guys a lot of the items in the technical supply crate and even on these shelves back here are worth a fortune right now guys especially things like dry fuel and you got other things like bulbs which in the early wipe are disgustingly expensive above you are met with a crate another fuel spawn ammo spawns and on the bed is also another rare spawn which is actually pretty unreal you can find it simply to the left of the sleeping bag heading up we are gonna be met with more ammo spawns a large weapon box on the left hand side and most importantly more miltek spawns around this radar dish which is actually pretty damn insane now they're not here all the time they are much rarer than reserve but it's still a cheeky little check if you're up here and you are met with a ration supply crate and to the right of that is another chance at fuel which is pretty awesome all right let's head into the real juice though and that is village i wanted to point out that i won't be showing a lot of the stashes around this area but there are plenty and in fact woods has so many that i'm quite inundated but i am working on a stash guide for wood so make sure you guys subscribe to that all right let's head into some of the technical spawns here we're going to be finding a corrugated hose here to my left and i want to point out that is like gold in the early wipe but more importantly around these areas you are going to find a lot of technical spawns now this village isn't the greatest village like compared to shoreline because it doesn't have a lot of jackets and goodies but the main thing that you will find in a lot of these buildings are plenty of ration spawns in fact they're pretty much every single nook and crevice of all of these houses are filled with food so if you're ever in a tight predicament and you need to get some hydration there's plenty of duffel bags and food spawns to be found all throughout these buildings but basically that's pretty much it for this village there isn't really much else you will find a lot of ration spawns in pretty much every single house but the real juice comes from the little detachables and sheds out the back if you head inside each of the houses you probably will find plenty of food and if that's what you need stuff like condensed milk or whether you need those to shonk at a hand into jager these are pretty awesome spots to check so heading out of here we will be heading towards what is probably worth your time and that is the sheds around the back of this area because like i was saying earlier a lot of technical spawns are worth a fortune right now all right so we're heading to the other side of the road here for the last building and this one is on the side of the water and i just wanted to point out that once again inside the house you're not really going to find all that much as well as a tech sport near this microwave box which in fact actually can spawn a graphics card i've had one here on my scav run so if you are in this building on the one facing the water make sure to come and check this little cheeky spot if you head outside of this shed and chuck a right you will be met with even more technical spawns in the corner here which is very very overlooked and i've actually found a couple corrugated hose here believe it or not all right so enough about technical spawns you're probably sick of hearing about let's get into the juice and that is sunken village this village is the one closest towards that huge ass mountain in the distance and this is actually one of the small sunken villages that has not only a lot more technical spawns and ammo with spawn in these open boxes but it also has a mark circle i want to point out if you do come to this area at night time you might get swarmed by cultists because they seem to like this area between the times of 12am and onwards till about 5am what's great about this area though are there are a couple hidden stashes around this area but mainly the ammo guys in the early game if you need to find stuff like bt this area is actually incredible for getting your hands on that and you'll find them on pretty much every single table around this area which is unbelievably good in the early not only can you sell them for a couple hundred rubles but there's also an intel spawn just inside this shelf underneath the candle now if you're not satisfied with the intel spawns maybe you're going to head towards the mark circle and this is where things get a little bit juicy if you're having a hard time finding it guys i would suggest running closer towards the mountain here and as we run up i just wanted to point out on your left hand side is a church which is crashed in the swamp here if you line yourself up with the church next to this little fence on the right near a clothing line is actually a mark circle and if you check around the very edges you'll find sometimes people miss things even if they've been through here before you can find gold chains which are clipped into the grass and a lot of people miss things so if you're ever on a scave run maybe double check this spot because once again people are idiots as we head away from this area however we'll be heading towards one of the other buildings nearby now this building actually has some really sweet loot inside of it as not all of the buildings around this area are actually accessible the main thing is a rare spawn next to this sleeping bag but if you have a look in the crates in the center once again you should find stack boxes of either 120 bt but also find stuff like 545 bs which is actually incredibly valuable in the early game all right so we're heading towards the water now we're just going to quickly check this boathouse there isn't really much in here so i thought i'd throw it in quickly it's just a cheeky toolbox and some technical spawns on the bench but heading towards the juice of this place this is the main attraction of sunken village and that is the crash church now swamp church actually has two paths to get into it one from the front you're going to see a little bit of shallow water here with a bit of sand sticking out you want to stick towards this path and once you're lined up you want to jump sideways because simply if you don't have high enough strength you won't make it the first time once you've got the jump make sure you run along these planks here and head towards the right towards a ramp as soon as you go up the ramp and inside the peak of the church you're gonna find some rare spawns now there are actually three individual rare spawns here one on the box one in the corner and one in the other corner you can find stuff like lions bronze horses and anything else you may need along the way just behind the church to make matters even better here we're going to be heading towards another rare spawn nearby inside this tent similar to the one inside interchange if you check out the front and also on the inner left and the inner right you can find stuff like gold chains and other things if you are incredibly lucky also guys i want to point out that i am working on stash guide i know i said that earlier but there is a stash here i thought i'd show you quickly just opposite the church here i will be working on the video for them it's just there are so many and i'm so overwhelmed all right so we could be heading with the massive mountain on our right hand side towards what i call crates on crates and on my right is the bridge extraction now heading up here guys crates on crates is pretty awesome this area is really good for scav so if you ever need to do scav kills for whatever reason on woods this is one of the main spots for scabs i don't know why but they seem to be like bees to honey around this area and i managed to get most of my wood scav kills are actually around this area for some weird reason there's also a cheeky crate on my left hand side and plenty of ammo if you ever need anything like that which is awesome if you head away from this area however and nearby is actually a little signal tower now the signal tower actually has some really awesome stuff now if we head away from this towards a little cheeky signal tower there's a little hidden bunker down here which is really really awesome jumping over the sandbag here we're actually going to be chucking your left towards a fuel spawn if you jump over this and go down and towards this bunker you can actually find some really cool stuff like a duffel bag but not only that you can find stuff like light bulbs and also plenty of relays as this area around here is also a miltec spawn as well as heaps of sugar on this bench you can find some stuff like miscellaneous tools and also tech lying on the ground as well as a chance for a graphics card as we head inside we're going to be met with food on the bed here to my right what i predict is maybe an intel spawn a duffel bag and also a jacket all right so let's get away from this area and let's head towards what is one of the best places on woods in my opinion and without a doubt in my mind this is yousek stash i want to just point out though guys this area is incredibly dangerous in fact most of the people who die from landmines are around this area i wanted to point out that around the edges of the map there are plenty of mines and there are signs nearby that show you where they are i've actually done a video outlining all the spots for the mines so you can avoid them i'll link that in the description down below but i just wanted to point out that the mines in this area come incredibly close towards user camp and that means a lot of the time if you wander too far out you will blow up that means this forest on my right hand side is swarming with mines if you're ever unsure stick to the side of the water and you should be safe anything to the side of the mountain is a complete and utter death trap you can see suicide forest out to my left there and i wouldn't recommend going out there with a 10-foot pole alright if we head inside usex dash this is a very incredibly hot area because there's so much here ammo on the boxes on my left attachments on pretty much every table plenty of weapons crates and also miltek this place is a massive honeypot but unfortunately because of that it is incredibly hot for players so when you are around here be careful because plenty of spawns are near this area and a lot of times they converge on this spot and fight instantly at the start of the raid we'll look for some attachments here on this table and this table is definitely my favorite table as it's giving me plenty of gunsmith parts so far if we head outside we're going to be met with a large weapons crate as well as some awesome med spawns on this stretcher heading inside the tent to the left however we will be met with some more crates as well as on these tables more attachments and chances of ammo i just wanted to point out near these crates there are some awesome ration spawns as well as a medical supply crate you can find plenty of things around this area but just talking about those mines a little bit here if we head outside and jump to my right i just wanted to show you how close the mines actually are to my left is actually safe here on this on the sand but just below these rocks even all the way up to the very edge of the rocks are mines in fact i was fighting a two man here the other day and they both blew themselves up in front of me i would give them sympathy but i have a video on this so maybe if they watched me they uh wouldn't have died [Music] but the truth is guys be careful when you are around this area as it's very easy to step on them and i've accidentally done it myself when i first started on this map heading towards these trucks however we met with another black weapons crate as well as some other awesome loot around this area the best part about this spot however is in the very back left corner near this weapon crate just underneath these rocks is a yusek or slash trooper spawn i've actually found it there twice and it's been really clutch that's an awesome level for armor and i'd never say no to that on this table as well has been plenty of attachments so far as well as really expensive suppressors which have given me some decent money off the flea but let's head away from this area and we're going to be going towards the other side of the map for one of what i actually think is the second best spot on the woods expansion the ruaf roadblock actually has these two cheeky crates as well as a parked pickup truck which actually has a duffel bag in the back of it and a large green weapons crate just behind the back of it if we head away towards the tank we are actually going to have a cheeky little rb orb 2 spawn on top of this concrete block which is a reserve key i've actually got another video for all the reserve keys but i'll link that down below if you guys want to peep that heading towards emrakom camp however this place is amazing however it comes with a fair share of problems and that is every single player man and his dog wants to come here as well this area is incredibly hot but there is hot for a reason and that is because of the incredible loot around this area not only can you find heaps of things like food and all the other things you may need to hand in for jager but ultimately meds on all these metal crates around the place as well as these med bags you can either find sugar or lunch boxes or anything you need to sell from cheeky money especially canned squash which being here quite regularly which at the moment is i think about 50 000 as well as ration crates which help with getting your cigarettes i want to point out the reason that this area is hot however is the meds in the back of this ambulance you can find anything in fact there's a very rare chance for atletix and i have seen someone pull one from the ambulances on shoreline so i imagine it's possible here these green tables around the place spawn boxes of ammo which are actually incredibly good for money but there are plenty of ins and outs so be careful when you are here because people can sneak up on you i wanted to point out that these two open paradigm crates here are swarming with medspawns in fact i've seen someone pull an ophthalmoscope off these metal trays and they would share similar spawns to those on either labs or many other medical maps and that is a lot of awesome money especially if you need found and raised salivas morphines or something like a cms for jaeger i would also like to point out that around this area are also heaps of crates if you head up towards the second floor a lot of people overlook these inside this crate is a large green crate as well as a rare spawn on this sleeping bag as we head around the outskirts of this building though along the second floor we will be met with a fuel spawn and another weapons crate if we head down below though and head towards our left we'll find a crate here full of dead people now i know it's a little bit spooky but down the very end is actually a med spawn as well as on our left hand side another two open crates which are swarming and another ophthalmoscope medspawn and i also just wanted to point out that each of the guard towers are also these large green crates so if you head up and check these you can find some 60 round mags if you need them found in raid or other things like btmo or bs or anything you may need all right the last spot here today we are going to be heading towards duffel rock i know there's plenty more loot here but i just wanted to point out that at duffel rock you are going to see lumber mill just in front of me if we look at opposite way from lumber mill and look in towards death forest we will see a rock right here past the collapsed tree if we head straight towards it we are going to be met with the mark circle guys and this is the third mark spot on woods and you can actually make a lot of money off these including things like a doc's case or a key tool so if you are incredibly lucky you may find something like that or maybe an arsas which sells for a fortune on the flea market right now and while you're here you may as well go towards outpost which is the last spot i'm going to be showing you in this video here today as near the outpost of some cheeky spawns be careful when you're crossing here because this area is swarming with scabs and incredibly open to many spots but on the left hand side here on the driver seat is a violet keycard spawn as well as in the back seat is a chance for meds in this med bag as we head inside our post the last thing that we're going to be checking here today is a filing cabinet a large green crate as well as a spawn for east wing 314. hey guys that's it for this video if you learned anything about woods here today feel free to subscribe i am working on a heap more woods videos including that stash guide you don't want to miss it thanks so much for watching to the very end and as always we'll see on the next one [Music] so you
Channel: VoX_E
Views: 116,346
Rating: 4.8810811 out of 5
Keywords: escape from tarkov, escape from tarkov woods, escape from tarkov woods loot guide, woods guide, money guide, hidden caches, loot run, get rich on woods, easy money woods, ultimate guide, woods extraction guide, woods map guide escape from tarkov, escape from tarkov woods map guide, money making guide, escape from tarkov cultist, escape from tarkov woods guide, escape from tarkov woods expansion, escape from tarkov woods sniping, escape from tarkov woods gameplay
Id: 5ntrBovvOHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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