How to get prayers answered Quick

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bless you all may you be blessed no matter where you are according to the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ I hope you are well whether you're in the US or in Europe somewhere or in Africa may the blessings of King Jesus be upon you may his hand rest upon you and may your life never be the same ever again by reason of the grace of God that is is already upon your life um Wow Instagram just shoots up over a thousand people already live God is good Prophet IIA God God bless you big time God bless you all uh the Lord is good I am together with my family we are already in a London we in London I'm excited about what God is going to do this this weekend and then I can't wait to be back in church on Sunday now before I begin I am doing revealed London and I just posted a flyer there's only 50 seat there's 45 seats already left yeah all right so if you want to be part of revealed London you want to be in the studio with me um there's a registration link if you're already in London and you want to be part of it you can go and uh register now I promise you it's not going to last uh you go to profet and um you can register there I promise you it will not stay up long uh already the streets are buzzing we were uh in the streets today and uh we met a lot of beautiful people that stopped us and were excited about Friday and I guarantee you that I know the Lord Jesus will not fail us but I'm here to teach you something very beautiful and very simple how to get your prayers answered quickly how to get your prayers answered quickly how to get your prayers answered very very quick and fast now this is a question that many have and it seems to be something that is Lost in Translation and uh the Bible says it plainly the scriptures say it clearly there is no confusion about it there is no mixup about it there is a manner in which you position yourself and God answers your prayer now many have based you being answered based on how good you are how much you fast how much you pray how much there is no sin in your life but I'm here to tell you that that's not true even though those things are commended even though those things are necessary you need to live clean because that's called being a Christian you need to be prayerful because you need to maintain your intimacy with God you need to grow in his wisdom and his and and his understanding so those things ought to be there anyway they should not be a matter of because I want my prayers answered said quickly but there's something that people have not yet understood and it buffles me that if I have Jesus why do I need to go to Prophet Loi to pray for me for me to get a breakthrough if I have Jesus why do I need to go to Apostle so or or evangelist so to pray for me so I can get healing why isn't Jesus answering me yet I am calling on him and I know that he can hear me so what am I missing if you are hearing me I want you to type number one so that I know you can hear me because this is a reality you have to ask yourself that question if I truly have Jesus and I know I have Jesus because I'm born again I know I am born again I know I am cleansed by the blood of Jesus I know I am bought by a price why is it I cannot get my prayers answered quickly if I want to hear the voice of God I have to find a prophet if I want a breakthrough I have to go to a certain man of God or a woman of God if he prays for me I know the breakthrough will come but I am talking to the same Jesus that they are speaking to why is it that my prayer is answered quickly their prayer is answered with urgency and mine isn't the Bible says the prayers of the righteous aileth much well I am truly a righteous because I'm not righteous on my own right I'm righteous because of Christ so it is true I am righteous but why am I struggling with my ability to receive breakthrough Deliverance healing open doors I believe God can do it I have no doubt God has the power to save me Draco my big brother I love you man I know God loves me I'm not doubting that I am not doubting God's ability I know God is able but has God forgotten me as God is am I not important to him Hallelujah your angel you keep writing nonsense like that I'm going to ban you from even coming to the building you've been causing a lot of problems I've been telling them to let you off the hook but I won't let it for long so are you hearing me children of God I want you to pay attention so what is the issue because if you don't understand the issue you create a problem if you don't understand the issue you create a bigger problem now I want us to read this is it Ephesians what is it can you read it for me please Prophet Jimmy God bless you you have it yeah okay let's read it Ephesians 3: 20- 21 Ephesians 3 20- 21 Ephesians 3 20- 21 uh-huh now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us to him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations ations forever and ever amen one more time read that again now to him who is able to do exceedingly notice this to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly abundantly above all above all that we ask or think ask or think according to the power that works within us here's the issue now you need to understand how Spirits operate it's very important to understand how Spirits operate because God is Spirit if you don't understand how Spirits operate you will not understand how God operates Spirits need something called a conduit Spirits need something called a conduit Spirits need a vehicle to express themsel so the Bible is telling you God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what you can ask or even imagine but he puts a disclaimer according to the power that works within you so if God you're asking God for a miracle if you're asking God for a breakthrough if you're asking God for healing if you're asking God for an Open Door God is answering you but do you have the conduit do you have do you have a a good conductor of the power of God to express what you have asked for that is what a conduit is an example is the electricity running in your house is power right but you need wires that can transmit the wires from the from the Power Station to the poles outside converted into your house if there is any problem with the wires it doesn't matter that the the the city is generating enough power to power your whole life to power your whole life your whole house if there is a problem with the conduit or the conductor of the power it doesn't matter if they increase the power at the power station you will still not get any power or lights in your house so the issue is you're praying and God is answering you're saying God I want a billion dollars God sends power enough for you to get a billion but you don't have the conduit that can produce a million then you say God is not answering me God is like I answered you the issue is do you have the ability the power working within you is it enough to produce are you a good vehicle of the Supernatural are you a good vehicle for the supernatural everybody wants to hear God but are you a good vehicle for God's voice everyone wants to heal the sick are you a good vehicle for healing everyone wants to deliver people are you a good vehicle for deliverance if you and not having any power generating in you and you have to understand the word power there is dunamas the ability to move things this is why the Lord Jesus said this he says until the days of John the kingdom of God suffers violent and the violence take it by force because a dynamite blows rocks it blows mountains to SMI the Rings it moves things powerfully do you have that thing inside of you that can move things I I don't know if somebody can hear me you have to remember having faith is believing in the ability of God but even Faith does not work if you do not have power residing in you yeah it won't work m people who came to Jesus Jesus asked them do you believe and Jesus will say your faith has made you well but why wasn't their faith producing the miracle why did they need Jesus because Jesus was a good conduit of the power of God are you a good vehicle of the of of the power of God have you increased your capacity to be able to produce more power to the glory of God you see the Lord Jesus said something to the disciples he said this he says you you shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon you notice the Miracles they began to do was because something was inside of them and because of that something that was inside of them they could now produce Miracles within themsel in the name of the Lord Jesus you have to understand there is a difference between asking God to do something and you releasing something because you have it from God those are two different Realms they're not the same when when we pray for people to be free of demons it is God who is intervening to deliver them that's why Jesus said I cast out Devils by the Finger of God I cast out Devils by the spirit of God notice there is only one deliverer and it is Jesus but there's a dimension you get to that your Shadow can cast out a demon not because you have even called on the Lord it is a manifestation of God that is already inside of you that when you look at somebody and you said go it is well something happens what is the power residing in [Music] you listen to what the Bible says it is not by strength nor by power but it is by my spirit by notice the difference now here is God is telling you everything I do is by the holy Spirit but when the Holy Spirit comes to you he will give you power so the Holy Spirit has to give you something in order for him to interact with you his Spirit cannot interact with you until he gives you power it is through that power that the Holy Spirit begins to express himself without that power that comes from him that's why the Lord Jesus said it like this in Luke chapter 4 the spirit of the Lord is upon me and Heath anointed me to do this and do that so when the Holy Spirit comes he author authorizes you like an example is when you go to certain stores electronic stores they will have a thing says authorized Apple seller authorized Samsung seller they are telling you we don't we are not Samsung but we have been given permission to sell you authentic Samsung whether it is phone or TV we have the license to give you what is authentic or authentically or or to to authenticate your Samsung or your iPhone or your Apple products that is what the Holy Spirit comes to do he anoints you the the anointing is an approval the anointing itself is not power that is why the devil is Anointed but he not powerful is somebody understanding what I'm trying to say here yes Joseph was authorized by God everything he touched God expressed himself through it there was power inside of him there was power inside of him you see the problem is the church has demonized power they have glorified the Holy Spirit and rightfully so but they have forgotten when the Holy Spirit comes he doesn't give you chills he gives you power that's right when the Holy Spirit comes it doesn't come to make you feel love he comes to give you the power of love when the Holy Spirit comes he doesn't just give you good fuzzy feelings he gives you the knowledge of revelation of God so you can be confident on God's word so whenever somebody speaks of power the church is quick to say the power of the devil the power of this yet the Bible is telling you all authority and power belongs to God nobody owns power only God the chills you feel is a response to his presence but he's not the one giving you chills that's you what is the power residing in you Alfred my brother black king I love you what is the power residing in you that is the question you have to answer are you hungry for the power of God are you hungry to be a prophet to those who are around you not just you some of you would have never desired the power of God unless you had problems God is saying my hand is not short to deliver nor my ears doubt to hear but your sins have separated you from me not me to you every expression of God is hindered by us amen that's good every expression of God Is hinded by us not by God that is why it did not matter what sin Samson committed God's power was with him when he broke the Covenant then the power stopped notice the power of God operates according to the covenant not according to your Deeds now the Covenant that God has with us through the blood of Jesus is centered on Christ not on us so there there is nothing you can do to stop God from reaching you unless you reject him every expression of God is hindered by us now many somebody asked a good question said is the power of God only given to those who want to work for him absolutely not power is given to all that will receive the Holy Spirit it is through that power power that God expresses himself Pharaoh would have never known God is able to part the sea Moses would have never known God is able to part the sea until there was a situation the power within him proved that God was there God expressed himself to say yep I am with the Israelites what is the power residing in you power doesn't come because you prayed power comes because you have realized your capacity is small and you need the Holy Spirit to stretch you begin to burn for others saying Lord my own life is in shambles my own life is not looking good father I pray in the name of Jesus by your spirit by your Holy Spirit my Lord and my God help me to be expanded increase and expand my capacity stretch me oh Lord that I may carry more of you enlarge Me For Your Glory expand Me For Your Glory until those prayers begin to come from you you're not increasing your capacity when Peter and John went to the temple he looked at the man who was asking for silver and gold and he said silver and gold I do not have but what I have I give you in the name of Jesus rise up and walk notice he did not say God will bring it from Heaven he said what I have what I have what what do you have what do you have what do you have thousands of people are coming into town because of one man who is able to express God is that what God really wants absolutely not is God authorizing it yes so that others can be empowered we came to Europe so that others can be empowered for the work of the Kingdom not so that they keep going to my events but so that they can be empowered and do even greater exploits than us for the glory of God but why is it that you need oh Prophet L is coming the word will be powerful there will be healing there will be deliverance and those things will happen it is because of the power residing in you need the power of God also we all need the power of God let it become a genuine hunger don't let your issues the sickness or the trouble blind you from seeing that God God is using these things for your good the Bible says all things work for your good God is allowing you to be pushed to a corner so that what is inside of you can be brought out God wants you to draw from him pull from him so that something can be inside of you that you can produce after what God wants the woman with the issue of blood had so much Faith she said if I can just touch him power will leave him and enter me when she touched him the Holy Spirit didn't leave Jesus it was power you see there's a separation between power in the spirit of God Jesus said who touched me they said Lord everyone is touching he said no one person touched me and power left me when you shake your children's hands when you lay your hands on your children is there power leaving you to to do something in their life when you say hi to people when you smile to people are you able to produce power that will change people a woman touches Jesus Jesus doesn't even know somebody touched him but he feels something leaving him yet there are so many that were touching him but they were not good conductors of the power they were sick they touched him but they could not get healing one person who understands that if I can touch him something will enter me something happens you have to be a good conductor of the power of God become a good conduit of God's power this is what I wanted to share with you tonight as you even prepare yourself and you say Lord Jesus I I am ready for for for tonight uh um sorry I said tonight for Friday let your prayer be L when I come Mr Edward thank you for your prayer begin to tell tell the Lord Lord when I come Friday even if I watching from home May the power of God enter us may we receive Power by the holy spirit that we may start producing that when we pray prayers will be answered God is always quick to answer but are you a good conduit of God's power to produce the answers that is the question at hand and that's what God is thinking God is looking at you and saying you asked me for this I gave you but you couldn't produce it that's your fault you have to remember God is responsible for the seeds but you are the ground can the ground handle the seed can the ground receive the seed these are the issues if that can be done if that can be accomplished then you will see prayers being answered with lightning speed Jesus always said my father I thank you that you have heard me that you always hear me Jesus our lord flowed in this capacity if he says go your child is healed their child is healed many of you have only thought that it's because he's the son of God no he was 100% human like you and me the difference was he had consecrated himself to his father that his father could do everything through him if Jesus had any unfair Advantage spiritually then he's not qualified to be a man the Bible says he suffered Temptation he suffered suffering he learned obedience if even unto death it means that his Humanity was very present his Humanity was present his level of consecration allowed the expansion let this be a prayer and let this be a genuine prayer before God let this be a genuine prayer before the Lord father I pray for everyone that is watching including myself father cleanse us and purify us cause us to be good conductors of your power help us to be good and great conduits of your power father there is no no prayer that you leave unanswered but what is in us can hinder us some of us have glorified our troubles some of us have glorified even our sins above your ability to rescue and to set men free so father we look to you father we cry to you father we set our hearts on you and we ask you to help us have mercy on us we know the fires we are going through is to increase our capacity we know the troubles we are facing is to stretch our capacity father help us that we will not miss the opportunity that through this fire through these battles we will see your transforming power through the cross the Lord Jesus became uncontainable father we pray that through our trials we will become more than man even unto your glory father we thank you we bless you that from today we will see changes that are tangible in Jesus name we pray amen listen to me God bless you again um the link is up is it still up M are you sure so everyone I'm doing a revealed in London I just posted it on Instagram go and click the link and register I don't know how many seats are left can you find out uh 29 okay 29 seats are left are they keeping up with it
Channel: Prophet Lovy Daily
Views: 32,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ugd-SBuMn8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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