Prayer That Works | Sermon by Tony Evans

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the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick and the Lord will raise him up and if he has committed sins they will be forgiven him therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you will be healed the effectual prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much Elijah was a man with a nature like ours and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months then he prayed again and the sky poured rain and the earth produced its fruit and now father grabbed us with this theme of contacting heaven through prayer forgive our prayerlessness and caused us to see why this matters and we will give you the praise from meeting us this morning in Jesus name Amen before a major sporting event they will often play the national anthem now the national anthem has absolutely nothing to do with what's getting ready to happen on the field it doesn't affect the football game and doesn't affect the baseball game it doesn't affect points scored in the basketball game but it is put there as a place of national honor but totally unrelated to what you came there for you don't go there for the national anthem that's an add-on for many of us prayer is like the national anthem before a sporting event it gets it started but has absolutely no connection to us happening in our lives we do it because it's tradition we're supposed to it's paying homage while being totally disconnected from the field of play of our lives and yet it is one of the dominant themes of Scripture and as you saw when I read each verse in this passage it is the dominant theme of James in verses 13 through 18 you see the word pray or prayer in every verse so for James this is a big deal I hope to explain to us today why God has a conditional will and an unconditional will God's will is what he determines to happen but it can happen in one of two ways it can happen unconditionally or conditionally God's unconditional will is when he determines what will happen irrespective of what anybody else does that is it's not conditioned on us or anybody else because he's going to decide that it happens and he's going to cause it to happen without any human involvement that is his unconditional will it's not conditioned on our actions or non actions because he's the sovereign he sovereignly decided to make it come to pass all by himself that is his unconditional will but God's conditional will is different there are many things he's decided to not let happen until he gets cooperation from earth there are many things that he's decided he will not bring from heaven into history unless there is human cooperation with his desire and design for example the Bible says God desires all men to be saved yet men only get saved when they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation so he has a will but it's tied to a condition many things in your life in my life are tied to God's conditional will so things happen or don't happen based not on God's decision but on our cooperation or lack thereof one of the primary mechanisms that God has established to determine much of what he does on earth and in your life and in my life is conditioned by the absence or presence of prayer James says in chapter 1 verses 1 chapter 4 verses 1 to 3 you have not because you ask not or when you asked you asked with wrong motives he says I wanted to give it to you but you never came to me for word so you don't have it it wasn't because I didn't want to give it it was because you didn't who operate with getting it because it was part of my conditional will prayer is relational communication with God and the goal of prayer is to draw from heaven into history the gold of prayer is to get eternity to make a statement in time it is to make heaven visible on earth it is to get God to touch humanity the gold of prayer is that up there might do something fix something or change something down here when God makes a big deal about prayer which he does throughout all of Scripture we are asking God to release his will from heaven to earth we're giving him an okay because we're cooperating because it is part of his conditional will now the problem is you don't always know what's conditional and what's unconditional some things are clear but other things you're not sure that's why Paul says in first Thessalonians 5:17 you better pray without ceasing you better bring it all in God so you'll miss nothing because all the time it's not clear which way God is operating from in the mind of the Bible prayer is a lifestyle and not merely an event if I were to say that you breathed without ceasing you would understand what I'm at because if you cease breathing you'd cease so if I said breathe without ceasing you know that's just got to be how you roll that's got to be how you roll so when Paul says pray without ceasing he's talking about this is how you roll this is how you roll that it is a lifestyle not merely an event when you go into another country they're going to ask you to show a passport the passport gives you permission to go into this new realm this new locality this new country it is permission God has given every believer a toll-free number you got an 800 number it's toll-free and it is designed to give you permission to leave Earth and into the sphere of heaven through the mechanism of prayer so prayer is not just saying some word it's changing locations when you pray as we will describe in a moment you leave the physical and you have now entered the spiritual without prayer you become limited to the physical but the only reason you pray is to get the spiritual God to enter into the physical the passport to leave the physical and into the spiritual is in one word in Scripture and that word is prayer now let me explain prayer does not get God to do something he doesn't want to do because you can't make God do something but what prayer does is access what he already wants to do that he has conditioned on your participation and mine I love Isaiah 65 verse 24 Isaiah 65 20s for says before you call I have answered oh did you follow that before you pray I have already answered the prayer so you are not praying to get God to do something but to pull down something he's already predetermined to do because if he's already done it before you ask for it then why don't I have it because it has to be pulled down pull from heaven into history and that is done through prayer this concept of prayer is distributing eternity in the time you remember when the disciples were asked by Jesus how are we gonna feed 5000 men not counting women and children 15 to 20 thousand people and they said we don't know but they found a little boy with two fish five barley loaves of bread they brought him to Jesus because there's a problem I was gonna feed all these people the Bible says Jesus looked up to heaven and he prayed and he invited God into the problem when everybody opened up their eyes Moby Dick is laying on the beach or gonna kill a whale somehow there was supernatural provision so that the scripture says everybody ate till then till they were full and there were 12 baskets filled layer ben-tor baskets filled with leftovers for them and the disciples distributed the food to all that were gathered Jesus Christ got heaven to enter history but he prayed for that to take place which answered the problem and all men did was distribute what the supernatural had provided so help me out if Jesus had to pray to get his Heavenly Father to do something up there to change something down here how much do you and I need to pray to get God to do something up there that we need him to do down here so we're talking about something serious we're talking about drawing heaven into history so let's break down this passage and by the end of this passage I hope you have will have been ignited for a new fire regarding prayer and its power to take the kingdom of heaven and invade the kingdom of Earth through the mechanism of Prayer verse 13 is any one among you suffering suffering ment to be going through a difficult period of time suffering means you are hurting something is hurting you it could be physical hurt financial hurt circumstantial hurt relational hurt all you know is you're in pain you are suffering so just to make sure I'm not wasting my time here let me ask you what James asked his audience is anybody here this more than suffering suffered good I want to make sure we we could apply this so for everybody who raised their hands for those who are lying and didn't raise their hands and for those who will need to raise their hand tomorrow even though they may not need to raise it today is any among you suffering you're going through a rough patch of life he says notice this he must pray now they should pray that it would be nice if he did pray he says you better pray if life has fallen on you many of these Christians were being persecuted many were going through trials that were difficult to to handle and they were hurting James says if you are hurting because of circumstances you must pray pain is always an invitation to prayer came in whatever form it takes is always an invitation to pray you say well I'm hurting all the time that means you should be praying all the time because pain is an invitation to pray in fact one of the reasons God lets pain linger is to get more prayer from us so we actually can lengthen pain time or shorten pain time by lengthening prayer time and not shortening prayer time if anyone is hurting he not should not could he must make contact with heaven in the midst of the pain he must pray he goes on in verse 13 notice what he says is anyone cheerful he is to sing praises so now we're not talking about the person in pain we talked about all and folk who didn't raise the hand that should mean you're cheerful it's a good day you're happy today you're not in any excruciating difficulty right now he says well if your day is going well you're cheerful let him sing praises now a praise is a expression of value to the Lord it is honoring the Lord physically and verbally there's no such thing as silent praise you can have silent worship but you can't have silent praise praise is always visual and the vocal that's why he says sing praises to the Lord wait a minute let's rewind if you in pain pray if you're not in pain you're not sad but you're glad praise well hold it you either one or the other you even in pain or you're cheerful if you're in pain talk to God if you're not in pain praise God which means that you always communicate with God cuz even in pain or in praise so God wants to hear from you all day non-stop as a way of life he wants you to thread him into every aspect of your day either in pray prayer or embrace cuz even in pain or game praise what does that mean I mean you got a 24/7 thing going on with God that's why you can't get mad at your grandmother was she walking around as was stated gonna praise the Lord praise the Lord praise God because God wants a connection ongoingly in every aspect of our lives whether we're hurting or not verse 14 he says is anyone among you sick sick now the Greek word for sick means to be weary that's what the word means means to be weary the idea of sickness here is not merely physical sickness it could be physical but the word refers to its effect it's created weariness it's like when you say I'm sick and tired or when you look at the person next to you you say I'm sick of you alright that's a form of sickness that means you are tired of him I'm sick of this job you know I'm sick of this circumstance you're expressing a weariness but you're using the word sick okay you may not mean you you're not saying I'm sick of you I'm physically sick means I'm tired of dealing with you I am weary so the concept of sick which could be physical or emotional or circumstantial has to do with I've been beat down broke down toe up from the flow up because laia the weight of life and I'm just tired I'm tired I've been going through this for this long I've been struggling with this I am just weary I'm sick and tired so let me make sure I'm being relevant here anybody weary all right just one make sure we relevant so he's speaking now there's the sufferer that's the person's going to pain but this is the weary one the one who because of what they may be suffering is not sure they can go on any further not sure they can make it want to throw in the towel what happens when you get weary no matter what's cause the weariness then let him call or the elders of the church and they are to pray over him ah in verse 13 you are praying for you anyone suffering let him pray but in verse 14 you need help because your prayers are not getting through in fact you don't even feel like praying anymore when light beats you down long enough deep enough you can get tired of dealing with God and that doesn't sound spiritual but all y'all know that's true you'll feel like talking to God right now God seems absent from you the telephone line is off the hook it's busy you're not breaking through you're just mumbling the same words over and over again you you feel like you're talking to yourself he says okay now at that point that you had weariness you need more than you so he says go to the elders of the church that should represent the spiritual leadership of the church to get support for a breakthrough you have not been able to get on your own every Sunday morning before each of the services the elders meet and on a regular basis we are praying for some member that has called to speak about their situation their weariness or their suffering and so we schedule them for a time of prayer before the service that they come to we had a prayer today from a sister who's here this morning and the one word that was used in our time of Prayer was I'm tired I'm tired that's this word that's the situation nothing is happening God hasn't changed anything yet and I'm just tired will you pray for me this is when people want to give up throw in the towel that means you need some other folk who can cry out for you because you are too tired to cry out for yourself he says you go call the elders of the church and let them pray because you may not be able to that's why you were to be a part of a local church so that when you can't go on somebody else can keep you going on you're not to be a lone ranger Christian so that must be spiritual people since they represent the church is talking about the environment people who can carry you when you can't carry yourself reminds of the story in mark chapter 2 verses 1 to 12 you got a lame man a paralyzed man he can't get up he can't get up he'd been laying there long time and he can't get up but he had four boys he had four posse for his homies they came and it says and they picked him up and took him to the house where Jesus was says they cut a hole in the roof and let him down in front of Jesus and then it says when Jesus saw their faith not the man's faith who was laying down when he saw his homies faith when he saw the four brothers who picked him up when he saw their faith he healed the man the man couldn't get up on his own but he had some folk in his life who cared enough about him to reach over pick him up lift him up carrying the Jesus wrap him down and when Jesus saw the four men he said I'm gonna heal you for their sake because you can't get up on your own I wish I could come in and tell you this morning if you are committed Christian you won't get tired oh but some of God's most tired Christians were committed Christians Paul said he was ready to give up on life in second Corinthians chapter 1 he was ready to throw in the towel until God lifted him up so just believing in Christ and being a Christian doesn't mean you don't suffer and it certainly means you don't get weary but God does not want you to deal with your weariness alone says let them pray he goes on and he says and then let them anoint him with oil let them anoint him with oil oil had a number of usages in the Bible as it does today oil was used medicinally it was a medication if you got cut you would anoint with oil anointment on like we do in a more sophisticated way today when you go to a massage if you get a massage they put all these oils on you to refresh you to to kind of make you feel good and they try to get you to relax or oil is used for that oil is used for cooking you cook with oil so all of these uses of oil are in the Bible sometimes it's not even referring to physical oil in Psalm 23 verse 5 david says he anoints my head with oil well God didn't come down and massage David's head with oil he's talking about the riff she and the encouragement and the stimulation he got from God when he was facing a bad situation so oil has all these multiplicity of usages in the Bible he says when that member comes to the elders you are to pray for them but then anoint them in other words have the church minister to them at the point of their need pour oil on them we have members who have driven people to the hospital who couldn't go themselves so they prayed for them but then they opened their car door and drove them to the oil of healing by getting them to a doctor then we have people who gather with people who are hurting to provide counsel and comfort or we have a group when somebody loses someone in care and comfort to encourage them through their loss of a loved one all of those are biblical ways of expressing oil or the comfort or the help or the refreshment of ministry that's why you're being in a local church is not just for you it's you to also be an oil provider for somebody who needs some oil on them somebody who needs some encouragement refreshment or assistance everybody here ought to be helping somebody sometime due to the fact that they have become weary because one day you gonna need somebody to get some oil on you when life has fallen through for you so it is absolutely critically says let the elders make sure that there is ministry going to the people the church is not just a sermon it's not just a song it's supposed to be a place of ministry wait that's why we ask every member to be in a ministry so you are serving and not just being served because you are to be an oil provider whatever whether it's physical or emotional or circumstantial so he says when you can't handle it yourself come to the church call on the elders get the ministry the oil and you do it he says in the name of the Lord why because we talk about Kingdom prayer we're talking about authority from heaven the name means according to the character the attributes and the authority of Jesus Christ you do it in Jesus's name because he's the one who okay's the answers to prayer verse 15 and the prayer offered in faith who will restore the one who is sick the prayer offered in faith his word I love this word we need this word restores hmm restores to restore something is to bring it back to its original intent when something breaks you restore it you you you try to bring it back to its original intent God is a restoring God in the weariness is of life he makes an astounding promise he says God will restore now let me clarify we know that everybody who gets physically sick don't always get well or they may get partially well or they may be just a little better we know that perfect health is not always restored in every situation we know it is sometimes but it's not all the time we also know in the Bible people got sick who are in the will of God job was in the will of God when he got sick all physical sickness is not due to personal sin when you catch a cold that doesn't mean you just send now it might but it doesn't necessarily mean that yes we have an environment that's have been affected by sin but all sickness is not due to personal sin that's why often disillusionment sets in when pulpits make promises that God does not make because then it looks like God has failed the word sick is weary what God does when you can't lift yourself up while you are praying for a change in the circumstance is he removes the weary while you wait it has to do yes sometimes God takes you out but other times he walks with you through other times he he walks beside you he restores you emotionally even though you're waiting for him to restore you circumstances or physically sometimes he does both but the restore here is to remove the weariness why you still trust him for the solution he says in that he can guarantee you he's guaranteeing that one he will restore he will get your get-up-and-go that has gotten up and gone back he says the prayer of faith that believes God that acts like God is telling the truth it reminds me of the story these folks who were praying for rain they were praying for rain because it was dry their prayer for rain and it didn't rain they went on prayer for rain didn't rain so that disappointed at God a little boy came out a few days later by himself in the center of town he praying for rain God you control the heavens and I believe you can make it rain he just stood there God I know you can make it rain all of a sudden the sky got caught Carly a little bit later started raining all these adults were praying for rain no rain this little boy comes from praying for rain it rained what was the difference between all the adults with a little boy little boy brought an umbrella see the little boy was just talking he was expecting he was expressly see when the prayer of faith is a present acts like you believe God can do something man it is that they're not just talking in air it's it knows who you're talking to and you know what his ability is to pull what you asked for and whatever is the appropriate thing to do because you believe you're willing to do he says the prayer of faith will heal the sick it will remove the weariness and the Lord will raise him up and if he has committed sins because maybe he didn't but if he has they will be forgiven him why do we pray for one another that our circumstance has changed and if necessary that sin get addressed because sin can keep you sick all sin is that all sickness does not due to sin but sickness can be caused by sin first Corinthians 11 makes it clear many are sick many are weak among you why because of unaddressed sin so the reason why you need to be in fellowship with some people who are spiritual and so that they can help you face sin so that you can get over sick because if you're unwilling to deal with sin you will have to stay sick or weary or defeated or whatever it is because you're not willing to address the sin you're not willing to repent but he says if you will deal with it spiritually your sin is forgiven therefore confess your sins to one another he says in verse 16 acknowledge the sin that's created the weariness for which you need to repent to the appropriate other now how do you know who the appropriate other is because some people you can't tell you stuff too okay it'd be all over town how do you know who the other is when you need help out of weariness and you need victory over sin but you need another who is the other can't just be any and everybody he actually tells you he says confess to one another and then he says and pray for one another so you only confess to somebody who's gonna pray for you not talk about you if they not a prayer you shouldn't be a confessor if they not a prayer if they're not somebody who's gonna wrap themselves around you come alongside of you pray for you walk with you spiritually all they want is gossip news and information that's not who you talk to you talk to prayers because this is about prayer this is about getting you to heaven not just trying to throw stuff up on earth so the confessed to is to pray for he says that you may be healed that you may be delivered from or through whatever is taking place in your life the word if he has committed in the Greek as the perfect tense the perfect tense means past action with abiding results so what that means is if he has committed a sin that he keeps on committing in other words this is a habit of sin that they haven't broken it's a pattern they started and they weren't able to stop so they need to be delivered healed delivered from this so you you you get help from folk who go pray and get to God with you and for you now he makes a summary statement stay with me here in verse 17 this verse 16 the effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much the effective the word there means energized remember the Energizer Bunny the energized prayer so this is not Lord bless this food to my body nourish it to me in Jesus name Amen eat not my grace because you don't need energy to say grace you say grace out of habit in fact we've said the same grade so long your mind doesn't even need to be in gear when your mouth is saying it cuz it don't be the same words but thank you for this food I'm about to receive nourishment of my body in Jesus name Amen BAM that's not an energized prayer in fact when we pray that prayer we don't even care whether God is listening we want to get to the food before it gets cold that's not an energized prayer an energized prayer is a focused prayer it is a prayer that is God centered it must be accompanied by righteousness the effective prayer of a righteous man a person who is living to please God nobody is perfect but you can be righteous that is your living to please God the effective focused energize prayer can accomplish much a whole lot I remember some years ago we have the daughter of one of our members dying of cancer things look hopeless pastor Hawkins and I went to the hospital I'll never forget this we we went to the hospital and we have grieving parents in a hopeless situation and we were we went there to pray I mean it was hopeless and I never forget what we did we were working all day here at the office we dressed in suit and tie we got in the car together we drove to the hospital when we looked at the child when we saw the desperate situation he and I both did this we unbuttoned our jackets and took off our coat we unhooked our tie and took our tire off we opened up the top button of our shirts and we got on the floor because this was not this dissident now I lay me down to sleep pray the Lord my soul will keep if I die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul will take no we needed some effect that we needed we this was a desperate situation I'll never forget it we took out all my stuff got down on the floor and say God we need you to come down now and intervene in this situation why because this is a serious suffering a serious sickness and this is not regular business as usual and through some supernatural means things got turned in that girl's life and the cancer dissipated [Applause] that wasn't because we had something special all we did was we went to God serious minds hearts focus wasn't gear he says that prayer can do can can can blow your mind it can accomplish much not a little bit a whole lot the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man he says can accomplish much and then he gives an illustration so stick with me because this is the doozy he says in verse 17 and 18 Elijah was a man with a nature like ours translation he wasn't from Krypton okay he wasn't super prophet he was a regular ordinary flesh-and-blood individual he didn't have any unique thing over any other human being ever made he was a man with a light nature so whenever he's getting ready to say about Elijah is true about you cuz he just like you he's just a man that's all he is he said however this ordinary man was a prophet it says he prayed notice the word earnestly he wasn't being casual he prayed earnestly that it would not rain and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months mister and a half years then he prayed again verse 17 says and the sky poured rain and the earth produced its fruit so what since then he prayed and he closed heaven down for three and a half years he's on earth but he praying to heaven and he shut heaven down when it came to rain three and a half years later he prayed again and he opened heaven up heaven didn't just closed and open on his own it says he prays and it closed he pray and it opened ah so let's go back and see what really happened in 1st Kings chapter 18 because that's where this event took place so if you turn your bibles back the 1st Kings chapter 18 we don't discover some things about his prayer that should affect our prayer so that we see a lot more of heaven entering into our history than we are currently seeing as believers in chapter 18 he prays beginning in verse 36 but then he comes to verse 41 and he lies you said to Ahab go up eat and drink for there is the sound of the roar of a heavy shower he says I hear thunderstorm coming off now let me start stay with me why did he pray this I mean what made him pray to us in the first place well look at chapter 17 verse 1 now elijah the tishbite who was of the settlers of Gilead said they have as the Lord the God of Israel lives before whom I stand surely there shall be neither do nor rain these years accepted my word oh now reach up to 18 verse 1 now it happened after many days that the word of the Lord came to Elijah in the 3rd year saying go show yourself to Ahab and I will send rain on the face of the earth Oh in chapter 17 verse 1 God said it's not gonna rain in chapter 18 verse 1 God said it is gonna rain so why do you need to know that cuz he lied you didn't just make this up he was praying based on what God had said God said it's not gonna rain God said it is gonna rain so he prayed what's this based on God's Word so the first thing you need to know is you need to pray with your Bible open you need to pray say God you said this let me show you in case you forgot God you said this and I'm holding you to your word you said this I believe this so i'ma prayed this the Bible is full of prayers that you should pray when you're struggling then psalm 42 you pray psalm 42 when you repented that Psalm 51 you pray Psalm 51 when you are afraid this Psalm 34 you pray Psalm 34 you point God back to his word because God has held his word high above his name so you start with the Word of God about the situation that you faced alright let's go on he goes on to say I hear the sound I hear the sound as a storm coming on verse 42 and AM went up to eat and drink but Eli Shaw went up to the top of Mount Carmel and crouched down on the earth somebody say crouched down crouched down on the earth and put his face between his knees oh okay alright he goes up to Mount Carmel and it says he crouched down put his head between his knees you didn't see that see he went up the malcar no he crouched down and he put his head between his knees one more time he went up to Mount Carmel he crouched down and he put his head between his knees what's the crouching down and they had between your knees all about it well in biblical days when women were having babies they didn't have stirrups they didn't have the sophistication saw a normal way for a Jewish woman to have a baby what's the crouched down put her head down and push and push and push and push until that baby came out so he took the posture of a pregnant woman who was in labor the Bible calls it trouble he was in labor and he said I mean terrain I was serene I'm gonna push and push and push till I get some rain oh you know what God wants you to do he wants you to birth his will from heaven in history by calling it down drawing it down pushing it down until that baby of deliverance that baby of healing that baby of victory comes forth this is serious praying this is not casual praying this is crying out why why do I have to work so hard because Satan is trying to block your prayer for getting through he's putting static on the line already up there if you have DirecTV they already have the programs the programs are already out there new shows movies entertainment shows comedy shows music it's already out there but until that receiver is turned on you won't see a picture on your screen God has already got out there what he plans to do but until the receiver calls it down you don't see a picture on your screen or but I'm not finished yet cuz look at what it says it says he said to his servant go now look toward the sea so he went and looked and said there is nothing he said servant go to the sea and look for the storm sir he went out and said oh yeah there's no storm out here but wait a minute we just read Elijah heard the sound of a storm but for servant went out and he didn't see a storm see that's why you got to be in touch with God so you hear stuff before you see stuff because faith is not what you see faith comes faith is what you don't see but if you can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit if you can hear the voice of God you can hear stop before you see stuff cuz somebody had can testified God told me before I saw so he told his servant he told his servant to go back seven times he says I want you to go back seven times in verse 43 why 7 because 7 in the Bible is the number of completion whenever you see the word 7 it means something has been brought to completion sometimes people say how long should I pray for something how long should I talk to God I've been praying about this for years and nothing has happened how long should I pray well let me explain something God only has three answers yes no or wait if he hadn't said yes and he hadn't said no that means wait so what you do why you wait your pray till you get a yes or no you pray to completion when he went out the seventh time he said I saw a cloud coming out of the sea like the size of a man's fist he's not a smaller cloud that is he said I just saw a little cloud I won't say it's long I just see a little fist-sized cloud Elijah said he said after the seventh time and he saw the cloud and prepare your chariot verse 44 and go down so the heavy shower does not stop you he didn't let him see a shower he let him see a cloud see sometime when God's ready to move angles as you see the whole thing it does let you see a little something something to give you a taste that's why the Bible says o taste and see that the Lord is good he may not give you the whole meal it may just give you a sample plate that means that the meal sometimes God gives you an appetizer he ain't ready to feed you the whole meal he just given you a sudden something so did you know what you have to look forward to so he says we only got a fist but there's a shower so watch this now he tells a HAP getting your chariot and go cuz this storm is gonna get ready break out so get your chariot and go that means a horse is pulling the chariot so he gets on a horse he's got to go 15 miles from where he is to Jezreel so a.m. gets in there and he's riding his horse but I don't want you to miss the end of verse 46 then the hand of the Lord was on Elijah and he girded up his loins and outran a day he had to just real no you didn't hey Abbas on horse hey Happy's riding the horse oh he lies you picks up his cloak ties it up and he Huff's it he option and he runs a horse to DES really I believe Isaiah put it this way they that wait upon the Lord will have you strength they will mount up with wings like eagles they will run and not get weary they will walk in that faith somebody here ought to be willing to pray somebody ever be willing to cry out to God somebody are be willing to touch happen because the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much [Music] you [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,566,074
Rating: 4.7741733 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, sermon, prayer sermon, sermon on prayer, prayer that works, how to pray, how to get prayers answered, praying, God's will, how to talk to God, what to say to God, what to pray, how to pray and get results, how to pray and get answers, getting answers to prayer, pray and get results, pray and get answers, answered prayer, answers to prayer, motivational, motivational video, tony evans, tony evans radio, dr tony evans, how prayer works, tony evans sermons
Id: 3rXDRl1dQeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 48sec (3288 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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