Prophet Lovy prays for a Barren Woman from Witchcraft

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and I'm going to do this as quickly as I can for the sake of the Lord because of God's love for you can you hear me the Lord wants to do something new in your life if you keep your eyes on him then the Lord will do something special for you amen your amen is too small woman of God Amen God wants to visit you in a special way Amen in the spirit you have been fighting yes you have been fighting for a long time yes it's true and you've been fighting because there is a lot of chaos that is happening in your family yes that's true and you are asking God to intervene for you prophesy prop since 2018 your house has been on rocks yes prophesy it has been really really terrible yes prophesy your home has been shaken left and right left and right left and right left and right true in the Spirit there was an attack that was sent towards you my God and this indeed is the spirit of Witchcraft yes prophesy papa there's a few people that you put your trust in that betrayed you yes it's true it's true prophesy I am not going to mention some names because I don't want to create chaos but you know them yes I do you are close with them you worked with them but they betrayed you yes they turned against you and I am seeing one of them that started befriending your husband prophesy Papa H you want me to go deeper to Stu no no no prophesy Pap prophesy because this was a demonic attack against you yes proph big demonic attack against you because I saw somebody taking a note writing some things on the note and they released a curse on you and the curse number one was to make sure you never have children because one of the things was struggling to birth yes it was not working it's true true but they wanted to turn your husband against you because on this thing that they wrote they wanted to close your womb it's true and they wrote on it that either fibroids should develop inside of your stomach yes so that you are not able to conceive and on the not they saw they wrote this they said Ruth will not be able to conceive May a womb be closed yes prophesy Papa who is Ruth me I'm Ruth prophesy prophesy number two number two after they did this for a long time a child was not coming so it created Strife between you and your husband propes started creating problems yes somebody who loves you all of a sudden it's about children it's it's about children the drama is about children then there was this is we are in 2024 in 20122 you went through a health kind of Crisis whereby your period lasted longer than usual you just over bled you over bled and then all of a sudden it stopped it really Disturbed your your whole hormonal balance and all that stuffes prophesy but this was actually you got pregnant but they assassinated the baby in your womb that you could not conceive but you kept on trusting God you kept on trusting God you kept on trusting God it's [Music] [Applause] true it's true Papa in 2023 we're in 2024 right in 2023 God visited you because you held on to God yes you trusted in God God had your prayer and your supplication yes I saw you sitting on YouTube and you were watching a Deliverance service I was doing yes when you were watching the Deliverance service you started to throw up my God yes and what happened is in that month God visited you yes prophesy Papa and when God opened your womb I saw the Bible being opened and when the Bible was opened the Lord took me to a very special scripture and the Lord said to a certain Prophet before you are in your mother's womb you prophesy I meet you together in your mother's womb and I saw that Prophet entering into your womb propes a prophet it's true and you give birth to a sonh what is your son's name Jeremiah propes [Music] now can I prophesy propes now now no no no no ah I'm not [Music] done when your son came the devil was not happy because what they tried to do didn't really materialized now the excuse of not having a child was no longer an excuse the problem is Satan already redirected him yes there was already another situation yes papa now he's struggling between this situation and another situation propor Professor the enemy tried to put some kind of sickness on your body yes prophesy that you're feeling weak dizzy sometimes but all these are to try to make you a problem yes papa instead of a solution it's true Papa I saw the Lord planting you like a tree by a river and I saw God begin to restore you and I saw somebody that I won't mention that advised your husband on the decision that he had made it's true prophesy Papa but I saw the angel of the Lord that walks with me I saw him traveling like lightning proph and I saw him going to New York are you hearing me amen I saw him going to New York he went and changed some things in New York then when he left New York he went to Boston and changed some things in Boston I live in Boston and when when he went to Boston this is what he did I saw him finding somebody and when I looked at this man I saw a name written on his forehead John yeah that's my I saw him grabbing John and bringing John back to the [Applause] [Music] house restoration is coming to you lift your hands and begin to pray father restore my family lift your voice and begin to pray [Music] [Music] is the king [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen to me Mama yes Prophet because you waited on the Lord like Hanah did God rewarded you yes and because you're trusting him now again God will reward you again your son Jeremiah was the sign of the Breakthrough yes was the sign of the Breakthrough true because the gift was open in the month of June yes yes I saw them saying ah it will be between uh any time from the 18th to the end of the month you know it can happen at any time because it's your first child but right before the month ended your child came yes prop the Lord said because you have trusted him he will restore your family he will restore your home he will restore everything that has to do with you the Lord is also visiting your father who is in Florida are you hearing me yes prophesy Papa and I saw the hand of the Lord touching your father Yes prophesy and I saw the hand of the Lord going into your Father's Heart yes the enemy tried to put some heart complications on your father huh yes that's true and I'm seeing the angel of the Lord putting his hand into your father's heart and I saw him removing that heart and putting a new heart inside of him amen the Lord said your father shall live to see the goodness of God in the land of the living amen amen [Music] lift your hands to the Lord I want the whole church to bless her with your prayer release the greatest blessing that you can on her the blessing of restoration the blessing of completion the blessing of good health lift your voice and speak to the Lord [Music] thank you father in Jesus name clap for you clap
Channel: Betty🦋JP
Views: 9,413
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Id: jpUKFkoALq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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