How to Receive Financial Resources from God : Prophet Lovy Elias

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today's revealed will be about receiving resources from God now first of all you need to understand that Jesus our lord always emphasized the desire of God to be involved in our everyday life you see God is Not only worried about your salvation he's not only worried about um you increasing and and those opening for you God is really concerned about every area of your life I love this verse that says God has given us everything pertaining to life and unto godliness too so God has made both physical provision and he has also made spiritual provision for us Paul says that I pray that you prosper even as your soul prospers so when God comes into your life his desire is to build you completely not just physically but Also spiritually not just spiritually but also physically emotionally mentally Jesus came to make us completely whole now the resources that God has for us are completely available they are there for every single person but there is a way to receive what God has ordained for you now being a Christian doesn't mean you have received but it means that you are better positioned to receive I'll say that one more time being a Christian doesn't mean you have received it means you are better positioned to receive because remember receiving has nothing to just do with I am blessed because the blessing of the Lord maketh rich what is God's Prosperity spiritual and physical and adds no sorrow so God doesn't want sorrow in anybody's life because he never created us to be sorrowful or to go through any episode like that even though a fallen world that we are in these things are unavoidable they will be there we will go through them but the mind of the Lord was never for any of us to experience truly any of these things um so there is a way to receive because I know so many people pray you are watching me you are praying I am praying uh we are all praying seeking the face of god father bless us father increases and we have seen blessings in some ways we have send blessings in some ways we have not seen all of it we have not received everything but we have seen God's blessing so how can we receive resources that are already available let me explain to you what I mean by resources being available there is nothing that you think of that doesn't exist if you can think of it it is because it already exists spiritually number two there is no need you have that doesn't have a solution just the fact that you need it means that it's already there just the fact that you have a need the need is calling unto a resource that is already available a classic example is Adam Genesis chapter 5. Genesis chapter 5 can somebody go there real quick Genesis chapter five yes Genesis chapter 5 from verse one yes Adam's descendants this is the book of the generations of Adam in the day that God created man in the likeness of God made he him male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam in the day when they were created notice this when God is speaking in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 he's saying let us make money in our image let him have our likeness let him have dominion over this let him have dominion over that if you go to Genesis chapter 1 verse 27 go to Genesis chapter 1 verse 27. yes 127 1 and 27 so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them and verse 28 and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the Earth and subdue it and have them notice this is very weird God is saying and God created he him male and female created either it's like if you don't understand what God is trying to tell you or Moses who is believed to write the first five books of the scriptures you may actually get confused like okay what is going on here remember God never told Adam that he created a wife for him God never told Adam that you actually are not created alone you have somebody with you there is a human being that is available waiting to be activated when you have a need for her so it is when Adam in Genesis chapter 2 Adam goes through animals to name them that he finds no help mate Adam started naming animals and realized that animals had Partners two by two two by two two by two because that's the only way they were going to procreate Adam also began looking for his help mate and realized that there was none for him among the creation of God So Adam began to feel the need for somebody then the Bible says it is not good for man to be alone notice that it is not good for man to be alone was not a created solution for the moment this was already a solution created before Adam even knew that he had a need yes there was already a resource available for Adam's loneliness so when Adam now realized that he needed something God all he did is he brought it out of him what you need is not coming from Heaven is not coming from the corner it's already with you you just don't know how to receive it [Applause] so when your account has no money it is because there is money somewhere for you if you have a need to do a certain kind of business and it is a calling it is drawing you it is because there is already customers available for it I feel like nobody's listening to me [Music] for every sickness there is a cure a hundred percent whether it is spiritual physical there is a cure there is nothing you ever need that the resource is not available if it is not available in the realm of men it is definitely available in the realm of the spirit because the way the Lord destined it to be the way the Lord destined it to be is that whenever there is a need it was an opportunity to see him it was an opportunity to have an experience with him it was an opportunity for him to touch you for him to visit you for him to make himself known unto you one of God's names is Jehovah Jireh the Lord my provider the name actually the true translation is the many breasted one meaning that God is more than enough for everybody I don't know if somebody can hear me and he rose is in the house is somebody getting what I'm trying to say so why is it that you cannot receive a resource that is available why is it that you're not receiving what you're believing God for why is it that your faith is not pulling anything because remember your faith is always measured by the number of the level of Grace you your faith cannot go beyond the grace you have been given it is Grace that influences faith not Faith influencing Grace the other way around I think I thought that in uh what's he called healed right so why is it that you are not receiving there are four reasons why you're not receiving and it has nothing to do with prayer oh see some people don't like prayer look at him I want those thumbs up to go up we are already at uh at a good number of people over almost 700 now let's keep those thumbs up let's let's get the thumbs up before we go deep I feel like I'm on my own there are four reasons why you don't receive I'm waiting for the thumbs up to go higher because I'm still seeing it uh a little less let's get the thumbs up going so that we can continue somebody says some people at work try to tell me Jesus was broke that is a father from the truth as the East is from the West that's how far that truth is it's a lie it's a big time lie and even if it was Jesus said he was made poor so that you may be rich so either way you want to flip it it's still not going to work all right let's read this verse first let's read a few verses uh Isaiah chapter 16 verse 17. Isaiah chapter 60. in verse 17. um verse 17 yeah and it reads for brass I will bring gold and for iron I will bring silver and for wood brass and for Stones iron I will also make thy officers peace and thine exacto's righteousness verse 18. now you don't need to go to 18 that's enough it's saying everything First Corinthians Chronicles 29 16. I'm just trying to show you that God has it First Chronicles chapter 29 verse 16. First Chronicles 29 and 16 yes and it reads oh Lord Our God all this story that we have prepared to build thee in-house for thine Holy Name cometh of thine hand and is all thine own so everything is in God's hands I love this one a guy chapter 2 from verse 7. from verse 7 to 8. chapter 2 Hagar chapter two from verse seven and eight and it reads and I will shake All Nations and the desire of all Nations shall come and I will fill this house with Glory saith the Lord of hosts verse 8 the silver is mine and the gold is mine saith the Lord of hosts so the goal do you want God Has It the silver you want God Has It the issue is you don't know how to receive resources from God yes right there are certain things that are blocking your ability to receive resources the first one you have covered if you are watching me you're most likely covered this one when you become a Believer there are four levels of Deliverance that every believer has to go through there are four levels of Deliverance that every believer has to go through four levels four dimensions of Deliverance is everybody listening yeah yeah it's about to be beautiful [Music] every believer has to go through four levels of Deliverance this is where the Bible says it like this many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth them from it all many are the afflictions of the righteous is not saying that for you to be a righteous man it means you'll be afflicted okay if we look at Solomon Solomon had no afflictions Solomon had peace on every four corners Solomon created his own problems do you get what I'm saying so you can be a believer with no affliction whatsoever job did not have afflictions until he provoked Affliction job said what I feared the most has come upon me fear opened an opportunity for Satan to say that if he actually loses these things he will not believe God [Music] so he told god listen God this guy loves you but in reality if you take everything you will fall let's see if he will still love you because you already knew that this is something that job feared but when the moment came job never shook yes yes guard your heart with all diligence because out of it comes all the issues of Life your problem is because of what you're bringing out of you that's good that's good there are four levels of Deliverance the first one is when you are taken out of the kingdom of darkness and brought into the Kingdom of Light the first one is salvation is the redeeming of your soul and God giving you a new spirit that spiritually hell is no longer your destination Heaven is your destination that is the primary Deliverance that every single man has to go through every single woman must go through Jesus said unless you are born again you will not enter the kingdom of heaven unless you're born of the spirit you will never experience heaven so you must first be born again when you are born again you are positioned you are positioned better positioned to begin to receive it doesn't mean you have received the one thing that salvation guarantees is salvation you are going to heaven so getting born again does not guarantee Millions does not even guarantee that your body will be healed what it guarantees is you're entering heaven I feel like I'm talking to myself that is why the Bible separates the stripes of Jesus and the cross the purpose of the Cross was salvation when you talk about the cross you are talking about the Eternal salvation of your soul before God can deal with you he has to make sure that you will be with him for eternity he will not deal with you if he is not going to have you for eternity because God is a long-term relationship kind of God is not uh doesn't like gold diggers thank you somebody type I'm not a gold digger I see some people in the comments didn't say it so I'm waiting for them to type I am God hates gold diggers oh God cannot stand it because those are short-term people all this gold you will you will leave it here God wants you to have it but if that is your ultimate goal you have dramatically failed do you understand what I'm saying like you're on the losing end completely so the primary thing that the Lord God wants to do is to make sure that you're making heaven that is the first level of Deliverance because this makes you a candidate to be a co-heir with Christ this is where now they call like this is where that begins because Jesus our lord said that the father has given me all things and then the same scriptures also say now we have become coheirs with Christ so let's say if Jesus owns not if Jesus owns the universe both visible and invisible if we are coheirs it means that the universe is also ours that is why a Christian cannot believe in the universe it's crazy that's a created thing makes zero sense it's like saying I believe in California California will work things out you know it is this making sense the Bible says it also this way the second level of Deliverance comes in the pursuit of righteousness so if you are saved but you're not pursuing righteousness you have disqualified yourself from receiving resources from God seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness what is the righteousness now this is where all the other points are hidden within righteousness because righteousness is Right standing not your righteousness not my righteousness but the righteousness of Jesus but what is the righteousness of Jesus it is not just saying Jesus is my righteousness you need to understand what this thing is our great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather is a man called Abraham Abraham is the father is the father of all believers Abraham is the father of all believers that's why Jesus looked at them and said Abraham was glad to see my day because they thought Abraham was great but they did not know Abram was a product of Christ Abraham is the carrier of the Covenant right when God came to Abraham a lot of people don't understand the history and the origin of Abraham Abraham was not a Believer when God came to him Abraham's people are Idol worshipers yeah Abram's people were Idol worshipers and another silly thing that people say that they say that uh Ishmael is the father of Arabs that's actually not theologically correct at all and some Christians even say that to Muslims that's actually wrong the Middle East existed before Ishmael and Ishmael Married An Egyptian woman and he moved away from the Middle East he never went there so Ishmael is definitely not the father of the Arabs that's a false false statement FYI because a lot of Believers by the LIE of Muslims that say that Abraham Ishmael is the father of Arabs that's a lie that's complete lie this guy married an African woman and moved away his own mother was African there is no DNA of Africans inside of Arabs it is not that way that's just a fallacy that's a lie just FYI this is just for theology sake now Abram comes from an origin of Idol worshipers how can I prove this even more when Jacob ran away from home and went to Laban who was how was Laban related to him anti-benzia the Bible theologian huh yes he was Jacob's Uncle he was relative to them but when Jacob went to them and he was taking his wives leaving them one of his wives hid the idols that they worship yes do you remember that yes she hid the idols that they worshiped that Laban actually went after them to say why did you take our gods but this is a relative of Abraham so it shows you what the Abraham and his family and his people used to do when God came to Abraham Abraham was in the in the process of worshiping their gods and God appeared to him and introduced himself he told him listen I am the Lord God God almighty come out of your father's house come out of his tent come out of your people and go to an and go to a place I will show you there I will bless you that's what God told him you realize that if you look at the life of Abraham you don't see him talking about his family he is focused on his descendants to the point that because he blocked he because he brought lot with him every door closed yes because God did not want anything to do with Abraham's family they were Idol worshipers [Music] God wanted to redeem Abraham and slowly redeem those who he can redeem but God did not want that connection with the family what did Jesus say he said you think I came to bring peace nah I came to bring the sword I came to separate people fathers from mother children against fathers I came to draw a line in the sand that those are mine would be on one side and those who are against those who don't believe in me will be on the other side and you guys will bump heads because you're not equally yoked the second thing in righteousness in order for you to receive things you must disconnect from your family the disconnection is not saying physical yeah yeah because your family is still your family yes but the disconnection the separation is you cannot be like them that doesn't mean that you don't talk to your family that doesn't mean that you don't interact with your family that doesn't mean that your family doesn't see you or you don't hang out with them but you cannot be like them if they drink you go and join them and you start drinking you have just defiled yourself because you are not supposed to be like them you can love them you can be with them but you cannot be like them they must be a distinction between you and your family because if your family's physical nature prevented them from entering into the blessing of God what makes you think that if you act like them you will receive the blessing of God I feel like somebody missed it I am not saying don't talk to your family that's not what I said do you realize that Jesus had to like disconnect from his brothers and sisters Jesus had brothers and sisters born of Joseph James is one of them in the scriptures the Apostle James was one was actually Jesus's little brother when you read the book of James you're reading the book of Jesus's brother but when he addresses Jesus he doesn't address Jesus like his brother he addresses him as the Lord because he was disconnected from him in the physical sense but he was joined to him in the spiritual sense when Jesus received his calling his brothers and sisters never believed in him they actually doubted him they undermined what he was carrying they even tell him go and show yourself in the temple it's it's the great feast go show yourself so that people can see you but they were doing that to mock him they were not doing that because they actually believed in him and Jesus knew that they didn't believe anything stop trying to be like your family behave like you're part of Abraham's family because we have been grafted into the house of Israel not only spiritually but physically we carried out the DNA of Abraham but you have to understand DNA enters you your DNA is molded based on your actions if you start being an alcoholic colic you have guaranteed people that will come from you will enter also an alcoholic because that information is stored in your physical DNA is this making sense yes yes so if if you carry the DNA of your mother your father they were alcoholics you are definitely going to struggle with addiction sometimes it even skips generations and everybody else especially in Africa I know a few people that they are their grandparents used to brew alcohol they were not drunks but just because they were bringing alcohol at home to sell their children and their children's children who they never give up our whole all of them like majority of them alcoholic and they can't even control it because whatever you you you indulge with you play with it is programmed to be passed on so whenever you act like the people that could not receive the blessing of God the promise of God you are reprogramming your DNA not to receive anything is this making sense [Music] unforgiveness can be passed down yeah stubbornness can be passed down when people are trying to break generational curses they try to just deal with it spiritually no some of it is also physical [Music] are seen to sell alcohol let me explain something about Sin and this is something I received and answers in the presence in the presence of God years years ago I asked him a lot of questions and the lord gave me answers let me explain to you that the Bible does not exploit explicitly say certain things as sins but it implies based on the morals of judeo-christian beliefs or the morals Godly morals that these things are not a good thing to do but not necessarily sin but it can lead you into a sinful path like an example everybody says sex before marriage is a sin right show me one verse that says that there is no verse that says that there is no explicit verse that says that I you know me I will tell you the real I'm not going to hide I'm not going I'll tell you the truth there's no verse that explicitly says that but we know there are consequences to of doing that outside of marriage so we are trying to escape those consequences because it can it can uh put you in a place whereby you may never recover from it you will end up in sin and you can't come out of it but is it explicitly considered as in no what is explicitly spoken as a sin is if you are married you sleep outside of your marriage now you are into fornication and you are into the that is an explicit sin condemned by God is this making sense but to sleep it is not written that it is sin but doing it will defile you and defilement will lead you to sin is just like alcohol right the Bible says drink but don't be drunk but why is it that when God anointed men from the mother's womb he told their parents don't drink alcohol don't touch it you will defile the child because that child is already full of the Holy Spirit and that person is born not touching any of those things is that making sense yes you won't find a verse that says don't smoke weed there's no verse that says that but we know that whenever you are not yourself whenever you depend on something to give you a certain Vibe a certain mood you have already entered into sin because you've become a slave you are not born to be a slave you are not born to depend on anything to make you feel any kind of way the joy of the Lord is your strength it is Jesus looking to Jesus is your joy and your happiness so if I need something else to give me joy and happiness it means I am bound um fornication is sin you get what I'm saying yes but in what in in what uh uh classification it is let me put it this way let me let me give you an example a married person can fornicate a hundred percent fornication is not because you are married to fornicate is indulging in certain sexual acts it is not explicitly within the confined of marriage outside of the confined of marriage let me give you an example is that married people can have lust and lust is a sin let me give you an example if you're seeking to satisfy yourself that is lust because love satisfies others love gives it doesn't take lust can never be satisfied so just because you're married doesn't mean you don't have lust but God has given us guidelines that will manage us because some things God expects us to use this to understand is this making sense so far is this making sense mm-hmm so you can't do what your family does that God rejected thinking that you will attain the blessing of God you must disconnect yourself also from their ways breaking generational curses you can do it spiritually but there are still physical patterns that you need to stop or else you will attract that thing that you stopped spiritually because remember whatever happens spiritually whatever happens spiritually naturally provokes a physical reaction so the end of something spiritual is proven by the physical change that comes that is why Jesus whenever he delivered people he said go and sin no more the physical act spiritually I have taken away your sin I have taken away your uh uh not just sin but um iniquity spiritually I have taken your sin and in your iniquity away I'll say that one more time to stop Cycles what men and women of God call generational curses it is not just breaking it spiritually there are physical patterns that you have to stop because anything that is done spiritually the evidence that it has stopped the physical must also stop because sin does not begin physically it begins spiritually Satan sinned in his heart before he manifested it physically and he never even went after it physically it was Michael that kicked him up before he even started doing anything so if there is a pattern that you have prayed against you now have to start making efforts to close that door physically because that is the evidence that you have been disconnected from your past when lot came with Abraham Abraham escaped spiritually his family but physically still took his family with him because he brought his nephew do you realize even as long as lot was around Abraham was in the promised land and he couldn't see it yes he actually settled in the set in the promised land but God never opened his eyes to know that he's in the Promised Land Sarah did not get a visitation as long as lot was around Abraham did not receive a visitation as long as lot was around the moment lot left them is the moment God comes to Abraham he says Ah as far as your eyes can see walk in it I have given you this land and I've given this land also to your descendants not to you and your family members to you if this family member is here you mess up everything some of you have hindered your ability to receive the resources from the Lord because of who you're carrying along with you remember your friend and family is not just the people you came from but people who never bring a good influence to you are not they are they are a danger listen to me anyone that doesn't cause you to progress spiritually physically in the presence of God should not be in your life people who bring gossip people who are always negative people who you cannot call and pray with them people cannot come and call you yo did you read that verse did you see this what do you think this is you can discuss the things of God you can speak about the things of God that person should not a person that can do that should not be in close proximity with you you still have to deal with the world but you are not supposed to be part of it you're not supposed to be equally yoked so there are certain dealings with certain people it's at arm's length and there are people that are close if you bring somebody that doesn't share in the spiritual virtues that you are pursuing automatically you put yourself in danger of not receiving the resources that God has for you lot wanted to be like Abraham but he was not really following what Abraham was doing do you realize if Abraham did not pray Lord was going to die with his wife and children yes yes in Sodom and Gomorrah remember the Bible says the Deep calleth unto the Deep Abraham looks at lot and tells him lot had so many servants lot had so much wealth that him and Abraham could not coexist on the same land remember they were already in the promised land god did not just announce to Abraham this this is the Promised Land but they were already there both of them were in the same place their servants began to fight and Abraham looked at lot and said listen we are relatives there is no need for our our servants to fight for there to be quarrels between us I'm going to let you choose which side you want to go to and whatever side you will go to I will go the opposite direction lot went to Sodom and Gomorrah if you give your friend a choice and they choose Sodom and Gomorrah that should not be your friend the Deep calleth unto the Deep Abraham is with his nephew who is tugging along but deep inside the nephew when he's given a choice he was attracted by Sodom and Gomorrah he pitched a tent outside in that City he pitched a tent in Sodom and Gomorrah Abraham went the opposite direction Abram was attracted by the promise of God when he separated and he turned God said this is the land that I promised you this is the land that I will give to your descendants this is yours do you see how somebody can block you spiritually and physically because the blessing of God is Not Just spiritual it materializes physically yes there are certain people God cannot bless you amongst because those people not only will they sue you they will create problems for you they will frustrate you and they will drain your resources some of you have attached yourself to friends that don't even call you you pursue them and they only call you if they want to do some nonsense not they don't call you for anything productive but you're always trying to hang out with them and do some some things with them and and you deep inside they are not even really trying to do we need people absolutely because our wealth is in the world the wealth of the wicked is stored Up For What the righteous so you need to have a Connect into the world but you are in the world but not of it what they do how they do it what they do we don't do the Deep call it unto the Deep when you get a paycheck you're thinking of how you will take care of your family you're thinking of how you're going to help some people in your family you're thinking about how you're going to take care of things but the homies you're hanging out with when they get a paycheck they think about how they're going to enjoy and not do anything productive but you've made those people friends and before you know it you started also spending like them and not realizing that you're stopping yourself from a future that God has promised these things are dangerous so when God looks at you and he observes you he knows this one I cannot release what I want to release right now if I release it laughs if I release it I just destroyed I just destroyed this individual this person is not qualified to carry on the blessing into the family because God is thinking long term you may be thinking short term but God is never thinking shorter God is always thinking about God has already experienced a million Generations from you if it exists so he's thinking about them you you are thinking about you and maybe your kids God is thinking so far down the line Beyond you even to the point that nobody will ever remember you those are the people he's looking at everything Abraham did was for a nation not for Isaac everything Isaac did was for a nation not for himself I know this is a difficult one foreign but God is faithful somebody say God is faithful God is faith somebody said God is faithful God is great this is a difficult one I'm not gonna lie to you I I am I am honest enough to tell you that this is a difficult one huh that's true I am not saying don't talk to your family I'm not saying don't have a relationship with them don't be like them and don't try to carry people along in the name of God you cannot you see I always use this analogy that people in airplanes always give they always say this um before you put an oxygen mask on somebody make sure you have one on because if you pass out then you can't help anyone don't try to be a blessing before you are blessed a lot of Christians are trying to be a blessing before they are blessed that's an error the Bible does not say do to others what you have not done for yourself the Bible never says that he says do unto others what you would want done unto you love your neighbor as you love yourself everything that you're to do with others it must first begin with you if I try to love my neighbor so much in the name of Jesus but the love that I'm giving them the care that I'm giving them I never gave to myself I'm a hypocrite before God for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son do you realize God enjoyed Jesus for such a long time then he gave him to us because he loves him the most so he shared what he loved the most but he was already a benefactor of Jesus why through him he created everything so God shared his everything because through Jesus he created everything right yes yes so God was giving us what he has already given himself his only begotten one unique and of a kind you are trying to act blessed before you're blessed it's an error can somebody hear this can you hear me you are trying to act blessed before you're blessed it's an error did somebody hear me don't try to act blessed before you are blessed understand where you are in order you can know how far you can be a blessing to somebody love your neighbor as you love yourself and we know love is a verb it's not an emotional response I'm gonna say that one more time Love Is A Verb it is not an emotional response so if I am to love my neighbor as I love myself it means that the actions I will do to them is an action that I have experienced firsthand I have given myself then I can give it to others if you're going to attain the blessing of God stop going ahead of God so many Believers have gone ahead of God ahead of God what does that mean they try to give people what God didn't give them yet yet you're supposed to give according to the measure you have been given if I go beyond that measure trying to help people usually it ends up in problems you can't lend somebody something that you don't have the Bible says when you lend somebody don't anticipate it being given back it means you have to have a reserve if it is what you're depending on you should never lend it because when you land don't expect it back that's what the Lord said so if I am lending you and I'm expecting something back I already messed up yeah because according to the doctrine of God when you lend don't expect it back if they give it back or praise the Lord but in your Landing don't sit and say Hey you know I need that money for this I need that money for Jesus said if you give don't expect it back because those people most likely don't pay back imagine you're giving to somebody that doesn't have expecting them to give you back how are they going to give you back they don't have it yeah that is why when you go to a bank to get a loan they investigate if you have the capability to to pay back they will take collateral you have a house you have this they will never give you a loan without putting something just in case you can't pay they can use they can still get their money back and some more because they are trying to make a profit it's a business they are not a charity is this making sense yeah yes so when you break generational patterns you have to make sure that physically your actions also match up what you did spiritually the the the the the the the the men with the leprosy that were declared a blessing over Jesus uh that Jesus declared a blessing over they went and when they arrived to their destination they realized that they were healed but only one came back to give thanks the one that came back was made whole notice as long as he remained with those people he would have just been cleansed but never whole just because you're going to church with people [Music] doesn't mean your destination is the same some people just want enough for their suffering to stop some people don't want everything that God has ordained for them if you're seeking to have everything that God has for you things have to change
Channel: Prophetic Podcast Clips
Views: 178,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prophet Lovy, Prophet Lovy Elias, Revelation Church, Revealed With Prophet Lovy, Dr Lovy Elias, Prophet Lovy Teachings, How to Receive Resources from God, Teaching on Finances, Restoration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 31sec (3211 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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