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what is up everybody today we're going to be bringing you guys how to get free PlayStation Plus in uh almost said January for some reason I don't know why I almost had January that was weird uh in April 2024 usually I upload this video on the first of the month but yesterday was uh April Fool's Day so I was like I feel like if I uploaded on April Fool's Day everyone would be like oh this April Fool's joke uh and they just wouldn't click on the video so I was like all right let me just upload this the next day um which I I meant to go to the collection Where is the play plus like screen where you can buy it at because I don't know where that is I'm going to be honest um it has to be somewhere here and they have a whole credit card now that's crazy comment down below if you guys have the PlayStation credit card cuz I I don't want to say you're wild for that because I think they actually get yeah they do give you some kind of like premium or something like that I remember seeing it before and I was like that's actually kind of worth it but I just didn't get it cuz I was like I don't buy enough stuff on Playstation to get that but anyway way um where is the PlayStation oh anyway I'm just going to say we're here to bring you guys the full on tutorial on how to get this um today so make sure you guys subscribe if you guys are brand new we upload this every month usually it's the same method um sometimes tweaked sometimes is this the new GTA yeah that was the new GTA thing I think it's over here subscriptions yeah there we go and I already have it so I think it's not even going to let me like look at it for some reason so I I guess we're going to just look at it like that um but basically we're going to go ahead and give you guys a tutorial here today on how to get free play Plus in April 2024 this should work if you're watching this months in the future um there is a small chance it doesn't obviously with any glitches that doesn't work but yeah we basically upload this every month it's just sometimes we have to change up the the method might have to change up How We Do It um you know for month to month because they do sometimes fix these I'm just going to say that right now so basically it's pretty simple you're not going to get banned I know I like to try to like say this in a video um because I already know I'm going to get some comments asking if you're going to get banned um no you're not going to get banned guys you should be fine you shouldn't have a ban from doing this like there's maybe like a 0. like 5% chance that you can get banned most likely you're going to be fine like 99.5% chance you'll be 100% fine I doubt that you would ever get banned I have never heard of anybody getting banned doing this so I'm going to go ahead and just you know show you guys this method give you guys the confidence to do it because I know whenever I I do which glitches like here and there I'm like do would I get banned doing this like is it worth it if I get banned U because obviously if you get banned from PlayStation it's not really worth it you lost stuff that you actually did buy cuz um unless you just never bought anything then I guess if you never bought anything on your console then it doesn't really matter um cuz then you can just make a new account account but if you guys have bought stuff or even to spend a lot of time on like maybe you spent like hours and hours and hours maybe even hundreds of hours on a game or a couple games multiple games you know or even thousands of hours maybe maybe you played a lot cuz I know you know people with th000 hours on games which I don't think I have 1,000 hours on any game which is kind of crazy um and by the way I'm showing my PSN so that's how much comments I have that I would not get banned if we go to all my games I go to most played yeah I haven't really I haven't really been playing stuff but I also play on different accounts and I also play on PC a little bit so I don't really play that much stuff like this is from like just playing war zone and then this is just last year's 2K on this account last year's FIFA on this account which I think I I actually double this on this year's FIFA I think I think FIFA is my most like played game in the last year um actually last two years realistically cuz it's actually it's actually above right here the two last 2K so I think it's right where that last 2K is so yeah I haven't really been playing games like that like out here like crazy um which is which you know yeah I Haven really been playing you remember there was a day those days where I used to play like 2K every year for like a th000 2,000 3,000 hours and then I would play like a couple other games every year for like a good like 4 500 hours uh that that was wild days man that's whenever like I was really just gaming gaming gaming I don't really game that much more man you guys can see right there but anyway um back to the tutorial here so I just want to say real quick make sure you guys enter my giveaway here um or about the hit 5K very soon I think we're at like 4.1k 4.2k somewhere around there um but we're close to 5,000 subscribers when I'm making this video um and I'm probably going to do another giveaway once I hit 5,000 subscribers just letting you guys know for in the future I might do one for 10K um most likely am but for 5K subscribers I'm doing a giveaway make sure you guys enter the giveaway step number one is subscribe to the channel step number two is like this video that you're currently watching step number three is turn on post notifications for the channel setep number four is comment your favorite game of all time and setep number five is comment done and what I want you guys to do right now is comment down below what game do you guys want to not what game you guys want for free or what game do you want to play and also are there games you want to get for free cuz I'm actually recording this month's free game glitch right after this so cuz I basically record both these videos at the same time because they're very similar videos um but anyway uh comment down below what you want PlayStation Plus for and what's your favorite game so basically what you want to do here is go to the app store or the Play Store to do this tutorial I say tutorial like that tutorial uh tutorial uh go to the Play Store App Store whatever you use on your phone to like download apps or your device just in general go there um and then what you want to do um download an app called Eureka the link will be down below in the description guys uh you download it and uh it actually recently updated so like I actually have to update it myself I haven't updated it but um some people were saying that app was down um it was just because they were updating it I think they're like updating for a couple days so it went down uh cuz I know I got a couple comments there for that so yeah if it doesn't let you download it or something it's just because they're updating it but anyway you go to the Eureka app and there's actually a link in the description if you guys don't want to go download it yourself just so you make sure you download the right link cuz I know people say they can't find it sometimes certain apps and stuff that I talk about the link will be down below in the description and the cool thing about the link that's in the description is you get a dollar for free if you sign up with my account so not my account my link so if you guys want a free dollar there you guys go I mean anybody wants a free dollar it gets you pretty good so download the app using my link and what you do when you download the app using my link get a free dollar cuz you got this answer a quick question I think it's like a yes or no question and then now is a survey app is basically what I'm saying so you go through here go to the surveys boom do these surveys and then you go to the cash out area and you go to like PayPal I re commend PayPal the cash out once you have enough money for PlayStation Plus right now I have $427 in here which isn't enough to cash out I don't think I think it's $5 the minimum um but you cash out using cash out using PayPal um and if you guys don't have PayPal account or if you guys want to get a free $10 um I have a really good method for getting free $10 on PayPal even if you have to make a new PayPal account go down below in the description I have a PayPal sign up link and you guys get $10 for free if you guys sign up using that link you got to make a new account if you already have an account to get the $10 so if you do that that I think you got to spend $10 though so realistically what you could do is do the surveys or just in general spend $10 on PlayStation Plus if you have $10 like in your bank or something and you get that $10 back so that's free PlayStation Plus right there guys um so that's very simple and you guys can go ahead and do that but that's pretty much going be for this video guys I mean basically download eure use my link you get a dollar sign up with PayPal using my link you get $10 spend $10 you have you actually earn a dollar and also you can continue doing surveys and stuff and get more money for more PlayStation Plus or more games or in general just more money if you want more money but that's going to be it for this video guys make sure you guys hit the like button subscribe turn notifications all kind of stuff and I'm out
Channel: Kasper Reviews
Views: 18,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get free ps plus, how to get free trial on ps4, playstation plus free trial, how to get playstation plus free trial, how to get a free trial on ps4, ps plus free trial, free ps plus 2022, unlimited ps plus, 14 day ps plus, free ps plus without credit card, how to get free ps plus without credit card, ps plus 14 day trial, how to get free playstation plus, ps plus free, how to get ps plus for free, free ps plus glitch, free ps plus games january 2022
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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