How to Get Our Sh** Together (The Power of Personal Responsibility)

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let's talk about personal responsibility and self-reliance have you ever met somebody who just drives you nuts because you're like why are they not more responsible and it just it drives you insane or you know somebody who just I mean they just for whatever reason cannot stand on their own in life you're like could you please make a decision you know you go to dinner with somebody like I don't know honey can you tell me what to order like ah now we all know somebody like that and some of us has been guilty in some parts of our lives and being that type of person so let's dial this in what does personal responsibility really mean and what happens in our lives when we have it well I personally feel that when we are more personally responsible for our own lives life blooms you know a magic enters our life not just the magic of confidence and certainty and who we are but a sense of total truth with what life is supposed to be for ourselves you know we are not meant to be victims or apathetic people laying around hoping that something comes along and changes our lives is only two things change our lives either something new does come into our life and it changes our direction changes our insight changes who we are maybe we'd only in the lottery or that lucky white knight comes in and saves your life you know or something new comes from within you and I think what that thing is that comes from within us that's so powerful that retakes our life what is that magic it's personal responsibility I know that so sympathy is like almost like forever does it sound sexy to say be responsible for your life but I think we have five main responsibilities in our lives and if we take control of each of these areas of our lives like a new power comes into our life a new joy and zest and I would argue more over time success connection joy love abundance come along with it and that first thing that we are personally responsible for is our aim right are our ambition our desire our goal our dream I just call it our aim you know successful people they kind of they look out there and they say what is it that I desire of my life and they go for it you know they they've set an intention they have set a direction for who they are and where they're going and what is meaningful to them who they want to have along with them I mean their aim is extraordinarily tight I mean they really do see where they're going and what they want they don't always know the full picture they just kind of know I want to be like this I want to do things like this and they start along that path and because they're following their own path even if they don't know where exactly it goes they're living the adventurous life you know they're entering a new phase of their live where they truly feel like this journey is their own versus just being carried along by their parents or their professors or their peers or their co-workers it's it's their own there they have their own aim in life I think we have to take control that I think tonight would be a good time for you to sit down and say okay what is it I want in the major areas of my life you know what is it I truly have a aim and ambition for in my work life in my relationships and my sense of spiritual and emotional self you know in my physical health and vitality in you know my overall direction in life you know what do you want next week to be about and if you don't know then you are quote unquote aimless and when you're aimless is pretty easy to feel pretty lost you know it's like you kind of wander around of the world is a big full big wilderness it's why in Montana we always say the time to have the map is before you entered the woods you know the world's a big thicket of crazy throngs of people who have all their wants and their wills and if you don't have your own direction if you have not set your own life agenda they that one for you so you have to direct your own aim the second thing you have to direct is your attention where is your attention going each moment of the day right the ability to be fully present is really deciding ones attention to this moment giving ourselves an alertness and attention and awareness to the very now that we are experiencing right that's power when you are more attentive to your life to the moments that you experience is amazing but attention also applies to what are we paying attention to overall in our life and most of us are being guided again by the aims of others so we are taken from our own attention of what we should be focusing on and stripped away into the distractions of the world most people's attentions are not be they're not paying attention to what they should be paying attention to based on their goals their desires their their dreams or their demands and responsibilities of life they're paying attention to the distraction that showed up oh look a new Michael Jackson song that happened right before this video haha just saying you know sometimes we really we're going to accomplish a lot and go where we want to in our lives and really sense the fullness of this moment we have to guard our attention from all the garbage that can come in and sweep it away you know I think the third thing that we were absolutely responsible for in our lives and we take responsibility of this thing life absolutely explodes and joy and that's our attitude how are you meeting life are you meeting life you know energized and alive and buoyant and excited and enthusiastic and positive you can't wait for the next moment unfold are you like oh there we go get that and you know these people have you seen them I see him watch people when they walk down the street damn light it's like they're so upset like their attitude stinks so bad that I can't stand to be around them it's just like they're just just emanating nasty dark bad energy in the world and why because they chose to and some people said no Brennan no one would choose that yeah they did they chose to have a bad attitude just enough over a period of time that became part of their personality that their attitude now is just fixed it is closed it is angry upset or bordering on the negative emotional qualities of life rather than realizing the incredible magic and experience that we all have available to us each and every single moment of the day there's a lot of magic around here you know and when you sense that when your attitude is open you're allowing yourself to learn when your attitude is open you're allowing yourself to connect with other people when your attitude is open finding happiness isn't something you do you've created you choose the attitude of happiness you don't have to have happiness you generate you don't have to have good energy today you generate it I would say the power plant doesn't have energy it generates energy and you yourself are generating an attitude it was not fixed on you everything we've learned in psychology over the years that you can literally change your attitude just by controlling your thoughts and direct them in a new positive healthy social ways why not do that you all deserve to have a good attitude it's a choice just like happiness is a choice it's choice choose to have a good attitude I think you know that for thing is a believe we're talking about directing your aim we're talking about making sure that your attention is focused on the things it should be and that you're directing your attitude the fourth thing that we get direct is our affections our affections in terms of our emotional quality in life but also those that we care for you know we should take responsibility for the amount of love that we're giving our loved ones we should control the amount of emotion that we have throughout the day not to control it and stifle it but to allow the beauty of it to come up to allow ourselves to feel affectionate towards other human beings to allow ourselves to feel affectionate for causes to allow ourselves to feel affectionate for mother nature and our planet and our God you know to allow that emotional connection that affection that happens when we care deeply about something again and a lot of people they know they got hurt a couple times in their life so they shut off it closed down they're like I'm out and they stopped allowing that beautiful part of their lives it takes a lot of responsibility to allow ourselves to love because you know it's so much easier to shut down take no responsibility whatsoever become a victim become very upset because you know when we're a victim we don't have to be responsible it's somebody else's deal they they have the power they took the power over us whisked away all our goodness and now we can just be upset and angry that's such an easy route for people to take demanding that we take control of our emotional reality and the affections we have for others and other things that you know that that brings about risk if you hide the affection you give to somebody they might hurt you so you know love has never hurt ever you know maybe your ego gets trounced a little bit maybe you feel sad for a couple moments but at the end of the day what's life this is supposed to be a bland colorless universe where we don't get to experience the heights and the joys and the rainbows and the gifts of love I don't think so I think affection is something that we can all choose to have and feel and cultivate in our lives if we are not overcome with emotion once in a while for somebody then we're not thinking about the beauty and other people if we're not overcome with emotion and just connection and and we just want to grab someone to kiss them all over the face then you know what we're not paying attention to people anymore we've got to trapped in our own thing other people they should fascinate us we should be excited to meet them we should look out under the world and say wow you know there's so many people they're all so different what an incredible zest that we get you know our brain is hardwired to love novelty well guess what we got seven billion people who can give us that dopamine drip just by talking to them and Canadian connecting real emotion with them again let's do that I think fifth thing people need to be personally responsible for in our lives is action right our behaviors what is it that we are doing each and every single day right what taking responsibility for our actions because they are adding to our character and they're adding to our destiny who we become as a result of our discipline it's not our random initiatives that we do once in awhile to respond to something but what do I want to be about and being disciplined about being that what do I want to achieve being disciplined about achieving that what do I want to give or serve and being disciplined about giving and serving in those ways when we do that something completely changes we get a remarkable amount of momentum and progress in our lives our personal responsibility in being able to control our actions and guide them towards healthy and positive outcomes for ourselves that gives us extraordinary confidence it gives us an extraordinary sense of progress in life and we're confident in who we are and we're confident in our progress towards where we are moving then it's a lot easier to sense that that magical element called happiness and it all comes from being responsible for those five things our aim our attitude and attentions our affections and ultimately our actions we teach take each day because look at the opposite look at those who have no aim in life look at those who have not controlled their attitude so they're just taken on and imbued the negative emotional attitude of those around them look at those who cannot control their attention during a day how much they accomplish look at those people who have no affection for other people and they do not control their emotions at all in positive ways and look at those who are not directing their actions intentionally what happens they always end up derail in their life they end up lost somewhere they end up frustrated they end up be responsible for not only their own lives but often for the lives of those who they are entrusted to care for so personal responsibility it's a big thing but now you master those five elements of you live you bring intentionality to those five elements of your life and like I said the beginning life and extraordinary new quality of experience comes into our lives we feel an incredible spark and zest about each day we feel what we call the charge you
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Keywords: motivational videos, motivation, the charged life brendon burchard the charge podcast motivational video inspiring video, motivational speaker, personal responsibility, self-reliance, inspiring video, video about success
Id: o5n919vsIFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 14 2014
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