How to Get More Done & Be Productive! | My Top 5 Productivity Hacks

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hey what's up Stefanie the English Coach here from in this video I'm gonna give you some productivity hacks that will help you learn more learn faster stop wasting time etcetera so the struggle is real right I don't know about you but I am constantly trying to optimize my time get more done in less time so I can have more time to have fun and just I have a lot of goals I'm constantly working towards them so I need all the productivity hacks I can get and I'm constantly re-evaluating how I spend my time and looking for ways to be more productive okay so I'm just gonna give you you know 5 of my strategies if you have more strategies that you would like to share and add please put them below in the comments hopefully this will help you I do feel like I'm pretty productive and I get a lot done in the day I'm hard on myself also so sometimes I feel like it's never enough but ha I'm trying to work on that okay so without further a due let's get started the first tip that I have for you is to eliminate time wasting activities now here is the deal I know we all need to relax right sometimes you just want to turn on the TV you just wanna play video games you are like ugh I worked hard today right but you have to ask yourself what is more important do I have a big goal in my life that I have not yet reached and should I prioritize that above this other thing that is you know relaxing and whatever but at the end of the day ti all comes back to what's more important when I first started building my business I knew for a fact that I didn't have time to watch movies I didn't have time to watch TV I didn't have time to do any of that fun stuff I had this huge goal in front of me that I really really wanted right I wanted to create what I have today and I did it but again I made sacrifices you will have to make sacrifices to get where you want to be but once you get there then you can you know go back and spend time doing those things you really like doing so for example time wasting activities is not just watching TV and video games and all that stuff that's kind of obvious right we just go to that when we are bored we check social media one of the time wasting activities for me was cooking now I love cooking I can spend 4 hours in the kitchen and it just didn't make sense for me to spend that much time cooking when I had all this work to do so something had to give right so I gave up cooking as much as I love it and I didn't really cook for a few years like whatever I would make would be very simple nothing elaborate because cooking takes a lot of time and it's one or the other right I can't do everything I'm not superwoman so productivity hack number 1 look at how you are spending your time and really evaluate should I be doing this is there you know something better I could be doing and if you say oh you know what but I need to relax like you can relax in other ways let's say you are trying to build a business okay I'm just using this example because is the easiest one because it's what I know a lot about if you are trying to do this instead of going home and watching you know TV after work you can go home and listen to audio books about how to build a business right really get yourself thinking and learning about this other things that's pretty relaxing too and it will take you closer to your goals okay the next productivity hack combine activities whenever possible for me I love going on walks for like an hour okay but if I just go on a walk and do nothing else then I feel like that's not productive enough so if I go on a walk I either problem solve during the walk which is I think about all the problems I'm facing either in my personal life or my business or whatever and I really actively think about solutions and when I think of solutions I play scenarios out in my head I go okay if I do this what would happen if I do that what would happen what are gonna be the consequences of this what are gonna be the consequences of that I literally play everything out in my head and that is such a great strategy it's like the right choice becomes super obvious it's like you just know what you have to do next and I get a lot of great ideas when I go for walks and I think the other thing I like to do when I'm walking is I listen to audio books I love audio books and I specially love Blinkist because I can listen to really important books that teach me a lot of things I need to learn in a very short amount of time so if you are interested in learning more about Blinkist I will leave a link below it's a great app I use it all the time also when I paint my nails I watch tutorials or I watch documentaries or I do something that is productive okay so I'm not just painting my nails and I don't know doing nothing I'm painting my nails and I'm being productive at the same time okay my next productivity hack is to plan each day the night before I have a to -do list on a white board it's always on my wall it's right behind my computer I can see it at all times and I regularly update this to-do list I erase things when I finish them I add new things I always know what I need to be working on first I put a star next to the things that are important and when I go to bed at night I already think about what I'm gonna focus on the next day so that when I wake up the next day I wake up with a purpose I know exactly what I have to do I knock down those things and then the next day I do the same thing but this is how I systematically plan what I'm gonna achieve and then I achieve it because it's all plan out it's not like I'm just waiting around for things to happen I'm making things happen so if you don't have a to-do list I can't even fathom people not having to-do lists to me this is so essential but I know a lot of people watching this don't have to-do lists if you don't okay definitely definitely make one so that you can know how you should be spending your time and you can you know keep yourself accountable okay the next thing I'm gonna suggest a lot of people are not gonna like it I don't care this helps me so much delete all social media apps from your phone you are gonna be so surprised by how much time this helps you create now I did this about a month ago and you really realize how addicted you are to social media when you do this because I would open my phone 50 times a day going oh yeah Facebook is not here you know oh yeah YouTube is not here it's crazy but if you just get rid of it you'll realize oh my gosh all of a sudden I have more time when you have more time you can do more of the things that you want to do or that you should do etcetera the only app that I have on my phone is Instagram and this is because I put stories on Instagram and I need the app on my phone in other to make those stories when I make them however I don't have the Instagram app on my home page like right when I turn on my phone I don't see Instagram right there I kind of moved it out of the way you have to like swipe a few times to go find it because I don't wanna make it easy for me to access it because then I would check it all the time unnecessarily and speaking of that on my main account on Instagram @TheEnglishCoach I unfollowed everybody because I don't wanna open up Instagram and start consuming content I need to produce content for the people that are following me my next productivity hack is to keep your schedule light the more things you put in your schedule the more things you commit to the more stressed out you are going to be so I don't commit to very many things during the week actually most weeks I have a completely free schedule and I just do my work at all times of the day okay morning afternoon night whenever I feel like it it's a very very relaxed schedule because I don't want to stress I am so against stress I don't believe stress is good I mean it ages you it gives you anxiety it's not worth it so I'm anti stress I don't like stress I don't want stress and I do everything to avoid it so again one of those things is keeping your schedule light don't overcommit and then you'l have lots of time open and available to do the things that you really want and need to focus on okay and my last and final productivity hack for you today is to get lots of sleep your brain and your mood depend on it okay have you ever been moody we all have now if you are moody that can be a lot of things maybe you are hungry maybe you didn't sleep well maybe you didn't get enough sleep I don't know there is so many different things that can affect our mood but what I know for sure is that if you get enough sleep you are more likely to be in a better mood and you are more likely to be able to control your moods okay so get lots of sleep your brain needs sleep also to be able to process everything that happened to get you ready for the upcoming day your brain needs it you will think better you will come up with better ideas you won't feel as stressed you will be more relaxed okay there are so many benefits to getting plenty of sleep when I was in college I would get 4 to 5 hours of sleep a night and I was working 3 different jobs I was a full time student and I was an athlete okay I played water polo which is a very very physical sport if you know about it uhm and I did weight lifting to train for that it was crazy so I was doing way more than I'm doing now and I was doing it on way less sleep okay so more activities on less sleep that was a recipe for disaster I developed insomnia I develop anxiety I would get panic attacks it was awful we don't have to live like this we have more control over our reality I think than most of us would like to admit uhm back in college I realized that was a very unhealthy way to live I quit a couple jobs I was also on the swim team I quit that and in general I just quit a lot of things and that's when I learned to not overcommit I would love to be able to do everything but I can't right you can be really good at a couple things or you can be just okay at a lot of different things I prefer to specialize in whatever I do so less is more my friends and with that I'll go ahead and wrap up this video this video was a lot different than what I usually do on my channel usually I talk about English but I do want you guys to know that I actually teach a lot when it comes to professional and personal development in my private course Connect & Communicate if you want more information I would go ahead and link it below also if you want a guide on practicing your English with native speakers go ahead and download that I will link it in the description uhm it's the most popular guide on my website it will show you how to meet native English speakers online and start conversations so you can practice and improve your English that's it and I'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: The English Coach
Views: 187,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: productivity hacks, learn more faster, how to get more done in the day, productivity hacks for language learners, how to learn English faster, how to stop procrastinating, how to stop wasting time, how to have time to learn English, get more done and be productive, how to be successful with productivity hacks, achieving your goals by being productive, English listening practice, natural English speaking, online english course, meet native english speakers online, englishfulltime
Id: 1GpXyNEcBl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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