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hey guys welcome to my channel in this video we're gonna tour a real American country house and you're gonna see how typical Americans live across this huge country I drove three hours away from San Francisco specifically to show you this house let's see it back to San Francisco - mate [Music] [Music] when I sit on this Terrace I imagine that I'm in one of this Hollywood movies about America where you see people just sitting on their terraces all day talking to their neighbors and watching people pass by this is so so typical look at these wheels when I look at them I think that I'm in cowboy times like maybe 800 something the first thought that came to my mind when I saw this house was like oh my god West world have you guys seen this TV show they staged the time that is something similar to the time where this house is wrong and now let's go inside and check the house itself the house starts with a living room and the kitchen this is so so 60s like the minute when it was here I'm like oh my god med med I'm like thinking TV shows all the time and when I look at the place and like definitely better look at that everything is from 50s 60s and I love just feeling and this weekend is our retreat after a crazy crazy week and we're here together with Vlad just graduated from poverty is and he's mv8 there and we've done a couple of videos together let's see the backyard because it's a little weird are you gonna see in the backyard we have Alexander who's also Russian no guys he's one of the best camera people in San Francisco he does a lot of videos like for my videos for startups and big companies that are located in Silicon Valley yesterday we come to this place I'm like oh so you're gonna relax we're gonna be beautiful I look out of the window of my bedroom and like what's there in the backyard and I couldn't figure it out because it was too dark but then I noticed flowers and I'm like Oh symmetry what do we can I don't know what's your opinion of that like write it down in comments below I'm totally ok with that because it's better than a neighbor who's screaming and shouting all the time if you guys think that this is an entrance to the room no this is a wardrobe we're just thinking of making something create a fun video I think it's a kid's room but the thing that you need to pay attention to if you're not American especially like Americans you would be surprised we don't do that in Russian this is a typical American thing to have at least five pillows on the bed I personally love it and I've done the same thing in my room in st. Petersburg but basically what you have this are for decoration and you remove them before you go to bed and you sleep on these too I love love love how they made this room because it's a small room but with all the details like everything is really light so it adds space and everything is so very nice so you're like in a daughter it gives this room I've really at home feeling I personally love it let me know guys if you have this pillow setup in your country because I first saw it when I came to the UK and I'm like oh my god I want to do the same and basically the purpose of this video is not only to show you how Americans if it's also to show you to give you some inspiration how to decorate your own room because I love mixing up different cultures and you know because this is all me like mixing different cultures and languages but yeah it has a small window I like the curtains it looks out at the backyard and it's a really really nice kid's room lunchtime and we've got some good chickens a good it's the best one in Japan for that training United States you know what because Russian guys cooked it and because we got it in a Russian shop if your guys from San Francisco or anywhere in America try Russia shops what I wanted to talk about in this house like the moment I went in here I'm like how do people live here their whole lives because I was born in a big city I live in San Francisco and they I was thinking like where do you go from here you're in the middle of nowhere yes you have a river yes you have a cementery and whenever you want to go you need to drive let me you guys know down in comments below whether you live in a small village or in a big city but I'm definitely 100% a city girl yes you have to wait before I finish talking and yeah I wouldn't imagine myself waiting already because the one to eat I wouldn't imagine myself living in a small village like not right now because I just want to be among people and I'm a person who likes to sit at home and I want my house to have everything if I sit at home here all the time it's just I was just miscommunication with the outside world let me know what you think and we're gonna have some lunch no in San Francisco we have the gym we have the boob we have all of the neighbors like here you don't have the neighbors you only have the cow in it right makes sense okay so yeah let's see let's go the purpose of the whole trip was to get away from the city and enjoy the nature we have a river two minute walk away from my home and guess what what I love about California people are trying to use every single piece of land everything that nature gives to rest and enjoy like look at the rafting I've never done that in my life Russian style is just to just swim in the river exactly what we've done and then after this we're gonna see the Tahoe Lake so stay tuned [Music] [Music] our house was really close to Lake Tahoe and this is where we came this is a beloved place to spend a weekend for all the San Franciscans and just for you guys I'm gonna dive in right now I hate doing that it's really cold but just for you [Music] guys your champion is back I swam I drank some water it tastes really good this was the best swimming experience so far because it's so much better than the seat because it's not salty and you can actually drink water from it love love and recommend let's continue our tour guys and go to the one of the most important rooms in any house master bedroom where the Masters of the house live this is the master bedroom master bedroom is the one that normally has the king-size bed I really really love the king-size beds because it's really really comfortable to lie on a big one this is a pretty standard village style bedroom what I love about American homes is that a lot of rooms would have carpet on the floor and this is really comfortable to wake up and step you're very heat on a comfortable this this floor this carpet is a little old but it's so so comfortable love love love the feeling so if you're thinking of what I put in your floor in your bedroom with the carpet wardrobe it's like a separate room I would say it's a guest bedroom I guess when I first came to Miami and I came with my cousin and we stayed in a one-bedroom apartment and I was sharing the bed with my aunt and he was staying in a closet which was pumped up the mattress for him and he enjoyed it a lot he didn't even want to move he was 12 years old like that so if you have cousins why not by the way we're in California so there are not a lot of heaters here but there's the air conditioning system which is a little weird for me this is the first time I see an air conditioning unit coming from the floor but I think it's pretty clever because the cold air lifts up and when I was lying in the bed yesterday night I really felt that it's cooling the space and now we're gonna see the bathroom which is unfortunately and this is super weird for an American home it's the only bathroom in the 3-bedroom home what is really important and what I want you guys to maybe have in your home because it's super super comfortable this is called vanity shelf this is a shelf where you have your sink but you also have a shelf where you put all of your bed like make up whatever you're using in the bathroom another thing that I've only seen in America and I think it's super clever because back in Russia in my bathroom I have a lot of mold well I don't have it all the time but sometimes when you don't clean your bathroom for like two or three weeks you start getting mold and it's dangerous you have to get rid of it but what Americans came up with is this plastic unit that has the bath and it also has the walls and because it's a solid unit you don't have the space where you can get the mold so I think it's super clever they don't do that at in new homes I haven't seen it a lot but in old houses they have a lot of these guys supply stick unit with the classroom this is actually a two-story house but the second floor is downstairs so we have floor one and floor - one flora - one is a game area which is pretty cool what I love of American homes they're so big you have space for a game room but I would do our YouTube room here or something like that this door there's nothing right there but this morning I talked to the lady who's renting out this place and she actually bought it one year ago she bought the whole territory so you have like a master house here three guest houses and the cementery the one that you've seen she owns it and she actually has an agreement with the state of this city award village that she can let people in every day during working hours so they can visit the cementery and she can also give permission to for people to get buried there so it's pretty interesting but what she also told that she was surprised that this house has only one bathroom so she's gonna make another bathroom here and there's also another bedroom [Music] guest bedroom queen bed really comfy and it has an exit to the street I'm really excited about what she's gonna make about this house because I love the way it is right now but she's also gonna refurbish it I think yes it's such a homely feeling I feel so comfortable here so two nights even with the cementery of you I feel so comfortable I slept so well so definitely recommend it if you're looking for a place to come and you know spend the weekend let's go I'll show you something else that is super interesting about this place they have a stone where Native Americans used to crack nuts to make powder and to create their food and this is right by our house let's go and see it welcome to the backyard of our house I think it was a kitchen because what they use the stone for is that they made holes in it they took stones they put all the nuts in here and then they just started making powder out of these stones and by the number of the holes you can tell how many people were there in a group that lived here so these are Native Americans that we're talking about but this is so cool we're seeing the history of this is where you know people created their food I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video please let me know what you think please let me know where you're watching from this is super important because I look at the stats we see a lot of Americans - the viewers but also let me know where exactly you're watching from and what house do you want to see next if you're not yet subscribed to this channel there is a subscribe button down below like if you've enjoyed watching this blog and I'll see you [Music]
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 952,645
Rating: 4.8858366 out of 5
Keywords: english, english language, learn english, america, american house, how americans live, house tour, american house tour, bedroom, american culture, typical american house, home tour, english culture, interior design, americans, united states of america, english vocabulary, new words, english words, learn, english lesson, vocabulary words, home decor, englishclass101, intermediate, vocabulary, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, study in america, study in the usa
Id: RzqC2CtsKE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2018
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