3 Reasons Why You Lack Confidence In English

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hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from EnglishFullTime.com in this video we are going to talk about how to improve your confidence in English and I am making this video in my car for a reason because I was driving downtown today and I was not feeling confident and so I really started thinking about you guys and what it takes to speak English confidently okay so here we go first of all the reason why I was not feeling confident driving downtown is one because I don't have a lot of experience driving down town and I'm I'm from Sacramento California and the streets downtown are different from the streets in the suburbs and in the other areas okay so basically where I'm used to driving in neighborhoods and freeways and stuff like that every street is a two-way street that's point blank that's one thing and then another thing is that the streets are pretty big so there's lots of space in each lane and I feel confident when I'm driving on regular streets that I'm used to driving on okay but downtown a lot of the streets are one-way streets and also they're very narrow and I'm not used to driving in these circumstances right so when I'm in these situations I feel less confident so I'm bringing this up because I want to tell you if you're not confident speaking English there's a good chance you literally just don't have enough experience okay because the more experience you have with something the more confident you become just like if I would drive down town every single day I would get super confident driving downtown you know it's not that big of a deal the other thing is I've had some bad experiences driving downtown two really bad experiences that I will tell you about okay and these happen years ago like when I was first learning how to drive but the reason I'm gonna tell you is because if you've ever had a bad experience with your English like if a teacher has ever embarrassed you or friends or strangers or if you were ever in a dangerous situation and you didn't know what to do and you know that's kind of traumatic stuff and that can really influence your confidence level so two really big mistakes that I made driving downtown this happened when I was probably like nineteen years old one day I was driving with my friend at we had gone out to dinner maybe we went dancing I don't really remember but I made a wrong turn and the next thing I knew I was driving on railroad tracks it wasn't like for a train but it was for the kind of trains that go in the streets anyhow there was a specific street designated for this tram and next thing you know I'm driving with my truck like this and a train is coming at us like this it's midnight the lights are shining at us and it's like honking like like what are you doing lady get out of the road okay that was really traumatic I don't even know what I did to escape from that but somehow I got out of that situation I pulled over my friend and I we were just like breathing really hard and I was like I'm so sorry like I don't know how I made this mistake so anyhow that's one big mistake I made driving downtown another mistake and this is super embarrassing the streets are so narrow and I was driving a Ford f-150 which was my very first car it was a truck okay and besides having narrow streets you always have cars parked on the sides of the streets so I was driving in the right-hand Lane there were a bunch of cars over there parked and as I'm driving I got too close to one of the parked cars and my mirror slapped the mirror of another parked car and I just kept driving like I didn't even know what to do I'm like oh shoot am I supposed to stop pull over say sorry like you know give them my insurance number what am I supposed to do and here's the deal with confidence if you have bad experiences with something it will cause you to doubt your ability so now every time I Drive downtown because it rarely happens I still sometimes remember those traumatic experiences and I'm just like oh my gosh I'm so nervous driving downtown and I have to like talk to myself like Stefanie you got this you're okay you know how to drive you don't worry you've been doing this for years but I'm telling you this because again of your English right if you don't have a lot of experience speaking English you may lack confidence the solution is simply to get more experience or if you've had some traumatic experiences you may lack confidence speaking English the solution is to just again keep practicing and talk yourself through what's going on and reassure yourself you know you've got this it's okay if you have a speech or something that you have to deliver if you have a phone call that you have to make give yourself a little pep talk before you do it this is my strategy this is what I do and it works okay it's reassuring now the final thing I want to mention about confidence is sometimes you have had plenty of experience you've had no traumatic experiences so there should really be no reason why you lack confidence but yet you still lack confidence right you don't feel that great when you speak English the reason for that you have to dig so much deeper because it can be fear doubt embarrassment it can be a lot of things but usually it's one of those three it's like you fear how other people will perceive you or you fear making a mistake or you fear making yourself look silly okay so if you want to be a confident English speaker write what it what does it take it takes experience you have to have experience speaking the language you have to speak with native speakers every day okay and I'll talk to you guys about how you can do this in a second but you have to be using the language every day in different circumstances so you get more experience with it then if you find yourself lacking confidence you do have to deal with your own mindset and mentality and ask yourself you know what's really going on here is it just because I lack experience is it because I've had bad experiences is it because of some underlying fear what is really going on okay and then talk yourself through it you will gain confidence by doing two things by gaining experience and by changing the way you perceive yourself and situations around you okay so you can learn to be a super confident English speaker in any situation now let's talk about how you can use English every day to improve to talk with native English speakers to make friends to you just you know because all of that stuff is gonna help you feel more confident I created a free guide for you that's all about how to meet native English speakers strategically and form relationships start conversation so you can really be the one that's in control and leading the conversation leading the relationship using your English even if your English isn't perfect okay even if you don't feel super fluent anyhow thousands thousands of people have already downloaded this guide and sent me really awesome feedback they loved it so I know you're gonna love it too and I will link it in the comments anyhow guys that's all I will say about that I've got to go I've got some errands to run so that's it and I'll see you in another video
Channel: The English Coach
Views: 182,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the english coach, how to speak english confidently, how to improve my confidence in english, american english, speaking english in the USA, advanced english lesson, how to speak english like a native speaker, nervous in English, speak english confidently, Intermediate English, Advanced English, How to improve my English, Learn English online, English Full Time, Best English Teacher, Communication skills, Business English, speaking English with a native speaker
Id: dPejLzHDviw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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