How to get mods in the volcano update no discord!!!

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you clicked on this video because you wanted mods or you're really really bad at reading thumbnails and titles never mind uh basically um I am going to show you guys in this video how to get mods such as this park mod menu this camera mod and at the top left of the screen around right here it says um one zero out or one out of 10 players or just 10 players or something like that that is a code display for um YouTube and twitch streamers so in this video I am going to show all of you guys how to get mods no strings attached um just a little disclaimer before I start do not use these mods in public lobbies you will get banned please do not just just don't just just don't trust me you guys you're better than this so um what I'm going to be do is first I'm going to be showcasing the mods um right now and then um I'm going to uh show you guys how to download them so skip to this Tim stamp if you guys don't want to see the um uh things the uh um yeah the things okay so first we're going to start off by showcasing the um bark mod menu uh to open the menu you beat your chest like this and there's all these mods there's three pages in total uh number one is airplane what's cool about the bark mod is it shows a description on how to do uh said mod basically with the airplane you hold your um arms out like a t pose and then you um put your thumbs down and up to decide which way you go uh basically if you do a t pose and then your thumbs are up then you'll go up down so yeah that's uh that's airplane fly um you use the joysticks your um left joystick with your hand um goes on the um x and z AIS while your right controller um controls the Y AIS so yeah that is fly platforms um pretty much self-explanatory basically whenever you click the grip you have a platform in the air that you can hold on to what I think is cool about the bark mod is that you have a cool design such as a cloud all of them are just like RGB blocks so that's really really cool block hold your grip or Rockets hold your grips and then you will start going flying yeah uh bubble basically you'll spawn in this bubble and then just hit wherever you want to go cuz you're in a bubble so so uh yeah so that's bubble grappling hooks um basically hold down your oh my bad that's a different one uh so go down and look just look down and grab these and then you hit the grip and then you will you will start crying okay I'll I'll stop now uh nail gun hold down the left um trigger and uh let go um okay uh so that's kind of broken but right now basically it's like rock climbing but I don't know what the heck is happening there uh speed boost uh you guys can control all the mods with the settings tab right here speed boost basically you just get extra jump power you can control the amount of the speed boost that you get wall run basically touch any surface and you will now stick to that wall you can go on the wall and you can grab here and literally become Spider-Man and just crawl along the ceiling and what you have to do to get off is hit really really hard gravity uh basically you can control it with the settings tab here basically you hit anywhere and you just control gravity really so right now I have zero gravity and you can have like sun gravity and all that thing um no slip I'm going to go in mountains to show you guys so uh yeah oh yeah by the way guys have you seen the secret message of the video yet oh yeah me neither comment down below what you think the secret messages anyway uh when you don't touch anything you start slipping but when you hit your hands you do not slip at all you can move around like this guys I'm not modding I'm not modding it's just pure skill but then you could just do that and then yeah so that's um no slip slippery hand stand's literally the exact same the exact opposite so you go like this and now Everything You Touch Is Now slippery so uh yeah that's that's slippery hands uh zip line now this one this is the one that I was talking about hold your right grip and then let go point and shoot somewhere and you now have a zip line that you can go uh both ways on so I think that's really cool no no Collide that means you can uh phase through walls it automatically turns on fly so you use the joysticks to move around now me personally I have joy-con drift so I hate fly so what I do is I turn on platforms and then turn off fly so you still fall through in the map it's just now instead of using joysticks you have your platforms uh so yeah that's a really really cool one and uh me personally I don't like it but when you C C no Collide again it will teleport you back potions uh basically grab the um the cork or whatever it's called the red potion will make you big and the vice versa for the blue potion it will make you smaller so if you have your friends download this mod you can play hide and seek well as one pixel big yeah all that stuff it's pretty cool uh checkpoint um I think it's really really cool take your leg left trigger and grab like that and there's now a banana and if you run away from it your right um trigger will teleport you back to that checkpoint no matter where you are Pearl it's literally just an ender pearl just a gorilla guy in it guys this is literally not edited in this is the actual sound when you throw [Music] it that's literally the actual sound like it's so cool yeah uh boxing um I don't currently have any friends on right now you guys have friends so um I won't be able to show you guys these mods but I might go into a public Lobby or not a public Lobby a public modded lobby to show you guys x-ray um also a two-player mod teleport basically make a triangle with your hands and you will now teleport to wherever you're looking through the uh the thing piggyback uh fireflies okay uh last but not least we have doing a b code what this one will do is whenever you click it you will disconnect from uh maybe it's full I'm not sure but basically it will put you into a bark code and um with other people that have the bark mod and uh yeah that's what it does okay so basically boxing it's literally the punch mod other people can punch you telekinesis basically tell your friend the point at your head and um they can now control you with your finger all that x-ray basically you can see them through wall so if one of my friends were to go to clouds right now uh you'd be able to see them uh piggy back basically if you tell your friend to give you a thumbs up you can grab onto them and ride their back yeah pretty cool uh fireflies it's pretty much just um a x-ray but you hold your grip and then you let go and all the fireflies will circle around their head so yes that is the bark mod now I am going to show you guys the second mod the yizzy camera mod as I have now in my hand right now so I know you guys can't really see it well so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put it up to here and then I'm going to flip the screen so all right now that the screen is flipped uh you can see that this button says flip basically what it does is when you click it it goes to the other side of the camera uh smoothing basically it just makes everything smoother fov you turn down it zooms in you turn it up it zooms out near clip basically anything near the camera will start to disappear when it gets too close all right hold up okay um now the next thing I think is really really cool is follow player you click on this and it will start to following you and uh yeah you grab it to stop it first person first person uh third person it goes to the back of your head in the third person view uh and I will get to the next thing later next there's is a controls opens URL basically it automatically goes to your browser and shows you all the controls but good thing you're watching this video because you don't have to click that button ever uh next you go to m and now uh the these are the third person settings um what's cool about the third person is instead of having it always to the back you can click on front so instead you can have it in the front so people will see your face instead of the back of your head all the time uh next you have follow head rotation uh I've had follow head rotation so if I move my head like this it will follow it but if I have it on off if I have it on false it will not follow my head it will follow my body so I could do this and it's not following wait it's it's um not following my head it's I don't know uh basically uh the next thing that's really really cool is the green screen uh you click on this uh do you see anything yet of course not because you can't oh that's that's trippy uh so basically this wall turns green uh you can only see the Green Screen through your left eye in the um Oculus so if you close your left eye it's literally just a normal wall but yeah it's kind of trippy basically you come over here and there's a giant green screen so you can have any picture behind you really so yeah that's cool but if you're getting too TI tired of green there is always a thing here so this is weird now if you close the left eye you can see color change RGB you guys can't see it basically you could click on this it will turn to red and same with the blue turns to blue and green turns it back to green of course of course so yes so you can turn it off whenever you want so we can go back here uh next is the follow player settings uh you can change the minimal distance so you can have it really really close to you and you can also so like if you go like this it will stay extremely close to you and you can also turn up the speed so um it will Will Follow You extremely fast so yeah um so if you're running really really fast yeah uh that is the um uh yzy camera mod next I'm going to show you the computer Plus+ mod so yeah okay so basically this is the room you just type in a room same thing this is your name color mods um if you use W and S to scroll up and down uh this is the mods that you have if you want to disable a mod you can just click on enter and it will turn it off so currently I'm in a modded lobby so I could easily just open up my bark mod but if I click on enter here it turns it off as you can see that mod is now off because I'm beating my chest and nothing is happening so you can turn it back on as well and there it is so yeah um Auto join something that I think is super cool um so I'm going to have this on to false but what happens is you can turn this on true choose the um game mode you want and what code it is so whenever you turn on the game it immediately puts you into that code by itself you don't have to type anything it puts it in theme basically you can change your screen color as you can see uh me personally I like purple I don't know why turning you guys know that voice you know that Quee you guys know that group um have your friends be be there items and version of course uh so yeah that is all that is the computer Plus+ uh next we have utila just modded casual so these are the normal game modes if you guys uh don't want to get banned then you use these unless you're in a private lobby then you can do whatever I don't know uh anyway um that is utila and finally uh the uh the code thing it basically maybe you guys can't see it but basically it just displays the code I am in and how many players are in that Lobby without um without leaving or without like so if you're like a streamer you know how you like have to like put the code on the screen not anymore it will automatically do that for you so yeah you guys that is showcasing all the mods now I will show you guys how to download these mods and honestly they're really really easy to do um trust me guys Guys these aren't viruses I've downloaded these myself a lot of times and um I've had these for like over a year so yeah um everybody have a good uh time and let us switch over to my computer let's go all right guys once you guys are on your computer or um PC laptop um it doesn't really matter uh um I figured out that Chromebooks do not work they are too um quote unquote um dumb or something I don't know um so it it doesn't have the capability to run gorilla tag itself uh let alone with mods it uses a bunch of storage and RAM and all that stuff so I won't get too technical so yes um so you have to have Gorilla tag on your PC or laptop it does not have to be steam uh but it does have to be either the Oculus app here or in Steam there are no other ways to to download gorilla tag it does cost $20 I'm so sorry guys I wish there was another way um anyway once you guys are there go to your um Chrome or it doesn't really matter uh your web browser and you're going to go into the description and the first thing you're going to download is this um version of monkey mod manager as you guys can see it's the latest um so you're going to download this and because I've already downloaded this I don't have to download it again but trust me you guys I literally have it uh in my folder so what you're going to do is you're going to open it up here it's probably going to say that we couldn't find it uh so basically to find it you'll just open it and just click on gorilla tag and click on open uh once you're here you're going to select the following you are going to click Bell pin X and scroll all the way down and click on utila that is it do not download anything else I'm pretty sure all the other ones are broken um click on install an update and once you are done you can either go to utilities uh so go into utilities and click on the belt and X folder you do not need to click on the Belin X folder but I like um I personally don't do it so you can click on the Bel and X fer or you can literally just go into um go into your gorilla tag and just click on Belin x uh you're going to ignore all of these don't delete them just ignore them and go straight into plugins uh this is where you're going to have all of the this stuff uh what you're going to have is all you're going to have is utila so what you're going to do is you're going to download an old version of monkey mom manager that I'm also going to put in the description um and you're going to get the following you're going to get the bark uh the computer Plus+ and the um TMP loader uh you can get all these just get all of these don't get the utila though um so what you're going to do is you're going to download the old monkey mom manager you're going going to do that and then you're going to download these and then you're going to go into the link description again and there there will be four different links for all of these um you don't have to get most of them uh but here's the bark the yzzy camera mod and the stream overlays I uh the screen info is just for computer Plus+ you don't really need it so um once you're there you're just going to go here and you are going to go and download those and once you've downloaded the basically once you do that you're going to go to your downloads and then you're going to take the mod that like looks like this so like uh let's say um you guys sorry um once you guys are in uh you're going to so like if this is in downloads you're going to find it and you're going to click and drag it right here into your plugins just right here and that's all you need to do just put your mods right here don't put them in any of the folders but yeah that's technically all you need to do do guys and then you should be able to log into the game and you will have all your mods so yes um that's pretty much it once you log into the game you'll have your mods and that is it guys um so yeah thank you guys so much for watching and if this video helps please like And subscribe and uh yeah um hopefully you guys enjoy my contact or my my content sorry so thank you guys for watching and we'll see you guys in the next one have a great day peace
Views: 42,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FEplcju8lCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 29sec (1109 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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