How to get Bark mod menu 2024 fully updated and legal

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I I I will be [Music] call this is going to be how to get bark modon menu in the new and updated new Valentine's Day lava update so let's get right into it so first things first you're going to want to go into your Google search engine and type in Oculus software download and you're going to want to go ahead and hit download it's going to bring you to a page that looks like this it's going to say Quest 3 and Quest 2 and depending on what you're going to do it on you're going to download the software so go ahead and download that note that download of oculus software could take a couple of hours so once it is finished it'll bring you to a screen like this It'll ask you a couple questions in the setup but then overall it'll bring you to a screen like this it's going to look like this and it's going to be your screen to manage all your Oculus games in devices so I have my quest two on what you're going to want to go and do to settings is go to General and then allow unknown sources then go to here in the search bar type in gorilla tag you're going to want to go ahead and install that might take a little bit but once that's done you're going to want to go ahead to your library then you're going to want to go to details you're going to want to copy this folder it'll help for later in the video in the link below of this video there's going to be a link for this monkey mod manager 2.0 this is the newest and most updated monkey mod manager there is so you're going to want to go ahead and download that after you have downloaded monkey mod manager you want to go to your Google search engine and type in barkod menu and that's going to be your bark mod menu that you're going to want to go ahead and download so go here bark mod menu and then go ahead and download this so it's when it when you download it it's going to show a little popup in the corner and it's going to say uh your device was blocked but it's actually not bad so go ahead and hit the keep button there's three dots and then hit keep and you should have it downloaded so go into your files and you're going to want to go to your download section you're want to click on your monkey mod manager that I had you download it's going to ask you where your gorilla T installation filter is and that's where you're going to go ahead and paste that thing you copied to clipboard earlier click gorilla tag then go here back next illa click bark not air jump whatever do that then go down here binex computer interface X inject and TMP loader then go ahead and install an update once you're done with that then you're going to want to go paste that file that we had earlier and it's going to bring you to this and well actually no bring you hold on let me show you it'll bring you to this your weon xer and then your plugins and it'll bring you to this and what you're going to see is that a bark and then you're going to want to go back to your downloads and drag your bark file that we put in earlier into here and then go to the monkey mod manager I showed you earlier and download everything that I told you to earlier and you'll have your bark mod menus in game by pounding in your chest so subscribe if you enjoy the video
Channel: TheMonkeVR2
Views: 5,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 02lWQCPnvjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 26sec (206 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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