How to Get Insane Crosshair Placement / Valorant Guide

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all right what's up guys welcome back and I would like to talk about one very important topic for any players in warrant this topic will especially be very useful for players who have started playing warant recently and as you already understand today we'll talk about cross placement in the game because crossair placement is very important aspect in the game because there are a lot of basic mechanics in the game they are based on cros placement for example it can be prees or shoots through the wall and every good V player understand how important CR placement is in the game that's why today I will tell you about all the most Basics rues that can improve your crossair placment in the game therefore video will be interesting and useful for you but before we start pass the video right now and go subscribe and guys appreciate all of you who is watching my videos and I would like to answer the most important question when people hear about Crosshair placement and the question goes like what is Crosshair placement in warrant and if you talk in simple words about crossair placement then if you have good cross placement in warant then it will be much easier for you to kill enemy which will come out of the Vault because depending on what kind of cross plas you have in the game it depends how WEA you will kill specific enemy which will pick you or even if you kill this enemy how quickly you will do it that's why cross placement is very important aspect in Warren now let's talk about how you can improve your crossair placement in Warren and I think that death m is very suable game mod if you want to improve your crossair placement because on death mat you will play on all maps which we have in competitive mode because of this the more you play the much then faster you will understand where your enemy's head will be approximately on map also when you play against leing people then it will much easier for you to understand how these players will approximately play in rankit also if you want to improve cross placement in warrant every time when you play Death you should try to notice how exactly this or that player will pick you for example enemy killed you because he picked white or he killed you when he stay in off angle and when you will start to notice such moments then you will already understand how enemies will pick you in competitive mode and and for you it will be much easier to kill such enemies in the game also if you want to have good cross placement in warrant already in this case you should know the basics rules which will affect that your cross placement become better and better and let's start talking about how you can improve your cross placement in one and for this we have several rules which if you will follow then your cross PL will become better and better and the first rule that you must follow this is of course that you should always put your crossair at the level of the enemy's head because if you put your crossair at the level of the enemy's head then it will be much easier and fast for you to kill enemy when you will have dual against enemy in the game and basically this rules apply to players who have low rank in Warren because guys who have Immortal or rant in the game their crossair is always at the level of the enemy's head therefore such players this topic will not be very useful but for guys who have low rank in warant I'm sure that their cross hire is not always at the level of the enemy's head and maybe at this point guys who have low rank in the game will tell me that you already knew about this topic and your crar is always at the level of the enemy's head all right so then you should record your game and look how often you put your crossair at the level of the enemy's head when you have duel against enemy and I'm sure that after watching your games I think you will agree with me that you don't always put your crossair at the level of enemy's head that's why you should always remember about it because if your CER will always be at the level of the enemy's head already in this case it will be much easier and faster for you to kill such enemies and let's talk about the next rule for CR High placement and this rule is calling pre- aiming and if you want to know what is pre- aiming in the game then you should know that before leaving the Vault to pick the enemy you should put your cair on that part of the vault in advance so that when you leave the Vault your cair will be on that position where the enemy will be and I understand that many of you have just said what do you mean therefore let me show you with example what is pre- aiming in the game and let's take a sent map as example and you play for defense in mid league and you want to pick mid cab and if you will just Peak mid cabby then your cile will not be there where your enemies might be because of which if you play against a good player then most likely he will kill you much faster in this situation because he already put crossair corly in the place where exactly you will pick and it's in such situation pre- aiming will be very useful therefore before you pick mid cabi you should find some dot on the wall in our case it will be this line and as you can see that when I'm picking mid cabi m crossair is already perfectly in position where the enemy will be and all I have to do in this situ just press the shoot button and kill enemy therefore pre- aiming helps you kill your enemies as quickly as possible that's why you should always remember about pre- aiming because in this case it will be much easier for you to play and you will always have good KD in the game and now let's talk about the last rule for cros place and this is guessing enemy pcks and in this situation you will probably ask me how you can now for sure how exactly the enemy will pick you it's impossible to guess and maybe you will right but what if I say you that you can understand how exactly the enemy will pick you and if you want to know how exactly the enemy can pick you you should know that there is very simple tips how you can understand how exactly the enemy will pick you but before we'll talk about the most important rules which will help you to understand how exactly the enemy will pick you so you should know that in warrant there are two option for how the enemy can pick you the first option is called default pick and the second option is called White pck and I will not talk in detail about this PS because I already have video about all PS that we have in the game therefore if you want you can watch this video and when you know what PS we have in the game now you can start guessing exactly how the enemy will pick you and if you want to understand how the enemy will pick you you should to put yourself in the enemy's place and ask yourself a question and the question goes like how I will pick enemy in this or that position and believe me that when you will understand how you will pick in this or that situation the enemy then it will much easier for you to kill enemy in the game and guys let me know your opinion about this fure make sure you hit the Subscribe button and turn notification that you don't want to miss my new videos feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below thank you everyone for watching this video peace
Channel: WooDoo
Views: 2,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #VALORANT, #WooDoo, #MONTAGE, #GUIDE, #VALORANT GUIDE, #WOODOO, #Valorant Guide, #Valorant, #valorant guide, #How To Always Have Good Crosshair Placement In Valorant, #Get INSANE Crosshair Placement, #Crosshair Placement Guide, #Guide, #What Perfect Crosshair placement looks like, #HOW TO FIX YOUR CROSSHAIR PLACEMENT, #How to Get Insane Crosshair Placement
Id: 3WCltohi9CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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