HOW To Get Better At Guitar Playing

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welcome back to the channel today I want to share some reasons why your guitar playing sounds mechanical and show you how to fix it coming right [Music] up so early on we learned full chords and full scale shapes [Music] also but the best advice I ever received was when someone told me I don't have to play the entire scale or the entire chord these full chord shapes and scale shapes are meant for you to visualize a fretboard a way to look down and see all the available notes of the full chord or the full scale but we don't always have to play them you can get better at playing guitar by just limiting the notes that you play for rhythm and Lead so what's the benefit of limiting the notes you play it helps you not think too much so you can listen to the music you can hear the chords behind you it also improves your Technique by limiting yourself you're going to play bends vibr hammer on and pull-offs you're going to do those much better because you're isolated in a small area of the fretboard and the biggest benefit of limiting yourself is you start to sound more Musical and not mechanical playing through the entire uh scale can really make you sound mechanical so here are three limitation exercises for better Rhythm and lead guitar the first exercise is for better Rhythm so we have a a minor F full bar chords [Music] C and G so if we limit ourselves to the D G and B strings for each chord this is what we get a [Music] minor F C and [Music] G so check out what we could do with the track [Music] just picking the notes or a full [Music] Rhythm just take the three notes of the chord in the center here which are are Triads of the chord but when I'm doing that I'm still looking at the full chord here these full chords that we learned early on I'm still visualizing those but I'm I'm just restricting myself to some of these notes and you can for for some Rhythm you can pick those notes and play around them [Music] just playing that Triad and you can Hammer onto some notes on each chord to get just to create some movement for your Rhythm so after this a minor you can keep your finger barred on the fifth fret of the the G and B strings and hammer on from 5 to 7 then hit the chord again chord a minor great hammer on there going to the F we can take this m this uh middle finger off here and hit the open G and hammer on to it actually as we go to the C Triad we can hammer on and pull off here the E note here to F hammer on from five to six pull back off to five but with this little shape intact here and then going to [Applause] G you can take that and hammer on you're hammering on you're leaving the chord intact but hammering on from four to five on the G string [Music] here and also this this really this I was using all down strokes and kind of creating a little muting here with my my right hand here and and you can use those same movements we did as we were picking but this downstroke I was just using all downstrokes it really sounds chunky that [Music] way the key to that though is a little muting just resting your palm on this bridge really lightly just just touching the strings here that way when you do these hammer on and pull offs they they you kind of control the strings you can hammer on [Music] a great limiting exercise for rhythm so the a minor pentatonic scale fits over those chords like a glove let's just look at the first position here the rot note on the fifth [Music] fret so many beginner intermediate players sound mechanical because you're you're trying to uh improvise and play a solo playing up and down the entire scale so in this second exercise we're going to limit ourselves to four note box to start with 5 seven on the D and 57 on the G string just right [Music] there check it out [Music] for me limiting is so powerful because you start to really listen to the music you're listening to the chords because you're not thinking about where you're going next you're you're thinking about creating uh some musical phrases within those four notes just simply hammering on and using some and pulling off uh using some bending and vibr with those four notes it's just great practice to do [Music] that and that root note is just a great home base note here in the seventh fret of the D string for that a and when you bend in the seventh fret of the G string you're actually bending to the E [Music] note let's try this box 58 on the B 58 on the E string [Music] now if we connect these two boxes [Music] as you combine the two boxes you're still limiting yourself but still in just this one part of the fretboard and then once you're comfortable with that we will move on to this third exercise so this third exercise is so powerful cuz I'm using the root note as a guide to play small phrases all over the fretboard using that four note box 57 [Music] 57 if we locate the root note in just a few other [Music] places this opens up all kinds of possibilities and just really gets you to know this fretboard a [Music] for me a great way to visualize this is the first position here on the fifth fret but also the octive up in the 17th fret you have the a minor pentatonic [Music] then that root note in between here in the four 14th fret of the g strings another a [Music] note I'd like you limiting myself to just some areas of the fretboard and then you can connect these ideas and you know you can build up some speed with some of this stuff but it's it this exercise is really just allowing you to express yourself with a few notes working on these the bends and vibr is a big part of it and the hammer on and pull-offs [Music] just creating small phrases within the pentatonic scale don't play up and down the entire scale if you practice like this every day you need to stop you already know the notes don't if you continue to practice that way you will always sound like that scale when you improvise our guitar Heroes grab create riffs and licks by just how I showed you by small small uh fragments of the chords and scales that we use all the time and always keep in mind you have that [Music] octave continue to visualize a fretboard with these full chords and uh scale shapes but see the fragments within them use those for your Rhythm and leag guitar if you start doing this you will get away from that mechanical sounding mentality and start sounding musical thanks so much for hanging out with me today hopefully you got something from the lesson let's talk soon
Channel: Rustys Guitar
Views: 16,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: better at guitar playing, how to get better at playing guitar, rhythm and lead guitar lesson, limitation guitar, guitar exercises, guitar practice, beginner guitar lesson, visualize fretboard, musical guitar playing, guitar lesson, lead guitar lessons for beginners, lead guitar techniques, pentatonic scale, best intermediate guitar lessons, blues rock lead guitar, how to be a better lead guitar player, improve guitar solo skills, lead guitar exercises, rustys guitar, learn
Id: ySnZuMKcetE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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