THE MOST USEFUL Rhythm Guitar To Learn

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this is some of the most useful rhythm guitar to [Music] learn my name is Rusty welcome to my [Music] channel this hammer on and pull off style of Rhythm Is So useful if you know some basic bar chords you can learn this style of rhythm in the first part of this lesson I will break down the Rhythm parts of these tunes and in the second half I will teach you some riffs that you can play around those [Music] cords we can learn so much from these iconic rhythms so grab your guitar and join me in this fun rhythm guitar lesson man I really do love playing some clean Rhythm let's first look at the chords for Long Train Running G minor [Music] [Laughter] 7 C Minor [Music] 7 E flat 7 D7 so in both these Tunes the right hand is key to to creating this Rhythm Groove let's take long train run in in two parts for the Rhythm the first part is the hammer on pulloff [Music] idea [Music] slow so so you're taking I'm just hitting the five strings here starting with the a string and hammering on to this G minor 7 chord it's not an easy task these rhythms will really make you a much better guitar player so hammering on from just barring in in the 10th fret here the the five strings not the E string but the and then hammer on to 12 and to 11 on the B and then pull off it's it that that's that's the the movement there so again [Music] slow so what gives this life is this constant movement with the right hand check this out [Music] so to practice this mute the strings here with your with your left hand and then create that Groove just use your [Music] ear I'm not stopping the up and down motion with the right hand but I'm just accenting the groove [Music] move and if you struggle with that do it slow do it with a metronome slow is even [Music] better when you do it when you add the chord this is what you [Music] get not an easy task practice this it will really make you a much better guitar player I hope you find these lessons helpful and thanks so much for all your support everyone now we can add that same concept to the rest of the chords in that progression it goes to C Minor 7 is the next [Music] chord [Music] and then that E flat 7 in the recording it really [Music] accents so the movement here is this is the full E flat 7 chord moving from 11 to 10 leaving these two fingers there though on the E string and then going to the the D7 chord so E flat 7 moving that down and back to G minor 7 so I'm going to leave a link for this backing track it's fun to practice the Rhythm and coming up shortly I am going to break down some ways to play some lead lines around those chords so all the way through [Music] so let's move on to the Sultans of Swing Rhythm and again this first part of the video I'm going to finish up these Rhythm ideas but but stay with me coming up I'll show you some ways to play some lead lines around those chords but now let's look at the chords in this in this famous tune here D Minor [Music] C B flat a and then the F chord So This Groove is similar to Long Train Running with the hammer on and pull off [Music] idea again you need to get this groove in your right hand before you start hammering and pulling off these cords so the in the intro of that tune it is hammering on in the same way but doing the full D minor chord not a seventh but just you got those five strings there and Hammer onto the D minor [Music] chord that second move is is barring in the fifth fret the G of B strings and hitting the a note in the seventh fret of the D [Music] string just do that twice then hammer on in the same way to that D minor chord [Music] again so the movement slow with this right hand [Music] Groove now these aren't exact as the recordings these are just some great ways to get you to start working on this type of Rhythm because it's it's something that will uh just make your guitar playing level up and you still can go right down the cycle of chords with that same up and down [Music] motion [Music] F C B flat back to the [Music] beginning and those ideas I will break down coming up shortly we can play around the chords this hammer on pulloff idea with the rhythm guitar is is in a lot of songs that we really enjoy I did one a few weeks back listen to the music same idea we're hammering on to notes and parts of the chord and pulling off it really gives your rhythm guitar playing some movement and you can use this idea just in a simple uh 145 minor blues let's say a minor D Minor E [Music] minor that's that pulloff idea really adds a lot of movement and excitement to your playing so let's move on to some lead riffs around these chords let's start with long train running so from this G minor 7 we can add this note in the 13th fret on the E [Music] string and in the recording they use that shape you can hear [Music] it so again you just have the the G minor 7 and you can add that pinky note and then on the C Minor [Music] 7 so we have the C Minor 7 add your pinky here 11th fret of the B string then down to 10 and open and you can do that actually with both these notes on the E string 11 and 10 B [Music] string and and like I did with the a [Music] minor you can add these movements to any I'm showing you in some minor chords but they work with major chords too and then as it turns around in this [Music] tune add add that pinky in there you can it's it's it's uh just a way to to add a little movement and and just that upper that upper note just gives it a little uh excitement real quick I'll leave a link for both backing tracks cuz these are fun to improvise over to the G minor pentat P onic scale works so well over this Long Train Running if I'm improvising I I want a the G minor pentatonic that's right at this G minor chord [Music] here and again like I taught in other lessons your this root note in the 12th fret this G note is is your is your best [Music] friend so I I like really like it when I'm improvising over this to full bend on 13 of the B string you're bending to a d [Music] note and then you briefly hit this once or twice and the 13th fret of the E [Music] string when you go to the the root note [Music] here you can just release the bend 11 and then 12th fret of the G string and you can walk right down that that [Music] scale It just fits over that chord like a glove and all of those chords you you can improvise with that scale um that's another lesson to get deep into improvising on on this but this is a great way to have fun with this backing track all right moving on to Sultans of Swing Mark nler does some of the best guitar work ever in the history of of rock music I believe when he he just has that that really soft touch with he just plays with his fingers but he played around every one of these chords in this [Music] song really and the same thing this is a D minor chord you can use the D minor pentatonic that's right [Music] here and then he he's using elements of the minor scale but I'm still looking at the [Music] structure it's like we did earlier on this a note here which is part of the D minor chord and then barring in the fifth fret the G and B strings and then hammering onto the D note from 5 to seven of the G then you can rake up to this fifth fret E string this a note by [Music] muting so five 8 five and then the sixth fret of the B string again then 565 hammer on pull off and then hitting that root note in the seventh fret of the G string again this is all around this [Music] chord and then another great one he does as is it walks down to the a chord you can start with just simply uh pulling off of the the D note here on the third fret to the second fret but you leave the chord intact this a chord [Music] let it's going to f on that riff we're just looking at this Triad of a a chord nine on the nine on the G 10 on the B string and then nine on the E string is a Triad of a so as I you know for me I that's how I look at it is just just from here I'm going up to that Triad but I'm doing it in and with a pull [Music] off so pulling off from 10 to 9 on the E string and then hitting 10 on the B and then nine on the G string so slide down from 9 to S now and hitting nine on the D string and then seven to [Music] six and then hitting seven on the D string slow one more [Music] time and then it's going to the F chord I know I showed you the F down here but if you feel [Music] comfortable looking at these shapes is the key to improvising over this progression so you have the the this is an F chord right here an F Triad so seven on the D string five on the G string and then six on the B string is an F Triad you also have a c Triad here barring in the fifth fret of the D G and B strings get used to pulling off cuz that's actually what we did with the just the rhythm [Music] part you put one finger up here it's a B flat on the the eighth fret D string F C B [Music] flat you have that that minor pentatonic is right there again I'll leave a link for these backing tracks because you can practice these ideas for hours because there's so much Rhythm and Lead possibilities with these Tunes I mean I just making this video I had a blast let me know if the lesson was helpful thanks for all your support and let's talk soon
Channel: Rustys Guitar
Views: 31,163
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Keywords: rhythm guitar to learn, rhythm guitar songs to learn, learn to play rhythm guitar, most useful rhythm guitar, rhythm guitar lesson, good rhythm guitar, lead guitar techniques, pentatonic scale, practice lead guitar, best intermediate guitar lessons, blues rock lead guitar, how to be a better lead guitar player, improve guitar solo skills, improvise guitar intermediate, rustys guitar, long train runnin rhythm, sultans of swing rhythm, how to play good rhythm guitar, guitar
Id: Sz6USbbtzhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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